Healthy Travel Packing List Pack items for your health and safety.
You may not be able to purchase and pack all of these items, and some may not be
relevant to you and your travel plans. Talk to your doctor about which items are most important for you.
This list is general and may not include all the items you need. Check our
for more information if you are a traveler with specific health needs, such as travelers who are pregnant, immune compromised, or traveling for a specific purpose like humanitarian aid work.
Remember to pack extras of important health supplies in case of travel delays.
Prescription medicines
Your prescriptions antibiotic Suture/syringe kit
Kit is for use by local health care provider & requires a letter from your doctor on letterhead stationery
Altitude sickness medicine Medicine to prevent malaria Medicines and Medical Supplies
Consider packing spare glasses in case yours are damaged
Consider packing spare contacts in case yours are damaged
Needles or syringes, e.g. for diabetes
Requires a letter from your doctor on letterhead stationery
Diabetes testing supplies Insulin Inhalers Epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPens) Medical alert bracelet or necklace Over-the-counter medicines
Examples: loperamide [Imodium] or bismuth subsalicylate [Pepto-Bismol]
Antihistamine Motion sickness medicine Cough drops Cough suppression/expectorant
Decongestant Medicine for pain and fever
Examples: acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen
Mild laxative Mild sedative or other sleep aid Saline nose spray Supplies to prevent illness or injury
Hand sanitizer or wipes
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol or antibacterial hand wipes
Water purification tablets
Water purification tablets
May be needed if camping or visiting remote areas
Insect repellent
Select an insect repellent based on CDC recommendations:
Permethrine is insect repellent for clothing. It may be needed if you spend a lot of time outdoors. Clothing can also be treated at home in advance.
Bed net
For protection against insect bites while sleeping
(SPF 15 or greater) with UVA and UVB protection. See
Sunglasses and hat
Wear for additional sun protection. A wide brim hat is preferred.
Personal safety equipment
Examples: child safety seats, bicycle helmets
Earplugs Latex condoms First-Aid Kit
1% hydrocortisone cream Antifungal ointments Antibacterial ointments Antiseptic wound cleanser Aloe gel
Insect bite treatment
Multiple sizes, gauze, and adhesive tape
Moleskin or molefoam for blisters Elastic/compression bandage wrap
Disposable gloves Digital thermometer Scissors and safety pins Cotton swabs (Q-Tips) Tweezers Eye drops Oral rehydration salts Documents
Health insurance documents
Health insurance card (your regular plan and/or supplemental travel health insurance plan) and copies of claim forms
Proof of yellow fever vaccination
If required for your trip, take your completed International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis card or medical waiver
Copies of all prescriptions
Make sure prescriptions include generic names. Bring prescriptions for medicines, eye glasses/contacts, and other medical supplies.
Contact card
Carry a contact card containing the street addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the following:
o Family member or close contact remaining in the United States o Health care provider(s) at home o Lodging at your destination o Hospitals or clinics (including emergency services) in your destination o U.S. embassy or consulate in the destination country or countries
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