Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical Exam Questionnaire
Name_________________________________ DOB___/___/____ Age____ Marital Status________ Race____
Gender M / F Height __________ Present Weight _________ Usual Weight _________
Managed Care ____ ____ Self referral ____ ____
Referring Physician (if different from PCP)
Name__________________________ ______________________________
Address_________________________ ______________________________ Phone(____)________
City____________________________ ______________________________ Fax(_____)_________
Phone(______)___________________ (_______)______________________
How would you rate your present health? Excellent_____ Good____ Fair____ What type of Inflammatory Bowel Disease have you been diagnosed with?
d. Collagenous Colitis _____ e. Lymphocytic Colitis_____ f. Other_____
How old were you when you were diagnosed? __________ How old were you when you began having symptoms? __________ Have you ever had an operation for the Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Yes____ If yes, please indicate the type of surgery and the date(s) you had surgery:
Stricture Repair (stricturoplasty) __________
Complete colectomy with Ileal pouch anal anastomosis __________
Perianal surgery (fistula repair, seton placement, sphincterectomy, abscess drainage) __________
Have you had any other operations? Yes _____ No_____ If yes, please list the type of surgery, approximate year, hospital, and physician(s) name(s)
Patient Name:_________________________________
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical Exam Questionnaire
Please list illness(es) that did not require an operation for which you were hospitalized. (Give dates, hospital, city and physician in charge.)
Have you ever had Pouchitis? Yes____ Do you have any fistulas communicating from the GI tract to the skin or some other area of the body? Are you currently taking medications? Yes ____ No _____ (Include any OTC* drugs, especially vitamins or herbal preparations. If yes, please list with dosages.) 1.__________________________________________
*OTC = Over-The-Counter medications – prescription is not required. Do you have any allergies to medications?(if yes, list drug and the reaction it caused)
Have you ever been on steroids? Yes _____ No_____ If yes, have you been on:
Oral steroids (prednisone, budesonide, Entocort) __________ Date last taken __________
Steroid enemas or suppositories (Proctofoam, etc.) __________ Date last used __________
Have you ever taken any of these medications?If yes, what dose were you taking and why did you stop taking it (nausea, other symptoms, wasn’t working, couldn’t afford it, etc.):
Did it help your IBD? (Yes/No) Reason for Stopping
Patient Name:_________________________________
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical Exam Questionnaire
Have you ever been diagnosed with a blood clot in your leg or your lungs? Yes_____ No____ If yes, when?________________________ When was your last colonoscopy?__________ Have you ever had a Bone Densitometry Test (DEXA scan)? Yes_____ No____ If yes, when?________________________ What was the result? Osteoporosis _____ Osteopenia _____ Normal _____ I don’t know _____
When was the last time that you had an eye examination?________________________________ When was the last time you saw your dentist?__________________________________________ Do you smoke? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, how many packs per day?_______
If no, did you ever smoke? Yes _____ No_____ If yes, when did you quit? ___________ Do you drink alcohol? Yes _____ No_____ If yes, how many drinks do you have in a typical day? ______
Have you ever: Have you received any of the following immunizations?
Patient Name:_________________________________
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical Exam Questionnaire
Women Only
Are you sexually active? Yes_____ No _____ Form of birth control: _______________ Have you ever had a Pap smear? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ When was your last Pap smear? Date __________ Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Have you ever had genital warts? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Have you ever had an abnormal pap smear result? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Have you ever had a mammogram? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Abnormal mammogram Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Number of Pregnancies _____ Number of miscarriages ______ Have you taken oral contraceptives? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Men Only Are you sexually active? Yes_____ No _____ Form of birth control: _______________ Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ Have you ever had genital warts? Yes_____ No _____ Don’t know _____ FAMILY HISTORY
Are you married or have a significant other? Yes______ No______ Brothers
Health Problems?____________________________________________
Health Problems?____________________________________________
Health Problems?____________________________________________
Health Problems?____________________________________________
Children living ______ Age(s)_____________ Health Problems?___________________________________ Children dead _______ Age(s) _____________ Health Problems?____________________________________ Please circle illness(es) which have occurred in any of your blood relatives:
Patient Name:_________________________________
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical Exam Questionnaire
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Mark the appropriate response if any of the following has been a problem recently:
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