Tioman Diving – Cuti-cuti Malaysia what to prepare for an open water diving course?
I’m finally going ahead with an sunny and i get sun burnt easily. what are some basic items to bring on the boat with me?
Kaki Cuti Cuti Malaysia answers:
I’ve never been diving in Malaysia, so I can only offer advice for boat diving in general.
Obviously if you burn easily you should bring some form of protection from the sun. If you usesunscreen, try to use one that is environmentally friendly. A cap or hat may provide someprotection for your face and neck, that is an area that gets a lot of sun. Sunglasses will helpprotect your eyes.
If you are prone to seasickness, take any medications a good hour before boarding the boat. Over the counter medications such as Dramamine and Bonine are fine as long as they don’tcause drowsiness. Test the effects of the medication in advance so you know what to use fordiving.
Only bring on the boat what you need to have. Space is usually limited, so pack small.
Much else depends on the boat and the dive operation:
….The boat may or may not have a canopy. If so, that will help some with your sunburnconcerns.
….There may or may not be a dry area on the boat. If not, anything on the boat (includingclothes, towels, etc) will get wet, so a small/medium sized dry bag would be a good investment.
….Along with a dry bag, something to protect small or fragile items (like sunglasses, watches,jewelry, etc) is worthwhile. Many divers find a hard mask case useful for this purpose.
….There probably will be drinking water on board, but until you know for sure consider bringing abottle of water along.
….There may or may not be snacks for between dives. Hard candy like Jolly Ranchers can helpwith the dry mouth that results from breathing dry compressed air.
….A light windbreaker can be useful for the boat ride back after diving. Depending on theweather and the speed of the boat, the ride back can sometimes be chilly especially if it israining.
That’s about all I can think of off the top of my head. Have a great time!
Which diving school in Singapore offers the lowest rate for Open Water Course?
I wanted to know which diving school in Singapore is offering the lowest rate for Scuba Diving Open Water Course to Tioman. Thanks Kaki Cuti Cuti Malaysia answers:
Well, i got certified by absolute scuba at beach road and paid only $380+ for it. But that was 4years ago. I think prices now have gone up alot already. Anyway, prices between the operatorsare very competitive because their packages are all similar. Expect to pay about $450 for anOWD course to Pulau Aur. More importantly u should see how established the shop is and theinstructor:student ratio. Small classes=more attention=safer diving.
Enjoy your course and have fun diving! =)
Perhentian Islands or Pulau Tioman better?
And why? Tioman looks better in pictures, but it seems that more people recommend the Perhentians.
We’re 3 girls basically looking for a relatively uncrowded, idyllic setting where we can laze onthe beach, snorkel and dive, maybe do some jungle trekking, and have something akin to a barto go to after the sun goes down.
We’ll be there for 4 or 5 days at the end of July, coming from KL. Kaki Cuti Cuti Malaysia answers:
There are two major islands of perhentian. I like perhentian kechil coz the waters are better thanperhentian besar and tioman. It is less developed and there is sense of tropical paradise at thelong beach especially. There are also some nice rustic bars and restuarants along the beachwhich are so relaxing at nite. There are not many high end resorts there and most patrons thereare backpackers. That makes a difference coz backpackers are friendlier (esp at the bars). I dont like perhentian besar cos it is more commercialised and plenty of tourists there.
Tioman offers a variety of activities to do and beaches to explore. I enjoyed the treking to thewaterfalls and also swimming at a few secluded beaches on the island. There are also nicerestaurants along the beaches run by the local challet owners – good food.
Pls dont expect too much from snorkelling and diving in tioman and perhentian. They are amajor disappointment to me. The malaysians are poor at conservation so many corals havedied and many of the resident fish have gone else. Tenggol island is a better place to dive andsnorkel. You may want to consider aur island or rawa island – less commercial.
If you are a first timer, i suggest you go to tioman. Am interested in learning diving during Christmas in West Malaysia- near Melaka, Penang, Langkawi, etc?
Please can you suggest good operators & locations for learning as most posts refer to Tioman / Dayang. Kaki Cuti Cuti Malaysia answers:
You can go to Pangkor in Perak, the water is clear and suitable for this activity.
Penang is not the right place to do this because of the waves and murky water.
There are more option if you choose to scuba dive in Langkawi because it has many smallislands and a lots of bot can be chartered for this purpose. total distance from singapore to tioman vai sailing on boat?
going there for diving Kaki Cuti Cuti Malaysia answers:
Distance won’t be as critical as the weather and seas. In normal conditions you may spend twodays getting there. Take a coach from Singapore, 5 Star Tours at the Golden LandmarkComplex, to Mersing then take a ferry or speed boat across to Tioman.
Penguin operated a ferry from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal direct to Tioman but I don’t know ifit’s in service now.
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