International Journal of Ozone Therapy 7: 000-000, 2008
Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly? A Comparative Histological Study in Rat
* Orthopaedic Surgeon Hospital Inspector N.M.Y. Athens; Greece** Orthopaedic Surgeon National Centre for Emergency Aid; Greece*** School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle; University of Thessaloniki, Greece**** Laboratory of Anatomy and Pathology; University of Athens, GreeceKey words: ozone, safety, cartilage SUMMARY - The therapeutic use of ozone (O -O ) gas is controversial. Some authors claim the gas mixture is toxic and therefore out of the question, whereas, others hold that it is useful and effective when used following a certain method to treat degenerative diseases, such as knee osteoarthritis, for which the gas has been used empirically. The present work studied the effects of contact of O -O with healthy knee tissues of Wistar rats and compared them to intra-articular injection of a substance known to damage the cartilage. Thirty-six Wistar rats were studied in two groups. Mono-iodoacetic acid (MIA) was injected in the first group in a single dose και, whereas O -O was injected in the second group in frequent doses three times a week for three weeks. The rats were killed 40 days later and articular cartilage and surrounding tissues were studied histologically. MIA caused degenerative osteoarthritis gradually deteriorating at the knees of the first group whereas no major changes were observed in those of the second group. We conclude that follow-ing the methodology of our study medical ozone appears to be safe for use. Introduction
of corticosteroids in acute pain or hyaluronic acid (when we also seek to improve damage to the car-
Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a common high cost
tilage) and have been applied for many years.
disease in orthopaedics and decreases the quality
Biochemical changes in the levels C6S, C4S,
of life especially in the elderly. The main char-
and KS, TN-C 2 chemokine, endothelin and trans-
acteristic of OA is degeneration of the articular
forming growth factor alpha 3 metalloproteinases
cartilage and the subchondral bone frequently fol-
(MMP), cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF - alpha 4
lowed by inflammation of the synovial membrane
and others appear to influence the development of
and aggravation of the supporting structure of the
knee. The result of all these is pain and dysfunction
For some years intra-articular injection of medi-
in the mobility of the knee. Total joint replacement
cal ozone (O -O ) has been suggested for the treat-
usually constitutes the final suggestion for the
ment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms and positive
rehabilitation of these patients, but it is not free of
results have been reported 5. However, its applica-
complications. Thus, when applying this treatment,
tion appears to be empirical and no histological or
side-effects, age, weight and general physical con-
biochemical studies have provided evidence for
dition of the patient must be taken into considera-
Ozone’s powerful oxidant factor 6 has been
Conservative treatment constitutes the first
reported to be toxic 7,8,9,10 and hence there is scep-
choice and many proposals have been made to
ticism concerning its use for medical purposes.
alleviate symptoms, expecting at the same time an
Other studies have shown that if ozone is used
improvement in the histological features. The usual
rationally it is safe 11 and therapeutic for certain
pharmacological recommendation includes anal-
diseases. Medical ozone (O -O mix) appears to
gesics, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diac-
behave as a bioregulator 12 when it comes into
erein, chondroitin sulphate, glucosamine sulphate,
contact with a biological liquid, releasing factors
magnesium and others. Intra-articular injections
from human endothelial cells 13 and normalizing
also constitute a frequent choice and the injection
the cellular redox balance 14,15. Studies have shown
Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly?
Figure 1 Sacrifice at 10 days. Initial degeneration of the cartilage with modification of the natural tissue to fibrosis, hyperaemia of the subchondral bone. H.E.×45.
Figure 2 Sacrifice at 40 days. Total destruction of the architecture of the articular cartilage. H.E.×45.
its capacity to alter the levels the cytokines 16 such
mechanical techniques 25 or by injection of chemical
as TNF-alpha 17, IL 18 and platelet-derived growth
substances into the knee joints 26. Monoiodoacetic
factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor beta1
acid (MIA) is a material that could cause osteoar-
(TGF-beta1), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and other 19,20
thritis in the knees of Wistar rats similar to those of
indications of a likely effect of this gas on the
humans 27,28. Rodents are the most widely employed
articular cartilage when it is injected intra-articu-
species for these studies, because their night and
larly. Provided that ozone is indicated for use as a
day activity has been studied extensively and sev-
therapeutic means, due to its well-known antiseptic
eral models of osteoarthritis were developed using
property 21,22 23,24, it would also succeed in reducing
mice, hamsters and Wistars. The present study con-
the potential dangers of septic arthritis after intra-
stitutes the first stage of comparison of histological
articular injection of the gas mixture.
changes and recommended methodology for the
Controlled degeneration of the articular carti-
proof of action of intra-articular injection of O -O
lage for experimental purposes can be caused by
International Journal of Ozone Therapy 7: 000-000, 2008
Figure 3 Normal articular cartilage (water, collagen and pro-teoglycans the surface layer thicker than the deeper layers). Tissue sections of the normal articular surface where the cells of the main membrane of histocell fibroblasts fat cells and mast cells are evident.
Figure 4 The tissues in and around the knee (apart from the cartilage) did not show any major alterations in the long run. Material and Method
terior joint of the left knee (placebo) was injected with NaCl solution.
Thirty-six (36) male wistar rats weighing 150-
2. Second group (18 Wistars): O -O mix was inject-
180g were employed in our study. A variable vol-
ed into the posterior joint of the right knee while in
ume (5 to 50 µL ) automatic pipette was required.
the left knee joint (placebo) was injected with O .
An ozone generator (Multiossigen mod. PM 93,
The animals remained in plastic cages through-
Italy). Biochemical reactors (Iodoacetic acid I
out the experiment. They were exposed to light
8136 amp 5×500 mg, Sigma-Aldrich). The animals
every twelve hours (6-18) and the temperature
were divided into two groups. After anesthesia and
was maintained at 20°C. The subjects received a
disinfection a pre-set quantity was administered
short anesthesia with the use of ether, long enough
for the action, and after the treatment they were
1. First group (18 Wistars): MIA was injected into
returned to their cages. The rats were killed by
the posterior joint of the right knee while the pos-
Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly?
Figure 5 A microscopic image of the right knee joint treated with infusion of medical ozone (O -O mix) H.E.×45. Note that the natu-
ral architecture is maintained. Inflammatory evidence on the soft tissues of the joint was absent.
Figure 6 Microscopic images of left knees infused with oxy-gen (O ). Note that the natural architecture of the tissues is
maintained and articular inflammation is absent. H.E.×45.
The Wistars in the first group (MIA) were killed
at two different times. Nine (9) rats ten days later, and nine rats 40 days later. The quantity of MIA
had been set at 0.3 mg (corresponding to 0.05 ml of substance) per knee.
A) Macroscopically, the tissues in and around the
For the Wistars in the second group (O -O mix)
knee (except for the cartilage) did not show major
the O and the O -O mix injections were made
three times a week for nine sessions in total. The
B) Macroscopically and microscopically, the artic-
administered quantity had been set at 0.05 ml in
ular cartilage presented considerable degenera-
concentrations of 20 µg O /ml O concentration
tive alterations which gradually worsened in two
empirically used for the treatment of osteoarthritis
phases with characteristics of non-specific arthritis
The cartilage samples and the synovial mem-
C) Knee joints infused with 0.9% NaCl (placebo)
brane were studied histologically after being put in
test tubes containing formalin 1/10.
D) During the study there were no side effects
International Journal of Ozone Therapy 7: 000-000, 2008
or animal losses except for the reduction of the
the activation of the immunogenic system by the
mobility of the right knee in the animals of the first
ozone, which has an anti-inflammatory action due
to lipid peroxidation products with a consequent inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 44,45.
A crucial factor, which accompanied the moni-
A) During the histological testing, no significant
toring of results, was the strengthened constancy
change occurred in the cartilage or synovial mem-
of the studied gas with the construction of ozone
brane of the healthy knee animals, either after
generators which continuously monitor the con-
ozone administration (figures 4 and 5) at the pre-
centration of ozone in real time by a photometer
defined concentration for our experiment, or after
An initial histological and biochemical study
B) No undesired event or animal loss.
examined: a) histologically, discs from patients
C) On the contrary, a shorter recovery period was
operated while treated with O -O , and b) histo-
observed after the anesthesia and an increased
logically and bio-chemically, discs and their soft
tissues on animals (rabbits) after intradiscal or
paravertebral infusion. Findings showed the close connection between ozone concentration in the
change of the volume of the δι σκου and the levels of cytokines (IL,IF,TNF) 46,47. Ozone concentra-
Ozone in the form of an O -O gas mix has been
tion within the O -O mixture injected is the most
recommended for many years as a treatment for
crucial factor because it is what controls the move-
many diseases 23,29,30. Initially, its application was
ment of blood vessels and other elements of the
limited to the positive nutritional effects on tissues
blood. The concentration and quantity of O -O
31 due to the improvement the gas induces on the
chosen in this study was the one which has long
circulation 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40. Today, the knowledge and
been used empirically, adjusted to the weight of
wide use of medical ozone as a treatment in the
form of major AHT and/or AHTs constitutes a
This is the first of a series of studies designed
challenging, safe and effective method if applied
to show whether the medical ozone, empirically
used for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, is
Today’s widest use of O -O is mainly with the
experimentally safe, and whether it promotes the
treatment of herniated disc and its symptoms.
re-establishment of the damaged cartilage. The
Its administration in the form of a gas mixture is
methodology followed was the same for both
direct (intradiscal or intraforaminal) 41,42 or indirect
groups, with the only modification being the route
by intramuscular injection into the paravertebral
of administration. Multiple infusions of medical
ozone were chosen (three times a week for three
Ozone is a disputed gas. According to some
weeks) so that the results will go to extremes,
authors, it is a powerful oxidant harmful to the
if they are destructive. The O -O concentration
human body. Scepticism concerning its admin-
selected was the one which has been used empiri-
istration and doubts over its therapeutic indica-
cally by man for patients suffering from knee
tions in any of its forms constituted a conviction
osteoarthritis: 20 µg O /ml O . The schedule of the
for a considerable number of doctors. Ozone
histological and clinical effects is also described in
application, which was a personal choice of the
this study. Based on this data concerning the ani-
consulting physician. Although the gas was admin-
mals (Wistar rats their general clinical condition
istered empirically, physicians ascertained daily
before, during and after MIA and O -O infusion
remarkable therapeutic results, absence of side-
was simultaneously monitored. Special emphasis
effects and their patients’ appreciation for their
was placed to the mobility of the knees front and
method. Its acknowledgement and acceptance in
rear (treatable). It was deemed possible that for a
the broader medical discipline has changed since
further comparison to demonstrate the heterosid-
Bocci’s research became known and a set of rules
ed knee of the study 0.9% NaCl be administered
and conditions under which O , once considered
potentially toxic, can be therapeutically useful, was
The histological samples were O -O by a spe-
introduced. Today we know why and how the result
cialized histopathologist and the Mankin 48,49 (table
is achieved in a series of diseases 23,29,30 and how this
1) method was employed for its evaluation (tables
low-cost and manageable element can be used.
2-7). The intra-articular infusion of O -O did not
Studies on orthopaedic diseases are mentioned
cause apparent changes in the mobility of the
in clinical findings, dealing mainly with disc hernia-
knees and has not caused histological damage to
tion. The satisfactory outcome has been ascribed to
the articular cartilage or the synovial membrane
Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly? Table 1 Histological and histochemical grading system for evalu-
ation of articular cartilage degeneration (Mankin et Al).
treatment. This is possibly due to the development of some kind of metabolic acceleration mechanism
of the narcotic substance (ether) or directly due to
oxygen-ozone which could have entered the cir-culation during the filtering through the synovial
The increase in life expectancy means a greater
frequency of knee osteoarthritis of the elderly
(tables 2 and 3). The clinical condition that mainly
which in conjunction with negative working prac-
concern the mobility of the studied knees is com-
tices that cause cartilage disorders even at younger
parable to the one where the knees were infused
ages make new methods for the treatment and
alleviation of the symptoms even more imperative.
Medical ozone is already used empirically by many
erative findings it caused proved the correctness
physicians as a supplementary or single therapy. If
(tables 4-7) of the employed technique and the fact
the histological results confirm these findings this
that it always constitutes a sufficient method for
will give a crucial boost to this method for treat-
causing experimental osteoarthritis and compari-
son of therapeutic material when needed. All the
Leaving aside the ozone production machine,
materials used were bearable for all the animals
the cost of the materials and the gas mix is mini-
judging from the observation of the behaviour of
mal. The already extensive bibliography on ozone
our samples (fatality, aggressiveness, claudication,
behaviour in the body and especially in the immune
system and herniated disc, and its local antiseptic
The animals whose knees were infused with
activity, gave a starting point and provided scien-
O -O recovered faster after the completion of the
tific grounds for this therapeutic method. International Journal of Ozone Therapy 7: 000-000, 2008
It is imperative that this be proven experimen-
tally before any extensive use. The present study shows us that there was no histological damage
This research shows that the intra-articular infu-
and the next study will investigate the therapeutic
sion of MIA caused osteoarthritis in the animals
very soon after injection. This step is considered
Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly?
necessary for the study of treatment techniques
shorter recovery period after the anesthesia and
for knee maintenance or operation, initially on
more rigorous activity of the Wistars was observed
compared to the rats treated with MIA. These
The intra-articular infusion of medical ozone
findings could constitute the grounds for a study
to the healthy tissues of the knees of Wistar rats
of pathological knees and the first step towards
does not cause local damage or any undesired
the dictum “primum non nuocere” for a potential
systematic or local events. On the contrary, the
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Is Medical Ozone Safe when Injected Intra-articularly?
Nomination: FIT “Aurora Borealis” Prize for outstanding translation of fiction literature Merits of the work The Syringa Tree is a South African play written by Pamela Gien. It’s the story of two families, a white liberal family in Johannesburg and the family of Salamina, their nanny. We are in South Africa around the seventies, under Apartheid rule. The tale is told by Elizabeth G
Clarification Memo # 1 to: HPTN 052: A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Therapy plus HIV Primary Care versus HIV Primary Care Alone to Prevent the Sexual Transmission of HIV-1 In Serodiscordant Couples Version 2.0, May 24, 2004 FINAL Version: 24 September 2004 Summary of Revisions and Rationale The protocol roster is updated to add a new titl