Acupuncture Plus Chinese Herbs Treats Endometriosis Best
New research demonstrates that acupuncture enhances the therapeutic effect of Chinese endometriosis. A laboratory investigation The acupuncture points used in the study using rats revealed synergistic biochemical (Dazhui). CV4 is traditionally used to tonify the Qi, benefit the essence and Kidneys, pharmaceutical medication for the treatment enhance fertility and to benefit the Bladder and Small Intestine channels and organs. acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine, a Indications for CV4 include infertility, group receiving only Chinese herbal medicine, abnormal uterine bleeding and amenorrhea. Intestine and is the meeting point of the Ren showed marked improvements over the other channel with the Spleen, Liver and Kidney groups including better outcomes than the channels. SP6 is the meeting point of the group receiving the medicine Danazol, which three lower Yin channels and traditionally is a synthetic derivative of a modified from of functions to strengthen the Spleen, transform dampness, spread the Liver Qi and benefit the Kidneys. Indications for SP6 include Acupuncture is depicted here. Acupuncture abdominal pain and distention, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, leukorrhea, prolapse of the uterus understanding of endometriosis as a backdrop and infertility. SP6 is also useful to facilitate for importance of the investigation. The delivery for women with a difficult or delayed researchers note that endometriosis is the labor and is helpful in the treatment of insomnia. ST36 is a He Sea point, an Earth point and is designated as the Lower He Sea notes that endometriosis affects 10% of all point. ST36 is one of the eleven Heavenly reproductive aged women and is present in up Star points and is the Command Point for to 70% of all women with infertility or chronic the treatment of abdominal disorders. UB23 is the Kidney Back Shu point. DU14 is the at the intersection of all Yang channels and powerfully relieves toxic heat, releases exterior pathogenic conditions, opens the endometriosis: CA-125 (cancer antigen 125), Yang, clears the brain and calms the spirit.
The Chinese herbal medicine formula used in combined with Chinese herbal medicine group the study consisted of Mu Li, Huang Qin, Chi bested all other groups in lowering IL-8 levels Shao, Jiang Huang, Chai Hu, Bai Zhu, Dan in the peritoneal fluids. The acupuncture Shen, Yi Yi Ren and Xia Ku Cao. The latin combined with Chinese herbal medicine group names for these herbs are: Concha Ostreae, and the drug group equally showed a clinical Radix Scutellariae, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, lowering of COX-2 mRNA expression in the Rhizoma Curcumae, Radix Bupleuri, Rhizoma ectopic endometrium. The drug group and the Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Radix Salviae acupuncture combined with Chinese herbal Miltiorrhizae, Semen Coicis, Spica Prunellae. medicine group equally showed a marked and Mu Li nourishes the Yin and anchors the Liver Yang. Mu Li is often used to soften hardness to assist in dissolving nodules. Huang Qin clears heat and dries dampness for both the upper and lower burners. Notably, Huang Qin has the special function of calming the fetus and preventing miscarriages. Chi Shao cools the Blood and invigorates the Blood in the uterus. Jiang Huang, turmeric, is commonly used in culinary cuisine and it breaks Blood Jiang Huang is useful in the treatment of many types of pain including dysmenorrhea, joint pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, pain due to trauma and pain of the hypochondrium. treatment of Shaoyang disorders, smoothes the Liver Qi and raises the Yang. Bai Zhu dries dampness and tonifies Qi. Dan Shen invigorates and cools the Blood. Yi Yi Ren promotes urination and Xia Ku Cao clears Liver Fire, brightens the eyes and dissolves The following video is an excerpt from a webinar presentation. In the full course, pelvic inflammatory disease is covered and diagnostic differentiations are made between pelvic inflammatory disease, appendicitis, endometriosis and ectopic pregnancy. Please check the HealthCMi listings for anytime distance learning courses (available 24/7) and the schedule of live webinars on the topic of pelvic inflammatory disease to learn Shi, J., et al. “Acupuncture improves the effects of Chinese herbal medicine in treating


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