Members Present: Jim Gilbert, Ethan Ebenstein, Mike Brown, Harold Schneider, Janet Moore, Julie Ebenstein and
Jim Gilbert called the meeting to order at 8 am.
Harold presented the new CPEF page which is currently under construction on the website. He
also demonstrated the CPEF Facebook account which is now up and operational.
• Jim Gilbert will forward a complete list of corporate sponsors to be posted on the website • Missi McPherson will forward a complete list of recent classroom grants and scholarship awardees (with any
• Janet Moore will confirm the Meijer Rewards number and provide any updates to both Harold for the website
and Facebook accounts and Missi for the written materials
• Denise Clement will forward previous minutes and silent auction/Christmas tree flyers to Harold to post • Missi will forward the PowerPoint presentation used at the welcome back staff luncheon to Harold to post
• Jim will confirm with Jeff Hoag to see if quarterly reports/updates can be available for the board members and
perhaps annual reporting of financials to be available for the website.
New Logo – was shared. All written materials, website and Facebook accounts have the new logo incorporated on
• Jim will forward the Allegra invoice to Jeff Hoag for payment.
• Denise reported that we are now in the profit margin for the 1st Annual Green and Gold Duck Race. To date we
have collected $825.00 in Duck Sales. Our expenses (including prize money) equals $537.00, and at this time,
our profit margin rests at $288.00. We will be selling ducks at the next two football games and the remaining
open houses. Denise will take ducks over to Hot Tropics, as Polly Vandenbroek has offered to sell ducks from
her business. Denise will also contact Jeff Hoag to see if we can put up a display and sell ducks at SLCC for these
last two weeks. Julie is to check with Tammy DeMeester for finish line flags. Ethan will check to see what we
can use to “funnel” the ducks at the finish line to determine the winning ducks.
• Panther Fall Classic Fun Run is set for Saturday, November 14th. Fun Run entry forms are posted on the website as well as on Facebook. There will be an upcoming committee meeting to work out the
• Christmas Tree Silent Auction/Spaghetti Dinner – November 28th at CPHS cafeteria. The group decided to cap
the number of decorated trees at 30 for the first year. We already have received 10 tree reservations. We
talked about contacting a few of the businesses to see if they could have their decorated tree available as early
as 11/14/09 so we could have them on display at the Arts and Craft Show at the high school. Flyers will be made
available to hand out to all those who attend the craft show.
o Ethan was to check with the high school band and choir to see if they would like to provide
o Denise is to follow-up with the Boy Scout troupes who offered to buss the tables.
o Janet is to check with her brother regarding discounted pricing for purchasing the trees.
o Denise will contact the restaurant manager at Olive Garden/Alpine to see if we can get the salad and
o Denise will contact Cindi Chester to secure a table/booth at the craft show. We will need volunteers to
o Ethan was to check on whether or not we need to have a CP staff member present to use the kitchen.
o Missi will re-work the flyers and forward to Harold to post on the website.
o We will need to perhaps make table tents and post them at local restaurants to promote the event.
• The progressive dinner was tabled until next month. • The Hacking for Education golf outing – we need to confirm the date with Jeff Hoag
• All remaining books from the Community Fair will be donated to the elementary media centers for the book
• Mike Brown will bring in the approximately 70 books that have been obtained so far. • We will arrange a door to door book drive campaign which will take place on Saturday, October 10th. If no one is
at home, a flyer will be left at the door indicating that the following home football game on 10/16/09 will be an
opportunity for anyone to bring a new or gently used book for the book exchange program. We also talked
about creating drop off boxes to be located at each school building.
• Denise will check with Lisa Dudick, president of the Athletic Boosters to see if we can arrange a free hot dog give
away in exchange for a donated book at the 10/16/09 football game.
We reviewed the PowerPoint presentation. Mike Brown has offered to attend the 10/13/09 elementary PTO meeting
at 7 pm at Pine Island school. He will update the PTO members of all the planned fundraising events and book drive,
along with outlining the various possibilities of becoming involved in the CPEF.
• Grant application and payroll deduction forms were sent out to staff on 9/10/09 • Pencils with CPEF name and logo as give aways – Allegra Printing offered two examples for our review. We
thought perhaps we could give away pencils along with a free book and book mark (made of our logo) next year
• It was decided that we will not participate in the homecoming parade this year, due to the Duck Race and lack of
membership. Hopefully next year, this will be a possibility for our organization.
• Schoolhouse articles were submitted by Denise for the upcoming newsletter – which features upcoming
fundraising events and opportunities to become involved in the CPEF.
• Janet Moore will contact the Alumni Book Directory to see if they have our alumni database for a possible mass
• KISD Network Foundation Meetings – first meeting will be held on 9/24/09 at KISD. Everyone was invited to
check their calendars to see if they can participate in this worthwhile event. The meeting time is 8:30 am to
10:00 am. If you are able to attend, please rsvp to
Upcoming CPEF monthly meeting dates are as follows:
• Monday, 10/12/09 at 8 am (all meetings will be held in Central Office) • Monday, 11/9/09 at 8 am • Monday, 12/14/09 at 8 am • Monday, 1/11/10 at 8 am • Monday, 2/8/10 at 8 am • Monday, 3/8/10 at 8 am • Monday, 4/12/10 at 8 am • Monday, 5/10/10 at 8 am • Monday, 6/14/10 at 8 am
We have received research funding from Takeda Pharmaceuticals; TAB has been Torgerson JS, Hauptman J, Boldrin MN, Sjostrom L. Xenical in the prevention on a speakers’ panel for and has received travel and accommodation expenses of diabetes in obese subjects (XENDOS) study. Diabetes Care 2004; 27: 155–61. Buchanan TA. (How) Can we prevent type 2 diabetes? Diabetes 2007; Tuomilehto J
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