C A S E A L E R T , N O . 3 6 N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 0 8 Supreme Court Hears Preemption Arguments in Wyeth v. Levine
On November 3, 2008, the Supreme Court of
for its alleged failure to remove from Phen-
Wyeth v. Levine, a case that many legal com-
mentators have described as having the po-
tential to reshape the landscape of pharma-
Levine, the benefit of IV-push – faster alle-
ceutical litigation in the United States. The
viation of nausea – is far outweighed by the
issue before the Court was whether Food and
Drug Administration (“FDA”) approval of a
drug’s label preempts state tort “failure to
warn” claims alleging that the labeling was
inadequate. Questions asked by the various
proved, clearly warned of the risks associ-
Justices, combined with the general tenor of
ated with IV-push administration, including
the argument, suggest that a split Court may
the risk of arterial injection leading to gan-
find in favor of a narrowly-defined form of
gued that FDA approval of a drug and itslabeling preempts state tort lawsuits alleg-
The facts of Levine, although tragic, are
ing failure to warn. A jury award of nearly
$7 million in favor of Levine was affirmed
gangrene in her right arm, which was even-
tually amputated at the forearm, after receiv-
ing an intravenous injection of Phenergan,
an anti-nausea medication manufactured by
vine’s right arm via the IV-push method,
Court, Seth P. Waxman, counsel for Wyeth,
whereby medication is injected directly into
the patient’s vein. Unfortunately, the needle
tical drug’s label preempts state tort law-
penetrated one of Levine’s arteries, causing
suits that allege the label was inadequate.
gangrene to develop and leading to the am-
Mr. Waxman argued that to conclude other-
wise would place a pharmaceutical com-pany in an impossible situation: either it
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follows federal law and uses the FDA-approved
Justice John Roberts and possibly Justice
label or it conforms to state tort law and adds
additional warnings that were not approved by
seemed to be leaning against preemption, he
vinced by Wyeth’s argument. Specifically, the
reasoned decision in favor of preemption.
questions and tones of Justices John Paul Ste-
Justice Stephen Breyer may be similarly per-
vens, David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
suaded. Finally, Justice Clarence Thomas did
suggest they will likely find that FDA approval
not ask any questions, as is his custom. How-
does not preempt state tort lawsuits questioning
ever, Justice Thomas often votes with Chief
the adequacy of FDA-approved labels. Justice
Justice Roberts and Justice Scalia and may
Ginsburg’s position is not surprising in light of
her dissenting opinion in Riegel v. Medtronic,Inc., a Supreme Court decision issued earlier this
There is therefore a distinct possibility that the
year in which the Court found in favor of pre-
Supreme Court will find in favor of preemp-
emption of state product liability claims involv-
tion of state tort actions alleging failure to
warn in narrowly-defined cases in which the
David C. Frederick argued on behalf of Levine
sented by the pharmaceutical company regard-
against preemption of state tort claims. Justice
ing the specific potential injury suffered by the
Antonin Scalia asked Mr. Frederick a series of
patient. However, it is likely that this decision
questions regarding whether the fact that the
will result in a split in the Court and be ac-
FDA-approved label allowed for IV-push as a
companied by a powerful dissent against pre-
method of administration demonstrates that the
FDA considered the risks and benefits associatedwith IV-push and concluded that it was an al-
Regardless of the Court’s ruling, Levine is not
lowable method of administration. Mr. Freder-
likely to end all state tort actions against drug
ick disputed whether the FDA actually con-
manufacturers. Both sides in Levine agree that
ducted a risk-benefit analysis specifically for IV-
lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies
push, which he argued is necessary before a fail-
alleging withholding of information from the
ure to warn claim may be preempted. Mr. Fre-
FDA are not preempted. Moreover, lawsuits
derick agreed with Justice Samuel Alito that if
against manufacturers who promoted “off la-
the FDA, after consideration, determined that
bel” use of their products or failure to warn
IV-push should not be contraindicated, and then
approved the current label, Levine’s claim
The results of this year’s presidential and Con-
Our impressions at oral argument, the questions
gressional elections will likely also have a
asked by the various Justices, and the Justices’
significant impact on the preemption land-
prior positions on similar issues, lead us to be-
scape. With the Democrats maintaining their
lieve that the Court will likely be split on the
Congressional majority, it is likely we will see
issue of preemption and may narrowly find in
attempts to enact legislation overturning or
favor of preemption based on the specific facts
limiting any preemption decision. In fact, the
United States House of Representatives Com-mittee on Oversight and Government Reform
The tenor of the questions suggests that Justices
held hearings earlier this year in connection
Ginsburg, Stevens and Souter oppose preemp-
decision in Levine will be issued before the
opinion in Riegel, will likely rule in favor of
preemption. He will likely be joined by Chief
Should you have any questions or commentsregarding this matter, please feel free to con-tact us.
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