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Protocol Number 00 00 0
* Enter a “1” if this is the first of this form for this date. Designate subsequent forms on the same date with a 2, 3, etc. **Enter the subject’s current study step number. Enter '1' if the study does not have multiple steps.
This module captures the general reasons for non-adherence linked to each drug taken. In this step, the
interviewer will collect information on reasons why the study participant may be having difficulty taking
each agent. This form should be completed for study participants < 13 years of age. For study
participants ≥ 13 years of age, complete the ADOLESCENT ADHERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE MODULE
QUESTIONS 1 - 3 ARE TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDY NURSE: 1. Was the questionnaire completed at this visit? ……………………………………… (1-Yes, 2-No) If Yes, go to question 2. If No, complete ‘a’ and STOP.
a. Indicate the reason the questionnaire was not completed: … 1-Study participant refused
If Other, specify [30]:
2. Who responded to the questions?…………………………………………… 1-Study participant
If “4, 5, 6 or 9”, specify [30]:
3. Does the study participant know his/her HIV status?………………………… 1-Yes
INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF DRUG SPECIFIC TABLE: • Enter the name of each antiretroviral drug that the study participant is receiving in the space provided
Identification of Reasons for Non-Adherence: READ the following paragraph to the study participant or primary caregiver:
“Many people at one time or another have trouble with these medications. We would like to better
understand the things that make giving medications hard for families. These are some of the reasons
others have identified which have made it difficult to take [give] all of the HIV medicines.”
Show and read the list of reasons to the study participant or primary caregiver. After the list is read, ask the following question for each drug (question 4 on page 2):
“Have any of the following been problems for you with (drug name or characteristics)
If “Yes,” enter the frequency code for each reason (a-n). If “No,” go to the next drug. For data entry, use the tab key after the last entry on the page. PEDIATRIC ADHERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE MODULE 2- REVISED Page 2 of 3 GENERAL REASONS FOR NON-ADHERENCE
Use these codes to indicate the frequency with which
each listed reason for non-adherence occurs.
1-Hardly ever a problem (1-2 times per month)
This needs to be done for each antiretroviral drug
3-Almost always a problem (≥ 3 times per week)
Drug Code [8]: Drug Code [8]: Drug Code [8]: Drug Code [8]: Drug Code [8]: Reasons for Non-adherence: a. Can’t get drug (drug
Date Form Keyed (DO NOT KEY): ______ /______ / ______
PEDIATRIC ADHERENCE QUESTIONNAIRE MODULE 2- REVISED Page 3 of 3 GENERAL REASONS FOR NON-ADHERENCE DRUG CODE REFERENCE Drug Codes and Names for Commonly Used Drugs. Refer to Appendix 3 or the Drug Code Lookup Program at the DMC Web Site ( for drugs not listed below. Anti-HIV Drugs for Protocol
08181205 Amprenavir/APV/Agenerase/141W94/VX-479
08180006 Azidouridine/AzdU/azido-2’,3’-dideoxyuridine
08181208 Lopinavir/Ritonavir (LPV/RTV)/Kaletra/
08181209 Saquinavir soft gel/FTV/Fortovase
08180030 Saquinavir/SQV/Invirase/R031-8959
08188804 T-20/pentafuside/Enfuvirtide/ENF
08182002 TDF/Tenofovir/Tenofovir disoproxil
08180031 DLV/delavirdine mesylate/Rescriptor
08180804 Efavirenz/EFV/Sustiva/DMP266/Stocrin®
08180421 Truvada(tenofovir disoproxil/emtricitabine)
Date Form Keyed (DO NOT KEY): ______ /______ / ______
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A Naturalistic Study of Intramuscular Haloperidol VersusIntramuscular Olanzapine for the ManagementKai MacDonald, MD,* Michael Wilson, MD, PhD,Þ Arpi Minassian, PhD,* Gary M. Vilke, MD,ÞOlga Becker, MD,* Kimberly Tallian, PharmD,þ Patrice Cobb, BA,* Rachel Perez,*Barbara Galangue, MA, MS,* and David Feifel, MD, PhD*if offered, voluntary or involuntary treatment with an intramus-Objective: