Ann Hematol (2003) 82:759–765DOI 10.1007/s00277-003-0710-5
Patrick D. Thornton · Estella Matutes ·Andrew G. Bosanquet · Anil K. Lakhani ·Henri Grech · Janet E. Ropner · Rajeev Joshi ·Peter H. Mackie · Ian D. C. Douglas ·Stella J. Bowcock · Daniel Catovsky
High dose methylprednisolone can induce remissions in CLL patientswith p53 abnormalities
Received: 2 April 2003 / Accepted: 3 June 2003 / Published online: 10 October 2003 Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract Abnormalities of the p53 gene are known to
apoptotic drug sensitivity index (DSI). HDMP was given
confer detrimental effects in chronic lymphocytic leukae-
alone or in combination with other drugs: vincristine,
mia (CLL) and are associated with short survival. We
CCNU, Ara-C, doxorubicin, mitoxantrone and chloram-
have used high dose methylprednisolone (HDMP) to treat
bucil, according to the results of DSI. Three patients were
25 patients with advanced refractory CLL of whom 45%
treated twice and each treatment was analysed separately.
had p53 abnormalities shown by one or more methods:
The overall response rate was 77% with a median
flow cytometry, fluorescent in situ hybridisation and
duration of 12 months (range 7 –23+). Responders
direct DNA sequencing. Fifteen were resistant to fludara-
included 5/10 with abnormal p53, of which two achieved
bine and 16 were non-responders to their most recent
nodular PR. Patients with p53 abnormalities fared worse
therapy. Methylprednisolone had a cytotoxic effect on
than those with normal p53. There were no differences in
lymphocytes from 95% of cases assessed by an ex vivo
response according to whether HDMP was used alone orin combination. Nine of the 22 evaluable patients (3 NRand 6 PR) have died from progressive disease or
P. D. Thornton · E. Matutes · D. Catovsky ())Academic Department of Haematology and Cytogenetics,
transformation. Main toxicity was infection in 7/25
patients. Event free and overall survival were significant-
ly better in responders vs non-responders (P>0.0001 and
P=0.04 respectively). Patients with a DSI of 100% to
steroids had a better overall and event free survival, but
this was not statistically significant. This study demon-
strates that HDMP alone or in combination with other
agents is a useful treatment strategy in refractory CLL
including patients with p53 abnormalities.
Keywords CLL · p53 gene · Methyl prednisolone · DisC
Farnborough Hospital, Kent, Orpington, UK
assay · Refractory CLL · Resistance to fludarabine · p53
Royal Berkshire Hospital, London Road, Reading, Berkshire, UK
J. E. RopnerGloucestershire Royal Hospital, Cheltenham, Gloucester, UK
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) usually follows a
St. Mary’s Hospital, Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight
relatively benign course with affected individuals surviv-
ing in excess of ten years, while in others, the disease
Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, UK
follows an aggressive course with a shorter survival. Initial management of symptomatic or progressive CLL
frequently involves alkylating agents, however resistance
Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road,
frequently develops. An important improvement in ther-
apy during the 1980’s was the introduction of the
nucleoside analogue fludarabine. Overall response rates
Queen Mary’s Sidcup NHS Trust, Frognal Avenue,
of 78% have been reported with fludarabine as first line
therapy, yet the response rate in previously treated
tance conferred by mutant p53 has been shown to be
patients is variable (12–94%) [1].
entirely independent of MDR1 or MDR3 [16, 17].
Moreover, fludarabine is not curative and most
We describe the response rate and outcome of
patients will eventually relapse after therapy. There are
refractory/advanced CLL patients (half of them refractory
a number of salvage regimens for relapsed or resistant
to fludarabine) in which a high percentage had abnor-
CLL, but few of these studies were aimed specifically at
malities of p53 determined by a variety of techniques. We
patients resistant to purine analogues. Furthermore, the
also ascertained by the drug sensitivity assay as a
myelotoxicity of anthracycline containing regimens and
predictor of response and showed that steroids, and
the increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections and
frequently vincristine, killed CLL cells with abnormal
autoimmune problems following purine analogues [2],
p53 function. This is most likely due to the fact that
may cause morbidity without the benefit of disease
steroids and vincristine can cause apoptosis independent
of the p53 pathway [11, 12]. We conclude that in vitro
The ex-vivo apoptotic drug sensitivity assay, previ-
testing and treatments with cellular killing mechanisms
ously known as differential staining cytotoxicity (DiSC)
independent of a normally functioning p53 is a rational
assay, has been shown to have a 92% predictive accuracy
and effective approach to the management of this poor
in identifying drug resistance with a sensitivity of 77%
[3]. Knowledge of ex-vivo resistance may enable us todetect patients who are unlikely to respond to certaincytotoxics thus avoiding unnecessary treatment and
morbidity. Cells from previously treated patients havebeen found to be more sensitive to methylprednisolone
This study included 25 patients with advanced CLL. Diagnosis was
than cells from untreated patients, and a good correlation
confirmed by morphology and immunophenotyping of peripheralblood lymphocytes using a CLL scoring system as previously
with ex-vivo responses and response to steroid treatment
described [18]. All the patients had received a median of three
as well as purine analogues has been reported [3, 4, 5].
previous treatments (range 1–6) and 16 were non-responders to
There are a number of chromosomal and immunophe-
their last therapy (Table 1) Out of 25, 24 patients had fludarabine
notypic markers of worse prognosis and treatment
alone, or in combination with other drugs, and 15 had no response
resistance in CLL [6] and it has recently been shown
to fludarabine, when last used. Fludarabine was not repeated due toautoimmune haemolytic anaemia following a previous course in
that the feature conferring worse prognosis involves the
tumour suppressor gene P53 [7, 8, 9, 10]. Döhner et al. [8]
HDMP was given intravenously at a dose of 1gm/m2 daily for 5
found that patients with p53 deletion failed to respond to
days repeated at four weekly intervals. All patients were given H2
either fludarabine or pentostatin, compared with a 36%
antagonists and low dose oral antifungal prophylaxis. Patients whowere neutropenic were given prophylactic antibiotics, and acyclovir
response rate in patients without deletion. Similarly,
was used in those with a previous history of herpes infection.
Wattel et al. [7] documented a 12.5% vs 80% response
Blood pressure was monitored prior to starting treatment and
rate to chlorambucil in cases with p53 deletion vs cases
half-hourly during treatment. Urine sugar was monitored daily
while having the first course of HDMP and oral hypoglycaemicagents were given if the blood sugar was sustained above
The mechanism of action of fludarabine involves the
12 mmols/l. Patients received a median of 4.5 courses of HDMP
incorporation of its metabolite F-Ara-A (9-b-D arabino-
(range 1–8); three patients (cases 10, 12 and 15) were treated on
furanosyl-2-fluroadenine) triphosphate into elongating
two different occasions and each treatment has been analysed
nucleic acid chains resulting in termination of DNA and
RNA synthesis [1]. Chlorambucil and other nitrogen
High dose methylprednisolone (HDMP) was used, alone in 13
of the treatment courses or in combination with other agents in 15,
mustards produce DNA cross-links and monoadducts
according to the results of the ex vivo apoptotic drug sensitivity
inhibiting transcription [11]. All of these agents induce
assay: vincristine in seven patients and other drugs in eight others
apoptosis, which is most likely dependant on normally
(Table 1). The drug sensitivity assay was performed on 20/25 of
functioning or wild-type p53. This was demonstrated by
patients studied as described elsewhere [3].
Where peripheral blood or bone marrow was available, patients’
Johnston et al. [12] who measured increased levels of the
cells were tested for abnormalities of the p53 gene. Fluorescent in
p53 protein and mdm2 following treatment of CLL cells
situ hybridization (FISH) was performed in 22/25 to detect
with fludarabine, cladribine and chlorambucil; and
deletions and; in 21 of these, flow cytometry was carried out for
Gartenhaus et al. [13] who measured increased expression
detection of an abnormal p53 protein expression. Flow cytometrywas also performed in one patient’s sample where FISH data is
of p53 and its downstream target WAF1/CIP1 following
unavailable. In total, 23/25 were tested for p53 abnormalities by
treatment with cladribine. P53 independent mechanisms
either method. Cells from patients with abnormal p53 by the above
for purine analogue induced apoptosis are described
methods, and available DNA, were sequenced for mutations.
including NAD+/ATP depletion by poly ADP-ribose
FISH analysis was performed using standard methods [19] with
polymerase. However, this mechanism appears to accel-
a p53 locus specific probe (LSI p53 Spectrum Orange, Vysis,Richmond, UK) in combination with a probe specific for the
erate the late stages of apoptosis rather than initiate the
chromosome 17 centromere (CEP17 Spectrum Green, Vysis) to
exclude the possibility of monosomy 17 causing loss of hybridiza-
Resistance to these treatments, both in vitro and in
tion signal for the p53 specific probe. Flow cytometry was carried
vivo, correlates with abnormal p53 [12, 15]. Wild-type
out on fixed mononuclear cells with the monoclonal antibody DO1(Novocastra, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) recognising amino acids
p53 has been shown to repress the activity of the multi-
11–25 of both wild-type and mutant p53. Cells were analyzed on a
drug resistance gene, MDR1, however treatment resis-
FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, Oxford, UK) [19].
Direct sequencing was conducted in seven samples with either
expression by flow cytometry and 4/7 had mutations by
deletion by FISH and/or protein expression by flow cytometry,
direct sequencing. The remaining three patients had
obtained at the same time as those used for FISH experiments.
normal sequencing of exons 4 –9. A summary of the
Sequencing of exons 4 –9 of p53 was performed by polymerasechain reaction (PCR) amplification of exonic sequences from
genomic DNA followed by fluorescent automated cycle sequencingof both DNA strands. All mutations were re-sequenced from adifferent PCR product. Obtained DNA sequences were analysed
using Sequence Analysis software (version 3.0) (ABI) and alignedand compared to published p53 sequence using Sequence Navigatorsoftware (ABI).
Twenty-five patients have been treated, three patients
The ex vivo drug sensitivity assay was carried out on peripheral
have been treated twice and are analysed separately
blood mononuclear cells incubated with drugs for 94 h as described
giving a total of 28 treatment courses. Twenty-two
by Bosanquet [20]. Cells from untreated patients were incubatedwith 7–10 standard CLL drugs: chlorambucil, cyclophosphamide
patients (25 treatments) were evaluable and responses
(mafosfamide in vitro), prednisolone, vincristine, doxorubicin,
are summarised in Table 1. Three patients were unevalu-
epirubicin, fludarabine, cladribine, pentostatin and methylprednis-
able for response as they developed serious infection
olone. Previously treated patients’ cells were incubated with up to
following the first course of treatment.
25 other agents. At the end of incubation, fixed duck erythrocytes
Seventeen of the 22 (77%) evaluable patients respond-
(as an internal standard) and fast green/nigrosin (to stain dead cellsblack) were added and the cells cytocentrifuged. Counterstaining
ed to treatment, two of these had a nodular PR
with a Romanowsky stain allowed identification of remaining live
documented by BM trephine biopsy. Even of the five
cells which were evaluated morphologically to determine LC90 s
non-responders (NR), four had a significant reduction of
— the lowest concentration of drug to produce a 90% reduction in
the lymphocyte count and decrease in lymph node size
tumour cell survival compared with control cells [3]. The drug DSIwas determined by comparison with all previous assay results with
but short of PR; the other NR progressed while on
the drug so that 0% is the most resistant and 100% the most
treatment. Five of the ten patients with p53 abnormalities
responded (2 nodular PR, 3 PR). However patients withp53 abnormalities still fared worse than those with normalp53 (Table 3).
Two out of three patients treated twice (cases 10, 12
and 15) responded a second time to HDMP giving a total
of 19/25 (76%) responses. Of these 19, the median eventfree survival (EFS) from start of treatment was signifi-
Ten out of 22 patients (45%) had hemizygous p53
cantly longer than in the non-responders (Table 3).
deletion by FISH, 7/9 with deletion had also p53
Table 3 Survival and EFS by response and p53 status
a Three patients were treated twice: for overall survival only the earlier of the two treatments was analysed
The remission duration from the end of treatment
of 100% (Table 1). All responders had values equal to or
ranged from 2.2 to 18.9+ months with median of 6.6
months. Five patients remain in remission with a range of
In all 20 cases analysed, methylprednisolone alone or
4.7+ –18.9+ months (median 9.4+ months). Nine of the 22
in combination with another drug showed the greatest
evaluable patients have died; three were non-responders
who died of progressive CLL. The six others hadresponded to treatment, but four died of progressivedisease and two of them with large cell lymphoma.
A summary of patients’ responses, previous treatments
and p53 status are displayed in Table 1. Responders to
The treatment of refractory CLL remains disappointing
HDMP had a better overall survival and event free
and there are several reports of salvage regimens. Keating
survival from start of treatment as determined by log rank
et al. [21] reported a 56% response rate with fludarabine
statistics. (Table 3). Other chemotherapy agents were
in 68 previously treated patients, with a mean of two
added in 15 cases where they showed a good ex vivo
previous treatments, including 13% complete remissions.
sensitivity. Twelve achieved PR including one nodular
However Monserrat et al. used fludarabine in 68 heavily
PR (case 17). Comparison of HDMP alone vs in
treated CLL patients and documented an overall response
combination with other therapies shows no advantage in
rate and improved survival in only 28% [22].De Rossi et
the addition of other drugs in event free survival. It is of
al. combined fludarabine with prednisolone in 22 pre-
interest that of the three patients treated on two separate
treated, chlorambucil refractory patients and reported
occasions, two (cases 10 and 12) had a longer duration of
36% responses [23]. Marotta et al. [24] combined low
response when HDMP was given with another drug.
dose fludarabine with cyclophosphamide in 20 patients,refractory to conventional therapy achieving an overallresponse rate of 85%. Tallman et al. [25] used cladribine
in 26 relapsed refractory patients and attained a 31%remission rate. Bowen et al. [26] described a 50%
The most common side effect observed was insomnia or
response rate using subcutaneous Campath 1-H in
hyperactivity and the most serious side effect was
fludarabine resistant CLL with a median survival of 11
infection, which was recorded in seven of the 25 patients.
These were pneumonia (3), herpes zoster (1), E.coli
In our study, all patients were refractory to alkylating
septicaemia (1), oral candida (1), tuberculous osteomy-
agents and 72% were resistant to fludarabine. Ex vivo
elitis (1) and pyrexia of unknown origin. Treatment was
drug sensitivity suggested sensitivity to steroids (40–
stopped in three patients after one course due to infection
100%) in all cases where it was performed. Resistance to
and one of these died from intractable pneumonia. Two
fludarabine with this assay was 20/26 and resistance to all
patients required oral hypoglycaemic agents and one
nucleoside analogues was found in 11/26. Treatment with
patient required insulin due to reversible steroid induced
HDMP produced a 76% response rate in these refractory
diabetes. One patient had a spontaneous wedge collapse
patients, including half of those with p53 abnormalities.
of his L2 vertebrae, four months following completion of
This compares favourably with previous responses to
fludarabine (0/12) and Chlorambucil (1/8) in patients withp53 abnormalities [7, 8]. Vincristine is also noted to causeapoptosis in a p53 independent fashion and notably is the
Correlation with the drug sensitivity assay
most commonly used drug with HDMP in this series. Although HDMP used showed no survival advantage over
Ex vivo apoptotic drug sensitivity assay results were
HDMP, in combination therapy with other drugs the 4/5
available in 22/25 evaluable cases and showed 40 –100%
patients who remain in remission had an additional drug –
ex vivo sensitivity of CLL lymphocytes to methyl-
so this may prove to be an advantage with time. In
prednisolone. Eleven out of 17 responders had a DSI of
addition, two of the three patients treated twice with
100% whereas only one out of five of the NRs had a DSI
HDMP had a longer response when another agent wasused.
Abnormalities of the p53 gene whether detected by
2. O’Brien S, Kantarjian H, Beran H, Smith M, Koller T, Estey C,
protein expression [9], FISH [8] or direct DNA sequenc-
Robertson E, Lerner LE, Keating M (1993) Results offludarabine and prednisolone therapy in 264 patients with
ing [27] all confer worse prognosis and drug resistance in
chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with multivariate analysis-
CLL and in the hierarchical model described by Döhner et
derived prognostic model for response to treatment. Blood
al. [6], p53 deletion by FISH is the abnormality,
conveying the worst prognosis. The generally accepted
3. Bosanquet A, Cann SRM, Mills M, Catovsky D (1995)
mode of drug resistance is felt to be an impairment of the
Methylprednisolone in advanced chronic lymphocytic leukae-mia: Rationale for and effectiveness of treatment suggested by
apoptotic process upon which most of the cytotoxics rely
[17]. Other studies have demonstrated that steroid and
4. Bosanquet A, Copplestone JA, Johnson SAN, Smith AG, Povey
vincristine cytotoxicity is independent of the p53 pathway
SJ, Orchard JA, Oscier DG (1999) Response to cladrabine in
[12]. Although the association of drug resistance and poor
previously treated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemiaidentified by ex vivo assessment of drug sensitivity by DiSC
prognosis with abrogation of normal p53 function is well
known, there is little in the literature to suggest a way
5. Bosanquet AG, Johnson SA, Richards SM (1999) Prognosis for
forward in overcoming this problem. Some experimental
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inhibitors may offer an alternative apoptotic pathway to
Bullinger L, Döhner K, Bentz M, Lichter P (2000) Genomic
p53 dependent mechanisms [28, 29]; however, these
aberrations and survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. N
drugs are not readily available in practice. It has been
previously shown that in vitro sensitivity to steroids
7. Wattel E, Preudhomme C, Hequet B, Vanrumbeke M, Quesnel
correlates with clinical outcome, and nucleoside resis-
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8. Döhner H, Fischer K, Bentz M, Hansen K, Benner A, Cabot G,
known. These agents induce apoptosis by a number of
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alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential causing
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9. Cordone I, Masi S, Mauro FR, Soddu S, Morsilli O, Valentini
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In summary, CLL patients with abnormal p53 are
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11. Begleiter A, Mowat M, Israels LG, Johnston J (1996)
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Chlorambucil in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: Mechanism
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13. Gartenhaus RB, Wang P, Hoffman M, Janson D, Rai KR (1996)
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16. Rouby SE, Thomas A, Costin D, Rosenberg CR, Potmesil M,
would also like to thank Rifat Hamoudi, Institute of Cancer
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