The consumption of medications, for preventive or curative
The serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitors specifical-
purposes, is a way of life in our society. Superimposed on our
ly Desyrel (trazodone) is commonly used as a hypnotic despite
daily medical regimen is the ingestion of supplements, vitamins,
limited polysomnographic data. It is suggested that it may
caffeinated products, nicotine, alcohol, and recreational drugs.
increase total sleep time and decrease Stage REM. The other
The spectrum of potential side effects of these substances are well
medication in this class, Serzone (nefazodone), increases REM
documented in various sources, most famously in the Physician’s
with subjective reports of vivid dreams or even nightmares.
Desk Reference (PDR). However, the medication effects on sleep
The norepinephrine and specific serotonin antagonist,
or more specifically sleep architecture are not as well document-
Remeron (mirtazapine), is reported to be subjectively sedating.
ed. Like in many aspects of sleep medicine, the knowledge
In a small polysomnographic study in depressed patients there
obtained has been through the collective experience of the prac-
was an increase in sleep efficiency and total sleep time with no
tioners in the field in the last few decades. It is up to these same
significant effect on REM or slow wave sleep. There is also
practioners to continue to build on our databases. Therefore it is
some limited reports of this medication being effective in mild
extremely important to document both in the clinical history and
obstructive sleep apnea. Unfortunately, it is also associated
the diagnostic workup including polysomnographic records, the
with increased appetite and significant weight gain.
medications, and supplements the patient is presently taking.
Despite the advent of newer drugs, tricyclic antidepressants
are still in common use. The half-lives of these medications range
from 15-30 hours leading to high concentration during sleep
A urine drug screen (UDS)
with bedtime dosing but unfortunately high risk of daytime seda-
is an underutilized test in
tion. The most common one in practice is Elavil (amitriptyline),
sleep centers one which
which is known to increase sleep continuity, decrease Stage
would be most helpful
REM, but increase phasic eye movements or REM density.
Anti-Parkinson’s drugs are somewhat more difficult to
in identifying chemicals
pigeon hole since patients with Parkinson’s disease have multi-
that may affect sleep
ple sleep complaints including insomnia, hypersomnia, fatigue,
vivid dreams or nightmares. Moreover, the first manifestation of
tonin agonist receptors were purposely excluded due to space
Parkinson’s disease may be REM behavior disorder. The most
constraints and previous discussions in past articles.
common drugs in this category used for sleep, specifically
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been reported to
movement disorders, include Sinemet (levodopa/carbidopa),
cause insomnia in 5-35% of depressed patients. Insomnia
dopamine agonists such as Requip (ropinirole), and Mirapex
emerges fairly early in treatment and tends to persist. The grand-
(pramipexole) both FDA approved for restless legs in recent
daddy of the SSRIs, Prozac (fluoxetine), decreases total sleep time
years. Levodopa/carbidopa has been shown to improve sleep at
and increases wake time and Stage I sleep in depressed patients
lower doses, however at higher doses may disrupt sleep with
for up to one year. In addition, it has been associated with promi-
nightmares, hallucinations, vocalizations, and excessive day-
nent slow eye movements in non-REM (Prozac eyes). SSRIs are
time sleepiness. Polysomnographic data is mixed with possible
also associated with increased frequency of PLMS as well as REM
increase in Stage REM or decreased Stage REM, increased REM
inhibitors, specifically Effexor (venlafaxine) has been reported to
cause insomnia in 4-18% in different studies. However somno-
Join us May 14-16, 2009 in
lence can also occur in approximately 30% of patients in a dose
Orlando for the 9th Annual
dependent fashion. Polysomnographic data suggests an increase
Focus Conference at
in Stage Wake and Stage I plus frequent periodic limb movements
Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort
52 Focus Journal May/Jun 2008
slow wave sleep. The dopamine agonist in general tend to increase
total sleep time in restless legs syndrome. At higher doses it may
cause a decrease in sleep latency on the multiple sleep latency
test. Also, one must be aware of recent reports of compulsive gam-
bling or shopping and hypersexuality on these medications.
Despite the wide spread use of hypolipidemic drugs, there is
very little polysomnographic data regarding their effects on sleep
architecture. Subjective data suggests some medications in this
class, Lipitor (atorvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin), Zocor (simvas-
tatin) may lead to insomnia in a small percentage of patients. On
the other hand, Lopid (gemfibrozil) and Atromid (clofibrate) are
In general, cortical steroids have been associated with
insomnia in up to 70% of patients in a dose dependent fashion.
Insomnia has been reported more frequently in asthmatic patients
receiving moderate to high doses of steroids. There have also
been reports of hypomania as I can personally attest to after see-
ing my son John Christian on steroids for his bronchial asthma.
Inhaled cortical steroids do not seem to have the same severity or
incidence of side effects but there have been case reports of
insomnia, hyperactivity, and even psychosis. Polysomnographic
data reveals a marked decrease in Stage REM as the most consis-
Antiarrhythmics most commonly are associated with fatigue
with a prevalence as high as 10% in some studies. Cordarone
(Amiodarone) has also been associated with nightmares and
insomnia. Cardizem (Diltiazem) may cause abnormal dreams and
sleepiness. Sedation is a common side effect of opioid medica-
tion. The degree of sedation depends on the type of opioid, half-
life, dose, and the frequency of dosing. Polysomnographic data
demonstrates opioids decrease slow wave sleep and REM sleep.
Interestingly, subjective reports include better sleep quality
thought to be secondary to better pain control. On somewhat of a
tangent, recent direct to consumer ads tout the superiority of Advil
PM to Tylenol PM based on pain control and not necessarily on
In the author’s opinion, a urine drug screen (UDS) is an
underutilized test in sleep centers which would be most helpful
in identifying chemicals that may affect sleep. In general, there
are two types of UDS that are typically used, immunoassay and
gas chromatography -mass spectometry (GC-MS). Immunoassay
is the most common method used since it allows for large scale
screening through automation and rapid detection. The main dis-
advantage of immunoassays is obtaining false positive results
when detection of a drug in the same class requires a second test
for confirmation. GC-MS, on the other hand, is able to detect
small amounts of a specific drug. It is more accurate and sensi-
tive than immunoassays but unfortunately more expensive and
time consuming. Particularly interesting is the length of time
some drugs can be detected in urine. For example: alcohol 7-12
hours, amphetamines 48 hours, barbiturates up to three weeks for
long acting compounds, benzodiazepines up to 30 days for long
acting compounds, cocaine metabolites 2-4 days, opiates up to 4
days depending on the type, and finally marijuana which can be
detected up to 3 days for single use and over 30 days in the long
term heavy smoker. A positive finding of a UDS should always be
confidential, be taken in the context of the clinical history and
polysomnographic findings and not to make a citizen’s arrest.
Frank Roman MD is a diplomat of the American Board of SleepMedicine and a Partner, Neurosurgery & Neurology Associates of Massillon,OH. He received his law degree from the Univ of Akron Law School.CIRCLE READER ACTION CARD # 34 Focus Journal May/Jun 2008 53
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