
Hosmer Vet Clinic is offering to its Equine customers a Fall Equine Wellness Package. This package includes:  Wellness exam  Dental with anesthesia  Fecal exam for parasites  Chemistry blood panel Package is good through the end of the year. Cost is only $120.00. Call for an appointment (605) 283-2278. Deworming programs
Based on information from Veterinary Parasitologists, dewormers are becoming less effective due to parasite resistance. By decreasing the frequency with which we deworm, and focusing primarily on horses that shed high numbers of parasite eggs, this minimizes the number of times parasites are exposed to a given dewormer. Treatment is targeted at high shedding horses while periodically monitoring egg counts in horses that shed low numbers of parasite eggs. In addition to concentrating our efforts on the high shedding individuals we also need to deworm all horses when shedding is naturally at its highest. In our area due to weather conditions the highest parasite egg release in spring and fall (April or May and August or September). According to the American Association of Equine Practitioners, most parasitologists recommend rotating no more often than yearly, for example using pyrantel pamoate one year and ivermectin the next. On the other hand, some researchers state that the slow rotation approach can no longer be recommended and that drugs need to be selected on the basis of a variety of factors including drug efficacy against parasites that are most prevalent at the particular location and the season of the year. Vets often recommend fecal egg counts to help them determine what deworming program will be most effective. To get rid of parasites before they attack your horse, follow these suggestions from the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP): 1. Pick up and dispose of manure droppings in the pasture at least twice weekly. 2. Mow and harrow pastures regularly to break up manure piles and expose parasite eggs and larvae to the 3. Rotate pastures by allowing other livestock, such as sheep or cattle, to graze them, thereby interrupting the 4. Group horses by age to reduce exposure to certain parasites and maximize the deworming program geared 5. Keep the number of horses per acre to a minimum to prevent overgrazing and reduce the fecal 6. Use a feeder for hay and grain rather than feeding on the ground. 7. Remove bot eggs quickly and regularly from the horse’s haircoat to prevent ingestion. 8. Rotate deworming agents, not just brand names, to prevent chemical resistance. With the many safe, convenient products available today, establishing an effective deworming program is easy. A good parasite control program will go a long way toward maximizing your horse’s appearance, performance and comfort. The net result will be an animal that is as healthy on the inside as it appears on the outside. Using Fecal Egg Counts (FEC) is an easy and cost effective way to determine which horses shed high numbers of parasite eggs. It also allows us to assess how well a dewormer is working for your particular area. Fecal egg counts consist of processing a small amount of manure and using a microscope to obtain an accurate count of the number and type of eggs. Results are given as Eggs per Gram (EPG) of feces. In South Dakota a high shedder is defined as having greater than 400 eggs per gram. Manure samples should be less than 24 hours old and stored in an airtight bag or container (Refrigerated until processed if possible). Below and included are some different types of deworming protocols. Low Shedders
High Shedders
De-worm with Pyrantel Post de-worming fecal De-worm with Pyrantel De-worm with Pyrantel For Young Horses:
2 months = Fenbendazole (10 mg/kg) (Panacur) 3 months = Pyrantel (Strongid) 4 months = Ivermectin (Ivercare, Zimectrin, Eqvalan) 4 ½ months = Fecal testing 6 months = Pyrantel (Strongid) 8 months = Ivermectin plus (Zimectrin Gold, Equimax) 10 months = Pyrantel (Strongid) 12 months = Moxidectin (Quest) for 700 lbs & up OR Power Pak (Panacur) for under 700 lbs. Here are a couple of other sample schedules #1
Pyrantel pamoate (13.2 mg/kg PO) (Strongid™) Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg PO) or Moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg PO) (Quest™) Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg PO) or Moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg PO) (Quest™) November
Fenbendazole (10 mg/kg PO SID x 5 days) (Panacur™) Sample schedule #2
Daily Feed Additive
Strongid-C™ Fenbendazole (10 mg/kg PO SID x 5 days) Panacur™ Initiation of Program
Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg PO) Moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg PO) Quest™ Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg PO) Moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg PO) Quest™

Source: http://www.hosmervetclinic.com/Hot_to_trot_Nov09.pdf

Dr. j.e. dillberger, chairman

health and genetics 2011 Deerhound Health Survey Results – Part 3 results of our most recent health survey, Table 2. Factor VII Test Results in 199 Hounds testing and adverse reactions to anesthesia, Test Results the terms “male” and “bitch” when designating dogs of a particular sex, and the terms “hound” or “Deerhound” when referring to dogs of either or


9. PROSTATE CANCER TREATMENT Jennifer Lynn Reifel, MD The core references for this chapter include the textbook Cancer Treatment (Haskell, 1995), CancerNet PDQ Information for Health CareProfessionals (National Cancer Institute, 1996) on prostate cancer and recentreview articles. Recent review articles were selected from a MEDLINE searchidentifying all English language review articles

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