ambulance got to me in eight minutes and that was from Tully 28 kilometers away. The guys put me on oxygen set to 28L a minute to force my airways open. Normally people will go on 14L a minute but I needed more because I was blacking out and my breathing was packing up……I woke
This paper is adapted from articles placed in the
up in intensive care two days later….it was a
North American Society of Homeopaths Journal in
acknowledgments to them. It also comes form
The Box jellyfish is one of the most venomous
creatures on the earth. It has killed over 70
In the 18 provings I have coordinated or
people in northern Australia since 1900. It looks
participated in over the years, this remedy
like a plastic bag with strings hanging off it but
stands out as being the most dramatic; the most
can grow as large as a two gallon bucket and
colorful. At a time when, for what ever reason, all
weigh up to 6kg. It has four bundles of tentacles
sorts of bland substances are being proven in the
with up to 60 tentacles in total. Each tentacle is
homeopathic world, this medicine just begged for
covered in millions of stinging capsules which
a Hahnemannian trial. Firstly, there is the sheer
inject venom through a tiny thread that pierces
toxicology of it. It kills. And in record time. Then
the skin. First the venom attacks the heart,
there is the bizarre signature. It’s a bag that
sending some victims into cardiac arrest. It then
floats, hunts and propels itself through the
paralyses the breathing. Finally it destroys red
density of water. Then from the heroism of the
blood cells resulting in skin necrosis which causes
proving we find it gives you an erection that lasts
severe scarring. Each box jellyfish contains
for a week. Throw away you Cialis, burn your
enough venom to kill three men. If more than
Viagra. Try some Box Jellyfish before a big night
10% of the victim’s skin is stung they will die
within half an hour from respiratory failure. A
child will die in minutes. Survive the sting without
What follows is an introduction to the remedy and
anti-venom and the skin will ulcerate and look
like it has been lashed with a burning whip.
electronically, or alternatively purchased in
“The box jellyfish is the most deadly
Clinical Manuals in Homeopathic Medicine Vol One
bastard in the world. It kills twice as many
along with the provings of White Tailed Spider
people per year as bastard sharks” Placed end to end, the tentacles of a Box Jellyfish would stretch 60 metres A gang of Jellyfish is called a ‘smack’. 1‘The pain can only be described as
Male, 21 swallowed a Box Jellyfish tentacle stored
in a coke bottle in a fridge. ‘Then the pain hit I ….these are nothing compared to the delicate and dropped the bottle and fell to the floor, grabbing diaphanous box jellyfish, the most poisonous my throat and screaming in agony. Imagine the creature on earth. In 1992 a young man in pain from a broken arm but a million times Cairns, ignoring all the warning signs, went worse. It felt as if someone had forced red hot swimming … at Holloway’s Beach. He swam and razor blades down my throat. I was shitting dived, taunting his friends on the beach for their myself. All I could think was I was going to die….I prudent cowardice, and then began to scream was struggling to breathe. Normally your airway with an inhuman sound. It is said there is no pain is the size of a 20 cent piece, mine was 5 cents. to compare with it. The young man staggered First my chest went numb then my whole from the water, covered in livid whip like stripes body….No body knew what to do with me. Some wherever the jellyfish’s tentacles had brushed people thought I should drink vinegar, others thought I should have oxygen. Problem was no-one had ever swallowed a tentacle before….the
2 Greg Follas, New Zealand Homeopathacross him, and collapsed in quivering shock.
white ones and the larger the dark shape, the
Soon afterwards emergency crews arrived,
further and faster they swam away. The box
inflated him with morphine, and took him away
jellyfish most likely avoid larger black shapes to
for treatment. And here’s the thing. Even
escape from predators such as turtles or fish or to
unconscious and sedated he was still screaming.3
navigate around obstructions. As the box jellyfish
consists of delicate tissue that is easily damaged
by abrasion and prone to bacterial infections, it is
assumed the box jellyfish manage to avoid people
Imagine diving into the sea to cool off in the
most of the time but those that are stung are
tropical waters of northern Australia, swimming in
usually running or jumping wildly into the water
the sun, and then, 4 minutes later, not only are
straight into a box jellyfish (Dupont:1999). 4
you dead but your manner of death the most
gruesomely painful imaginable. Death by jellyfish.
This Jellyfish is Chironex Fleckeri or Box Jellyfish.
jellyfish is the most venomous animal on earth as
The order is Cubomedusae. The species is
no other animal’s venom can kill a human in four
Chironex Fleckeri. The common names are Fire
minutes or less. The box jellyfish has killed at
least 65 people in the past century but it wasn’t
until 1956 that the species was described and
The box jellyfish are very difficult to see in ocean
identified as the creature that inflicted such
waters as they are pale blue and transparent.
excruciating pain often followed by death.
They are shaped like a bell or cuboid with four
According the Australian Institue of Marine
distinct sides and can measure up to 20cm along
Science (2001), it was first thought to have been
each side. Pedaliums are projected from each of
the Portuguese man-of-war but as sightings
the four corners of the cube or bell and may
usually accompanied these stings, it became
contain up to as many as 15 tentacles each and
be three metres in length (Australian Institute of
Marine Science:2001). Box jellyfish are strong
The box jellyfish possess batteries of stinging
and nimble swimmers and can zip along in bursts
cells, or nematocysts, that are a double-walled
of up to five feet per second by alternatively
structure containing a spirally folded hollow
filling the bell with water and expelling it (Hamner
thread with a tiny barb at the end. Projecting
from the outside of the nematocyst is a minute
sensor which acts like a contact point. When this
According to Dupont (1999), the box jellyfish has
is stimulated by physical or chemical sensation,
eight eyes which consist of a compound pair of
the cell explodes. The tiny thread is ejected with
primitive eyes on each side of its cube like bell -
great speed and force of up to two metres a
one looking up, one looking down and looking
second and the barb penetrates the prey’s or
inwards through its own transparent tissue and
predator’s skin, injecting a poison. One cell may
out the other side. But there is no brain to
have little effect but usually hundreds or
organise or interpret visual signals. There is no
thought involved nor a central nervous system
(Queensland Department of Environment and
but there is a nerve net in their tissue which is a
simple feedback loop, a reflex action. It is
believed that swimming behaviour is changed
The Box Jellyfish is restricted to the warm waters
when a shadow crosses the eye as the muscles
of the indo-Pacific region and can be found in the
on the particular side or the opposite start to
waters off northern Australia from November to
contract and pulsate, causing the animal to turn.
April as well as other territories north of Australia
including Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the
Experiments of isolated groups of up to twelve
Philippines and Malaysia (Edmonds, 1989:82).
box-jellyfish in tanks under controlled lighting
conditions have taken place with various sized
The box jellyfish prey on small crustaceans and
black or white shapes at either end and outside
small fish and appear to travel towards the shore
the tanks. In every case the box jellyfish quickly
in calm weather on a rising tide and congregate
retreated from the dark shapes and ignored the
Massive thanks to principal researcher Sharon Walters.
near the mouths of creeks and rivers following
hours. Amnesia occurs for most of the incident
rain. It is thought that food is washed down
following the sting and if death occurs, it usually
these watercourses to the waiting box jellyfish
does so within the first ten minutes. Survival is
after rain (Australian Institute of Marine
likely if spontaneous cardio-respiratory activity is
At the end of summer, the mature box jellyfish
The victim may develop cardiac shock, appear
reproduce sexually by shedding eggs and sperm
cold and clammy with a rapid pulse and a
into the water which combine to form a larval
disturbance of consciousness. It is also possible
stage called planula. The planula then swims into
that the cardiac state may oscillate within
estuarine waters and attach themselves to the
underside of scoured out rocks, and once settled,
tachycardia, rapid respirations and normal venous
develop into a polyp. The polyp state lasts all
pressure to hypotension, bradycardia, apnoea
winter during which the polyp may bud asexually
and elevated venous pressure. The oscillation
to form new polyps. During spring polyps detach
may give a false impression of improvement just
and develop into a free-swimming medusoid
stage to begin their adult life (Great Barrier Reef
Respiratory distress, pulmonary congestion,
oedema and cyanosis may be due to the cardia
Although highly venomous, sea turtles such as
effects or to a direct mid-brain depression.
the green leatherback and hawksbill have been
Paralysis and abdominal pains may occur and
observed eating box jellyfish. Scientists believe it
malaise and restlessness may pe r s i s t w i t h
could be due to the turtle’s skin being too tough
physical convalescence required up to a week.
for the stinging cells to pierce and that the lining
Irritability and difficulty with psychological
of their digestive system offers some protection
According to Hanmer (1994:127), an antivenom
jellyfish is not seen before the incident and the
was developed in 1970 by scientists at Australia’s
Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. Sheep were
excruciating pain which occurs immediately on
injected with nonfatal doses of venom and
contact. The victim claws at the adherent
produced antibodies that are used to manufacture
antivenom. When injected into a Box Jellyfish
irrationally or lose consciousness and drown.
victim, normal breathing often begins almost
immediately, pain relief usually occurs within
Local Symptoms. Red, purple or brown multiple
minutes and later scarring is frequently reduced.
interlacing whiplash lines about 5mm wide
develop within seconds. These characteristic
According to Marine (2001), first aid
markings last for some hours and are a beaded or
treatment of box jellyfish stings should be as
ladder pattern and may develop into large weals,
fading if the victim dies. After 7-10 days,
necrosis and ulceration develop over the area of
contact and often takes on a whitish, frost-like
appearance. The skin lesions may take many
itching may also constantly reoccur. Pigmentation and scarring at the site of these
If resuscitation not needed, pour vinegar
General Symptoms. Excruciating pain dominates
the clinical picture while impairment of
seconds to inactivate remaining stinging
consciousness leads to coma and death. The pain
increases in intensity over the first 15 minutes,
often coming in waves and diminishing in 4-12
After vinegar application, apply compression bandages directly over major
Of course we have another very underused
jellyfish already in our materia medica; Medusa.5
If available, use CSL Chironex antivenom
Some clear themes emerged from the Proving of
Apart from checking with local authorities for
advice before swimming in areas that the box
jellyfish is found, it is important to not run or dive
into the water. Apart from walking into the water
slowly, overalls, wetsuits, body stockings made of
pantyhose, lycra suits or any other adequate
projective clothing should be worn so as to
provide a physical barrier (Edwards, 1989:86)
In a superficial comparison with some other seas
creatures used in homeopathic medicine B o x
v Mucous tenacious, clear,astac, lim, hom,
v Flushing of face, astac, aster, lim, ch-fl
v Pain, stinging, hom, aster, astac, ch-fl
v Burning sensations, astac, hom, lim, pect,
v Urticaria, astac, hom, lim, medus, elat, ch-
v has overwhelming powerful sexual drive
v Male and female sexual desire increased,
v Female organs affinity, aster, sep, salmon,
v Sensitive to noise and music, ambr, ch-fl
v Nausea and constipation, aq- mar, sep, ch-
v Affections of the breast, murx, medus,
v Approaching misfortune, elat, aster, ambr,
v Melancholy, aster, astac, ambr, gad, lim,
v Sexual desire resembling an irresitable
5 The information we have of it comes from a poisoning in 1842 and is listed in Allen. Known
power, giving rise to ideas of violence,
for its use in the treatment of nettle rash, and urine difficulties, toxicologically it affects the
speech, and creates anxiety, and there is an affect on the urinary tract and the breasts. There is also an indication for prickling on the skin, numbness and burning sensations and odema. Close remedies are listed as astac, homar, murex, sepia and apis. It is not listed in Herring.
lightheadedness, floating and very pleasant body
FACE; provers experienced warmth, heat and
redness in the face, then spreading throughout
the body, as if a fever, burning sensations.
MOUTH; as if acid on it, tingling and burning, as if
It is often even more revealing what is not
present more than what is present. In this
bloating and then undigested stools.
perspiration, chill symptoms, only two back a n d
one respiration s y m p t o m . There are strong
ABDOMEN; provers experienced a strong blow to
mental, vertigo, throat, stomach, chest, a n d
the abdomen, and anxiety, a stab, rumbling,
burning symptoms. The trial itself was thoroughly
gurgling, burning in abdomen and explosive
CHEST; provers developed sensations around chest/heart of heaviness and oppression, and the
Creating Order; provers woke in the middle of the
need to take a deep, long breath to breathe it
night and furiously cleaned the house or
bathroom, often with a strong accompanying
nausea. There was compulsive need to clean.
These were the most dramatic of literally
hundreds of other specific symptoms. For the
Compulsive and unrestrained sexuality; provers
provers exact words then please look to the
especially male felt strong compulsive sexual
desire, any woman would do, difficulty in
restraining themselves, sudden bewildering
To those students of Nature Care College of 2001,
sexual desire that had to be consummated.
a heartfelt thanks. It’s quite a constellation of
symptoms. Unrestrained animal sexuality.
S t r o n g s udden and potentially violent anger
Vertigo, nausea, and the desire to clean.
Amelioration from deep breathes. Early clinical
There were also mistakes of concentration and
complete profile will emerge over time as more
proprioception, guilt, the inability to focus, the
clinical results are reported and collated. Any
desire to go to the beach and beach amel, the
clinical information please send to Alastair Gray 9
indecision/inability to concentrate, heavy foggy
Numa St Birchgrove Sydney NSW 2041 Australia.
overwhelmed feelings, frustrated, failure, alone,
house/home/family/livelihood /children. For some
there was an immediate primary symptom - Life
1. Australian Institute of Marine Science
easy/lightness, the ability to focus and
VERTIGO; provers experienced powerful vertigo
on standing still, or a sensation of being pulled
6 The substance which was prepared by the good folks at Simillimum Homeopathic Pharmacy, (call them for details +64 4 4999242) and for the methodology of the proving, see the proving document. When it came to the Nature Care College proving for 2001 there were three choices
2. Dupont, J. (1999) Eight Eyes But No Brain.
of new remedy; MDMA, Blatta and Box Jellyfish. Box Jellyfish was eventually and blindly
Marine Creatures. Reed Books, Frenches Forest.
4. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (2000)
Reef Understanding. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Manual.
Jellyfish. A Killer Down Under. National Geographic. August.
6. (20 0 1 ) Chironex Box
Chironex fleckeri. Marine Parks Reef Notes, February.
and Heritage (1995) Tropical Topics. Department of Environment and Heritage. No.32, December.
Application Note������������� Application Note� �������������� ����������� SuperSpinner S / SuperSpinner C Upscale cultivation and proliferation of bovine aortic endotheleial cells. Combination of the SuperSpinner with dextrane based microcarriers. Original article: Müthing, J., Duvar, S., Nerger, S Imprimir Versión para imprimir TRIBUNA: JESÚS CASQUETEGlorificaciones que matan. y humillan JESÚS CASQUETE 24/09/2010 Jamás seremos capaces de solventar la duda de qué suerte hubiese corrido el fenómeno terrorista en el PaísVasco-Navarro si la glorificación de los etarras por parte del nacionalismo radical no