
3rd Ukrainian-Polish Weigl Conference„Microbiology on Service for Human”Odesa, Odesa National I.I. Mechnykov University14-17 September 2009 RESISTANCE OF HETEROTROPHIC BACTERIA
V. IVANYTSYA, G. LISYUTIN, A. BUKHTIYAROV, S. B²LO²VANENKO, Odesa National I.I. Mechnykov University, Ukraine Introduction. Currently, there is increasing interest in the pollution of water masses of heavy metals as a
selective factor in increasing resistance to antibiotics. Relationship between resistance to antibiotics and heavymetals can be explained co-resistance in which the various determinants of sustainability presented in the samegenetic elements - plasmids, integrons and conjugative transposons and cross-resistant which is one mechanismfor antibiotics, and for metals (for example an efflux pump) [1, 2, 3]. Studying of reaction of bacteria on actionof heavy metals and antibiotics in island water area Zmiiny in communication as with geological activity, and ananthropogenous press from outside the rivers Danube, and also intensive development of an infrastructure ofisland is actual.
The aim of this work was to study the resistance of the dominant heterotrophic bacteria aquatorium
Zmiiny island to heavy metals and antibiotics.
Materials and methods. In the course of the research has examined the response of heterotrophic
bacterioplankton isolated at 7 stations located in the coastal zone of the water area of Zmiiny island, the effectof 7 heavy metals (Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+, Cr2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Hg2+) and 9 of antibiotics (benzylpenicillin, cefotaxim,streptomycin, gentamycin, erytromycin, tetracyclin, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid, rifampicin).
Results. In the period of lead through of 3 expeditionary works a summer and autumn 2008, and also by
a spring 2009 maintenance of heavy metals in the studied aquatorium, mainly, did not exceed MCL, except for acopper the level of which arrived at 6 MCL. It is set that in the probed aquatorium there are bacteria, capable togrow at the concentrations of heavy metals, considerably exceedings maintenance of pollutatants in marinewater. In a summer and autumn period practically a seasonal dynamics was not marked minimal inhibitoryconcentrations (ÌICs) of heavy metals. A decline is sprint exposed of ÌIC Ni2+, Co2+, Cd2+ for the representa-tives of heterotrophic bacterioplancton of all studied stations. Similar tendencies were marked for Cr2+ and Pb2+,while ÌIC of mercury increased. ÌIC of Cu2+ in different seasons did not suffer changes that can be related tothe stably high level of copper in this aquatorium. For the first time received the data on the levels of resistanceand the seasonal dynamics of the values of ÌIC of antibiotics in the investigated region. The maximum level ofantibiotic resistance was observed in summer, and the minimum - in the spring. In summer and autumn, thehighest levels of resistance to cefotaxim, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and erytromycin found at stations thathave the greatest load of tourists. Spring noted increased levels of resistance to most antibiotics on 3 stations,which is characterized by a relatively high level of ÌIC values of chromium, lead and mercury.
Conclusion. Changes in levels of resistance to antibiotics can be explained as a seasonal anthropogenic
load of tourists, and the influence of xenobiotics, in particular heavy metals. Further research perspective to thestudy the genetic bases of multiresistant water microorganisms to the action of various toxicants.
This research has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (grants no. ÇÌ/ 321-2008, ÇÌ/323-2008, ÃÁ 422 and ÄÇ/300-2008).
1. Baker-Austin C., Wright M.S., Stepanauskas R., McArthur J.V. Co-selection of antibiotic and metal
resistance // Trends Microbiol. – 2006. – Vol. 14. – P. 176-182.
2. De Souza M.J., Nair S., Loka Bharathi P.A., Chandramohan D. Metal and antibiotic-resistance in psychrotrophic bacteria from Antarctic Marine waters // Ecotoxicology. – 2006. – N 5(4). – P. 379-384.
3. Wright M.S., Baker-Austin C., Lindell A.H., Stepanauskas R., Stokes H.W., McArthur J.V. Influence of industrial contamination on mobile genetic elements: class 1 integron abundance and gene cassette structurein aquatic bacterial communities // ISME J. – 2008. – N 2(4). – P. 417-428.

Source: http://dspace.onu.edu.ua:8080/bitstream/123456789/101/1/40.pdf

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