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Directing the Documentary , Michael Rabiger, 2009, Performing Arts, 660 pages. Directing the Documentaryis a comprehensive manual that has inspired over 100,000 readers worldwide. If you are interested in makingdocumentary films, everything you need .
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Personnel Security Program , United States. Dept. of Defense, United States. Office of the Deputy UnderSecretary of Defense for Policy, 1987, Security classification (Government documents), . .
Hypochondriac's Guide to Hoodia Gordonii, Volume 57 , W. Frederick Zimmerman, Dec 1, 2005, Medical, 77pages. This book gathers recent, credible, public information about hoodia gordonii and its active compound(H 57) and presents it in a convenient, easily searched format .
State Department domestic security lapses and status ., Volume 4, Parts 71-72 hearings before the Committeeon International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session, May 11and May 17, 2000, United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations, Jan 1, 2000,Architecture, 129 pages. .
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