Known or Potential Problem Dugs
More than twenty drugs are known, suspected, or have the potential of causingproblems with dogs carrying the mutant form of the Multi-drug Resistance Gene, a list which is still being extended. These drugs, listed below in alphabetical order,used in the treatment of a wide spectrum of ailments including cancer, heart diseaseand pain relief.
Quinidine Rifampicin Selamectin Sparfloxacin Check all over-the-counter medications do not contain any of the above,
and in the event of your collie ever being prescribed any of the above drugs we
advise discussing these notes with your Veterinary Surgeon.
More Information
A great deal of material can be found on the Internet if you search for "IvermectinToxicity in Collies" and below you will find links to some of the more importantsources of scientific information: – Dr Katrina Mealey and DrMark Neff’s Drug Sensitivity research paper in PDF format.
These drugs ‘could’ KILL your Collie
latest research updates on drug sensitivity.
Please read this information sheet carefully, and retain for
future reference
it may save your Collie’s life.
Toxicity with details on DNA Testing in USA.
– DNA Testing for DrugSensitivity in Europe, with additional date on Drug Sensitivity discoveredby European Veterinary Scientists.
hnical information onthe Blood-Brain Barrier.
health-issues.html – up to date information Supplied by ‘The Collie Association’ on known and suspected problem drugs for the none scientific.
Information in this fact sheet supplied by ‘The Collie Association’ DRUG SENSITIVITY IN THE WIDER COLLIE FAMILY – THE FACTS
1980/82 – Ivermectin Licensed for Veterinary Use
Mid 90s – Other Breeds and Drugs Implicated in Drug Sensitivity Problems
Veterinary surgeons were quick to discover, soon after its introduction as a By the mid 90s other breeds were reporting sensitivity problems, in addition other veterinary medicine in the early 1980s, that Ivermectin was a particularly effective drugs, and this time drugs licensed for domestic animals, were being implicated in treatment for a variety of canine parasitic infections, and despite the fact that the a similar way to Ivermectin. This being the case with an American exhibitor whose drug was only licensed for cattle, pigs and horses it quickly became the drug of
Collie was diagnosed with Lymphosarcoma cancer. Prescribed chemotherapy he choice with many practising vets when treating stubborn canine cases of parasitic developed poison like symptoms after a single treatment, and this using a smaller dose than usually prescribed, from which he did not recover, post mortem resultsproving it was the treatment and not the cancer which killed him.
1984 – First Documented and Confirmed Case of Ivermectin Poisoning
Almost as quickly Collie owners were reporting problems with dogs treated with 1997 – Research into Drug Sensitivity Conducted in America & Germany
Ivermectin, and amongst the earliest was an Italian breeder whose vet administered By the late 90s a team of veterinary scientists, headed by Dr Katrina Mealey and Ivermectin as a wide spectrum anti-parasitic drug to her kennel of Collies, all of Dr Mark Neff, had instigated a research programme to isolate the cause of this which quickly became very poorly. Despite constant veterinary attention and the problem. Early observations showed that affected dogs had an elevated breeder’s ability to invoke the assistance of Dr Sharon Lynn Vanderlip, a Doctor of concentration of Ivermectin in the central nervous system, which lead the research Veterinary Medicine and then Head of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at the team to believe that this neurotoxicity was caused by some defect in the blood-brain University of California. Four of her valuable kennel died as a result.
barrier mechanism. The DNA testing of swabs, acquired from a wide selection of
apparently unrelated breeds, mostly pastoral and hounds, from several countries
revealed a pre-existing mutation of the Multi-drug Resistance Gene MDR-1 in the
1984 – Warning About Possible Adverse Effect of Using Ivermectin
wider Collie family, which confirmed what many Collie enthusiasts had long Shortly after, and possibly as a result of this case Merck Sharp and Dohme Ltd suspected. Statistical analysis of the initial test results suggest more than 50% of [MSD] issued the following advice to the veterinary profession Ivermectin is known
Collies, are affected by this problem and are therefore susceptible to adverse to have an adverse effect on certain breeds of dog by way of three letters written
to the editor of ‘The Veterinary Record’. That many veterinary surgeons failed toheed the message conveyed in this way is hardly surprising and vets generallycontinued to use the drug, although it was still not licensed for use in dogs.
2003 – Accidental Ivermectin Poisoning
More recently it has been discovered that susceptible dogs do not need to be givena drug containing Ivermectin in order to be affected by it, as the owners of one 1988 – British Breeder Looses Two of Four Collies Treated with Ivermectin
young show hopeful discovered to their cost. Exercised in a field where horses were After experiencing difficulties with an excessive worm burden in otherwise healthy allowed to graze, this young collie suddenly became very poorly, but as he had not puppies in 1988 a British Collie breeder accepted the advice of her vet allowing the been given any medication before showing symptoms of ill-health it was some time use of a preparation he assured her he had used successfully for more than a year before Ivermectin Intolerance was suspected. It is known, within the veterinary without any adverse effects. All four bitches, treated in this way, became lethargic profession, that cattle and horses excrete a large amount of the drug in their faeces which was quickly followed by paralysis, two eventually lapsing into a coma from after worming, and this was apparently means by which this collie acquired a lethal dose of Ivermectin after ingesting dung passed by horses that had recently beenwormed with an Ivermectin based preparation.
1989 – MSD Print Warning About Possible Side Effects of Ivermectin on Packaging
2004 – Drug Sensitivity Test Introduced
As a result of this breeder’s experiences, and after consultation between her, her vetand the drug company it was agreed that the drug company would, in future, include A DNA test to discover which animals are affected by this mutation of the Multi- a warning about the possible side effects in selected breeds on their packaging, drug Resistance Gene which causes Sensitivity to a wide variety of drugs has been however MSD’s promised articles advising both breeders and veterinarians about introduced in both America and Europe, thereby assisting veterinarians in their the dangers never materialise, although ‘The Veterinary Record’ did republish their choice of treatment options, this of greatest assistance in deciding the treatment of more serious conditions such as cancer.
Information in this fact sheet supplied by ‘The Collie Association’ Information in this fact sheet supplied by ‘The Collie Association’


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