Laser Therapy Infrared Photo Energy May Reduce Neuropathic Pain Near infrared light therapy, together with physical therapy, may be able to reduce pain in neuropathy patients and possibly reduce medication dosage levels of those undergoing drug therapy. Diabetic neuropathy is a common health problem today which often poses a variety of clinical challenges. In this article, Dr.Thomas J. Burke reports on the results of a study utilizing phototherapy (non-coherent light therapy) on patients with neu-ropathies. This is an exciting paper and demonstrates the potential value of light therapy in these clinical conditions. There is arapidly increasing body of evidence that is demonstrating the clinical value of using non laser light therapy for a wide variety ofpainful conditions. —William J. Kneebone, DC, CNC, DIHom, FIAMA, DIACT
Inarecent issue of Practical Pain Man- Materials and Methods agement, two papers discussed treat-
The medical history and clinical notes related to pain were in-
cluded as part of insurance claims made by a durable medical
cleared alternative modalities referred to
equipment (DME) supplier offering the Anodyne® Therapy Sys-
generically as light therapy.1,2 This paper
tem (ATS; Anodyne Therapy LLC, Tampa, FL) that delivers
describes the effects of light therapy on
MIRE at 890 nanometers from gallium aluminum arsenide
diodes. The ATS has FDA 510k clearance for temporarily in-
is a common complaint of patients with peripheral neuropathy
creasing circulation and reducing pain, stiffness, and muscle
(PN) due to either diabetes or other causes and it often inter-
feres with quality of life, irrespective of pharmaceutical inter-
The medical records and clinic notes provided by the health-
vention.3 For example, painful PN may be a complication from
1) chemotherapy drugs, 2) metabolic diseases such as hypothy-
• a physician diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy associated
roidism, 3) abuse of alcohol, 4) environmental toxins or drugs,
with diabetes (diabetic peripheral neuropathy; DPN) or
5) certain viral infections, 7) scar tissue formation following sur-
other etiologies (peripheral neuropathy-other; PNO),
gery, or 6) it may be idiopathic.4 There are only a few FDA ap-
• the level of pre-treatment neuropathic pain measured on
proved drugs for the pain of PN. These drugs do not modify
an 11 point numeric pain rating scale (NPRS; 10 equating
blood flow and, therefore, they do not correct microcirculatory
to maximum pain and zero (0) equating to no pain), and
defects that can, in some cases, contribute to ischemic, neuro-
• pain levels measured after MIRE treatment.
pathic pain. Some of the approved drugs have significant side
456 separate physicians attested to the accuracy of the med-
effects that compromise quality of life.5 Beyond pharmacology,
ical data that they supplied to justify these insurance claims.
there has been some success—in carefully selected patients—in
MIRE was administered as part of a comprehensive care plan
effecting significant neuropathic pain relief with surgical inter-
that also included individualized physical therapy for various gait
and balance problems that occur quite frequently in patients with
An alternative to drugs or surgery— monochromatic infrared
PN.12 Shurman and colleagues recommend physical therapy, ex-
energy (MIRE™) along with concurrent physical therapy—has
ercise and integrated techniques in their powerful tool, the Share
been reported to provide significant pain relief to patients pre-
The Risk Model, for managing patients with pain.13 However, it
senting with neuropathic pain due to either diabetes or other
is often difficult for patients to begin or complete a therapy pro-
etiologies.7-10 This report documents the reduction in neuropath-
gram if they are in constant, unremitting pain.
ic pain achieved with use of MIRE in 493 consecutive, mostly
Patients were told to anticipate being treated with MIRE ap-
elderly, patients treated in health care facilities from the begin-
proximately 12 times, 30 min. each time, 3 times per week, for
ning of May 2006 to the end of June 2006. These patients also
their pain. After completing outpatient therapy, 493 out of 550
detailed their use (or lack thereof) of various drugs for neuro-
patients agreed to provide answers to a health questionnaire.
pathic pain relief prior to and during MIRE treatment.
This was done under HIPPA protection assurances by the DME.
Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2007
2007 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Table 1. Patient Demographics
and PNO groups (see Table 2). Post-treat-ment pain averaged 2.5 ± 2.3, a 64% re-duction; there was no significant differ-
DPN and PNO groups (see Table 2). Theaverage number of PT visits during which
MIRE was also given was 15±8. At the ini-tiation of MIRE therapy, 129 patients
(26%) were not taking medications fortheir neuropathic pain, whereas 364 pa-
medications. As one would expect, basedon the medical literature for neuropathic
pain, drugs included anticonvulsants, an-tidepressants, and opiates. In 263 out of
PNO = peripheral neuropathy from other causes
364 patients (72%), more than one drugwas being consumed. The most frequent-ly used medication was the anticonvulsantgabapentin, with 197 patients (54%) using
Table 2. Changes in pain in response to MIRE treatment in DPN and PNO Patients
medications for their neuropathic pain at
initiation of MIRE therapy, 187 (51%) re-
ported that they had reduced the use ofmedications during MIRE therapy, 151
(41%) reported that their use of medica-tions was unchanged throughout therapy,
and 26 (7%) reported either a change inmedication, an increase in the dosage of
one or more of the initial medications, or
PNO = peripheral neuropathy from other causes
Group 4: Patients utilizing one or more
the physician and therapist’s office. Pa-
tient identifiers were removed prior to the
analysis of the data. Patients answered the
following questions: 1) the duration of the
neuropathic pain, 2) which medications (if
on average, for at least 3.5 – 4.5 years
ANOVA to test the null hypothesis that de-
input as 99 months even if it was longer.
late spring of 2006. Neuropathic pain in-
the course of MIRE treatments. All values
tensity—before and after MIRE—was de-
termined separately for patients collected
viation (SD). Significance was accepted if
Group 1: 20 of 129 patients (16%) Group 2: 40 of 187 patients (21%) Group 1: Patients not utilizing medica- Group 3: 44 of 151 patients (29%) Group 4: 9 of 26 patients (35%) Group 2: Patients utilizing drug thera-
279 female) was 72 years (see Table 1). 248
in an outpatient setting is associated with
sociated with other etiologies (PNO). Group 3: Patients utilizing drug thera-
both diabetic and non-diabetic patients.
Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2007
2007 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Table 3. Pain Response to MIRE is independent of medication usage. No Meds during No Change in Decreased Meds Changed Meds
a = mean ± SD. b = P<0.0001 vs. initial pain. Meds = medications. (n) = number of patients. Changed meds indicateseither a different dose or a different medication, or both.
These outcomes are consistent with a growing body of clinical
be associated with any systemic side effects. There have been a
evidence showing MIRE is able to significantly decrease pain in
few reports of superficial burns when treatment guidelines were
diabetic and non-diabetic neuropathy patients.7-10
Perhaps more important, the decrease in pain intensity in re-
sponse to MIRE combined with therapy was independent of con-
Mechanism of Action
comitant use of medications that are typically used for neuro-
While the mechanism of action underlying neuropathic pain re-
pathic pain. Patients who were not taking drugs for their pain
lief associated with MIRE is not well understood, it may be due,
responded exactly like those patients who were taking medica-
in part, to a combination of topical heat and an increased local
tions at the initiation of the therapy. For those who were already
release of nitric oxide that has been reported using this wave-
taking drugs, the reduction in symptomatic pain was not relat-
length (890nm) of near infrared photo energy.18,19 The source of
ed to either a continuation of current drug usage, to a reduc-
released nitric oxide may be endothelial cells or red blood cells,
tion in drug use or to changes in either the dosage or class of
or both.20,21 Nitric oxide production is compromised in both type
medications consumed throughout the period of treatment. In-
1 and type 2 diabetic patients.22-24 If near infrared light is able
deed, 51% of patients achieved significant neuropathic pain re-
to favorably alter local nitric oxide availability in the diabetic
duction and were concomitantly able to decrease the dosage of
patient, this may improve microcirculation via an alteration of
medication(s) they had been taking at the initiation of MIRE
cGMP-mediated vasodilation at the site of treatment.25 Better
therapy. The similar degree of pain mitigation was not due a
blood flow may, in part, explain the symptomatic decrease in
difference in the number of treatments, age or gender, or the
length of time the patients had been aware of neuropathic pain
Nitric oxide also appears to be able to mitigate pain via a
severe enough to cause them to seek medical attention.
mechanism similar to morphine,26 namely via nitric oxide me-
Clearly, pharmacologic agents have been found to be effec-
diated production of cGMP and phosphorylation of ATP-de-
tive in reducing pain in both diabetic and non-diabetic pa-
pendent potassium channel activity.27 There may be a significant
tients.14-17 However, as is the case with virtually all drugs, side ef-
analgesic effect of MIRE if local concentrations of nitric oxide
fects may limit the patient tolerance. Side effects also become
are increased. Nitric oxide was not measured in any patient dur-
more evident with the use of higher drug doses that are often
necessary when low doses are no longer effective or when pa-tients report a waning effect. High drug doses often relieve pain
Study Limitations
but the quality of life may be adversely affected. The answers to
There are, of course, limitations to our conclusions. First, infor-
the questionnaire revealed that a few patients were using some
mation about the use and types of medications is based solely
of the newer medications that had been approved recently by
upon patient response to a health questionnaire administered
the FDA for the reduction of neuropathic pain. However the vast
just after the conclusion of outpatient MIRE therapy. However,
majority of patients were continuing to take gabapentin and/or
since patients self-administer medications for neuropathic pain
antidepressants, which have been clinical mainstays for many
based on perceived pain levels or physician prescription, we be-
years for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Therefore, the re-
lieve they were competent to accurately comment on the use of
sults of this post-marketing survey may not apply to patients who
medications during the fairly brief period of MIRE therapy (6-
have begun to use newer drugs. MIRE has not been reported to
7 weeks). Additionally, the health questionnaire was very specif-
Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, July/August 2007
2007 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.
ic. Patients were required to name the ac-
tered as part of a care plan prescribed by
ness of monochromatic infrared photo energy andphysical therapy for peripheral neuropathy: changes in
tual medications they were taking for neu-
physicians—is associated with a substan-
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ropathic pain; this increased the likeli-
tial reduction in neuropathic pain. Use of
ter study. Phys Occup Therap Geriatr. 2006. 24:1-17.
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pain intensity in this group of patients was
satisfactory level of neuropathic pain re-
not due to a “placebo effect” since there
lief while using various oral medications.
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Enfermedades neuromusculares FIBRODISPLASIA OSIFICANTE PROGRESIVA Otras denominaciones: miositis osificante progresiva, enfermedad de Münchmeyer, enfermedad del hom-bre de piedra, FOP. ¿Cuáles son las últimas novedades sobre la fibrodisplasia osificante progresiva? Una encuesta a la que han respondido 123 personas con FOP presenta serios indicios de que la gripepuede dar lugar a un
PRACTICE LEAFET HIGH STREET MEDICAL CENTRE GOLBORNE Dr. A B Anis & Dr. Mrs. Y F Anis Our practice is one of the practices at Golborne Health Centre in Kidglove House. It is a two partner practice with Drs. A. B. Anis and Mrs. Y. F. Anis. Our aim is to provide patients with readily available medical care of the highest standard for the whole family whilst upholding the traditional fr