
QUOTATION REQUESTPlease return via Fax: 020 8563 1858 or Email: drug@dnacenter.com PLEASE PRINT USING BLOCK CAPITALS
For assistance in completing the form call us on 0800 321 7016 or refer to our Quotation Request Guidance.
1. DONOR DETAILS: Please complete the details of the person to be tested.
2.1. Please select the sample type(s) required for drug analysis: Scalp (head) hair
2.2. Please select the time period and type of drug analysis required:
Number or months (1 cm = approx. 1 month): Sectional type of analysis: Month by Month 2.3. Please select the drug groups to be analysed:
3.1. Please select the hair alcohol testing required:
Hair alcohol test for chronic excessive alcohol consumption
FAEE & EtG (alcohol biomarkers in scalp hair only) 3.2. Please select the blood alcohol testing required:
Liver Function (LF) Test
Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) Test 4. INSTRUCTING PARTY DETAILS: Please indicate who will be receiving the invoice for the analysis:
if yes please detail the requirements (complete on another sheet if necessary) 5. IS AN EXPERT REPORT REQUIRED FOR PRESENTATION TO COURT AND FOR WHICH COURT?
6. RESULT DETAILS: Please include details of who will be receiving the results.
7. COLLECTION DETAILS: Please state who will be taking the sample.
please detail two preferred col ection dates and times: Please detail the address of where the sample collection will take place.
Contact Name:Organisation:Address: DDC đ BRITANNIA HOUSE, 11 GLENTHORNE RD., LONDON W6 0LH
T. 020 3301 7346
/ F. 020 8563 1858 / drug@dnacenter.com
Our Terms and Conditions and Service Level Agreement are available on request.
1. DONOR DETAILS: Please complete the details of the person to be tested including their name, date of birth
Scalp Hair: Hair grows at an average rate of 1cm per month. Therefore a 3cm section of scalp (head) hair will
provide an approximate time period of 3 months. The time period that a hair sample can cover is dependent on the length of hair that is available.
Body Hair: If no scalp hair is available, then body hair or facial hair can be used. Body and facial hair grow at the
same average rate of 1cm per month, however it has a erent growth cycle to that of scalp hair, meaning that a greater proportion of the hair remains on the body or face in its resting or telogen phase. For this reason, body or facial hair samples are analysed as a whole sample and are unable to be segmented into a month by month 3. PLEASE SELECT THE TIME PERIOD AND TYPE OF DRUG ANALYSIS REQUIRED: Scalp hair grows at an approximate
rate of 1 cm per month, so a 3 cm section of scalp hair will cover the past 3 months. Analysis of scalp hair samples may be achieved for as long as the hair allows.
A month by month analysis will section scalp hair samples into monthly 1 cm sections, and thus provide a result
for each individual month section. This can be used to help show a trend (i.e. increase or decrease) of use or help An overview analysis will show if drugs are detected or not detected over the whole time period in 3 monthly
A bi-monthly analysis will show if drugs are detected or not detected over the whole time period in 2 monthly
Consecutive sections of either 1cm (1 month), 2cm (2months) or 3cm (3 months) can be used to assess drug use for as long as the hair is, i.e. a hair sample 12cm in length can profile 12 months of drug use.
4. PLEASE SELECT THE DRUG GROUPS TO BE ANALYSED: Please indicate the drugs or drug groups that require
5. PLEASE SELECT THE HAIR ALCOHOL TESTING REQUIRED: Our hair alcohol test is in line with the Consensus of the
Society of Hair Testing on hair testing for chronic excessive alcohol consumption 2011. Hair is analyzed for the presence of both FAEE’s and EtG. FAEE’s and EtG are produced by the body when alcohol is consumed and their presence in hair can be used to help show chronic excessive alcohol use. The alcohol in hair test can cover the past 3 or 6 months (requiring 3 or 6 cm of scalp hair), and shorter periods of time may also be analysed by us only upon advice from our scientific specialists. We recommend that hair alcohol testing is used in conjunction with blood 6. PLEASE SELECT THE BLOOD ALCOHOL TESTING REQUIRED: The blood tests for alcohol show recent alcohol use. A
liver function test is a snap shot in time of the liver function and damage, whereas a CDT test can highlight excessive alcohol consumption over the past 2-4 weeks.
7. INSTRUCTING PARTY DETAILS: The instructing party will be responsible for paying for the sample analysis, unless
the split invoicing option is selected. Each party will receive a quotation for the % share that they are taking responsibility for. Each party will be required to sign and authorise their quotation before the sample can be 8. IS AN EXPERT REPORT REQUIRED FOR PRESENTATION TO COURT AND FOR WHICH COURT? An Expert Report is a
document detailing the sample analysis, the results and an interpretation of those results. The Expert Report can be written specifically for the court that it will be presented to. The results can be interpreted in an Expert Consultation Report if an interpretation is required but not for presentation to court. If an Expert Report is not required, you will receive the results in the format of a Certificate of Analysis, which lists the substances that have been analysed and whether the substances have been detected or not detected, with a concentration value. No interpretation of the results is provided with a Certificate of Analysis. Please note that an Expert Report is unavailable for blood alcohol testing. The results of the blood alcohol tests will be provided in the format of a Certificate of Analysis with a commentary of the results.
9. RESULT DETAILS: Please include details of who will be receiving the results. Please note that the results will only
be issued to one party and we will only discuss the results or the progress of the analysis with the party that is 10. COLLECTION DETAILS: Please indicate who will be taking the sample and the address of where the sample
collection will take place. Our DDC Collectors are able to take hair (including body hair) and blood samples. If you choose a DDC collector, please detail two preferred collection dates and times.
If you require any assistance, or if you have any queries, please call us on 020 3301 7346 and we will be happy to help.
T. 020 3301 7346
/ F. 020 8563 1858 / drug@dnacenter.com

Source: http://www.dnacentre.co.uk/Drug%20Alcohol%20Quote%20Form.pdf

Microsoft word - diagnostik ehec aktualisiert 01062011.doc

EHEC O104:H4 Aktualisierte Hinweise und Hilfestellungen des RKI zur Diagnostik (1. Veröffentlichung: 26.5.2011; Aktualisiert: 1.6.2011) Eigenschaften des Erregers Bei dem in dem gegenwärtigen Ausbruch (Mai 2011) zirkulierenden EHEC handelt es sich um: - EHEC O104:H4 EHEC Merkmale: - Shigatoxin 1: - (negativ) Shigatoxin 2 (vtx2a) : + (positiv) Intimin (eae) :


The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh 61(1), 2009, 5-26. Full article available to e-journal subscribers Spawning Induction in the Carp: Past Experience and Future Prospects - A Review Z. Yaron1*, A. Bogomolnaya1, S. Drori1, I. Biton2, J. Aizen3, Z. Kulikovsky2 and B. Levavi-Sivan3 1 Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel 2 Gan Shmuel Fish

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