Microsoft word - px-3350 tds rotem magen דף טכני.doc

Technical Data Sheet - PX3350
Product Manufacturer:
LINE-X Franchise Development Company
6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 500
Santa Ana, CA 92707
PX - 3350 is a two components, 100% high performance aromatic polyurea spray elastomer system. Zero
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds), 100% solid. PX-3350 offers outstanding performance and superior
elastomeric protective coatings for various substrates. PX-3350 designed as a user friendly product,
moisture insensitive applications because of its pure polyurea chemistry, and offers exceptional adhesion
properties to properly prepared substrates. The high performance chemicals formulation of PX-3350
produces an excellent skin formation for chemical resistances and moisture protection barrier.
Force Mitigation
Blast Mitigation
High Performance Protective Coatings Applications
High Chemical Resistance Applications
Excellent Thermal Stability
Low Permeability Rate
Low Temperature Flexibility
Good Chemical Resistance
Fast Reactivity and Cure Time (No Catalysts)

Both Iso “A” Side and Resin “B” Side should be preconditioned between 700 – 90o F before application.
PX-3350 must be applied using a high-pressure, plural component, heated, 1:1 by volume, spray equipment with 2000 PSI fluid pressure capability. PX-3350 material both Iso “A” Side and Resin “B” Side should be heated between 120o – 150o F, and spray equipment generate adequate fluid pressure for proper mixing and best polymerization result. Technical Data Sheet - PX3350
ISo “A” and Polyol “B” components must be pumped by low‐pressure transfer pumps to a high‐pressure 
proportional pumping equipment. 

Hydraulic Pressure Setting:
Equipment Hydraulic Pressure: 2,000 – 2,500 PSI
Temperature Setting:
ISo “A” Block Heater:

Hydraulic Pressure Setting:
Equipment Hydraulic Pressure: 2,000 – 2,500 PSI

Spray equipment should be cleaned immediately after use following the equipment manufacturer’s
recommended cleaning procedures. Please refer to spray equipment operating and maintenance
procedures for further details. PX-3350 should be cleaned with environmentally safe urethane grade
cleaner. Cleaning materials must be free of reactive contaminants, such as water and alcohol. All gun
cleaners and spray equipment cleaning materials must be used and disposed permitted under local rules
and regulations.

PX-3350 has a shelf life of 12 months from manufactured date in factory sealed containers. PX-3350 has
to be stored between 65° F – 80° F. Do not expose unused materials to humid conditions; always provide
air-tight resealed conditions to unused materials. With materials currently connected pump, provide as
much airtight/moisture-free conditions to unused materials as possible to ensure proper chemical
performance. Drums should be stored on pallet to avoid direct contact with warehouse floor/ground.

Please refer to MSDS for safety and handling of this material. All personnel working with this material
are expected to read and understand the safety recommendations per MSDS. All personal protection
equipment must be properly worn to protect worker health and safety.

Technical Data Sheet - PX3350
Mix Ratio By Volume
Material Density (lbs/gal) @ 77 Deg. F. “A” BASIC PHYSICAL PROPERTIES:
The following test data was provided by independent third-party material test laboratories:
OCM Test Laboratories, Inc.
ISO 17025 Certified
American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
Truesdail Laboratories, Inc.
Pira International Materials Test Lab
Test Name

MIL-STD-810F – Fungus Resistance
Technical Data Sheet - PX3350
Chemical Resistances per ASTM D543 for immersion in fluids methods:
PX-3350 materials are immersed in the chemicals below for a period of 7 days; physical properties of pre
and post-immersion were measured to quantify the changes in product physical properties.
Hardness ASTM
Chemical Names
Technical Data Sheet - PX3350

Chemical Resistances per ASTM D543 for immersion in fluids methods:
PX-3350 materials are immersed in the chemicals below for a period of 7 days; physical properties of pre
and post-immersion were measured to quantify the changes in product physical properties.
Chemical Names
Technical Data Sheet - PX3350
The chemical resistance chart should be consulted prior to application; this is an exhaustive chemical
compatibility list quantifying pre and post physical properties for chemicals exposure per ASTM D543.
Application specific processing parameters such as temperature, and operating pressure of coated objects
must be considered before installing PX-3350 coatings system.

Users of PX-3350 product are responsible for reading the general guidelines, product data sheets,
specifications and material safety data sheets (MSDS) before using this materials. Printed technical data
and instructions are subject to change without notices. Contact ROTEM MAGEN representatives for
current technical data instructions.

All guidelines, recommendations, statements, and technical data contained herein are based on
information and tests we believe to be reliable and correct, but accuracy and completeness of said tests are
not guaranteed and are not to be construed as a warranty, either expressed or implied. It is the user’s
responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own information and test to determine suitability of the product
for his own intended use, application and job situation. User assumes all risk and liability resulting from
his use of the product. We do not suggest or guarantee that any hazards listed herein are the only ones
which may exist. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable to the buyer or any third person for any
injury, loss or damage directly or indirectly resulting from use of, or inability to use, the product.
Recommendations or statements, whether in writing or oral, other than those contained herein shall not be
binding upon the manufacturer, unless in writing and signed by a corporate officer of the manufacturer.
Technical and application information is provided for the purpose of establishing a general profile of the
material and proper application procedures. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled
environment and LINE-X FDC makes no claim that these tests or any other tests accurately represent all
For further information please contact:
Amichai Hochenberg
Rotem Magen Ltd
Cell - 050-6200516 / 054-2202999
Email -


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