
Structured Products
Julius Baer Certificate on the JB Nuclear Power Basket II
SVSP Product Name
Julius Baer Certificates
Julius Baer Certificates ("Certifcate(s)") are investment instruments that provide the opportunity to participate in thedevelopment of the Underlying to the full extent. These products are aimed at investors who expect a positive pricedevelopment of the shares contained in the Underlying.
JB Nuclear Power Basket II
The JB Nuclear Power Basket II consists of shares in 8 listed companies.
Average Net
Number of
Purchase Price
Shares ni
Please read the important legal information on the second page of this term sheet.
Each holder of a certificate qualifies for redemption on the Redemption Date by the Issuer of an amount in USD that iscalculated as follows: Structured Products
Average net sale price of the share i on the Reference Exchange on the Maturity Date converted into Number of shares of share i in the Underlying Number of different shares in the Underlying An investment in this Certificate basically carries the same risks as a direct investment in the assets coveredby the Underlying. The investor is exposed to the currency risk of the basket components. A total loss ispossible should the value of the Underlying or of all assets covered by the Underlying be zero on the MaturityDate. Investors whose reference currency is not USD should recognise their currency risk.
Sales Restrictions
US, US Persons, EEA, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore Reuters / Bloomberg
Price Information
The prices will be published on Reuters and Bloomberg. Trading hours 9.15 a.m. - 5.15 p.m. (Zurich time).
General Terms
Will be applied on the SIX Swiss Exchange / Reuters JBSTP 150'000 Certificates (can be increased at any time) Book-entry Security. No Certificate. No printing of individual or PermanentGlobal Certificate Taxation
No stamp duty at issuance. No federal turnover tax on secondary markettransactions.
For private investors with tax residence in Switzerland the difference betweenthe initial value of the Underlying and a lower Issue Price is subject to incometax. However, gains and losses realised on the Certificate are classified ascapital gain/loss and therefore for such investors not subject to income tax. Allother investors are asked to consult their tax advisors about the taximplications of this Certificate.
For Swiss paying agents, the product is not subject to the EU Savings tax. (TK9) The aforementioned taxes are valid at the time of launch of this issue. The relevant tax laws or regulations of the taxauthorities may change at any time.
Information about our structured products: http://derivatives.juliusbaer.com This term sheet does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities. It is unlawful to advertise, sell or offer these securities inthe United States of America or in any other jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offeror solicitation. This term sheet should neither be construed as an offer or recommendation or solicitation for sale, purchase or engagement in any other transactionfor securities to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. This term sheet is for information purposes only. This product does not representa participation in a collective investment scheme and consequently is not subject to the supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.
Investors are therefore not protected by the Swiss Collective Investments Act (CIA). This means investors are exposed to issuer risk.
Trading in structured products implies substantial risks and past performance is not necessarily indicative for future results. This information is not intended toreplace the investors’ own independent legal, financial, suitability and tax advice that investors should always obtain. Investors must read the ProgrammeDocumentation, the Pricing Supplement and the relevant legal documentation. Complete terms of the structured product, the Programme Documentation and thePricing Supplement may be obtained at +41 (0)58 888 8181 (Structured Products Team). Investors must be aware that conversations on trading lines are recorded.
No objection is assumed. The English version of this term sheet is a translation of the original German term sheet. In case of inconsistencies, the German versionshall prevail.

Source: http://www.derivatives.juliusbaer.ch/html/documents/pdf.pdf?pdf=10167571_TS_EN_20110523.pdf


Mr. Christopher M. CranePresident and CNOExelon NuclearExelon Generation Company, LLC200 Exelon WayKennett Square, PA 19348LIMERICK GENERATING STATION - NRC TRIENNIAL FIRE PROTECTIONINSPECTION REPORT 05000352/2007006 AND 05000353/2007006On August 3, 2007, the NRC completed a triennial fire protection team inspection at yourLimerick Generating Station. The enclosed report documents the inspection


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