Asian J. Exp. Sci., Vol. 21, No. 2, 2007, 435-443Intra and Interspecies Variations among Environmental Klebsiella Isolates Anjana Sharma*, Susheel Kumar Singh and Sunita Patra Bacteriology Laboratory, Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Biological Science,
R.D. University, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482001, India
Abstract : Majority of the study of Klebsiella is restricted to clinical isolates and its occurrence in fresh water environment is sporadically reported. Biochemical and molecular diversity of 40 Klebsiella isolates, isolated from 180 water samples of river Narmada from eleven stations (Amarkantak to Dahej) during 2005-2006 was assessed by employing Biotyping, SDS-PAGE profiling, Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, and Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA). The Antibiogram analysis suggested that most of the isolates were resistant against Ampicillin, Amoxycillin, Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol and Trimethoprim and all isolates were found to be sensitive against Norflaxcin, Cefotaxime and Gentamycin. RAPD and ARDRA prevailed over Biotyping and Protein profiling for identification, and Intra and interspecies variations among environmental isolates of Klebsiella spp. Key words :Klebsiella, Fresh water, Antibiogram, SDS-PAGE, Molecular typing. Introduction
electrophoretic profiling, multilocus enzyme
Klebsiella spp. are found in surface
water, sewage, soil and on plants, and also
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis
on the mucosal surfaces of mammals such as
(Wong et. al. 1993). The association between
humans, horses, or swine, which they colonize
Jemeyey (2006). Clinically, the most
transmissibility of Klebsiella strains is not well
understood, but there is clear evidence for
pneumoniae and K. oxytoca, while K.
differential behavior of Klebsiella strains. ornithinolytica, K. terrigena, and K. planticola are rarely isolated from human
infections are often multidrug resistant and
an increasing proportion of strains produce
(1998). K. planticola and K. terrigena are
considered to be environmental species, as
enzymes, that confer resistance to penicillins
reflected in their species designations. K.
(such as ampicillin or amoxicillin), to first
pneumoniae and K. oxytoca exhibit a high
demonstrated by capsular typing (Orskov and
ceftazidime, cefoxitin and ceftiofur, and to
Orskov, 1984), O-antigen variation, biotyping
prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in
Corresponding author : Dr. Anjana Sharma, Bacteriology Laboratory, Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Biological Science, R.D. University, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482001, India; Phone No : + 91761-2416667 (R); + 919425155323 (M); Fax : + 91761-2603752; E-mail : Sharma A. et al. (2007) Asian J. Exp. Sci., 21(2), 435-443
environmental Klebsiella isolates is poorly
Identification of Bacteria) computer kit Bryant
(2003), maintained in the Bacteriology lab,
countries use river water directly not only for
Department of Biological Sciences, R.D.
drinking but also for various recreational
University, Jabalpur (MP), India and were
purposes. Narmada is the fifth largest river of
India and originates from Amarkantak (M.P.)
Collection Centre) numbers. All the cells (n =
40), were grown to the stationary phase in
(Gujarat). The diversity studies of Klebsiella
Luria-Bertani (LB) broth. These cultures were
are restricted to the clinical isolates and to
our knowledge the present study is the first
report on the diversity of Klebsiella, an
immense clinically significant organism, in the
following the method of Sambrook, et. al.
(1989). For ARDRA, oligonucleotideprimers were derived from conserved regions
Material and Methods
present at the edges of the l6S rDNA. The
sequences of primers were 16S rRNA F-5'–
eleven stations of river Narmada (viz.
Dahej), over one year period from July 2005
49 ml aliquots of PCR mixture containing 5
to June 2006. 500ml water samples, collected
ml of l0X buffer supplied with enzyme Taq
aseptically under ice-cold condition were
brought to the Bacteriology lab, Dept. of
(i.e.12.5 picomol of each primer), 2.5 ml of
University, Jabalpur and concentrated on 0.45
10 mM (each) deoxynucleotide triphosphates
mm pore diameter filters, enriched in 1.5%
and 0.5 ml of DNA polymerase (3 unit/ ml),
and final volume was made 50 ml by adding
sterile distilled water. After initial denaturation
for isolation of Klebsiella spp (APHA, 1985).
at 94°C for 5 min, the reaction mixture was
run through 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C
following biochemical characteristics; Arginine
for 1 min, annealing at 51°C for 1 min and
dihydrolase, lysine decarboxylase, ornithine
extension at 72°C for 1 min, finally a 10 min
extension period at 72°C was carried out.
urease, MR, VP, gluconate, malonate, Acid
from arabinose, dulcitol, glucose, lactose,
digestion of the amplicons with HindIII A/
sorbitol, sucrose and xylose following method
Genei, India) and analysed by electrophoresis
on 1.5% agarose gel with staining by ethidium
were identified with the help of Bergey’s
Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Krieng
amplification of isolated template DNA wascarried out with a primer [5’ – CAT TCG
Intra and Interspecies Variations among Environmental Klebsiella Isolates
ACC 3’] by following the method of Lopes
(Exeter software, New York) and calculating
dendrogram using “Unweighted pair group
(Eppendroff master cycler gradient, Humburg,
method using arithmetic - average clustering
Germany). The reaction was performed in 25
ml reaction mixture containing 2.5 ml of 10X
Results and Discussion
PCR buffer [500 mM KCl, 100 mM Tris (pH8.3)], 25 mM MgCl ], 3ml of template DNA,
2.0 ml primer, 0.3 ml of Taq DNA polymerase,
these groups of aquatic bacteria deserve in
2.5 ml of 2.5 mM dNTP’s (Bangalore Genei,
depth investigation, in order to understand
India) . The volume was raised to 25 ml with
better, their ecological role and function in the
sterile triple distilled water. A negative control
investigation of intra and interspecies diversity
denaturation at 94°C for 5 min the reaction
of Klebsiella spp from riverine environment,
denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing at
36°C for 1 min and elongation/extension at
72°C for 2 min followed by a 10 min final
extension period at 72°C and the expected
size of the amplicons were ascertained by
isolates of Klebsiella from fresh water of river
electrophoresis in 1.5% Agarose gel with an
DNA ladder, Bangalore Genei, India). Protein
conventional methods using biochemical tests.
Biochemical characterization, which involved
a number of biochemical reactions important
assay was followed to assess the antibiotic
resistance/ sensitivity pattern as described
ornithine decarboxylase, arginine dihydrolase,
(CLSI, 2002). Using commercially available
as the decarboxylase activity is an important
diagnostic tool in identifying Klebsiella spp.
25mcg), Ampicillin (A, 30mcg), Amoxicillin
(Trevison, 1987). Five different biotypes
distributed among the 40 Klebsiella spp
Cefotaxime (Ce, 30mcg), Nalidixic acid (Na,
isolated from river Narmada on the basis of
biochemical characteristics (Table 1). Klebsiellapneumoniae isolates were
bands were scored as either present (1) or
Urease positive, MR negative), B4 (VP and
absent (0). All binary data were entered and
genetic distances were calculated through
(Lysine positive and Indole negative). All K.oxytoca and K. terrigena were grouped into
biotypes B2 (Malonate and VP negative) and
Sharma A. et al. (2007) Asian J. Exp. Sci., 21(2), 435-443
Source, phenotype, genotype and antibiotype of 40 Klebsiella spp isolated fromriver Narmada. Intra and Interspecies Variations among Environmental Klebsiella Isolates
bp for each species (Fig. 1). ARDRA using
HindIII appears to be a promising tool for
biochemical differentiation among various
identification of environmental Klebsiella spp.
species by generating different biochemical
profiles among Klebsiella isolated from the
(2001), ARDRA with EcoRI did not appear
suitable for cluster identification in the present
have limitations of being time consuming,
study, but its higher discriminatory power is
which could be unrealistic for the identification
useful to subdivide HindIII ARDRA groups.
of genus Klebsiella during any outbreak
to discriminate K. pneumoniae strains in
previous investigations (Lopes et. al. 2005).
extremely useful in defining relationships of
Klebsiella spp (Boye and Hanson, 2003). Klebsiella spp studied, which demonstrates
In this study, the 16S rRNA gene of each of
the high discriminatory power of RAPD.
the 40 Klebsiella isolates was amplified and
restricted with the enzymes EcoRI and
in the molecular weight of 300 bp. However
HindIII. This resulted in three separate
no species-specific band was observed. The
restriction patterns (assigned as AR1, AR2,
AR3, and BR1, BR2, BR3, respectively) for
run. The high number of serotypes in this
each species. Each enzyme generated different
could explain the relevant degree of genetic
Fig. 1 : Representative 16S rRNA PCR-RFLP profiles obtained for Klebsiella isolates using
restriction enzymes (EcoRI and HindIII). Lane M: DNA marker (100 bp Ladder). ARDRA types AR1, AR2 and AR3 correspond to K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca and K. terrigena restricted by EcoRI respectively and ARDRA types BR1, BR2 and BR3correspond to K. pneumoniae, K. oxytoca and K. terrigena restricted by Hind IIIrespectively. Sharma A. et al. (2007) Asian J. Exp. Sci., 21(2), 435-443Fig. 2 : UPGMA Cluster Analysis of Klebsiella isolated from river Narmada on basis of RAPD. Intra and Interspecies Variations among Environmental Klebsiella Isolates
diversity highlighted by RAPD analysis. The
found that most of the isolates (72.5%) were
resistant to amoxycillin and 62.5% isolates
similarity at a coefficient of 2.08. At 1.97
were resistant against ampicillin. Sixteen
coefficient, two clusters were formed (A and
isolates (44%) were resistant to three or more
B). The cluster A was subdivided into two
antibiotics. All Klebsiella isolates found to be
sub divisions (A1 and A2) at 1.73 coefficient
sensitive against gentamycin, cefotaxime and
nature of the population structure and high
showed about 20 different bands, ranging in
level of diversity of Klebsiella in the river
Narmada. Little is known about the ecology
bands the 40 isolates were grouped into 8
these organisms in fresh water environments
different patterns designated as Pr1 to Pr8
(Table 1). In the present study, out of 40
isolates, 16 isolates belonged to group PrI, 3
significant source of fresh water for Central
isolates belonged to group PrII, 10 isolates
India sustaining millions of populace, and also
belonged to group PrIII, 3 and 5 isolates
used for recreational purposes, the occurrence
belonged to group PrVII and PrVIII, and only
of antibiotic resistant Klebsiella spp. raises a
single isolate belonged to group PrIV, PrV
question regarding potential risk of human
and PrVI respectively. Protein analysis was
exposure; hence it’s indispensable to monitor
found less efficient to differentiate K.pneumoniae strains than antibiotype, plasmid
possibility of any epidemic. Moreover, many
analysis and RAPD (Lopes, et. al. 2005).
The role of antibiotics in the management
exclusively with clinical isolates; while there
of human infections caused by Klebsiella has
aspects of environmental strains. Since the
resistance could be an important problem for
therapy directed against these organisms. Klebsiella isolates are naturally resistant to
ampicillin, due to a constitutively expressed
transmission in humans, it is obvious that
detailed studies on the pathogenic potential
of the environmental Klebsiella strains will
Amoxycillin, Ceftazidime, Trimethoprim or
certainly contribute to understanding the
virulence properties of these bacteria and to
associated with multidrug resistance is due to
establish the importance of these organisms.
the acquisition of mobile elements carrying
several resistance genes. The 40 Klebsiella
grouped into 12 antibiotypes (designated A1
(biotyping, protein analysis and antibiogram
to A12) depending upon their resistance to
analysis) as a useful technique in distinguishing
different antimicrobial drugs (Table 2). It was
Klebsiella spp. There currently seems to be
Sharma A. et al. (2007) Asian J. Exp. Sci., 21(2), 435-443
Distribution of 40 Klebsiella spp according to antibiotypes isolated from riverNarmada.
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Dam: Granddaughter of "King" and "Queen," HerbotsSire: SA SP 03 1251 (ex B&E Hil ) Race record Race record B.F.J.K 10 Both sire and dam are imported Gaby Vandenabeele from M&D Evans family of pigeons Race record Race record Dam: LIM 08 848. "Pieces of Eight", van Loon. George Oswald, breeder of "Parcival" ex Gigi GaddinSire: NL 07 1370438.
Formalization of existing PLC Programs: A Survey Juniorprofessorship Agentenbased Automation Abstract: In recent years, the interest in the formal- ization of PLC programs increased. The paper pro- vides a classification scheme for the works done in this field. This scheme includes the sources used for formalization, the level of the formalization process (i.e. the complexity o