An evaluation of the awareness enhancement device (AED) described by Rapp, Milten-berger, and Long (1998) was conducted with 2 children who engaged in thumb suckingpast the age at which it was developmentally appropriate. The AED effectively suppressedthumb sucking for both children. Future research evaluating the AED is discussed.
awareness enhancement device, habit behaviors, thumb sucking,
automatic reinforcement, automatic contingency delivery procedures
on the thumb sucking of two children with-
childhood can result in a number of physical
in a more rigorous experimental design.
and social problems (Friman, 1987). Variousbehavioral interventions, such as the appli-cation of aversive-tasting substances to the
thumb, differential reinforcement, time-out,token economy programs, and habit reversal,
have been moderately to highly successful intreating this behavior. However, there may
be problems with treatment integrity and ac-
been diagnosed with attention deficit hyper-
ceptability when the program requires close
As an alternative to socially mediated in-
terventions, Rapp, Miltenberger, and Long
Ritalin and 100 mg of Nortriptyline per day
for the duration of the investigation. All as-
sessment and treatment sessions took place
individual raises a hand to the head. This
in the living room of each child’s home. Pri-
or to the study, we conducted a functional
habit behaviors (i.e., finger sucking and hair
analysis involving alone, attention, escape,
pulling) for 2 individuals, but it was evalu-
and control conditions (these data are con-
ated only after other interventions were in-
tained in Stricker, Miltenberger, Anderson,
effective (Ellingson et al., 2000; Rapp et al.,
Tulloch, & Deaver, 2000). Thumb sucking
1998). Thus, the purpose of this investiga-
occurred most often in the alone condition
tion was to evaluate the effects of the AED
(M ϭ 93% and 77% for Mark and Jack,respectively) and rarely occurred in the other
Address correspondence to Raymond G. Milten-
berger, Department of Psychology, North DakotaState University, Fargo, North Dakota 58105 (E-mail:
the receiver, a 65-dB pulse sounded while
the units were in proximity to one another. Thumb sucking was defined as the inser-
tion of the thumb past the front teeth with
ABCBAC (A ϭ baseline, B ϭ inactive AED,
the lips closed over the thumb. Data on the
C ϭ active AED) design for both partici-
sucking were collected in 10-min sessionsusing a real-time videocassette recording
method and were reported as a percentageof session time. To assess interobserver agree-
Following baseline (M ϭ 94.7%), minor
ment, a second observer scored 33% of all
reductions in Mark’s thumb sucking were
sessions. The number of seconds of agree-
observed during the inactive AED condition
(M ϭ 75.8%) (Figure 1). In the active AEDcondition, thumb sucking decreased to zero
currence of the behavior was divided by the
for four sessions and then increased during
total number of seconds in the session and
the inactive AED reversal (M ϭ 83.4%).
One baseline session was conducted (93.5%)
thumb sucking to zero for 17 sessions across
Jack’s thumb sucking was also reduced to
cm by 7.5 cm) fastened on the wrists with
variable early in baseline but stabilized by
the sixth session (M ϭ 38.4%). Thumb
sucking decreased and then increased during
from the child’s mouth. When either trans-
the inactive AED condition (M ϭ 50.2%).
In the active AED condition, thumb sucking
(i.e., approximately 25 cm from the child’s
decreased to zero for eight sessions and then
mouth), the receiver’s beeper (65 dB) was
increased during one inactive AED session
activated while the two units were in prox-
(M ϭ 98.7%) and two baseline sessions (M
ϭ 94.1%). Reimplementation of the activeAED resulted in near-zero levels of thumb
sucking (M ϭ 0.7%) for 27 sessions across
Baseline. The participant sat by himself
and watched television with the videocamera
Inactive AED. The participant watched
television alone and wore the AED while it
each time the hand was raised to the mouth.
was turned off. No tone was delivered. This
These results replicate and extend previous
findings (Ellingson et al., 2000; Rapp et al.,
1998) by demonstrating a clear functional
relationship between contingent delivery of
Active AED. This condition was similar to
the tone and levels of thumb sucking. Al-
that described above. However, contingent
though these results demonstrate the effec-
on the transmitter coming within 10 cm of
tiveness of the AED, Stricker, Miltenberger,
Percentage of session time of thumb sucking for Mark and Jack across baseline (BL), inactive
Garlinghouse, et al. (2000) found that the
and implement prescribed procedures. A sec-
ond benefit was that the apparatus allowed
sucking for 1 child. In this case, a more in-
the children to participate in activities while
tense auditory stimulus reduced the behavior
it continuously detected occurrences of the
behavior. This feature was appealing because
both children reported that they sucked their
socially mediated interventions for thumb
thumbs while participating in other activities
sucking. First, the device does not require a
(e.g., playing video games, eating, doing
person to continuously monitor the behavior
It is not yet clear why the AED is effec-
tive. One possibility is that the AED in-creased awareness of thumb sucking, which
Ellingson, S. A., Miltenberger, R. G., Stricker, J. M.,
led to reductions in the behavior. Another
Garlinghouse, M. A., Roberts, J., & Rapp, J. T.
possibility is that the tone punished thumb
(2000). Analysis and treatment of finger sucking.
sucking and the termination of the tone neg-
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 41–52.
Friman, P. C. (1987). Thumb sucking in childhood.
atively reinforced the movement of the hand
Feelings and Their Medical Significance, 29, 11–
away from the face. Future research should
investigate the mechanism responsible for
Rapp, J. T., Miltenberger, R. G., & Long, E. S.
(1998). Augmenting simplified habit reversal withan awareness enhancement device: Preliminary
findings. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31,
behaviors (e.g., nail biting, hair pulling,
Stricker, J., Miltenberger, R., Anderson, C., Tulloch,
also should be evaluated in future studies.
H., & Deaver, C. (2000). A functional analysis ofdigit sucking in children. Manuscript submitted for
Maintenance may be achieved by fading the
tone in a systematic way and by replacing
Stricker, J., Miltenberger, R., Garlinghouse, M., Deav-
the tone with vibration or other subtle stim-
er, C., Anderson, C., & Tullach, H. (2000). Aug-menting the effectiveness of an awareness enhance-
be more appropriate for use in public set-
ment device to treat finger sucking. Manuscript sub-mitted for publication.
tings (e.g., the classroom or workplace). Fi-nally, when a behavior rarely occurs with
subtle stimuli, the AED itself could be fad-
Final acceptance November 19, 2000
Multi-Tasking to Counter Short Selling in the Greenhouse How environmental wisdom can be used to counter economic downturn Translation of an article that first was published in German in the journal “Politische Ökologie”, volume 114, March 2009, p. 62-64, also available from urtesy of oekom publishing company. Emissions are to the environmental crises of the past 30 years what short
DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-A Por parte de Portugal, o Acordo foi aprovado pelositado o seu instrumento de adesão em 30 de SetembroDecreto n.o 10/90, publicado no Diário da República, de 2004, conforme o Aviso n.o 205/2004, publicado no1.a série, n.o 82, de 7 de Abril de 1990. Diário da República, 1.a série-A, n.o 297, de 21 de Dezem-Nos termos do artigo X do Acordo, este