
MINUTES of a Board Meeting held Wednesday, June 9, 2004 at the Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, MB PRESENT: - President, Saskatchewan Wheatland Chapter Opening Remarks

President, Susan Gosney, welcomed everyone to the meeting, and expressed regrets on
behalf of Vaughan Grater whose father had recently passed away, and Jerry Heppes who
was attending the funeral of Andy Turner – a past DHI International President.
Additional Agenda Items
The following items will be added to the agenda, time permitting:
Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

Additional Agenda Items (cont’d)
The following guests will be joining the meeting throughout the day: • Bob Watson – to present the Codes Report for discussion and approval • Kim Schellenburg, VP, CANASA – to discuss joint trade show opportunities • Bob Rodkin – to discuss an opportunity for a DHI Canada-endorsed magazine Review of Action Items from November 8, 2003 Board Meeting

All action items have been completed or will be discussed under other reports.


Approval of Minutes of November 8, 2003 Board Meeting

On a motion duly proposed and seconded, the minutes of the November 8, 2003 Board
Meeting were approved as presented.

Motion to Approve Previously Submitted Reports

On a motion duly proposed and seconded, the previously submitted reports were
approved as presented.

DHI International Report

John provided an overview of DHI International activities, as follows:
Chapter Visits
John has focused on Canadian Chapters, with visits already to Quebec and Ontario, and upcoming to Alberta Rose and B.C. John also made a brief appearance at Geneva Park in March the Phoenix and St. Louis schools were combined for one super school in Las Vegas a total of 305 students attended, and helped celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the DHI education program this committee is comprised of former DHI Presidents and Board members their mandate is to help improve the participation of distribution management and owners with DHI initial recommendations include focus groups, research and meetings with senior management/owners at the distribution level Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

DHI International Report (cont’d)
this multi-association group continues to work together to make good progress on this initiative that will require an annual inspection of fire doors and doors of egress the DHI International financial picture has improved, with a slight surplus now forecast, compared to the loss that was previously forecast this program continues to progress on schedule a separate link has been set up on the website, dedicated to education the assessment exam is now available at no charge until the end of the year for any member who has attended a class in the last 3 years, all AHC/CDCs and all apprentices self-study modules will be available online the course curriculum is on schedule and will be available for launch in San Antonio after January 1, all new AHC/CDCs will be required to participate in the Seal program John attended this conference and found many similarities between their programs and DHI Canada’s one major difference is that their membership is at the company level, not the employee level DHI Canada Administrative Report

There were no questions on the Carolyne’s report that had been previously circulated.
Nominating Procedure

Malcolm reviewed the Nominating Procedure that had been previously circulated. It was agreed
that the BOC position will now be included in the Call For Nominations that is sent to all members.
In the past, it was sent to Chapter Presidents only. Malcolm and Al will make the required changes
to the BOC criteria, and the Call For Nominations will be sent in July, with a return date of early
September. If an election is required, the ballot will be sent in September.
Strategic Plan

The updated Strategic Plan had been previously circulated. Susan explained that the plan was first
developed 5 years ago and has undergone a couple of major reviews, the latest in May 2003. She
went on to say that the plan needs a complete overhaul, and this will be done in the Fall, after the
results of the 2004 member survey are available.
Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

Strategic Plan (cont’d)

Codes Committee Report

Bob Watson reviewed the Codes Committee recommendations and explained the process
that had been undertaken in the development of the Building Code Report.
After discussion, the following changes were made to the Building Code Report:
• Heading – add “on Proposed Changes to the National Building Code” • Table of Contents – 5.1 – add “Members” 5.2 – change to read “Impacts Division 10 Specialty Firms” 5.3 – change to read “Impacts DHI Members” • The above changes will also be made to the report headings on Pages 7 and 8
On a motion duly proposed and seconded, the Building Code Report was approved as

It was also agreed that:
• The complete 9-page report will be translated into French and the expense charged • A legal opinion will be obtained on the correct wording to absolve DHI Canada from liability resulting from any misinterpretation • Only the 9-page report will be put on the DHI Canada website, with reference to the • Bob will prepare a presentation of the important points that can be used at Chapter • Changes to provincial regulations are not available at this time; once these changes are available, either the committee or a consultant may be asked to review these changes • The committee will followup on requirements for an annual inspection of doors of
It was emphasized that the integration of Canadian code requirements into the new
education modules is DHI Canada’s responsibility and steps must be taken to ensure that
qualified members are assigned to take on this responsibility.
(Note: Since the meeting, the proposed changes reviewed in the HRT report have
been accepted and will be available to the provinces in mid-2005.)

Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

11. Trade

There were no questions on the trade show report previously circulated.
12. Canada Conference 2004
With an attendance of 53 delegates, support for the 2004 Canada Conference was very
disappointing. That being said, the business program and social events are excellent, and
participants will receive great value for their registration fee.


BOC Report

Al briefly reviewed his previously submitted report, emphasizing that those who enter into
the program after January 1, 2005 will be required to enroll in the Seal program.
Education Report

Bill briefly reviewed his previously submitted report.
Discussion followed on the new credentialing program, as follows:
• A very productive Task Force meeting was held earlier in the year. The summary report has been prepared and will be sent to the Task Force for their comment, before it is sent to the Board. Included in the recommendations from this meeting, is the need for the Canadian program to focus on our unique needs – codes, French language and metric. • There is much uncertainty with Canada’s role in the program. Bill will attend the school in San Antonio to observe the structure and logistics. • Scheduling of the 2005 program is still undecided, i.e., spring vs. fall • It is unknown whether ADH1 Express will still be available for Canadian chapters, or if it will be replaced with the lower level modules.
As a next step, it was agreed that a formal request be sent to DHI International, requesting
access to the modules so we can begin our review and modification to meet Canadian
requirements. We will also ask to have DHI Canada licensed to offer the modules through
Canadian Chapters.
Chapter Liaison/Highlights

Brian reported that the Chapter Presidents’ meeting held the previous evening was very
effective and informal. While the discussion was positive, there does seem to be a decline
in attendance at chapter events and a general lack of participation by younger members.

Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

Financial Report

Milt reviewed the highlights of his report as follows:
• Projections of a breakeven position for 2003/04 • Analyze the cash flow requirements, and invest excess revenue In discussing the 2004/05 budget, it was noted that there were a couple of major uncertainties, namely, the trade show and education program, that resulted in a projected loss of ($20,080). Because of the impact these two activities have on the budget, it was agreed that the numbers will be reworked to include: Trade 8,000 *based on results from Contech Show
Directors were asked to email their questions/comments to Milt as soon as possible, so he
can prepare a revised budget.


New Business
Kim Schellenberg, Vice President, CANASA, joined the meeting to discuss the possibility of DHI Canada and CANASA joining together to pursue trade show opportunities. It was noted that we initiated discussions with CANASA in our search for partnership opportunities for the upcoming trade show in Vancouver. This initial discussion led to discussions on partnering with some of their other shows across Canada. A preliminary proposal was prepared by CANASA that provides for a sharing of the net revenue. In the discussion that followed Kim’s presentation, it was agreed that: • Vancouver would be a difficult venue to stage as a stand-alone show • We should pursue this opportunity, with a similar format to the Contech show • There is some concern with our ability to provide 40 additional booths in • More discussion is required on the revenue split
Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

Bob Rodkin of Bounceback Communications joined the meeting to discuss his proposal for a joint venture with DHI Canada on the publication of a trade magazine for the Canadian door and hardware industry. He stated that, while they are prepared to launch this magazine on their own, they would prefer to have the endorsement of DHI Canada. The first issue is slated for release in September. In the discussion that followed Bob’s presentation, it was agreed that: • DHI International must be made fully aware of this opportunity; arrange for Bob to • It is difficult for DHI Canada to endorse such a venture without seeing the • DHI Canada will step back until the first issue is published, and discuss further at c) Website Due to changes with the DHI International website, there is some concern that DHI Canada might not maintain the same presence we have enjoyed in the past. It may be that we will develop our own website through the www.dhicanada.ca domain name that was registered for the virtual boardroom. d)
It was strongly recommended that DHI Canada begin making regular contributions to the
DHI Foundation. This could be through a percentage of the net revenue or a fixed amount
that is determined each year, but it is important that we take a first step.
On a motion duly proposed and seconded, it was approved that DHI Canada make an
immediate contribution of $1,000 US to the DHI Foundation.

Susan reported that she has been in touch with industry associations to discuss the recent
steel price increases, and will advise members of her findings.
Management Services

The services provided by Taylor Enterprises under the management of Carolyne Vigon,
were discussed in an “in camera” session. Carolyne and her staff were given a vote of

Minutes of a DHI Canada Board of Directors Meeting

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in Toronto as follows:

On a motion duly proposed and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Source: http://www.dhicanada.ca/Boardroom/BoardMeetings/June09PDF/MinutesJune9.pdf


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