DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 1)metastatic calcification may be seen 8)antibody that can cross placenta to protect foetus 2)radiological procedure for studing vesico ureteric reflux is 9)frutose is biochemical marker of function of 3)methotrexate is antagonist of 10)national institute of occupational health is localed 4)aspirin inhibits 11)prefered biomarker for assesing myocardial damage 5)how frequently should well water in a village be chlorinated 12)immediate t/t of anaphylasis 6)in iron deficiency anemia,total iron binding capacity 13)doc for cerebral malaria 7)free water clearance is 14)kayotype asso. with classic pattern of klinefelter sydrome 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 21)iron prep. that can be given I/V 15)primaquine can cause hemolysis in 22)which of the follo. sign is + radio. evidence of death of featus in utrero 16)serum level of drug is monitored when p/t is on 23)segmentation contraction in small intestine 17)H.pylori infection is asso. with development of 24)all r true about REM sleep except 18)which nerve lesion could produce condition where stimulation of right cornea results in blinking of left eye but not right eye 25)congenital anomaly, with which oligohydramnios is asso. 19)nieman pcks ds. is d/t defi. enzyme 26)penicillin injection is recommended case every 3wk for diagnosed case of rheumatic heart ds. is example of 20)while removing a fish bone stuck in throat,main trunk of internal laryngeal nerve is severed.the bone was stuck in
b)sinus of larynx c)vallecula of epiglottis
42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 27)in multiple myeloma,on cohort of 156 p/t of ischemic heart ds eletrophoresis,M band is seen in was taken.All of them were smoker till region of they experience heart attack. 75p/t continue smoking after heart attack & 81p/t quit smoking. Out of those who continued smoking 27 died & out of those who quit smoking 14 died. what is the risk ratio amongest those who 28)which of the follo. declaration continued smoking & those who quit prohibits the participation of regitered medical practiitioner in torture 33)digoxin act on heart by 29)acute hypoxia at high altitude increase pulmonary ventilation d/t stimulation of 34)human genome project is an intervention which canbe termed as an example of 30)all follo. antibactarial agent inhibit bacterial cellwall except 35)starling law of heart predict that
b)inc. SV.from right heart is balaced by
31)post kalazar dermal leishmaniasis is caused by
d)dec. arterial pressure will inc. in stroke
36)which of the viral ds. is tick borne 32)a five year follow up study was done to determine,whether or not smoker' who had previous heartattack,were at risk of dying after 5years,if they continue smoking or quit smoking.For this purpose,a 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 38)in a village with a popu. of 5000,IMR is 100 & birth rate is 43)live vaccine except 30/1000 .Calcu. No. of dozes of measle vaccine required for the No. of eligible children in village ,if the wastage factor for measle vaccine is two 44)ther is inc. risk of Acute myocardial infarcttion in drug abuse 39)captopril exert antihypertensive 45)atrophy of intrinsic ms of hand, sensory deficit on medial aspect of forearm& hand ,& diminised radial pulse on turning the head on affected side could be b/c of 40)in bronchiectasis permanent dilatation is caused by destrution of 46which of the follo. committee promote concpt of urban primary 41)which group of factor is most imp. health care in patho. of ischemia 47)pain in acute inflamation is d/t 42)in case of appendicitis ,if the pain is 48)weakness in power grip in fracture exacerbated on medial rotation of at spiral groove of humerus is d/t thigh,th position of appendix is paralysis of 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 49)as per the central births and deaths 55)weil's disease is caused by registration act 1969 what is the upper limit in days for registering an event 56)the predominant feature of a healing wound with separated edges 50)the earliest menifestation of diabetic nephropathy is 57)whch of following section of the code of criminal procedure(CrPC) 51)the most common tumour of enumerates the circumtances in which infancy is a mahis trate's inquest is mandatory 52)perthe's test for varicose viens is 58)all the nematodes give birth to meant to find out larvae except 59)national institute of epidmiology is 53)all the following hepatitis viruses are rna virus except 60)a new triage system was setup in an emergency unit o f general 54)meningiomas occur at all the eveluate the new system,the wating following sites except time of p/ts was measured & compared with the watijng time at a comparable nearby hospi. for a period of 6mon.the type of study(reseach design) in above example 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 65)"cold turkey" is used to describewithdrawal symptom from physical dependence on 61)acco. to Transplantation of human organ act 1994,the brainstem death of a potential donor fom whose body an organ has to be harvested must be 66)polyuria occurs in satisfied by a board of all of the follo. medical experts except 67)daily requerment of water,in litres,per person,per day,for all purpose ideally
c)a neuorologist or a neurosurgeon to be
68)approx. calorific value of two slice of bread,in calories 62)with referance to demographic cycle INDIA is in which phase 69)contralateral deviation is a charateristic of which 63)amplitude of accomodation
a)is defference b/w near point & far
70)fungus which cannot be grown on 64)for one case of measle,subclinical artificial culture media case(s)expected in community is/are 71)recruitment of follicle during each monthly female sexual cycle is primary d/t to action of 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 78)primary tumor of choroid is 72)follo. is non adaptive receptor 79)bacerial vaginosis d/t 73)founder of epidemiology 80)mucocele is more frequent in 74)tympenic note on percussion in Traub space on chest wall is d/t which 81)bandl's ring is d/t underlined structure 82)upto how many years,IUC 75)follo. r example of type II device,Cu. T 380A,approved for use hypersensitivity except 83)venous ulcer have 76)susceptiblity of oral mucosa for multiple primary cancer is a phenomenon k/w as 84false neg. Rinnes test 77)hep C virus is asso. with 85)spread of Ca cervix to upper 2/3 of vagina with no ovious parametrial 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 involvement means that the stage of cancer is 92)all r true about pheochromocytoma 86)a 30yr. old man having severe bronchial asthma,being t/t with long term of oral steroids develops a groin pain & limp.what is most likely diagnosis? 93)neonatal hypoglycemia is defined as blood glucose less than 87)generalized inc. in bone density can be seen in all,except 94)lowest resting BP,in mmHg,to dignose hypertention in Pregnancy 88)highest incidence of Ca oesophagus is found in 95)atonic postpartum Hmrg is t/t with all except 89)anaesthetic agent that is C/I in presence of jaundice 96)recommended daily allowance of Vit D in children 90)M/C complication of modified ECT 97)a sexually active male comes with mutiple painfull ulcers,most likely 91)patch test is best readed diagnosis 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 103)all of follo. r true about USG findings in Complete hydatidiform mole except 98)bone scan in multiple myeloma
a)multiple cysts can be seen in both the
c)characteristic swiss cheese appearance
99)commonest cause of acut Bronchioluitis in children is 104)secondary amanorrhoea is defined as absence of menstruation for 100)a p/t presents with malaena,hyperpigmentation over lips, 105)acetowhitening test is done for oral mucosa & skin & his sister is also having similar complait,diagnosis is 106)procedure with sealing the track of liver biopsy needle to prevent 101)a 25yrs. old man develops bleeding is k\a heamoptysis. afew weeks later he exprienced suden onset of acute rinal failure. his urone examination showed presence of mild protienuria,heamatuia & RBC casts ,most likely diagnosis is 107)posterior scalloping of vertebral bodies is seen in 102)all of follo. r components of 108)reactionary haemorrhage after tetralogy of Fallot except surgery ussually occurs 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 115)distribution of functional renal 109)transudate is seen in middle ear in tissue is seen by 110)renal vein thrombosis is most commonly associated with 116)the chemical composition of renal calculi which are not visualised on plain radiographs is 111)the most common of drug rash is 117)bare foot cultivation in volcanic soil having silica leads to 112)50 yrs male had acute myocardial infarction 4 days he complains of substernal chest pain 118)definitive sign of phase i with radiation into left arm and anaesthesia is jaw.most likely cause of the chest pain 119)blue sclera is ssen in all of the foll. conditions except 113)in menopausal women ,the level of 120)all of the foll. are effects of hypertension except 114)drug of choice for cycling Manic depressive psychosis is 121)a two yrs old girl child is brought to the out patient with features of hand wringing ,stereotype 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 movements,impaired language and 127)AustinMoore hemiarthroplasty is communication development, breath a t/t of choice for holding spells,poor social skills and deceleration of head growth after six months of age.the most likely
c)intracapsular fractures in geriatric age
diagnosis is 128)a very birth weight is a newborn whose weight in grams is less than 122)a malignant tumour of the eyelid 129)a 55 yrs old man with a 10 year history of alchohol developed fatty liver.which oothe foll. best explains 123)minimal 'starvation time' the pathogenesis of liver disease? required in general anesthesia
b)decreased hydrolysis of fat in adipose
d)increased beta-oxidation of fatty acids
124)Ilizarov's method depends upon the principle of 130)all te features of CVS lesions in tertiary syphylis except 125)trethovan's sign is diagnostic of 131)Manning's biophysical profffile ecaluates all of the oll. fetal parameters except 126)precaucious puberty in girls is defined as puberty before the age of 132)loss of 1 gm of nitrogen in urine is equivalent to breakdown of 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 139)nociceptive pain is a type of 133)M/C cause of stroke in young women in INDIA among oral contraceptive pills users 140)mallet finger is d/t
a)rupture of extensor tendon at the level
b)rupture of extensor tendon at the level
134)follo. is not location of Lymphangioma 141)complication of massive blood transfusion include all except 135)in Ebb phase of metabolic response to injury all of follo. occur 142) all but one is not a pre malignant condition of penis 136)wegener's granulomatous ds. almost always affect 143)bone mineral density is best managed by 137) hadfield's operation refers to 144)Trivex is new technique used in t/t 138)migratory necrolytic erythema is 145)DOC for Absence seizure 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 152)commonest itracranial menifestation of CSOM is 146)a symtom of Retinitis pigmentosa 153)visual acuity of infants is best assessed by 147) La belle indefference is seen in 154)confabulation is typically seen in 148)common patho. change in blood vessel in kidney in Benign hypertension is 155)parameter used in APGAR score include all of follo. except 149)specific gravity of urine is inc. in all except 156)gynaecomatia is not asso with 150)phophorous-32 emits 157)a cerebral mass which appear hyperdense on a non contrast CT 151)occurence of Neural tube defect can be reduced by optimizing intake 158)which of follo. lab. studies is helpful to diagnose cystic fibrosis 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 166)inc. radioisotope uptake is seen in 159)serological test of choice for all of follo. except Neurocysticercosis 167)''Double bubble' sign seen in 160)LBW is with birth weight abdominal x-ray of a neonate is of characteristic of 161)looser's zone r seen in 168)which one of follo. is the first epiphysis to appear around elbow 162)chronic sinusitis in children is usually confined to 169)reccurent spontaneous abortion in first trimester is d/t 163)color of oxygen cylinder is 170)ectopic lentis is not seen in 164)half life Technetium ,in hours,is 171)M/C cause of inspiratory stridor in new born is 165)commonest cardiac valve involved in Rheumatic heart ds. 172)M/C organism causing septic 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 173)in response to surgical injury in first 24-48hours,ther is 180)M/C site of blow out fracture of
a)inc. in glucagon& insulin secretion
b)dec. in glucagon & insulin secretion
c)dec. in glucagon & inc. in insulin
d)inc. in glucagon & dec. in insulin
174)NREM sleep is asso .with 181)what is minimum interval b/w administrtion of two live vaccines 175)t/t of persistent epithelial defect 182)all r true for Nueropraxia except 176)"Chritmas tree cataract" is seen
c)there is complete & sudden recovery
183)dinner fork diformity is seen in 177)an opaque hemithorax on chest radiograph can be seen in all except 184)all except one is not a congenital 178)p/t receiving Ampicillin therapy develop Pseudomembranous colitis d/t 185)Granulosa tumor arise from 179)papillary necrosis is seen in all 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 186)most effective hormonal means of 192)which of the follo. most sensitive emergency contraception consist of screening testis for acromegaly 187)in spinal anaesthesia drug is 193)percentage of xylocaine used in deposited in b/w spinal anaesthesia 188)OK 432 or Picibanil is 194)follo. r major feature to diagnose
a)sclerosant used to treat cystic hygroma
Atopic dermatitis
c)specific agent for interstitial ds. of
195)M/C site for amoebiasis 189)25yr old man presented with drooping eyelids,diplopia,tiredness & dysphagia for solids & liquids n upper oesophagus. which of the follo. terms best describes this clinical condition 196)Adenomyosis is the presence of endometrial tissue in 190)laser iridotomy is done by 197)which one of the follo. is commonest deformity seen after malunion of fracture Lat. condyle in children 191)sleuder's neuralgia originates 198)malignant otitis extena is d/t 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 200)septal hematoma is more common in children b/c 199)obesity is asso. with inc. incidence of all, except
c)septal blood vessel have little support
42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110 DELHI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES M.P. PG-2010 42433051,25853434,9811217431,9873314110
Gaucho Memorial Mystery Rally Fellow Scramblers, Put your “rally” caps on and join us on the southbound side of the Hinsdale Oasis (I-294) at 8:30 AM CST Saturday June 20th for 3 days of “Mystery Rally” fun and excitement. The “Mystery” portion of this event is that you will not know the end destination for the Rally. But I can assure you this event will travel along some
The Denby Report on Vitamin B12 deficiency First Published Healthspan Feb 2010 Page 1 of 4 Vitamin B12 deficiency The B vitamins are a group of 6 water-soluble vitamins that work together in the body and are essential for growth and the proper development of a healthy nervous system; for body maintenance, food digestion and general metabolism. As they cannot be stored in the bod