Subject: early childhood education: theory and practice

Associate Degree in Education (Early Childhood Education) COURSE CODE:
COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Early
PRE-REQUISITE: College Matriculation
This course aims to help student teachers acquire the knowledge and skills to become sensitive and competent classroom practitioners, capable of creating appropriate and effective learning environments for young children. Student teachers will acquire knowledge and understanding of the early foundations of early childhood education and contemporary trends in early childhood curriculum practice. Key theories and perspectives of teaching and learning with particular emphasis on childhood studies, constructivist and developmentally appropriate approaches and strategies for teaching at the early childhood level will be carefully studied. Student teachers will be expected to reflect on the theories and their own beliefs and experiences of teaching and learning, with a view to developing a personal philosophy that is consistent with appropriate and best practices in early childhood education in Eastern Caribbean and global contexts. RATIONALE
Early Childhood Education in the Eastern Caribbean has been influenced by a variety of philosophical orientations. An understanding of these beginnings can help inform current practices. This course therefore aims to encourage student teachers to become reflective practitioners as they continually seek to identify and apply principles which can positively impact their teaching. GENERAL OBJECTIVES:
1. Gain a knowledge of the historical foundations and the theoretical and philosophical principles of early childhood education that have influenced contemporary concepts
of developmentally appropriate practice
2. Understand the importance of early childhood education intervention programmes in 3. Develop an awareness of different early childhood programme models and current issues 4. Value the history, structure and development trends of the Eastern Caribbean early 5. Know the history of childhood and the social and cultural principals influencing how childhood and children are viewed and how these variables influence the education of young children. COURSE MODULES/UNITS: (detailed outlines attached)
Unit 1: Philosophical Foundations of Early Childhood Education (15 hours)
1. The concept and value of Early Childhood Education. 2. Philosophical influences and theoretical perspectives on Early Childhood Education. 3. Early Childhood Programme Approaches
Unit 2: Early Childhood Education in Eastern Caribbean (15 hours)
1. Development of ECE in the Eastern Caribbean. 2. Pioneers in Early Childhood Education in the Eastern Caribbean 3. Organizational structure of the Early Childhood system in Eastern 4. Current early childhood issues in Eastern Caribbean and the wider Caribbean.
Unit 3: Perspectives on Social and Cultural Influences in the Education of Young Children
(15 hours)
1. Culturally Responsive Approaches to ECE 2. Teaching in an Increasingly Global and Multicultural Environment 3. The Role and Practices of Teachers in a Culturally Diverse ECE Environment
Course work: 50% of Course Grade (1 written paper + class activities /assignments)
Examination: 50 % of Course Grade
Essa, Eva (2011). Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Annotated Student’s Edition (6th 2010 NAEYC Standards for Initial & Advanced Early Childhood Professional Preparation Sian Williams & Leon Charles (2008): The experience of developing early childhood learning goals and outcomes in the Caribbean and the implications for curriculum development and implementation, International Journal of Early Years Education, 16:1, 17-29 ADDITIONAL READINGS:
Charles, L.D. and Williams, S. (2006) Early childhood education and care in the Caribbean NAEYC (2009). Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Education Tutors and student-teachers can locate and share other readings relevant to the course.
Philosophical Foundations of Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the unit student teachers should be able to: 1. Define the concept “early childhood” and justify the importance of Early Childhood 2. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the historical roots and theoretical/philosophical influences on Early Childhood Education 3. Share personal experiences of early childhood and compare personal beliefs with those of the theorists/philosophers who influenced Early Childhood Education practices 4. Identify and discuss some implications of the different theories for teaching, learning, 5. Explain how views on Early Childhood Education have changed over the centuries 6. Describe different models of Early Childhood Education that have influenced practices in the Content:
The Concept and Value of Early Childhood Education.
a. Definition of concepts: Early Childhood and Early Childhood Education.
b. Importance of Early Childhood Education to human and national development.
Suggested Activities:
 Brainstorm personal understandings of the concepts: Early Childhood Education.  Review and share related readings on the value/importance of Early Childhood  Reflect on and share personal memories of teachers who have had lasting influences on your early personal development; analyze reasons for this. Philosophical Influences and Theoretical Perspectives on Early Childhood
a. Definitions and concepts
i. What is a theory? A philosophy? A theoretical orientation/perspective. ii. Influential People in the History of ECE iii. Influential Theorists of Child Development  B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)  Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) Suggested Activities:
 Students prepare assigned relevant readings for class discussions  Tutor-led lecture/discussions  Students brainstorm and share personal interpretations of the terms; compare with  Group presentations/panel discussions on the influential theorists and founding  Share/discuss personal early childhood experiences and write a reflective piece that makes connections between your personal views and any of the theories on Early Childhood Education/ Development  Prepare a report on a selected theorist/philosopher/educator, outlining his/her contribution and its impact on current early childhood classroom practices  Discuss the meaning of an “Eclectic Orientation” and provide examples  Compare the views of these influential educators Early Childhood Programme Approaches
 High Scope/Reggio Emilia (Project Approach- cognitively oriented) - Vygotsky /  Bereiter-Engelmann (Behavioural - direct approach) - Skinner  Montessori programme (Not considered a theorist, but wide ranging ideas/techniques) - Servol (Trinidad) - Eclectic Model (Jamaica). Suggested Activities:
 Research internet web-sites for information on the different EC programme models.  View available video-tapes and print materials on the different models and discuss their relevance/appropriateness in the Eastern Caribbean context.  During visits for the observation sessions, look for evidence of specific approaches; discuss the appropriateness and/or effectiveness of the observed approaches in the particular setting. Early Childhood Education in Eastern Caribbean
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the unit student teachers should be able to: 1. Trace the significant milestone in the development of Early Childhood Education in the Eastern Caribbean from the historical beginnings to the present 2. Identify important trends and issues in Early Childhood programming in the Eastern and 3. Outline the organizational structure of Early Childhood Development Units in the Eastern 4. Discuss the contribution of pioneers of Early Childhood Education in the Eastern Caribbean. Content:
Development of ECE in the Eastern Caribbean.
Suggested Activities:
 Students work in small groups to research information on early contributors to early childhood education development in the Eastern Caribbean  Prepare a poster presentation to highlight the contribution of local educators to early childhood education development in the Eastern Caribbean  Develop and make presentation on a time line chart of significant milestones in the development of the early childhood system in Eastern Caribbean Pioneers in Early Childhood Education in the Eastern Caribbean
Suggested Activities:
 Invite resource persons to talk about Early Childhood as it developed in the Eastern  Conduct interviews with Early Childhood teachers who have been working in the Organizational Structure of the Early Childhood System in the Eastern Caribbean
Suggested Activities:
 Gather information from relevant documents and interviews with Early Childhood Officers, regarding current important developments in the early childhood system; present findings in class group discussions.  Look at CARICOM standards and compare them to what currently exist in Eastern  Discuss the differences between policies, frameworks, and standards Current Early Childhood Issues in Eastern Caribbean and the Wider Caribbean.
a. Issues emerging from local research
b. Important contributions of institutions to the development of early childhood in the
Suggested Activities:
 Read at least one research/report on early childhood development and develop/discuss a list of the significant findings from the research. Create a “Did You Know?” chart that highlights these findings.  Invite resource persons to talk about the early childhood issues emerging from local  Review and have class discussions on the Eastern Caribbean E.C Standards Policy and Regulatory Framework relevant to early childhood development: “What are the implications of these documents?” Perspectives on Social and Cultural Influences in the Education of Young

Instructional Objectives:
At the end of this unit student teachers should be able to 1. Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical perspectives that undergird culturally responsive and constructivist approaches to teaching in the ECE setting 2. Identify and discuss how learning environments can foster children’s active participation and shape their social interactions by embracing their cultural backgrounds 3. Demonstrate through writing and discussion, appreciation for cultures that differ in important respects from the student teacher’s own culture 4. Encourage the exploration of global, diversity and multicultural issues to enhance teaching 5. Analyze and critique the implications for teaching and learning within diverse and culturally 6. Understand how diversity in individual children’s growth patterns, strengths, interests, and experiences can be utilized to design the appropriate curriculum and learning environment for each group of children. 7. Utilize culturally responsive pedagogical principles in the creation of strategies for class environment, management, and instructional practices Content:
Culturally Responsive Approaches To ECE
Suggested Activities:
 Review and share articles on culturally responsive pedagogy, multiculturalism, and constructivist theoretical perspectives and approaches to teaching and learning in the ECE setting  Participate in small group discussions and activities focusing on how to create and design culturally responsive and multicultural classroom settings for ECE contexts in the Eastern Caribbean  Observe ECE classrooms and look for examples of multiculturalism, diversity, and other issues that will help inform your practice of culturally responsive pedagogy  Discuss your beliefs and understandings of creating multicultural/diverse learning  Analyze the influence which children’s developmental levels of cognition and socialization have upon their awareness of human differences. Teaching in an Increasingly Global and Multicultural Environment
Suggested Activities:
 Explore values and norm that reflect acceptance of cultural diversity in the ECE  Identify multicultural curricular goals and levels of implementation. The Role and Practices of Teachers in a Culturally Diverse ECE Environment Suggested Activities:
 Discuss and reflect on the role of the teacher in a culturally diverse ECE classroom  Explore how to integrate a multicultural approach in curricular preparation and

30% for written paper and 20% for class exercises and/or activities. Written Paper

1. Observe an ECE classroom. Describe the diversity among the students in the class (e.g. cultural, ethnic, language, socio-economic). 2. Discuss the extent to which the teacher’s classroom practices exemplified any particular philosophical / theoretical perspectives studied in the course. 3. Based on your understanding of the philosophical, historical and theoretical perspectives on
teaching and learning in the ECE classroom, as well as on your own beliefs and perspectives, identify TWO (2) steps that can be taken to improve the quality of education offered in classrooms similar to the one observed to cater to the diversity observed. Your paper should be NO MORE THAN 2000 words long.



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