Letters to the Editor
The authors well present that in vitro cytotoxicity by com-
bination of chemotherapeutic agents with anti-malaria drugs
against malignant glioma cell lines. The cell viability was found
to be markedly decreased when hydroxychloroquine was addedon malignant glioma cell lines. The possible mechanism in their
experiments is to bind P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and competiti-
To the Editor : We have read the paper by Yong Sook Park,
vely interact with chemotherapeutic agents-binding site of P-gp.
and colleagues (Jea Young Choi, Jong Hee Chang, Yong Gou
As result, anti-malaria drugs enhance the intracellular conc-
Park, Jin Woo Chang : Effects of Hydroxychloroquine Co-
entration of cytotoxic drugs. This is a nice experimental pre-
administered with Chemotherapeutic Agents on Malignant
clinical work. It would be of interest to know this drug com-
Glioma Cell Lines : in vitro Study. J Korean Neurosurg Soc
bination had similar effects in glioma model (in vivo study).
We’d like to say one more things. The authors are looking atthe interaction of two agents (chemotherapeutic agents and
anti-malaria drugs) and need to determine if the effects are sy-
Objective : Anti-malaria drugs may modulate tumor resistance
nergistic or additive1-3). There are statistical methods for doing
to chemotherapeutic agents, but it has not been proven effective
this (such as isobologram method). This type of analysis needs
in the treatment of malignant gliomas. The aim of this study
to be done since the implications of something being syner-
was to determine whether adequate pre-clinical data on co-
gistic is different from just being additive and it could have
administration of chemotherapeutic agents with anti-malaria
mech-anistic implications as well. Anyway, thanks again and
drugs on malignant cell lines could be obtained that would
congratulations for their great experimentation.
warrant its further potential consideration for use in a clinicaltrial for malignant gliomas. References Methods : Two malignant glioma cell lines (U87MG, T98G)
1. Achenbach TV, Muller R, Slater EP : Synergistic antitumor effect of
chemotherapy and antisense-mediated ablation of the cell cycle inh-
were treated with chemotherapeutic agents alone or with an-
ibitor p27KIP-1. Clin Cancer Res 6 : 3006-3014, 2000
timalaria drugs. Cells were incubated with drugs for 4 days.
2. Jain A, Slansky JE, Matey LC, Allen HE, Pardoll DM, Schulick RD :
Synergistic effect of a granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
Following the 4-day incubation, drug sensitivity assays were
factor-transduced tumor vaccine and systemic interleukin-2 in the
performed using 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphe-
treatment of murine colorectal cancer hepatic metastases. Ann Surg Oncol 10 : 810-820, 2003
nyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay following optimization
3. Kang SG, Kim JS, Park K, Kim JS, Groves MD, Nam DH : Comb-
of experimental conditions for each cell lines and cell viability
ination celecoxib and temozolomide in C6 rat glioma orthotopic model. Oncol Rep 15 : in press, 2006
was calculated. Results : In all of four chemotherapeutic agents(doxorubicin, vincrisitne, nimustine, and cisplatin), the cell viability was found
The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine
to be markedly decreased when hydroxychloroquine was co-
administered on both U87MG and T98G cell lines. The twoway analysis of variance(ANOVA) yielded a statistically sign-ificant two-sided p-value of 0.0033(doxorubicin), 0.0005(vincrisitne), 0.0007(nimustine), and 0.0003(cisplatin) on
Preliminary Study on Effectiveness of De-
U87MG cell lines and .0006(doxorubicin), .0421(vincrisitne),
0.0317(nimustine), and 0.0001(cisplatin) on T98G cell lines,
respectively. However, treatment with chloroquine and prim-aquine did not induce a decrease in cell viability on both U8-
7MG and T98G cell lines. Conclusion : Our data support further consideration of the use
To the Editor : I read with interest Shin et al’ study concer-
of hydroxychloroquine prior to systemic chemotherapy to max-
ning preliminary result on effectiveness of dexamethasone-
imize its tumoricidal effect for patients with malignant gliomas.
soaked gelatin sponges for reducing pain after lumbar micr-
Letters to the Editor
odiscectomy. (J Korean Neurosurgical Soc 39 : 11-15, 2006).
associated with the use of Gelfoam. Spine 26 : 485-487, 2001
3. Herndon JH, Grillo HC, Riseborough EJ, Rich JC Jr : Compression
Their study is very nicely designed and suggests interesting
of the brain and spinal cord following use of Gelfoam. Arch Surg
results although based on preliminary result.
104 :107, 1972
Gelfoam absorbs blood and may expand, especially in the
partially moistened status2). Because of this property, Gelfoam
should be used in small pieces and should not be used within
enclosed spaces. Gelfoam within enclosed space could causedisastrous complications in both brain and spine surgeries1-3).
Response : We wish to thank for your kind interest in our
According to the pharmaceutical information provided by
paper. It is our pleasure to discuss with a scientific physician,
Pharmacia & Upjohn, it is recommended that whenever pos-
and to get another chance to express our opinions. Pain is
sible, it should be removed after use in laminectomy proced-
necessary for survival, but chronic pain can result in anxiety,
ures and from foramina in bone, once hemostasis is achieved.
depression and a reduction in the quality of life. If we can
This is because expanded Gelfoam could produce nerve damage
remove this pain from the life of human beings, our lives will
by pressure within confined bony spaces. Therefore, I recom-
be tremendously comfortable. This is why spinal surgenon
mend the authors to stop using dexamethasone-soaked Gel-
should exist. However it still remains most difficult in the field
foam in lumbar microdiscectomy although luckily they have
of medicine to understand pain. Since Mixter and Barr, our
not experienced complications related Gelfoam until now. I
great ancestors, found that mechanical compression of nerve
myself also use thrombin-soaked Gelfoam during microdisc-
root could be a major cause of pain in intervertebral disc disase,
ectomy to control epidural bleeding. However, I always remove
these concept has been a solid base for spinal operations. But,
Gelfoam once hemostasis is achieved, because Gelfoam in lateral
we are often confused when a patient complains severe radi-
recess can cause severe root compression as mentioned before.
cular pain without obvious herniation of his or her interver-
To my clinical experience, patients usually do not complain
tebral disc or a person do not have any pain in spite of marked
leg pain immediately after microdiscectomy when appropriate
herniation. Disc herniation and lumbar spinal stenosis is known
decompression of root is performed during surgery. Some
to present in between 20 and 50% of asymptomatic subjects1,5).
patients complain mild tingling sensation or numbness after
Also, Boos et al. reported 76% incidence rate of disc hernia-
surgery, which usually improve spontaneously in time. When
tions in asymptomatic patients3). These findings suggest that
patient complains moderate leg pain after microdiscectomy,
the presence of other factors above mechanical compression.
I consider the possibility of incomplete root compression due
Recent studies have identified cells and molecules contribut-
to remained disc herniation or postoperative epidural hema-
ing to pain4). We often neglect these facts, and sometimes
toma. Therefore, in such cases, I usually perform postopera-
make a mistake to guide patients to unnecessary surgery. It
tive magnetic resonance image or computed tomography scans
is known that there are the unmyelinated nerve terminals, as
to confirm whether decompression of the root was complete
you know, bathed in by the interstitial fluid within the tissues
or not. According to the result of Shin et al’s study, the mean
in both the interstitial and perivascular receptor systems of the
postoperative visual analogue scale score(VAS) of leg pain at
spine2). They are exposed to all solutes present within that
day 1 in control group was 5.0 (This means moderate leg pain,
interstitial fluid. If these solutes are depolarizing agents, and
I think). The decrease of VAS score of leg pain was less than
if they accumulate in sufficient quantities, then chemical irr-
expected (from 8.5 to 5.0). Therefore, I wonder whether the
itation of the nociceptors will occur and will give rise to pain
authors perform foraminotomy during microdiscectomy. I
in the lower back. Some of the known chemical irritants include
think it better to perform foraminotomy thoroughly rather
prostaglandin E, potassium ion, histamine, substance P, and
than to use dexamethasone-soaked Gelfoam during microd-
vasoactive-intestinal peptide6,7). The dead space which is formed
after decompression can be filled with these chemicals especiallyin immediate postop period. In addition, radicular pain of
intervertebral disc disease has not only the characteristics of
1. Alander DH, Stauffer ES : Gelfoam-induced acute quadriparesis
nociceptive pain, which is activated by a terminal of pain system,
after cervical decompression and fusion. Spine 20 : 970-971, 1995
2. Friedman J, Whitecloud TS 3rd : Lumbar cauda equina syndrome
but also those of neuropathic pain, which is activated by a tract
Letters to the Editor
of pain system (the nerve root is not a terminal, it is a kind of
that effective decompression is always able to remove radicular
tract), so the pain will not easily surrender to a physician who
pain of intervertebral disc disease. We would like to emphasize
is armed only with removal of noxious stimulus. We think those
that overlooked insights of chemical factors of pain will partly
can be a potential source of persistent pain and numbness in
alter our approach to spinal pain control and enable the dev-
post-laminectomy patients. Our study was performed to de-
elopment of new treatments. Thanks again for your comments.
velop a method to efficiently remove chemical factors. As youpointed out, the immediate pain scores of the control group
was somewhat higher than usual laminectomy series. But it
1. Boden SD, Davis DO, Dina TS, Patronas NJ, Wiesel SW : Abn-
ormal magnetic-resonance scans of the lumbar spine in asymptom-
was derived from not using patient controlled analgesia(PCA)
atic subjects. A prospective investigation. J Bone Joint Surg 72A :
system, and not using strong analgesics including opioids. We
2. Bogduk N, Tynan W, Wilson AS : The nerve supply to the human
did not use those for not masking the true effects of our de-
lumbar intervertebral discs. J Anat 132 : 39-56, 1981
xamethasone-soaked gelatine sponges. In our investigative stage,
3. Boos N, Rieder R, Schade V, Spratt KF, Semmer N, Aebi M : 1995
Volvo Award in clinical sciences. The diagnostic accuracy of ma-
we also found that gelatine sponge can cause serious compl-
gnetic resonance imaging, work perception, and psychosocial fact-
ications in very rare circumstances. For preventing complic-
ors in identifying symptomatic disc herniations. Spine 20 : 2613- 2625, 1995
ations, we did not use this in patients with diabetes mellitus,
4. Hunt SP, Mantyh PW : The molecular dynamics of pain control.
old ages, poor general health status, and previous operations
Nat Rev Neurosci 2 : 83-91, 2001
5. Kent DL, Haynor DR, Larson EB, Deyo RA : Diagnosis of lumbar
in same site, because in these patients serious infection could
spinal stenosis in adults: a metaanalysis of the accuracy of CT, MR,
be happened. Also, we had performed routine foraminotomy,
and myelography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 158 : 1135-1144, 1992
6. Saal JS, Franson RC, Dobrow R, Saal JA, White AH, Goldthwaite
which you worried about, and applied gelatine sponges after
N : High levels of inflammatory phospholipase A2 activity in lumbar
full decompression and meticulous hemostasis for not exerting
disc herniations. Spine 15 : 674-678, 1990
7. Weinstein J, Claverie W, Gibson S : The pain of discography. Spine
mass effects. Currently we are searching for various methods
13 : 1344-1348, 1988
minimizing inflammatory responses and preventing postop-erative adhesions, for example, tissue-engineered autologous
fat tissues which temporarily secrets analgesics or steroid. In
conclusion, on the contrary to your experience, we don’t think
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