American Geriatrics Society Updated Beers Criteria forPotentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
The American Geriatrics Society 2012 Beers Criteria Update Expert Panel
Potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) continue to
comes. Estimates from past studies in ambulatory and long-
be prescribed and used as first-line treatment for the most
term care settings found that 27% of adverse drug events
vulnerable of older adults, despite evidence of poor out-
(ADEs) in primary care and 42% of ADEs in long-term care
comes from the use of PIMs in older adults. PIMs now
were preventable, with most problems occurring at the
form an integral part of policy and practice and are incor-
ordering and monitoring stages of care.1,2 In a study of the
porated into several quality measures. The specific aim of
2000/2001 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, the total esti-
this project was to update the previous Beers Criteria using
mated healthcare expenditures related to the use of poten-
a comprehensive, systematic review and grading of the evi-
tially inappropriate medications (PIMs) was $7.2 billion.3
dence on drug-related problems and adverse drug events
Avoiding the use of inappropriate and high-risk drugs
(ADEs) in older adults. This was accomplished through
is an important, simple, and effective strategy in reducing
the support of The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and
medication-related problems and ADEs in older adults.
the work of an interdisciplinary panel of 11 experts in
Methods to address medication-related problems include
geriatric care and pharmacotherapy who applied a modi-
implicit and explicit criteria. Explicit criteria can identify
fied Delphi method to the systematic review and grading
high-risk drugs using a list of PIMs that have been identi-
to reach consensus on the updated 2012 AGS Beers Crite-
fied through expert panel review as having an unfavorable
ria. Fifty-three medications or medication classes encom-
balance of risks and benefits by themselves and considering
pass the final updated Criteria, which are divided into
alternative treatments available. A list of PIMs was devel-
three categories: potentially inappropriate medications and
oped and published by Beers and colleagues for nursing
classes to avoid in older adults, potentially inappropriate
home residents in 1991 and subsequently expanded and
medications and classes to avoid in older adults with cer-
revised in 1997 and 2003 to include all settings of geriatric
tain diseases and syndromes that the drugs listed can exac-
care.4–6 Implicit criteria may include factors such as thera-
erbate, and finally medications to be used with caution in
peutic duplication and drug–drug interactions. PIMs deter-
older adults. This update has much strength, including the
mined by explicit criteria (Beers Criteria) have also
use of an evidence-based approach using the Institute of
recently been found to identify other aspects of inappropri-
Medicine standards and the development of a partnership
ate medication use identified by implicit criteria.7
to regularly update the Criteria. Thoughtful application ofthe Criteria will allow for (a) closer monitoring of drug
As summarized in two reviews, a number of investiga-
use, (b) application of real-time e-prescribing and interven-
tors in rigorously designed observational studies have
tions to decrease ADEs in older adults, and (c) better
shown a strong link between the medications listed in the
patient outcomes. J Am Geriatr Soc 2012.
Beers Criteria and poor patient outcomes (e.g., ADEs,hospitalization, mortality).7–14 Moreover, research has
Key words: Beers list; medications; Beers Criteria;
shown that a number of PIMs have limited effectiveness in
older adults and are associated with serious problems suchas delirium, gastrointestinal bleeding, falls, and frac-ture.8,12 In addition to identifying drugs for which saferpharmacological
instances a safer nonpharmacological therapy could be
Medication-related problems are common, costly, and substituted for the use of these medications, highlighting
often preventable in older adults and lead to poor out-
that a “less-is-more approach” is often the best way toimprove health outcomes in older adults.15
Since the early 1990s, the prevalence of PIM usage has
From The American Geriatrics Society, New York, New York.
been examined in more than 500 studies, including a
Address correspondence to Christine M. Campanelli, The American
number of long-term care, outpatient, acute care, and
Geriatrics Society, 40 Fulton Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10038. E-mail:
community settings. Despite this preponderance of informa-tion, many PIMs continue to be prescribed and used as first-
2012, Copyright the AuthorsJournal compilation 2012, The American Geriatrics Society
line treatment for the most vulnerable of older adults.16,17
1. Incorporate new evidence on currently listed PIMs and
These studies illustrate that more work is needed to address
evidence from new medications or conditions not
the use of PIMs in older adults, and there remains an impor-
addressed in the previous (2003) update.
tant role in policy, research, and practice for an explicit list
2. Grade the strength and quality of each PIM statement
of medications to avoid in older adults. Because an increas-
based on level of evidence and strength of recom-
ing number of interventions have been successful in decreas-
ing the use of these drugs and improving clinical
3. Convene an interdisciplinary panel of 11 experts in
outcomes,18,19 PIMs now form an integral part of policy
geriatric care and pharmacotherapy who will apply a
and practice in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser-
modified Delphi method to the systematic review and
vices (CMS) regulations and are used in Medicare Part D.
grading to reach consensus on the updated 2012 AGS
They are also used as a quality measure in the National
Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Healthcare
4. Incorporate needed exceptions into the criteria as
Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS). Several
deemed clinically appropriate by the panel. These evi-
stakeholders, including CMS, NCQA, and the Pharmacy
dence-based exceptions will be designed to make the
Quality Alliance (PQA) have identified the Beers Criteria as
criteria more individualized to clinical care and more
an important quality measure. In addition, a few studies
have begun to identify nonpharmacological alternatives toinappropriate medications20 and are incorporating BeersCriteria PIMs into electronic health records as an aid to
The 2012 AGS Beers Criteria are intended for use in all
An update of the Beers Criteria should include a clear
ambulatory and institutional settings of care for popula-
approach to reviewing and grading the evidence for
tions aged 65 and older in the United States. The primary
the drugs to avoid. In addition, the criteria need to be
target audience is the practicing clinician. Researchers,
regularly updated as new drugs come to the market, as
pharmacy benefit managers, regulators, and policy-makers
new evidence emerges related to the use of these medica-
also use the criteria widely. The intentions of the criteria
tions, and as new methods to assess the evidence develop.
include improving the selection of prescription drugs by
Being able to update these criteria quickly and transpar-
clinicians and patients, evaluating patterns of drug use
ently is crucial to their continued use as decision-making
within populations, educating clinicians and patients on
tools, because regular updates will improve their relevancy,
proper drug usage, and evaluating health-outcome, quality
dissemination, and usefulness in clinical practice.
of care, cost, and utilization data.
The 2012 update of the Beers Criteria heralds a new
The goal of the 2012 AGS Beers Criteria is to improve
partnership with the American Geriatrics Society (AGS).
care of older adults by reducing their exposure to PIMs.
This partnership allows for regular, transparent, systematic
This is accomplished by their use as an educational tool
updates and support for the wider input and dissemination
and a quality measure—two uses that are not always in
of the criteria by expert clinicians for their use in research,
agreement. These criteria are not meant to be applied in a
policy, and practice. To keep this tool relevant, the
punitive manner. Prescribing decisions are not always clear
updated 2012 AGS Beers Criteria must be current with
cut, and clinicians must consider multiple factors. Quality
other methods for determining best-practice guidelines. A
measures must be clearly defined, easily applied, and mea-
rigorous systematic review was performed to update and
sured with limited information. The panel considered both
expand the criteria. As in the past, this update will catego-
roles during deliberations. The panel’s review of evidence
rize PIMs into two broad groups: medications to avoid in
at times identified subgroups of individuals who should be
older adults regardless of diseases or conditions and medi-
exempt from the criteria or for whom only a specific crite-
cations considered potentially inappropriate when used in
rion applies. Such a criterion may not be easily applied as
older adults with certain diseases or syndromes. A third
a quality measure. These applications were balanced with
group, medications that should be used with caution, has
the needs and complexities of the individual. The panel felt
been added. Medications in this group were initially con-
that a criterion could not be expanded to include all adults
sidered for inclusion as PIMs. In these cases, the consensus
aged 65 and older when only individuals with specific
view of the panel (described below) was that there were a
characteristics may benefit or be at greater risk of harm.
sufficient number of plausible reasons why use of the drugin certain individuals would be appropriate but that thepotential for misuse or harm is substantial and thus merits
an extra level of caution in prescribing. In some cases,
For this new update, the AGS employed a well-tested
these medications were new to the market, and evidence
framework that has long been used for development of
clinical practice guidelines.6,21–23 Specifically, the frame-work involved the appointment of an 11-member interdis-
ciplinary expert panel with relevant clinical expertise andexperience and an understanding of how the criteria have
been previously used. To ensure that potential conflicts of
Update the previous Beers Criteria using a comprehen-
interest are disclosed and addressed appropriately, panel-
sive, systematic review and grading of the evidence on
ists disclosed potential conflicts of interest with the panel
drug-related problems and ADEs in older adults.
at the beginning. Each panelist’s potential conflict of inter-
The strategies to achieve this aim are to:
ests are provided toward the end of this article. This
included in subsequent searches, such as a list of
framework also involved a development process that
authors whose work was relevant to the goals of the project.
included a systematic literature review and evaluation of
When evidence was sparse on older medications, searches
the evidence base by the expert panel. Finally, the Institute
were conducted on drug class and individual medication
of Medicine’s 2011 report on developing practice guide-
names and included older search dates for these drugs. The
lines,23 which included a period for public comments,
co-chairs continually reviewed the updated search results
guided the framework. These three framework principles
for articles that might be relevant to the project. Panelists
are described in greater detail below.
were also asked to forward pertinent citations that might beuseful for revising the previous Beers Criteria or supportingadditions to them.
At the time of the panel’s face-to-face meeting, the co-
The literature from December 1, 2001 (the end of the pre-
chairs had selected 2,169 unduplicated citations for the full
vious panel’s search) to March 30, 2011, was searched to
panel review. This total included 446 systematic reviews or
identify published systematic reviews and meta-analyses
meta-analyses, 629 randomized controlled trials, and 1,094
that were relevant to the project. Search terms included
observational studies. Additional articles were found in a
adverse drug reactions, adverse drug events, medication
manual search of the reference lists of identified articles
problems, polypharmacy, inappropriate drug use, subopti-
and the panelist’s files, book chapter, and recent review
mal drug therapy, drug monitoring, pharmacokinetics,
articles, with 258 citations selected for the final evidence
drug interactions, and medication errors. Terms were
tables to support the list of drugs to avoid.
searched alone and in combination. Search limits includedhuman subjects, English language, and aged 65 and older.
Data sources for the initial search included Medline, theCochrane Library (Cochrane Database of Systematic
After consultation with the AGS, the co-chairs identified
Reviews), International Pharmaceutical abstracts, and
prospective panel members with recognized expertise in
references lists of selected articles that the panel co-chairs
geriatric medicine, nursing, pharmacy practice, research,
and quality measures. Other factors that influenced selec-
The initial search identified 25,549 citations, of which
tion were the desire to have interdisciplinary representa-
6,505 were selected for preliminary review. The panel co-
tion, a range of medical specialties, and representation
chairs reviewed 2,267 citations, of which 844 were excluded
from different practice settings (e.g., long-term care, ambu-
for not meeting the study purpose or not containing primary
latory care, geriatric mental health, palliative care and hos-
data. An additional search was conducted with the
pice). In addition to the 11-member panel, representatives
additional terms drug–drug and drug–disease interactions,
from CMS, NCQA, and PQA were invited to serve as ex-
pharmacoepidemiology, drug safety, geriatrics, and elderly
prescribing. An additional search for randomized clinical tri-
Each expert panel member completed a disclosure
als and postmarketing and observational studies published
form that was shared with the entire panel before the pro-
between 2009 and 2011 was conducted using terms related
cess began. Potential conflicts of interest were resolved by
to major drug classes and conditions, delimited by more-
the panel co-chairs and were available during the open
general topics (e.g., adverse drug reactions, Beers Criteria,
comment period. Panel members who disclosed affiliations
or financial interests with commercial entities are listed
searches were used to develop additional terms to be
under the disclosures section of this article.
Table 1. Designations of Quality and Strength of Evidence
Evidence includes consistent results from well-designed, well-conducted studies in representative populations that directly assesseffects on health outcomes ( 2 consistent, higher-quality randomized controlled trials or multiple, consistent observationalstudies with no significant methodological flaws showing large effects)
Evidence is sufficient to determine effects on health outcomes, but the number, quality, size, or consistency of included studies;generalizability to routine practice; or indirect nature of the evidence on health outcomes ( 1 higher-quality trial with > 100participants; 2 higher-quality trials with some inconsistency; 2 consistent, lower-quality trials; or multiple, consistentobservational studies with no significant methodological flaws showing at least moderate effects) limits the strength of theevidence
Evidence is insufficient to assess effects on health outcomes because of limited number or power of studies, large and unexplainedinconsistency between higher-quality studies, important flaws in study design or conduct, gaps in the chain of evidence, or lack ofinformation on important health outcomes
Benefits clearly outweigh risks and burden OR risks and burden clearly outweigh benefits
Benefits finely balanced with risks and burden
Insufficient evidence to determine net benefits or risks
Table 2. 2012 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in OlderAdults
Anticholinergics (excludes TCAs)First-generation antihistamines
anticholinergic effects and toxicity.
antipsychotics; more-effectiveagents available for treatmentof Parkinson disease
AntithromboticsDipyridamole, oral short acting*
alternatives available; intravenousform acceptable for use in cardiacstress testing
inadequate drug concentrationin the urine
alternative agents have superiorrisk/benefit profile
inotrope and therefore may induceheart failure in older adults;strongly anticholinergic; otherantiarrhythmic drugs preferred
general, rate control is preferredover rhythm control for atrialfibrillation
associated with no additionalbenefit and may increase risk oftoxicity; slow renal clearance maylead to risk of toxic effects
> 25 mg/d or taking concomitantNSAID, angiotensinconverting-enzyme inhibitor,angiotensin receptor blocker, orpotassium supplement
Central nervous systemTertiary TCAs, alone or in
Doxepin > 6 mg/dImipraminePerphenazine-amitriptylineTrimipramine
unlessnonpharmacologicaloptions have failed andpatient is threat to selfor others
and risks outweigh benefits inlight of overdose with doses only3 times the recommended dose
adults (e.g., delirium, falls,fractures); minimal improvementin sleep latency and duration
without improvement inhyperglycemia managementregardless of care setting
increases risk of thromboticevents and possibly death in olderadults
prolonged hypoglycemia; causessyndrome of inappropriateantidiuretic hormone secretion. Glyburide: greater risk of severeprolonged hypoglycemia in olderadults
adverse effects; safer alternativesavailable
antiemetic drugs; can causeextrapyramidal adverse effects
dosages commonly used; maycause neurotoxicity; saferalternatives available
selective NSAIDs.)Of all the NSAIDs, indomethacinhas most adverse effects
adverse effects, includingconfusion and hallucinations, morecommonly than other narcoticdrugs; is also a mixed agonist andantagonist; safer alternativesavailable
The primary target audience is the practicing clinician. The intentions of the criteria are to improve the selection of prescription drugs by clinicians andpatients; evaluate patterns of drug use within populations; educate clinicians and patients on proper drug usage; and evaluate health-outcome, quality ofcare, cost, and utilization data. * Infrequently used drugs. CNS = central nervous system; COX = cyclooxygenase; CrCl = creatinine clearance; GI = gastrointestinal; NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug;TCA = tricyclic antidepressant. Correction made after online publication February 29, 2012: Table 2 has been updated.
Each panelist independently rated the quality of evidence
and strength of recommendation for each criterion using
The co-chairs and AGS staff edited the survey used in the
the American College of Physicians’ Guideline Grading
previous Beers Criteria development process, excluding
System24 (Table 1), which is based on the Grades of
products no longer marketed. The resulting survey had
Recommendation Assessment, Development, and Evalua-
three parts: medications currently listed as potentially
tion (GRADE) scheme developed previously.25 AGS staff
inappropriate for older adults independent of diseases or
compiled the panelist ratings for each group and returned
conditions, medications currently listed as potentially inap-
them to that group, which then reached consensus in con-
propriate when used in older adults with certain diseases
ference call. Additional literature was obtained and
or conditions, and new submissions from the panel. Each
included as needed. When group consensus could not be
panelist was asked to complete the survey using a 5-point
reached, the full panel reviewed the ratings and worked
Likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly dis-
through any differences until they reached consensus. For
agree (or no opinion). Ratings were tallied and returned to
some criteria, the panel provided a “strong” recommenda-
the panel along with each panelist’s original ratings. Two
tion even though the quality of evidence was low or mod-
conference calls allowed for review of survey ratings,
erate. In such cases, the strength of recommendation was
based on potential severity of harm and the availability of
The panel convened for a 2-day in-person meeting on
August 2 and 3, 2011, to review the second draft of thesurvey and the results of the literature search. Panel discus-sions were used to define terms and to address questions
of consistency, the inclusion of infrequently used drugs,
Fifty-three medications or medication classes encompass
the best strategies for evaluating the evidence, and the con-
the final updated 2012 AGS Beers Criteria, which are
solidation or expansion of individual criterion. The panel
divided into three categories (Tables 2–4). Tables were
then split into four groups, with each assigned a specific
constructed and organized according to major therapeutic
set of criteria for evaluation. Groups were assigned as clo-
sely as possible according to specific area of clinical exper-
Table 2 shows the 34 potentially inappropriate medi-
tise (e.g., cardiovascular, central nervous system). Groups
cations and classes to avoid in older adults. Notable new
reviewed the literature search, selected citations relevant to
additions include megestrol, glyburide, and sliding-scale
their assigned criteria, and determined which citations
should be included in an evidence table. During this
Table 3 summarizes potentially inappropriate medica-
process, panelists were provided copies of abstracts and full-
tions and classes to avoid in older adults with certain dis-
text articles. The groups then presented their findings to the
eases and syndromes that the drugs listed can exacerbate.
full panel for comment and consensus. After the meeting,
Notable new inclusions are thiazolidinediones or glitazones
each group met in a conference call to resolve any questions
with heart failure, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors with his-
or to include additional supporting literature.
tory of syncope, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
An independent researcher prepared evidence tables,
which were distributed to the four criteria-specific groups.
Table 3. 2012 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in OlderAdults Due to Drug–Disease or Drug–Syndrome Interactions That May Exacerbate the Disease or Syndrome
Chlorpromazine, thioridazine, andolanzapine
options have failed, andpatient is a threat tothemselves or others. Antipsychotics areassociated with anincreased risk ofcerebrovascularaccident (stroke) andmortality in personswith dementia
less likely to precipitateworsening ofParkinson's disease
First-generation antihistamines assingle agent or part ofcombination products
Brompheniramine (various)CarbinoxamineChlorpheniramineClemastine (various)CyproheptadineDexbrompheniramineDexchlorpheniramine (various)DiphenhydramineDoxylamineHydroxyzinePromethazineTriprolidine
Anticholinergics andantispasmodics (see Table 9for full list of drugs with stronganticholinergic properties)
AntipsychoticsBelladonna alkaloidsClidinium-chlordiazepoxideDicyclomineHyoscyaminePropanthelineScopolamineTertiary TCAs (amitriptyline,clomipramine, doxepin,imipramine, and trimipramine)
effective and patientcan takegastroprotectiveagent(proton pumpinhibitoror misoprostol)
incontinence (see Table 9for complete list)
The primary target audience is the practicing clinician. The intentions of the criteria are to improve the selection of prescription drugs by clinicians andpatients; evaluate patterns of drug use within populations; educate clinicians and patients on proper drug usage; and evaluate health-outcome, quality ofcare, cost, and utilization data. CCB = calcium channel blocker; AChEI = acetylcholinesterase inhibitor; CNS = central nervous system; COX = cyclooxygenase; NSAID = nonsteroidalanti-inflammatory drug; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.
Table 4 lists medications to be used with caution in
used by healthcare providers, educators, and policy-makers
older adults. Fourteen medications and classes were cate-
and as a quality measure. Previously, as many as 40% of
gorized. Two of these involve recently marketed anti-
older adults received one or more medications on this list,
thrombotics for which early evidence suggests caution for
depending on the care setting.29–31 The new criteria are
based upon methods for determining best-practice guide-
Table 5 is a summary of medications that were moved
lines that included a rigorous systematic literature review,
to another category or modified since the last update, and
the use of an expert consensus panel, and grading of the
Tables 6 and 7 summarize medications that were removed
strength of evidence and recommendations.
or added since the last update. Nineteen medications and
The updated criteria should be viewed as a guideline
medication classes were dropped from the 2003 to the
for identifying medications for which the risks of their use
2012 update of the criteria based on consensus of the
in older adults outweigh the benefits. The medications that
panel and evidence or a rationale to justify their exclusion
have a high risk of toxicity and adverse effects in older
from the list. In several cases, medications were removed
adults and limited effectiveness, and all medications in
because they had been taken off the U.S. market since the
Table 2 (Independent of Diagnosis or Condition) should
2003 update (e.g., propoxyphene) or because of insuffi-
be avoided in favor of an alternative safer medication or a
cient or new evidence that was evaluated by the panel
nondrug approach. The drug–disease or –syndrome inter-
(e.g., ethacrynic acid). Table 8 includes a list of the
actions summarized in Table 3 are particularly important
antipsychotics included in the statements. Table 9 is the
in the care of older adults because they often take multiple
list of anticholinergic medications to be avoided in older
medications for multiple comorbidities. Their occurrence
adults compiled from drugs rated as having strong anticho-
may have greater consequences in older adults because of
linergic properties in the Anticholinergic Risk Scale,26
age-related decline in physiological reserve. Recent studies
Anticholinergic Drug Scale,27 and Anticholinergic Burden
in which drug–disease interactions have been shown to be
important risk factors for ADEs highlight their impor-tance.32
This list is not meant to supersede clinical judgment
or an individual patient’s values and needs. Prescribing
The 2012 AGS Beers Criteria is an important and
and managing disease conditions should be individualized
improved update of previously established criteria widely
and involve shared decision-making. The historical lack of
Table 4. 2012 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medications to Be Usedwith Caution in Older Adults
Lack of evidence of benefit versus risk in
Greater risk of bleeding in older adults;
highest-risk older adults (e.g., with priormyocardial infarction or diabetesmellitus)
reuptake inhibitorSelective serotoninreuptake inhibitorTricyclic antidepressantsVincristineVasodilators
The primary target audience is the practicing clinician. The intentions of the criteria are to improve the selection of prescription drugs by clinicians andpatients; evaluate patterns of drug use within populations; educate clinicians and patients on proper drug usage; and evaluate health-outcome, quality ofcare, cost, and utilization data. CrCl = creatinine clearance.
Table 5. Medications Moved to Another Category or Modified Since 2003 Beers Criteria
Amphetamines (excluding methylphenidate hydrochloride and anorexics)
Fluoxetine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline withsyndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
All barbiturates (except phenobarbital) except when used to control seizures
NitrofurantoinNon-cyclooxygenase selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(excludes topical)Oral short-acting dipyridamole; does not apply to the extended-releasecombination with aspirinOxybutyninReserpine in doses >0.25 mg
inclusion of many older adults in drug trials33–35 and the
also for monitoring their effects in older adults. If a pro-
related lack of alternatives in some individual instances
vider is not able to find an alternative and chooses to con-
further complicate medication use in older adults. There
tinue to use a drug on this list in an individual patient,
may be cases in which the healthcare provider determines
designation of the medication as potentially inappropriate
that a drug on the list is the only reasonable alternative
can serve as a reminder for close monitoring so that ADEs
(e.g., end-of-life or palliative care). The panel has
can be incorporated into the electronic health record and
attempted to evaluate the literature and best-practice
prevented or detected early. These criteria also underscore
guidelines to cover as many of these instances as possible,
the importance of using a team approach to prescribing,
but not all possible clinical situations can be anticipated in
of the use of nonpharmacological approaches, and of
such a broad undertaking. In these cases, the list can be
having economic and organizational incentives for this
used clinically not only for prescribing medications, but
Table 6. Medications Removed Since 2003 Beers Criteria
Antispasmodics and muscle relaxants; CNS stimulants: dextroamphetamine,
methylphenidate, methamphetamine, pemoline, with cognitive impairment
CNS stimulants: dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate, methamphetamine,pemoline, and fluoxetine with anorexia and malnutrition
Clopidogrel with blood clotting disorders or receiving anticoagulant therapy
High-sodium content drugs with heart failure
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors with insomnia
Oxybutynin and tolterodine with bladder outlet obstruction
Long-term use of stimulant laxatives: bisacodyl,
Pseudoephedrine and diet pills with hypertension
cascara sagrada, and neoloid except in thepresence of opiate analgesic useMesoridazine
Propoxyphene and combination productsTripelennamine
These criteria have some limitations. First, even
University, University Park, PA (co-chair); Todd Semla,
though older adults are the largest consumers of medica-
PharmD, MS, BCPS, FCCP, AGSF, U.S. Department of
tion, they are often underrepresented in drug trials.33,35
Veterans Affairs National Pharmacy Benefits Management
Thus, using an evidence-based approach may underesti-
Services and Northwestern University, Chicago, IL (co-
mate some drug-related problems or lead to a weaker
chair); Judith Beizer, PharmD, CGP, FASCP, St. Johns
evidence grading. As stated previously, the intent of the
University, New York, NY; Nicole Brandt, PharmD,
updated 2012 AGS Beers Criteria, as an educational tool
BCPP, CGP, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD; Rob-
and quality measure, is to improve the care of older
ert Dombrowski, PharmD, Centers for Medicare and Med-
adults by reducing their exposure to PIMs. Second, it
does not address other types of potential PIMs that are
Catherine E. DuBeau, MD, University of Massachusetts
not unique to aging (e.g., dosing of primarily renally
Medical School, Worcester, MA; Nina Flanagan, CRNP,
cleared medications, drug–drug interactions, therapeutic
CS-BC, Binghamton University, Dunmore, PA; Joseph
duplication). Third, it does not comprehensively address
the needs of individuals receiving palliative and hospice
AGSF, Department of Medicine (Geriatric Medicine)
care, in whom symptom control is often more important
School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh and Geriatric
than avoiding the use of PIMs. Finally, the search strate-
Education and Research and Clinical Center, Veterans
gies used might have missed some studies published in
Administration Health System, Pittsburgh, PA; Peter Holl-
languages other than English and studies available in
mann, MD, AGSF, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode
unpublished technical reports, white papers, or other
Island, Cranston, RI; Sunny Linnebur, PharmD, FCCP,
BCPS, CGP, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuti-
Regardless, this update has many strengths, including
cal Sciences, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO; David
the use of an evidence-based approach using the Institute
Nau, PhD, RPh, CPHQ, Pharmacy Quality Alliance, Inc,
of Medicine standards and the development of a partner-
Baltimore, MD (nonvoting member); Bob Rehm, National
ship to regularly update the criteria. Thoughtful applica-
Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC (non-
tion of the criteria will allow for closer monitoring of drug
voting member); Satinderpal Sandhu, MD, MetroHealth
use, application of real-time e-prescribing and interven-
Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University
tions to decrease ADEs in older adults, and better patient
School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH; Michael Steinman,
outcomes. Regular updates will allow for the evidence for
MD, University of California at San Francisco and San
medications on the list to be assessed routinely, making it
Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco,
more relevant and sensitive to patient outcomes, with the
goal of evaluating and managing drug use in older adultswhile considering the dynamic complexities of the health-
The decisions and content of the 2012 AGS Beers Criteriaare those of the AGS and the panelists and are not neces-
sarily those of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The following individuals were members of the AGS Panel
Sue Radcliff, Independent Researcher, Denver, Colo-
to update the 2012 AGS Beers Criteria: Donna Fick, PhD,
rado, provided research services. Susan E. Aiello, DVM,
RN, FGSA, FAAN, School of Nursing and College of
ELS, provided editorial services. Christine Campanelli and
Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Pennsylvania State
Elvy Ickowicz, MPH, provided additional research and
Table 7. Medications Added Since 2003 Beers Criteria
Aspirin for primary prevention of cardiac events
First- and second-generation antipsychotics
Urinary incontinence (all types) in women
Lower urinary tract symptoms andbenign prostatic hyperplasia
Nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
SIADH = syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion.
administrative support. The development of this paper was
Table 8. First- and Second-Generation Antipsychotics
supported in part by an unrestricted grant from the John
The following organizations with special interest and
expertise in the appropriate use of medications in older
adults provided peer review of a preliminary draft of this
guideline: American Academy of Family Physicians; Ameri-
can Academy of Nurse Practitioners; American Academy
of Nursing; American College of Clinical Pharmacy; Amer-
ican College of Obstetrics and Gynecology; American
College of Physicians; American College of Surgeons;
American Medical Association; American Medical Direc-
tors Association; American Society of Anesthesiologists;
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists; Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services; Gerontological Advanced
Practice Nurses Association; Gerontological Society of
Committee for Colorado Access (a health plan serving
Table 9. Drugs with Strong Anticholinergic Properties
indigent children and adults and Medicare members). Dr.
Nau works for the PQA, which has received demonstra-
tion project grants from Pfizer, Inc., Merck & Co, Inc, sa-
nofi-aventis, and GlaxoSmithKline. He also has held shares
with CardinalHealth in the past 12 months. Dr. Semla
receives honoraria from the AGS for his contribution as an
author of Geriatrics at Your Fingertips and for serving as
a Section Editor for the Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society. He is a past President and Chair of the AGS
Board of Directors. His spouse is an employee of Abbott
Laboratories. He serves on the Omnicare Pharmacy and
Therapeutics Committee. He is an author and editor for
Author Contributions: All panel members contributed
to the concept, design, and preparation of the manuscript.
Sponsor’s Role: AGS staff participated in the final
technical preparation and submission of the manuscript.
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