Obesity Surgery, 17, 569-576 Highlights from the International Symposium of the Brazilian Diabetes Society, Campinas, SP, Brazil, November 18, 2006 Incretins: Clinical Physiology and Bariatric Surgery – Correlating the Entero-endocrine System and a Potentially Anti-dysmetabolic Procedure Rodrigo N. Lamounier, MD1; José Carlos Pareja, MD, PhD2; Marcos Antonio Tambascia, MD, PhD3; Bruno Geloneze, MD, PhD3 1Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of São Paulo-USP, SãoPaulo, Brazil; 2Department of Surgery, Division of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, StateUniversity of Campinas-UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil; 3Department of Internal Medicine,Endocrinology Unit, State University of Campinas-UNICAMP, Campinas, BrazilThe digestive tract is well known for its endocrine Introduction functions. Recently, many studies have been reinforc- ing its role as a therapeutic target for both diabetes and obesity. Losing weight is clinically very difficult
The “incretin effect” is the phenomenon described in
for most obese patients and the reason for this could
physiological studies which shows that orally admin-
be the effect of the physiological adipostatic system
istered glucose evokes a greater insulin response
that triggers central nervous stimuli to compensate
than a corresponding intravenous glucose load. This
for variations in food intake and in physical activity.
term derives from the gastrointestinal hormones –
Gut hormones seem to have a key role in this com-
incretins, which stimulate insulin secretion.
plex, regulating body weight and satiety and con- tributing to glucose homeostasis. The enteroinsular
Symposium that took place in Campinas, SP, Brazil,
axis appears to be impaired in both obese and dia-
Nov 18, 2006. The event provided a forum for the
betic patients. Recent data on bariatric surgery shows
exchange of experiences between Researchers,
its striking effects on glucose control soon after the
Clinicians and Surgeons on this paramount topic in
procedure, before a significant weight loss is achieved. The procedure appears to work beyond anti-obesity having a key metabolic impact possibly
The metabolic, neural and hormonal effects of the
sharing a common mechanism with the new class of
small intestine on the pancreatic islets are referred as
agents to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus: the incretin
the enteroinsular axis. One of the most important
mimetics. This symposium discussed new data on the
incretins known is the first described gastric inhibito-
upcoming perspectives on both the pharmacological
ry polypeptide, also called glucose-dependent
and the surgical approach to diabetes and obesity.
insulinotropic peptide (GIP), which is secreted bythe entero-endocrine K-cells in the jejunum and
Key words: Incretins, diabetes, bariatric surgery, GLP-1,
accounts for more than 50% of the total incretin
ghrelin, enteroinsular axis, exenatide, DPP-IV inhibitors
effect. The other key hormone is the glucagon-likepeptide 1 (GLP-1), a product of proglucagon gene
Correspondence to: Bruno Geloneze, MD, PhD, Rua CamargoPaes 251, Campinas, Brazil. E-mail: bgeloneze@terra.com.br
and formed mainly in the intestinal L-cells; GLP-1
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Obesity Surgery, 17, 2007 569 Symposium: Incretins and Bariatric Surgery
plasma levels increase >6 times after a carbohydrate
tides involved in the regulation of the adipostatic
meal. Several studies have demonstrated that the
control of body weight act both locally and central-
effect of incretins is reduced in type 2 diabetes mel-
ly and could be divided into two broad groups: 1)
litus (T2DM) patients.1,2 When GLP-1 is adminis-
those involved mainly in the long-term control of
tered, it effectively stimulates insulin secretion both
adiposity such as leptin, insulin, ghrelin and PYY
in normal subjects and in T2DM patients.3 In con-
which inform the brain about the body fat deposits,
trast, GIP insulinotropic effect is highly reduced in
and 2) the other group which is constituted by mol-
diabetic patients.4 Thus, the therapeutic potential of
ecules associated with short-term meal-related regu-
GLP-1 has been extensively studied, emphasizing
lation such as ghrelin and CCK and other gut-
not just its hypoglycemic effect through stimulation
derived factors. The hindbrain is the principal cen-
of insulin secretion but also other likely beneficial
tral site receiving input from short-acting satiation
properties, such as retardation of gastric emptying
signals.7 Among the several gut peptides that regu-
late food intake and are secreted along the gastroin-
Thus, there is an increasing interest in this area,
testinal system, there are the CCK in duodenum,
with one new agent of the incretin mimetic classalready available for clinical use, the exenatide
Apolipoprotein A-IV in the jejunum, GLP-1, PYY
(exendin-4), and others recently approved and com-
and Oxyntomodulin in the ileum and colon, and
ing soon. The role of incretins and the enteroinsular
Amylin, Enterostatin, Glucagon, Insulin and PP in
axis in glucose homeostasis has been even more
the pancreas. The stimulation for secretion of all
emphasized after results from obese diabetic
these peptides comes mainly from ingested food,
patients submitted to bypass bariatric surgery,
but the mechanisms by which it occurs are quite
revealing rapid glycemic resolution in most cases,
diverse. Different properties of food stimulate these
with this axis being implicated as a potential mech-
gut cells to secrete peptides that activate vagal and
anism for such an effect.6 The Symposium congre-
enteric afferent nerves and enter the circulation
gated many specialists in the field and fomented
reaching the central nervous system. For example,
exhaustive discussion over all the presented themes.
GLP-1 release by L-intestinal cells involves a mech-anism related to cellular uptake and intracellularmetabolism of glucose. However, it has been
Physiological Aspects of the
described that entero-endocrine cell activation can
Entero-endocrine System
occur without nutrient uptake by a mechanism thatis quite similar to the oral tasting sensation.
Ghrelin is produced primarily by stomach and
Dr. David E. Cummings (University of Washington,
proximal intestine, being highly conserved across
Seattle, USA) pointed out recently published data
species. Contrary to the other incretins like GLP-1,
concerning gastrointestinal endocrinology and regu-
ghrelin increases food intake and GI motility and
lation of body weight, focusing especially on the
decreases insulin secretion from the pancreatic islets,
role of ghrelin and other peptides on individual
acting endogenously as a growth hormone (GH) sec-
meals and glucose homeostasis. According to the
retagogue. Ghrelin acutely and transiently stimulates
facts, weight loss is difficult to be achieved by obese
appetite, and its surge predicts voluntary meal
patients, probably because of the compensatoryeffect of an adipostatic system, which physiologi-
intake. Ghrelin levels rise and fall shortly before and
cally works to maintain stable body weight, despite
after meals along the day, and this secretion seems to
variations in physical activity and caloric intake.
be stimulated by the neural branch of the sympathet-
Satiation signals arise from multiple sites in the GI
system, including stomach, small intestine, colon
inhibits ghrelin secretion, and this effect depends on
and pancreas. There are two main mechanisms
both the amount of ingested food as well as on its
through which ingested food promotes satiation:
composition because lipids seem to be less efficient.
gastric distention and release of peptides from
This mechanism involves insulin and enteric nervous
entenro-endocrine cells. The entero-endocrine pep-
570 Obesity Surgery, 17, 2007 Incretins, Diabetes, and Bariatric Surgery
Regarding long-term body weight regulation, there
ous system (CNS) and their role in thermogenesis
are several evidences in the literature that show that
and weight control. Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-
ghrelin levels increase after diet-induced weight loss
1) is a 30 aminoacids peptide, produced by L-cells
and conversely that this hormone is down-regulated
in the colon and ileum, secreted after nervous and
after weight gain. Ghrelin affects body-weight con-
nutrient stimuli and degraded by the enzyme dipep-
trol centers in the brain, and increases in ghrelin lev-
tidyl-peptidase IV (DPP-IV). Gastric inhibitory
els are related to weight gain, while blockage of the
polypeptide (GIP), formed by a 42 aminoacids
hormone or its physiological effects induces weight
chain, is synthesized and postprandially released
loss. Ghrelin increases food intake and preference for
from the duodenum and proximal jejunum, being
fat, but interestingly it is not a common cause for obe-
cleaved by the same enzyme.14,15 Both of these
sity, because its overproduction has not been demon-
incretins have receptors in the CNS, although GLP-
strated in obese populations, being observed only in
1 but not GIP has receptors identified in the hypo-
specific conditions like Prader-Willi syndrome.10
thalamus. Indeed, GLP-1 has been demonstrated to
A brief report about the effects of incretins on beta
interact with these receptors, including those in the
cells was presented by Dr. Freddy G. Eliaschewitz
hypothalamus altering the glucose influx to neurons
(University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil). Beta-cell mass
in these regions, suggesting a functional modula-
is critical in the development of diabetes, not only
tion. Intra-ventricular infusion of GLP-1 induces c-
for T1DM, in which massive pancreatic islet destruc-
fos activation in paraventricular neurons in the
tion occurs before the clinical diagnosis, but also for
hypothalamus. These incretin receptors are G-pro-
T2DM in which beta-cell mass decreases progres-
tein coupled receptors, which increase intracellular
sively with evolution of the disease. Therefore,
cyclic AMP. However, this pathway has not been
strategies to preserve or increase the number of
described so far as an important one for adipostatic
available beta cells are crucial for the future perspec-
control in the CNS. Receptors involved with the
tives in diabetes treatment. The source for replenish-
PI3K/AKT pathway, which is activated by insulin
ing beta cells in the adult is not clear and could sup-
and those involved with JAK/STAT controlled by
posedly arise from either ductal cells or acinar cells
leptin stimulus are the ones known to be important
transdifferentiating into beta cells and also from
to the adipostatic command in the CNS.16,17
adult pancreatic stem cells. Several substances have
After injection of GLP-1 directly into the CNS,
been shown to induce proliferation of beta cells both
there is rapid inhibitory effect on food intake, which
in vitro as well as in animal models, such as GLP-1,
is not sustained later.18 Studies from knockout mod-
GIP, gastrin, IGF-1 and others.11 An in vivo evidence
els for GLP-1R KO, GIPR KO and for both receptors
for an incretin effect in inducing islet proliferation is
(DIRKO) do not show any significant alteration in
the report of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia in
terms of weight gain and food intake. The double
patients after gastric bypass surgery with high levels
knockout has a trend to gain less weight later in life.19
of circulating incretins.12 Other attempts to test this
An exciting review of recently published findings
effect in vivo are evidenced in studies of the admin-
about cardiovascular effects of GLP-1 was summa-
istration of GLP-1 to patients who received islet
rized by Dr. Wilson Nadruz Jr (State University of
transplantation and fail to maintain good glucose
Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil). GLP-1 has recep-
control without exogenous insulin, and some inter-
tors on cardiovascular cells, especially on the
esting results were reported.13 Subsequently, some
endothelium, and interest in this area increased after
pre-clinical and experimental data suggest that
it was suggested that administration of GLP-1 to
incretins can possibly restore beta-cell mass; never-
rats induced a dose-dependent increase in the blood
theless, the clinical relevance of this data is still
pressure. However, studies in humans suggested
improvement in endothelial dysfunction after GLP-
Incretins and the central control of food intake
1 injection in T2DM patients with stable coronary
and energy expenditure was the subject highlighted
artery disease and no effect in healthy volun-
by Dr. Licio A Velloso (State University of
teers.20,21 GLP-1R KO mice develop left ventricular
Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil), focusing espe-
hypertrophy later in life. Studies in dogs of dilated
cially on GLP-1 and GIP action in the central nerv-
cardiomyopathy, showed that the infusion of GLP-1
Obesity Surgery, 17, 2007 571 Symposium: Incretins and Bariatric Surgery
for 48 h induced an increase in the systolic pressure
The clinical use of incretin-mimetics was
on the left ventricle (LV) and a decrease in the end-
reviewed by Dr. Jorge L. Gross (Federal University
diastolic pressure on LV, improving contractility
of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil),
and decreasing heart rate.22 In one study in patients
including information from clinical trials with exe-
with LV dysfunction after acute myocardial infarc-
natide (exendin-4), a 39-amino acid incretin mimet-
tion who were submitted to primary angioplasty, the
ic that exhibits glucoregulatory activities similar to
group who received GLP-1 during angioplasty
GLP-1 and other mimetics. Data from three clinical
showed better ejection fraction than controls. A
trials lasting 30 weeks and including a total of 1,446
study in rats submitted to a high salt diet showed
T2DM patients using oral agents such as metformin
that those treated with GLP-1 had lower blood pres-
and sulfonylurea indicate that administration of exe-
sure and excreted more sodium.24 Therefore, GLP-1
natide 10 µg bid significantly reduced HbA1c in 0.8
probably has beneficial CV effects and can be an
md/dL approximately.33-35 Another study, involving
important therapeutic tool, but future studies are
551 T2DM patients over 26 weeks compared the
necessary to clarify its role on arterial hypertension
effect of exenatide 10 µg bid treatment with insulin
glargine once daily. Results showed similar glucosecontrol between groups, with an average HbA1creduction in both treatments of 1.11%. Patientstreated with exenatide had a weight loss of 2.3 kg
Clinical Implications of
compared to a gain of 1.8 kg in those using insulin
Incretin Physiology
glargine. Other studies also showed a tendency ofexenatide to promote weight loss.36 Nausea and
Diabetes and obesity-related pathophysiological
diarrhea are the most frequent adverse events report-
aspects such as insulin and leptin resistance and its
ed with exenatide treatment. A long-acting formula-
connection with impaired incretin function were dis-
tion of exenatide for once weekly administration is
cussed by Dr. Bruno Geloneze (State University of
Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil). According to the
Liraglutide, another long-acting GLP-1 analog
data presented, women with previous gestational dia-
suitable for once-daily administration, is still under
betes and other diabetes-prone individuals show
phase III clinical development. According to a study
insulin resistance but normal GLP-1 and GIP secre-
involving 193 patients for 12 weeks, liraglutide
tion, similar to what had been previously described in
0.75mg daily, the highest dose used in the study,
healthy offspring of T2DM patients.25,26 Young adult
promoted a significant reduction in HbA1c of
men with low birth weight history, another example
0.75%, compared to placebo. DPP-IV inhibitors are
of a high-risk population, have also normal incretin
another type of incretin-mimetic that prolong the
half-life of endogenous incretins, antagonizing the
secretion and leptin receptors have been described in
enzyme responsible for their metabolism. Clinical
intestinal L-cells from both mice and humans, sug-
data published shows that Vildagliptin has a glucose
gesting a link between leptin resistance seen in obe-
lowering effect ranging from 0.7 to 1.7% depending
sity with impaired incretin secretion implicated in
on the baseline values. Sitagliptin, another DPP-IV
diabetes pathophysiology.28,29 Furthermore, obese
patients show decreased GLP-1 levels and this could
Dr. Marcos Tambascia (State University of
be at least partially explained by increased DPP-IV
Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil) presented further
activity which also rises in parallel with HbA1c lev-
results from clinical trials regarding incretin-based
els, in T2DM patients.30,31 Progressive doses of met-
treatment. Liraglutide, the long-acting, acylated
formin, conversely, decrease DPP-IV activity,
GLP-1 analog, acts as a full agonist toward the
enhancing GLP-1 antidiabetic effects.32 It thus seems
GLP-1 receptor. Initial clinical studies showed a
reasonable to implicate and understand the impaired
dose-dependent improvement in HbA1c, and in one
incretin function and secretion in the diabetic disease
open labeled study with 190 patients, higher doses
process, indicating a potential therapeutic role of this
of liraglutide (0.6 and 0.75 mg) showed a similar
new drug class on diabetes treatment.
effect on HbA1c than glimepiride after 12 weeks.31
572 Obesity Surgery, 17, 2007 Incretins, Diabetes, and Bariatric Surgery
Exenatide (synthetic exendin-4), a GLP-1R ago-
seems to overcome the adipostatic system of body
nist, has 50% aminoacid homology compared to
weight regulation that makes non-surgical methods
human GLP-1 but displays high affinity for its
of weight loss traditionally unsuccessful.
receptor. Exenatide administration to T2DM
Data from the Swedish Obese Subjects Study,
patients can improve not just postprandial glucose
reporting follow-up data of more than 1,000 patients
levels, blocking glucagon secretion and restoring
for up to 10 years, showed that Roux-en-Y gastric
first phase insulin secretion, but it can also reduce
bypass (RYGBP) promoted the greatest weight loss
fasting glycemia, which suggests a possible sensi-
of about 38% of total body weight, maintaining in
tizing effect on the overnight hepatic response to
the region of 30% after 10 years. Gastric banding
insulin.40-42 The improvement in insulin secretion
(GB) and gastroplasty (GP) are less effective but
clinically observed in T2DM patients treated with
still induce far more weight loss than non-surgical
exenatide is corroborated with animal studies show-
treatment, which was ineffective in the long-term.50
The mechanisms for such an impressive loss of
Another possibility for improving incretin action
weight are not totally clear. Gastric restriction is prob-
in diabetic patients is the administration of DPP-IV
ably not the major factor, because the final stomach
inhibitors. Sitagliptin is associated with inhibition of
volume is comparable between RYGBP, GB and GP.
80% of DPP-IV activity and augmentation of active
Malabsorption seems not to be clinically significant in
GLP-1 and GIP levels after an OGTT. In one study
the long-term follow-up after the surgery, and magni-
involving 1,172 patients with a median baseline
tude of dumping symptoms does not correlate with the
HbA1c of 7.5%, sitagliptin compared to glipizide
weight loss observed. On the other hand, some gut
provided similar HbA1c lowering effect over 52
hormones seem to be related to this mechanism.
weeks in patients on ongoing metformin therapy.
Ghrelin is known to be one of the long-term adiposta-
Similarly, in patients with baseline HbA1c of 8.1%
tic hormones that work for the maintenance of body
receiving pioglitazone, addition of sitagliptin 100
weight. Ghrelin levels classically increase after weight
mg once daily improved HbA1c 0.7% compared to
loss, and this physiologic response is absent or
placebo (P<0.001). Proinsulin levels were signifi-
impaired after RYGBP. The mechanism underlying
cantly reduced with sitagliptin compared to placebo.
this could be vagotomy (intentional or unintentional)
The drug was well-tolerated, exhibiting a similar
after the RYGBP operation. The diverse bariatric sur-
incidence of hypoglycemia as placebo.46 Vilda-
gical operations could partially explain the observed
gliptin, another DPP-IV inhibitor, showed similar
differences in ghrelin dysregulation after bariatric sur-
effectiveness. In a randomized study with drug-naive
gery among different surgical obesity centers.51-54
T2DM patients, after 24 weeks, vildagliptin 50 mg
Furthermore, other gut hormones like peptide YY
twice daily was equally effective as rosiglitazone (8
(PYY) and GLP-1 are mediators of the ileal brake
mg/day), but without weight gain. Vildagliptin also
phenomenon which triggers satiation after meals, and
improves postprandial glycemia, restores GLP-1 lev-
their levels are increased after RYGBP.55,56 Different
els and reduces glucagon secretion after meals. The
reports have shown improvement in glucose home-
hypoglycemic effect appears to be related to an
ostasis and even diabetes resolution after RYGBP, and
this is probably related to increased GLP-1 levels afterthe procedure.57,58
The role of hindgut stimulation on promoting the
increase in these hormone levels is reinforced by
Enteroinsular Axis Implications on
animal studies with ileal transposition, where there
Bariatric Surgery
is no volume restriction and no malabsorption butstill marked increase in GLP-1 and PYY levels and
Possible hormonal mechanisms for weight loss and
reduction in food intake and body weight.59
diabetes resolution of bariatric surgery was the topic
However, if enhanced delivery of nutrients to the
of another talk presented by Dr. David Cummings
distal intestine and increased secretion of hindgut
(University of Washington, Seattle, USA). He intro-
signals improve glucose levels, altered transit
duced the subject stating that bariatric surgery
excluded from the foregut also appears to play a role
Obesity Surgery, 17, 2007 573 Symposium: Incretins and Bariatric Surgery
independent of effects on food intake, body weight
sity (DIO) and diabetes mellitus. Before surgery, DIO
mice were diabetic and insulin-resistant compared to
Published data from the experience at the
controls. After surgery, all parameters were reversed
Hackensack University Medical Center supports that
and even peripheral insulin signal transduction
all forms of weight loss surgery lead to caloric
through its receptor, insulin receptor substrates IRS-
restriction, weight loss, decrease in fat mass and
1, IRS-2 and Akt, was improved in muscle.64
improvement in T2DM. This suggests that these
A pilot study performed in a single center in
beneficial effects in glucose metabolism and insulin
Sweden compared the effects of omentectomy per-
resistance following bariatric surgery result in the
formed with bariatric surgery (adjustable gastric
short-term from decreased stimulation of the
banding). Fifty patients who underwent bariatric sur-
enteroinsular axis, by decreased caloric intake and in
gery were randomized for omentectomy or no omen-
the long-term by decreased fat mass and resulting
tectomy, with the surgical procedure. After 2 years of
changes in release of adipocytokines.61 This infor-
follow-up, omentectomized patients had a significant
improvement in oral glucose tolerance test and fast-
ing plasma glucose and insulin, independent of
Hackensack, NJ, USA), who summarized this data.
weight loss. Subjects who underwent omentectomy
According to the published data, both laparoscopic
tended to lose more weight than controls, although
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGBP) and laparo-
scopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) signifi-
Ileal transposition is another possibility for meta-
cantly elevate basal and meal-simulated PYY levels,
bolic surgery that could determine metabolic bene-
which may mediate suppression of appetite, improv-
fits through increasing the incretin circulating levels.
ing weight loss.62 A study aimed to evaluate the
A pilot study in 19 obese patients (mean BMI=40.2)
short-term changes in insulin resistance, comparing
in which this procedure was performed with con-
LAGB and LRYGBP, using the Homeostasis Model
comittant partial gastrectomy found 46% weight loss
Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR).
after 16 months. Among 5 patients with diabetes
Preoperative values were compared to levels 90 days
diagnosed at baseline, the glucose levels were nor-
after surgery, and baseline HbA1c was 5.7% in both
malized 3 weeks after the surgery.66 Another possi-
groups. After 90 days, insulin resistance dropped in
bility is duodenal exclusion as a mediator mecha-
both groups, but significantly more in the LRYGBP
nism for improvement in glucose homeostasis
group. In both groups postoperative HOMA-IR cor-
through altered signals from the excluded foregut, as
related with preoperative values but not with weight
has been shown in a study with a T2DM rat model,
loss. The authors argued that these findings suggest
in which the bypass ameliorated diabetes.60
that caloric restriction plays a significant role in
This International Symposium on Incretins and its
improving insulin resistance after both LAGB and
importance in the clinical and surgical approach to
LRYGBP.63 Looking at the data from the vast expe-
the diabetic and obese population brought to light
rience of his center, he concluded that bariatric oper-
several possibilities and trends in this area, that need
ations decrease insulin resistance through three sep-
to be further explored in the near future, opening
arate, but overlapping mechanisms: 1) severe caloric
more possibilities in this new and exciting field.
restriction, 2) alterations in the enteroinsular axis,and 3) fat loss (adipo-insular axis). References
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Hieronder de weergave van het debat dat ik voerde met Ivo van Hilvoorde op 4 september 2008, dat is opgenomen in het boek ‘Supergenen en turbosporters’ van Sietse van der Hoek en Toine Pieters. Naar een nieuwe mens? …. Schandaalgevoeligheid Het hoeft niet te verbazen dat het onderwerp genetica, gezien het naziverleden, vooral in Duitsland een grote schandaalgevoeligheid heeft.
Les Nystagmus Fichier PDF créé le dimanche 9 mars 2014Les mouvements oculaires ont pour fonction fondamentale dêtre au service de la vision et du regard qui comportentdeux systèmes : la vision focale et la vision panoramique. Pour le bon fonctionnement de chaque système, desmouvements conjugués des yeux sont nécessaires. 2. les mouvements oculaires rapides (saccades),4. les mouvem