Overview of Treatments for Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder and Spectrum Conditions: Conceptualization, Theory, and Practice Nicholas Maltby, PhD David F. Tolin, PhD
This paper presents an overview of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and theobsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders (OCSDs) by outlining the major arguments for and against the spectrum construct. Cognitive, behavioral, and biological models are reviewed, as are assessment strategies for adults and children. Treatment options forOCD are critically evaluated, and it is argued that exposure and ritual prevention (ERP)has the best support as the first-line psychological treatment. Suggestions forovercoming the most common obstacles faced during treatment are provided. Inaddition, strategies for dealing with partial or nonresponse or treatment refusal arediscussed. Stepped-care models are presented as a potential method of addressing theproblems caused by the expense and time commitment of existing treatments. [BriefTreatment and Crisis Intervention 3:127–144 (2003)]
KEY WORDS: obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive spectrum, reviews,
cognitive-behavioral therapy, pharmacotherapy.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chro-
sion, and alcohol abuse). OCD often severely dis-
nic anxiety disorder, marked by recurrent, in-
rupts social and vocational functioning (Leon,
trusive, and distressing thoughts (obsessions)
Portera, & Weissman, 1995), and it is associated
and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Epi-
with a fourfold risk of unemployment (Koran,
demiological data suggest a 6-month prevalence
Thienemann, & Davenport, 1996). Family func-
of 1–2% (Myers et al., 1984) and a lifetime
tioning is usually impaired, due in part to the
prevalence of 2–3% (Robins et al., 1984), mak-
large burden assumed by spouses and parents
ing OCD the world’s fourth most common men-
(Amir, Freshman, & Foa, 2000; Calvocoressi et
tal disorder (exceeded only by phobias, depres-
al., 1995). Age of onset is typically early, be-tween 10 and 23 years (Rasmussen & Tsuang,1986), and the disorder is usually chronic. Be-
From the Anxiety Disorders Center at The Institute of Livingin Hartford, CT.
cause of OCD’s high prevalence and because of
Contact author: Nicholas Maltby, PhD, Anxiety Disorders
the chronic, debilitating nature of its symptoms,
Center, The Institute of Living, 200 Retreat Avenue, Hart-
ford, CT 06106. Phone: (860) 545-7685. Fax: (860) 545-7156. E-mail: nmaltby@harthosp.org.
among the top 10 causes of years lived with
illness-related disability (Murray & Lopez, 1996).
The symptoms of OCD tend to cluster into rec-
from obsessions by their function. Obsessions
ognizable subtypes. Checking and washing are
elicit anxiety, while compulsions either reduce
the most common and together account for over
anxiety or are completed to stave off a perceived
50% of OCD cases (Foa et al., 1995; Mataix-Cols,
consequence. It is very rare for an OCD patient
Baer, Rauch, & Jenike, 2000). Other common
not to engage in ritualizing; 99.8% of OCD pa-
subtypes include doubting, mental ritualizing,
tients describe either mixed behavioral and
ordering, hoarding, and scrupulosity (Foa, Ko-
mental compulsions, or behavioral compulsions
zak, Salkovskis, Coles, & Amir, 1998). A num-
only (Foa et al., 1995). Thus, the presence of
ber of studies have attempted to empirically de-
covert rituals should be routinely assessed, es-
rive OCD subtypes by applying factor analysis
pecially in the absence of overt compulsions.
to the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) symptom checklist (Goodman, Price,Rasmussen, Mazure, Delgado, et al., 1989;
OCD Spectrum Disorders
Goodman, Price, Rasmussen, Mazure, Fleisch-mann, et al., 1989). These studies yield from
Although obsessions and compulsions are the
three to five factors with a high degree of con-
defining criteria for OCD, these symptoms are
sensus across studies. All studies identified a
also present in a number of other disorders. For
contamination/cleaning factor, and all studies
example, body dysmorphic disorder, Tourette’s
with four or more factors identified obsessions/
syndrome, and trichotillomania all involve in-
checking, symmetry/ordering, and hoarding as
trusive or repetitive thoughts or behaviors. Be-
factors (Leckman et al., 1997; Mataix-Cols,
cause of the phenomenological overlap of these
Rauch, Manzo, Jenike, & Baer, 1999; Summer-
disorders with OCD, as well as their apparent pre-
feldt, Richter, Antony, & Swinson, 1999).
ferential response to serotonergic medications,
Mataix-Cols and colleagues (1999) added an ad-
researchers have proposed grouping these disor-
ditional factor, sexual/religious obsessions, in
ders together into a category called obsessive-
their five-factor solution, while Baer’s (1994)
compulsive spectrum disorders (OCSDs). It has
three-factor solution combined symmetry and
been argued that the OCSDs affect as many as
hoarding into one factor and added another fac-
10% of the U.S. population and cause significant
tor, “pure obsessions,” that may be consistent
economic burden, as well as disruptions in qual-
with the obsessions/checking factor in other
ity of life (Hollander et al., 1996).
studies. Thus, factor-analytic studies are gener-
One conceptualization places OCSDs along a
ally consistent in identifying at least four core
continuum from “compulsive” to “impulsive”
subtypes of OCD: washing, checking, ordering,
(Hollander et al., 1996). The “compulsive” end
of the spectrum is characterized by harm–
avoidant rituals and includes OCD, hypochon-
the prevalence of patients classified as being
driasis, restrictive anorexia, and body dysmor-
“purely” obsessional, without any compul-
phic disorder (McElroy, Phillips, & Keck, 1994).
sions. This notion may be an artifact of early def-
The “impulsive” end of the spectrum is char-
initions of OCD, which maintained that obses-
acterized by self-damaging behaviors and in-
sions were mental events and that compulsions
cludes trichotillomania, compulsive gambling,
were overt behaviors. However, current theories
Tourette’s syndrome, bulimia nervosa, klep-
recognize that compulsions can be either actions
tomania, and impulsive personality disorders
or thoughts. Mental compulsions (e.g., mental
(McElroy et al., 1994). Another conceptualization
review, counting, praying) are differentiated
places disorders along a motoric/obsessional di-
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
mension. Motoric disorders involve repetitive
orate on specific OCSDs and their relationship
behaviors without obsessions (e.g., Tourette’s
disorder). Obsessional disorders reflect the in-verse pattern of obsessions without repetitivebehaviors (Hollander & Wong, 2000). Models of OCD
versy over the degree to which they reflect ei-
ther a more unified disorder or many distinctdisorders. Patients with OCD frequently present
Behavioral models of OCD (e.g., Kozak & Foa,
with symptoms of more than one subtype (Ras-
1997) posit that compulsive behaviors are a form
mussen & Eisen, 1988), suggesting a more uni-
of avoidance that maintain obsessive fears via
fied solution. However, that some subtypes of
negative reinforcement (anxiety reduction) and
OCD appear to respond differentially to different
by blocking opportunities for habituation to
treatments (Buchanan, Meng, & Marks, 1996;
feared objects and situations. Indeed, labora-
Jenike, Baer, Minichiello, Rauch, & Buttolph,
tory studies show that exposure to feared stim-
1997; Lelliott, Noshirvani, Basoglu, Marks, &
uli increased patients’ anxiety, whereas per-
Monteiro, 1988; Rachman, 1980) suggests that
forming compulsions led to decreased anxiety
they may be distinct disorders. Similarly, critics
(Hodgson & Rachman, 1972). Some individuals
argue that the concept of the OCD spectrum is
with OCD, generally checkers, do report in-
predicated mainly on superficial similarities in
creased fear after performing compulsions
surface topography, selective interpretation of
(Roper, Rachman, & Hodgson, 1973); however,
medication response data, and misinterpreta-
mildly anxiety-evoking behaviors might be con-
tion of relatively sparse and inconsistent neuro-
sidered as avoidance behaviors if they serve to
imaging data. Behaviors that resemble each
prevent the occurrence of strong anxiety (Herrn-
other, they argue, may not represent the same
stein, 1969). Thus, while checking the stove may
illness, and impulsive behaviors do not serve the
elicit anxiety in some patients, refraining from
same neutralizing function as do compulsions
checking the stove is perceived as an even more
(Abramowitz & Houts, in press; Tolin & Foa,
anxiety-producing event because of the in-
2001). In addition, the spectrum concept could
creased risk of an aversive event (e.g., the house
become overinclusive. For example, the same
burning down). In summary, the specific func-
similarities used to relate Tourette’s syndrome to
tion of compulsions may vary, but the general
OCD have also been used to relate Tourette’s syn-
function appears to be one of anxiety reduction
drome to autistic spectrum disorders (Barnhill &
Horrigan, 2002; Bejerot, Nylander, & Lind-strom, 2001). On the other hand, some of the
spectrum disorders tend to respond to similarpharmacological and psychosocial treatments,
Traditional cognitive models of psychopathol-
and some demonstrate a functional relationship
ogy have been “top-down”; that is, they empha-
between mental and behavioral events that par-
size the role of dysfunctional cognitions in the
allels that of OCD; it is therefore suggested that
etiology and maintenance of disorders (Beck,
at least some OCSDs may be related to OCD. Ar-
Emery, & Greenberg, 1985). According to such
ticles by Steketee and Neziroglu, Stemberger,
models, OCD is characterized by dysfunctional
Stein, and Mansueto, and Deckersbach, Keu-
assumptions, such as overestimation of threat,
then, and Wilhelm in this special issue will elab-
intolerance of uncertainty, importance of
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
thoughts, need to control thoughts, responsibil-
serotonergic medications or a placebo. However,
ity, and perfectionism (Obsessive Compulsive
more direct tests of the serotonin hypothesis,
Cognitions Working Group, 1997). Thus, OCD
such as biological challenge studies, have been
develops and is maintained as normal unpleas-
inconclusive (Barr, Goodman, & Price, 1993;
ant thoughts as being perceived as harmful, im-
Barr, Goodman, Price, McDougle, & Charney,
moral, or dangerous. Such beliefs are strength-
1992). Neuroimaging and neurosurgical evidence
ened when neutralizing strategies lead to de-
suggests that OCD is associated with hyper-
creased anxiety, a factor that overlaps with the
activity in frontal-striatal curcuits of the brain,
behavioral model (Rachman, 1998; Salkovskis,
which includes the orbitofrontal cortex, an-
1985). More recent models of psychopathology
terior cingulate cortex (ACC), caudate nucleus,
have been “bottom-up,” reflecting an emphasis
and thalamus (Baxter, 1992; Breiter et al., 1996;
not on beliefs but rather on the processes of
Saxena & Rauch, 2000). The biological models of
mental activity (Williams, Watts, MacLeod, &
OCD are not wholly separate from cognitive-
Mathews, 1997). Information-processing stud-
behavioral models. Neurotransmitter activity,
ies of OCD have shown that OCD is characterized
regional metabolic actvity, behavioral reinforce-
by an attentional bias toward threat cues (Foa,
ment, maladaptive beliefs, and information-
Ilai, McCarthy, Shoyer, & Murdock, 1993; Lavy,
processing biases may be conceptualized as diff-
van Oppen, & van den Hout, 1994); increased
erent ways of understanding OCD symptoms.
memory for, and impaired forgetting of, threat-
Similarly, each of these systems might be thought
related stimuli (Constans, Foa, Franklin, &
to influence the others, rather than rely on a sin-
Mathews, 1995; Radomsky & Rachman, 1999;
gular direction of causality (e.g., biological ir-
Tolin, Hamlin, & Foa, 2002; Wilhelm, McNally,
regularities cause dysfunctional behaviors). As
Baer, & Florin, 1996); decreased memory confi-
an example of these complex interrelationships,
dence (Constans et al., 1995; Tolin, Abramowitz,
both SRI medications and behavior therapy ap-
Brigidi, et al., 2001); and difficulty inhibiting
pear to produce comparable changes in brain
the processing of irrelevant information (En-
metabolic activity (Schwartz, Stoessel, Baxter,
right & Beech, 1990, 1993; Tolin, Abramowitz,
Przeworski, & Foa, 2002). Bottom-up and top-down models of OCD should not be consideredmutually exclusive; indeed, we propose that an
Assessment of OCD
integrated cognitive-behavioral model of OCDmust take into account both dysfunctional be-
Steketee and Neziroglu in this volume discuss
liefs and biases as well as deficits in information
assessment strategies for OCD. In our clinic, as-
sessment of OCD includes a comprehensive eval-uation of current and past OCD symptoms, asso-ciated functional impairments, the patient’s de-
gree of insight into the senselessness of OCD
Biological models of OCD have focused on the
symptoms, and structured interviews for co-
role of abnormal serotonin metabolism and hy-
morbid Axis I and Axis II psychopathology.
peractive frontal-striatal circuits in creating the
In addition, we examine the patient’s under-
symptoms of OCD. The serotonin hypothesis standing of OCD and its treatment, and weis predicated on the observation that patients
provide education as needed. The Yale-Brown
with OCD respond preferentially to serotonin
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) (Good-
reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) as opposed to non-
man, Price, Rasmussen, Mazure, Delgado, et al.,
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
fear, for facilitating treatment planning, for
Fleischmann, et al., 1989) is considered the
monitoring progress, and for measuring treat-
“gold standard” of OCD assessment. This semi-
ment outcome (Mavissakalian & Barlow, 1981).
structured interview contains a symptom check-
Behavioral-avoidance tests (BATs) represent one
list and a severity scale. The symptom checklist
form of behavioral assessment that can be tai-
includes a list of obsessions and compulsions,
lored to the patient’s symptom profile. For ex-
categorized according to content. The severity
ample, patients with contamination concerns
scale of the Y-BOCS assesses symptom severity
may be asked to touch “dirty” objects like door-
using five questions for obsessions and five knobs, garbage cans, or toilets; checkers may befor compulsions. A variation of the Y-BOCS, the
asked to leave doors unlocked, to drive over pot-
Child Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale
holes, or to leave objects in a manner that might
(CY-BOCS; Scahill et al., 1997), is used for chil-
cause someone harm (e.g., placing sticks on a
pathway); hoarders can bring objects into the
A number of standardized self-report mea-
office to be discarded; and patients with order-
sures have been developed for the assessment of
ing compulsions can be asked to misarrange ob-
OCD. Because of their ease of use and relatively
jects in their house or car. Because of the idio-
quick completion time, these measures may
syncratic nature of many compulsions, behav-
provide greater utility in monitoring treatment
ioral assessment often requires creativity and
progress than do structured interviews. A num-
the willingness to travel with the patient. As
ber of sources (e.g., Antony, Orsillo, & Roemer,
will be discussed later, such BATs tie in nicely
2001) provide detailed examination of individ-
with exposure and ritual-prevention exercises
ual measures, but a brief listing of the most com-
that are used to reduce the patient’s fear of these
monly used inventories includes a self-report
version of the Y-BOCS (Warren, Zgourides, &Monto, 1993); the Obsessive Compulsive In-ventory (Foa et al., 1998; a recently published,
Treatment of OCD
abbreviated version of which appears in Foa etal., in press); the Maudsley Obsessional Com-
Exposure and Ritual Prevention
pulsive Inventory (Hodgson & Rachman, 1977);and the Padua Inventory (Sanavio, 1988). In ad-
Exposure and ritual prevention (ERP), also
dition to these diagnostic measures, several
called exposure and response prevention, con-
other measures have been published that assess
sists of gradual, prolonged exposure to fear-
cognitive features thought to underlie OCD; we
eliciting stimuli or situations, combined with
routinely include these measures as part of a
strict abstinence from compulsive behavior. In
practice, this treatment would mean that a pa-
sures include the Obsessive Beliefs Question-
tient with contamination concerns, for example,
naire (Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Work-
would be encouraged to touch progressively
ing Group, 2001), the Thought-Action Fusion
“germier” objects while simultaneously refrain-
Scale (Shafran, Thordarson, & Rachman, 1996),
ing from washing or cleaning. Similarly, a patient
and the Thought Control Questionnaire (Wells
with obsessive concerns about harming other
people while driving might be encouraged to
drive in increasingly congested areas without
not commonly reported in the literature, but it
looking in the rearview mirror. The purpose of
can be very useful for evaluating the severity of
these exercises is to allow patients to experience
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
a reduction of their fear response, to recognize
symptoms, and they must be willing to leave the
that these situations are not excessively danger-
office because many exposures can only be done
ous, and to accept their fear will not last forever.
in the patient’s home or at another fear-relevant
Thus, although ERP is a “behavioral” interven-
tion, its mechanism of action may well be cogni-
Numerous studies attest to the efficacy of ERP
in adult outpatients with OCD (e.g., Cottraux,
One of the more difficult aspects of ERP is that
Mollard, Bouvard, & Marks, 1993; Fals-Stewart,
patients must eventually be willing to perform
Marks, & Schafer, 1993; Kozak, Liebowitz, &
exposures to their highest fears—and these ex-
Foa, 2000; Lindsay, Crino, & Andrews, 1997;
posures often feel very risky to the patient. For
van Balkom et al., 1998). Approximately 75% of
instance, the highest exposure for the contami-
patients treated with ERP improve significantly,
nation patient just mentioned might be touch-
usually defined as 30 to 50% improvement, and
ing a toilet in a public restroom. To help patients
they remain so at follow-up (Franklin & Foa,
make judgments about the appropriateness of an
1998). Despite this fact, ERP is not widely used
exposure, we often use the principle of accept-
by mental health practitioners, as shown by a re-
able risk in defining the range of possible expo-
cent survey of nine Boston-area hospitals and
sures with the patient. No exposure is risk free;
clinics, many of which are known for their ex-
however, the risk of the exposure may be simi-
pertise in treating anxiety disorders (Goisman et
lar to risks commonly taken every day and thus
al., 1993). One possible explanation for this dis-
be acceptable. For instance, the patient who
crepancy is that while ERP is efficacious, it may
balks at touching a toilet without hand washing
not be cost effective. ERP is time consuming and
may be asked to compare the risk of this expo-
expensive; thus, many patients and third-party
sure to that of a camping trip where cleanliness
payers are unable or unwilling to pay for treat-
is often delayed for days or weeks. We also find
it helpful to encourage patients to assume that a
also refuse ERP (Franklin & Foa, 1998), presum-
situation is safe unless there is clear evidence to
ably because of apprehension about the diffi-
the contrary; typically, OCD patients tend to as-
culty and intensity of the treatment. To address
sume a situation is dangerous unless they can
this obstacle, we (Maltby, Tolin, & Diefenbach,
find clear evidence of safety (which is often dif-
2002) have developed a brief, four-session readi-
ficult to obtain). Therapists can influence the
ness intervention consisting of psychoeduca-
patient’s willingness to engage in more difficult
tion, a videotape example of an ERP session, mo-
exposures by preparing the patient for these at
tivational interviewing techniques, and a phone
an early stage, by maintaining an expectation
conversation with a former ERP patient. Initial
that they will be doing so, and by collabora-
results are encouraging: to date, 60% of patients
tively engaging in exposures along with the pa-
receiving the readiness intervention chose to
tient. With this in mind, it is also important to
begin ERP, whereas only 20% of patients in a
pace the level of anxiety elicited during expo-
sures. Exposures should elicit anxiety, but notso much that the patient feels overwhelmed. Cognitive Therapy
Regular subjective units of distress (SUDS) rat-ings can help gauge levels of anxiety. As can be
We believe that the distinction between “be-
seen, ERP demands flexibility of the patient and
havioral” and “cognitive” therapy is somewhat
clinician. Therapists must be able to design cre-
arbitrary. During ERP, we routinely assist pa-
ative exposures that address the patient’s OCD
tients in changing inaccurate beliefs about
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
feared situations, such as pointing out that
The specific efficacy of CT for OCD has not
feared consequences did not occur or that the
been firmly established. In two studies, RET was
patient’s fear did not remain forever. Similarly,
found to yield results that did not differ from
cognitive therapy (CT) often involves direct be-
those of ERP (Emmelkamp, Visser, & Hoekstra,
havioral suggestions to reduce avoidant behav-
1988), and the addition of RET to ERP did not
ior. In OCD, the specific goal of CT is to teach pa-
appear to enhance treatment results (Emmel-
tients to identify and correct their dysfunc-
kamp & Beens, 1991). In comparative efficacy
tional beliefs about feared situations (e.g.,
studies of adults with OCD, Beck-style CT pro-
Freeston et al., 1997). Wilhelm (this issue) elab-
duced moderately strong results that did not
orates on the use of CT, so we will describe it
differ significantly from those of ERP (Cottraux
here only briefly. To date, CT strategies have em-
et al., 2001; van Balkom et al., 1998; van Oppen
phasized the top-down (beliefs and appraisals),
et al., 1995); in a comparison study of group treat-
rather than the bottom-up (information pro-
ment, CT yielded moderate results that were not
cessing), cognitive models of OCD. In most
as strong as those obtained using group ERP
cases, this strategy has involved either rational-
(McLean et al., 2001). It should be noted, how-
emotive therapy (RET), in which irrational
ever, that in each of these CT comparison stud-
thoughts are identified and targeted via rational
ies, ERP sessions were briefer and more widely
debate, or CT along the lines of Beck and col-
spaced than were those used in ERP studies
leagues (1985), in which Socratic questioning
(Kozak et al., 2000), and they did not emphasize
and behavioral experiments are used to chal-
intense, therapist-assisted exposures. Our pref-
lenge the validity of distorted thoughts. In ei-
erence, based on these data, is to use ERP when-
ther case, the patients are asked to elaborate ever possible. However, cognitive therapy mayon their “automatic” appraisals of feared situa-
play a useful, adjunctive role when ERP has not
tions, and they are then taught to identify the
produced optimal results. In an open trial with
inaccuracies or logical inconsistencies in those
five adult OCD patients who had failed to re-
thoughts. For example, a patient with contami-
spond to pharmacotherapy and ERP, an inten-
nation concerns may identify the belief that all
sive CT program was associated with decreases
germs are dangerous. The therapist helps the pa-
in self-reported OCD symptoms (Krochmalik,
tient to identify and label the irrational features
of this belief (e.g., “overgeneralization”). Thepatients are then instructed to monitor the oc-
Anxiety Management Training
currence of this thought in their daily life, andthey are given specific instructions for challeng-
Some clinicians have argued for the use of anxi-
ing the thought. In this case, the patient might
ety management training (AMT) in the treat-
be instructed either to recall that many germs
ment of patients with OCD, particularly with
are benign or even beneficial or to acknowledge
children (March & Mulle, 1998). AMT strategies
that deaths from germs are more rare than would
include training in slow, diaphragmatic breath-
be expected if this thought were true. The pa-
ing; progressive muscle relaxation; and coping
tient may be encouraged to conduct behavioral
imagery. AMT strategies such as relaxation have
experiments, in which they come into contact
not been shown to be an effective component of
with certain germs in order to see that they are
treatment for OCD (Marks, 1987). Because AMT
not harmed. The overlap of these strategies with
strategies are designed to reduce exposure to
ERP should be clear; we suggest that the differ-
anxiety, they may interfere with the core pro-
cess of ERP—that is, evoking anxiety to allow
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
for habituation and cognitive change to occur.
do SSRIs but that no SSRI is superior to any
In general, patients are able to tolerate the dis-
other (Greist, Jefferson, Kobak, Katzelnick, &
tress of ERP, and they therefore do not require
Serlin, 1995; Stein, Spadaccini, & Hollander,
AMT (Franklin, Tolin, March, & Foa, 2001).
1995). However, clomipramine’s side-effect pro-
However, some patients may be so anxious at
file prevents it from being widely accepted as a
baseline that they are unable to tolerate even
first-line intervention; prescribers typically pre-
mild exposure; thus, AMT may be a useful ad-
fer to begin pharmacotherapy with the more
easily tolerated SSRIs. In a large randomizedcontrolled trial, clomipramine was superior toplacebo. However, ERP was superior to clom-
ipramine (85% responder rate vs. 50%, respec-
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are the
tively). Interestingly, and contrary to common
first-line pharmacological treatment of choice
clinical practice, the combination of clomipra-
for OCD (Rasmussen & Eisen, 1997). These are
mine and ERP yielded a 71% responder rate,
also reviewed by Pato and colleagues in this is-
which was superior to clomipramine alone but
sue. SRIs commonly used in OCD treatment in-
not to ERP alone (Kozak et al., 2000). Another
clude the selective SRIs (SSRIs) fluoxetine, ser-
randomized controlled trial found that fluvox-
traline, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and citalopram;
amine yielded similar treatment outcomes as
the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhib-
ERP and CT did, and all were superior to pla-
itor (SNRI) venlafaxine; and the tricyclic anti-
depressant clomipramine. Although 30–60% ofpatients respond to treatment utilizing SRIs,relapse rates are high (65–90%) when acute treat-
Predictors of Treatment Response
ment is discontinued. Longer-term pharmaco-therapy may therefore be required. Most re-
No reliable markers of treatment response have
searchers recommend at least one year of con-
been identified for cognitive-behavioral or phar-
tinued treatment following successful treatment
macological treatments. Some studies have
(March, Frances, Carpenter, & Kahn, 1997); how-
found that higher initial severity of OCD symp-
ever, few studies of maintenance treatment have
toms was associated with poorer outcomes (de
been conducted. In one discontinuation study
Haan et al., 1997; Keijsers, Hoogduin, & Schaap,
(Koran, Hackett, Rubin, Wolkow, & Robinson,
1994) while others have not (Cottraux, Messy,
2002), patients randomly assigned to receive pla-
Marks, Mollard, & Bouvard, 1993; Steketee &
cebo following one year of sertraline were more
Shapiro, 1995). Research on the effects of co-
likely to experience an acute exacerbation in
morbid personality disorders is similarly mixed,
their OCD symptoms as measured by the Y-BOCS
with some studies that found attenuated treat-
and CGI than were patients who continued to re-
ment response and with other studies that did
ceive sertraline. In a discontinuation study of
not (Fals-Stewart & Lucente, 1993; Fals-Stewart
CBT versus clomipramine (O’Sullivan, Noshir-
& Schafer, 1993; Mavissakalian, Hamann, &
vani, Marks, Monteiro, & Lelliott, 1991), patients
Jones, 1990; Steketee, 1990). Type of OCD may
who received CBT fared better at 6-year follow-
also be related to outcome. Hoarding in particu-
up than did clomipramine patients, who did not
lar has been associated with poor response to
differ from patients who had received placebo.
ERP (Abramowitz, Franklin, Schwartz, & Furr,
Meta-analytic studies suggest that clomipra-
2002; Black et al., 1998; Mataix-Cols, Marks,
mine yields higher rates of responding than Greist, Kobak, & Baer, 2002), SRI medications
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
(Black et al., 1998; Mataix-Cols et al., 1999) or
interventions tailored to the idiosyncratic na-
their combination (Saxena et al., 2002). Like-
ture of hoarding-related symptoms (Hartl &
wise, sexual and religious concerns have also
been associated with poor response to ERP(Mataix-Cols et al., 2002); this factor may be due to poorer insight among patients in these
Treatment Augmentations
subgroups (Tolin, Abramowitz, Kozak, & Foa,2001). Duration of OCD was unrelated to out-
Partial or nonresponse is common among cogni-
come in two studies of CBT (Cottraux, Messy, et
tive-behavioral and pharmacological interven-
al., 1993; Steketee & Shapiro, 1995), but later
tions for OCD. In general, the recommendation is
age of onset was associated with positive out-
to augment or change to an alternative treat-
come in one study of clomipramine (Ackerman,
ment when a patient reports an insufficient re-
Greenland, Bystritsky, Morgenstern, & Katz,
sponse to a treatment of adequate dose and du-
1994). Early reports suggested that pretreatment
ration (March et al., 1997; McDonough & Ken-
depression predicted poorer outcome of ERP
nedy, 2002). Thus, an inadequate response to
(Foa, 1979); however, later research indicated
an SRI could be followed by CBT with a differ-
that highly and mildly depressed patients re-
ent SRI, or it could be augmented with a differ-
sponded similarly to treatment (Foa, Kozak, Ste-
ent class of medications. Inadequate responses
ketee, & McCarthy, 1992). In a large sample of
to CBT may be addressed by using an alternate
OCD patients, only severe depression was asso-
form of CBT or by adding SRI augmentation.
ciated with attenuated outcome of ERP, al-
Medications typically used to augment SRI
though even those patients showed significant
treatment include clonazepam, buspirone, l-tryp-
clinical improvement (Abramowitz, Franklin,
tophan, lithium, olanzapine, and risperidone
Street, Kozak, & Foa, 2000). Lower initial moti-
(McDonough & Kennedy, 2002). Empirical stud-
vation appears to be associated with poorer out-
ies of these recommendations, however, have
come of cognitive-behavioral therapy (de Haan
been lacking. A recent study indicated that seven
et al., 1997; Keijsers et al., 1994); this result may
of nine patients who had failed to respond to flu-
be mediated by reduced follow-through with
oxetine showed at least a 25% Y-BOCS reduc-
exposure exercises (Araujo, Ito, & Marks, 1996;
tion when treated with weekly ERP. We are cur-
O’Sullivan et al., 1991). Insight into the irra-
rently examining the efficacy of ERP for pa-
tionality of obsessive fears has been associated
tients who have failed to respond to multiple
with poorer outcome in some studies of pharma-
SRI trials; preliminary results suggest that OCD
cotherapy and CBT (Catapano, Sperandeo, Per-
symptoms decrease with ERP augmentation, but
ris, Lanzaro, & Maj, 2001; Erzegovesi et al.,
to a lesser extent than has been found with treat-
2001; Foa, 1979; Neziroglu, Stevens, & Yaryura-
ment-naïve patients (Tolin, Diefenbach, Maltby,
Tobias, 1999), but not in others (Eisen et al.,
Woodhams, & Worhunsky, 2002). Similarly, a
2001; Foa et al., 1983; Hoogduin & Duivenvoor-
highly focused cognitive therapy has been asso-
den, 1988). Ideally, further research on predic-
ciated with significant improvements for some
tors of outcome will lead to the development of
patients who had previously failed ERP or mul-
treatment algorithms in which patients can be
tiple trials of SRI medications (Jones & Menzies,
matched a priori to specific treatments; how-
ever, the available body of research does not yet
Because of OCD’s substantial impact on family
support such decisions with the possible ex-
functioning as well as the risk of family mem-
ception of hoarding, which may require specific
bers’ accommodating (and inadvertently rein-
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
forcing) patients’ compulsions (Amir et al.,
Future Directions
2000; Calvocoressi et al., 1995), family interven-tion may also be indicated as a supplement to
Given that OCD is heterogeneous and that many
traditional CBT and pharmacological interven-
OCD subtypes and OCSDs may respond differ-
tions. In individual and group settings, inclu-
entially to existing behavioral and pharmaco-
sion of family members resulted in superior out-
logical treatments, one potential goal of future
comes than did CBT alone (Grunes, Neziroglu, &
research is to construct treatment algorithms
McKay, 2001; Van Noppen, Steketee, McCorkle,
based on predictors of outcome. As described
& Pato, 1997). Family intervention is particu-
previously, this line of research is in its infancy.
larly helpful in the treatment of children with
However, early research has indicated that
OCD, by training parents to utilize ERP methods
unique variations of CBT can be developed for
(Knox, Albano, & Barlow, 1996). In some cases,
family intervention alone may be sufficient to
(Hartl & Frost, 1999), contamination fears (Kroch-
elicit reductions in compulsive behaviors, such
malik et al., 2001), trichotillomania (Lerner,
as instructing parents not to respond to exces-
Franklin, Meadows, Hembree, & Foa, 1998; Ni-
sive reassurance-seeking (Francis, 1988; Tolin,
nan, Rothbaum, Marsteller, Knight, & Eccard,
2000; Tolin, Franklin, Diefenbach, & Gross,
For patients with severe, intractable, and de-
2002), hypochondriasis (Clark et al., 1998; Vis-
bilitating OCD that has failed to respond to ser & Bouman, 2001; Warwick, Clark, Cobb, &CBT and pharmacological interventions, neuro-
Salkovskis, 1996), and body dysmorphic disor-
surgery may be an option. Current neurosurgi-
der (McKay et al., 1997; Wilhelm, Otto, Lohr, &
cal approaches include subcaudate tractomy
(Bridges et al., 1994), anterior cingulotomy (Baer
Nonetheless, the lack of a comprehensive bio-
et al., 1995; Dougherty et al., 2002), anterior
psychosocial model of OCD and OCSDs likely
capsulotomy (Mindus & Nyman, 1991), and
impedes progress in understanding and treat-
combined orbitomedial/cingulate lesions (Hay
ing these conditions. In other disorders (such
et al., 1993). To date, no controlled studies of
as panic disorder), the development of such
these procedures have been conducted; how-
models has led to significant advances in con-
ever, the available evidence suggest that 20–
ceptualization and treatment (e.g., Clark, 1986).
40% of patients receive significant benefits from
Indeed, Foa and Kozak (1997) suggest that be-
these procedures, though many patients require
havior therapy in general may have reached an
more than one operation (Baer et al., 1995;
“efficacy ceiling” that will only be broken by
Bridges et al., 1994; Dougherty et al., 2002; Hay
et al., 1993; Rauch et al., 2001). Newer tech-
research. In addition to potentially advancing
niques that minimize or avoid destruction of
the treatment of OCD, biopsychosocial models
brain tissue such as transcranial magnetic stim-
may provide testable hypotheses that help re-
ulation and deep brain stimulation are being de-
solve the current controversies in OCD re-
veloped but their efficacy has yet to be estab-
search, such as the heterogeneity problem and
lished (Greenberg et al., 2000; Malhi & Sachdev,
the relative placement of spectrum disorders.
2002; Nuttin, Cosyns, Demeulemeester, Gybels,
We suggest that a comprehensive biopsycho-
& Meyerson, 1999; Sachdev et al., 2001).
social model must explain and predict not onlyobsessions and compulsions, but also the at-tributional and information-processing biases
Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention / 3:2 Summer 2003
noted in OCD, findings from neuroimaging stud-
Abramowitz, J. S., Franklin, M. E., Street, G. P.,
ies, and genetic and familial factors.
Kozak, M. J., & Foa, E. B. (2000). Effects of co-
morbid depression on response to treatment for
ment of CBT have been identified as barriers to
obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Therapy,
treatment, there is a need to develop alter-
Abramowitz, J. S., & Houts, A. C. (in press). What
native treatment algorithms that are acceptable
is OCD and what is not: Problems with the OCD
to patients, that contain costs, and that deliver
spectrum concept. Scientific Review of Mental
the most effective treatment components. Group
therapy represents one promising area of treat-
Ackerman, D. L., Greenland, S., Bystritsky, A.,
ment development; preliminary results indi-
Morgenstern, H., & Katz, R. J. (1994). Predictors
cate that CBT can be delivered effectively in a
of treatment response in obsessive-compulsive
brief group format, with good results (Himle
disorder: Multivariate analyses from a multi-
et al., 2001; McLean et al., 2001; Van Noppen,
center trial of clomipramine. Journal of Clinical
Pato, Marsland, & Rasmussen, 1998). Other re-
Psychopharmacology, 14, 247–254.
searchers have explored the use of self-help
Amir, N., Freshman, M., & Foa, E. B. (2000). Family
manuals (Fritzler, Hecker, & Losee, 1997) and
distress and involvement in relatives of obsessive-
computer-assisted therapy (Baer & Greist, 1997;
compulsive disorder patients. Journal of Anxiety
Baer, Minichiello, Jenike, & Holland, 1988;
Antony, M. M., Orsillo, S. M., & Roemer, L. (Eds.).
Nakagawa et al., 2000) as ways of reducing
(2001). Practitioner’s guide to empirically based
health care costs. The utility of these approaches,
measures of anxiety. New York: Kluwer Academic/
however, is limited by the inability to self-
correct by providing patients with their opti-
Araujo, L. A., Ito, L. M., & Marks, I. (1996). Early
mal level of treatment and no more. A prefer-
compliance and other factors predicting outcome
able approach might be the use of stepped-care
of exposure for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
algorithms, in which patients initially receive
British Journal of Psychiatry, 169, 747–752.
the least expensive, intrusive, and difficult treat-
Baer, L. (1994). Factor analysis of symptom sub-
ment (e.g., self-help) and then step up through
types of obsessive compulsive disorder and their
more intensive treatment modalities if previ-
relation to personality and tic disorders. Journal
ous steps fail or yield only a partial response. We
of Clinical Psychiatry, 55(Suppl.), 18–23.
have been piloting stepped-care models of de-
Baer, L., & Greist, J. H. (1997). An interactive
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to determine if this model of delivering treat-
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