Tick-proofing clothes using .5% permethrin ================================ Use a .5% permethrin solution for soaking your clothes. NOTE: that is "point five percent" (one half percent) NOT "five percent"! Recipes to make 1 gallon (or 4 liters) of .5% solution. ================================ Using 36.8% permethrin concentrate Note: it may say "Permethrin SFR" on the bottle. 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 128 ounces 1 gallon water + 2 ounces 36.8% permethrin = 130 ounces of .51% concentration COST $.85 per ounce x 2 = $1.70 Metric 4 liters water + 20 ml 36.8% permethrin = 4 liters of .5% permethrin (1/2% concentration) ================================ Using 10% permethrin concentrate
1 gallon water + 6.75 oz 10% Permethrin = 124.75 oz at .5% concentration COST $.75 per ounce x 6.75 = $5.06 Metric 4 liters water + 200 ml 10% permethrin = 4.2 liters at 5% concentration ================================ Where to buy permethrin At my website I have links to where to get the best deal on permethrin. These are the same places where I bought permethrin for myself. http://www.maximpulse.com/tickproof Cost Obviously 36.8% permethrin is the way to go…it costs 3 times as much if you use 10% permethrin concentrate, but they will both work. Instructions for use Mix it up (as per the above recipes). Soak your clothes for two hours in a ziploc bag, a plastic bin or a 5 gallon bucket. Your choice. Wring out the clothes. Leave them wet but not dripping. Hang them on the line and let them dry. Laundry Supposedly this will remain effective through 6 washings and for 6 weeks. Hand washing is recommended. Machine washing and drying should be on the gentle settings. You can always re-apply the 5% permethrin after washing if you are in any doubt. Cats and fish Permethrin is toxic for cats and fish. So don't let your cats near it when it's wet (it can be fatal for cats). Your clothes are safe once they're dry. Storage Do not pour out the leftover in a pond or near any waterway (it kills fish). If you can, just let the extra evaporate or store it in a bottle or put it in a spray bottle for later use. Sunlight deteriorates permethrin, so store the bottle in a dark place such as in a cabinet.
cabinet. Another idea: tick tubes You can also soak cotton balls in it, dry them out, put them in tubes (paper towel or toilet paper tubes) and leave them out in the woods or high grass for mice to bring back to their nests. It won't harm the mice, but it will kill any deer ticks on them. Deer ticks have to feed on mice and other small rodents for one stage of their life, and if you keep the mice tick free, then you can reduce tick populations up to 90%. Caution Please read the cautions on the bottle and follow them. I am just describing what I did for myself. Use your brains and make up your own mind what you want to do. Nuff said.
Verbale della terza riunione organizzativa "Cuba 2003" del 28/06/03 Alla riunione sono presenti R. Potenza, G. Campanella, D. Lovece, M. Parise, F. Maurano, U. Del Vecchio, Alle porte della prima scadenza del nostro lavoro, si sono affrontati i seguenti punti: 12. Coordinatore delle attività di topografia 14. Conservazione dei documenti elaborati Dai contatti con il responsabile
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