Comparative study of antibiotic resistance of staphylococcus species isolated from clinical and environmental samples
Comparative Study of Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus Species Isolated from Clinical and Environmental Samples Obasola Ezekiel Fagade, Cajethan Onyebuchi Ezeamagu, Abolade Abioye Oyelade and Adeniyi Adewale Ogunjobi Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Unit Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria E-mail: <;;;> Abstract Comparative study of antibiotic resistance patterns of one hundred Staphylococci isolates comprising of fifty from clinical and fifty from environmental samples were evaluated. The isolates were identified to species level by use of both classical and API-Staph identification kit, screened for beta-lactamase production and their antibiograms determined using agar diffusion technique. Five species of Staphylococcus aureus, S. haemolyticus, S. cohnni, S. xyloses and S. scuiri were identified. The 50 isolates from the environment showed multiple antibiotic resistance to selected antibiotics tested, 13(26.0%) were resistant to augumentin, 19(38.0%) to amoxicillin, 30(60.0%) to both cloxacillin and cotrimoxazole, 38(76.0%) to chloramphenicol, 43(86.0%) to erythromycin, 44(88.0%) to tetracycline and 48(96.0%) to gentamicin. The multiple antibiotic patterns of the clinical samples showed that 29(58.0 %) were resistant to augumentin, 39(78.0%) to chloramphenicol, and erythromycin while 42(84.0%) were resistant to cloxacillin, 45(90.0%) to amoxicillin, 48(96.0%) to gentamicin, and tetracycline, while all the isolates were resistant to cotrimaxazole, 50(100.0%). Only 8.0% of the environmental strains and 24.0% of the clinical strains had detectable beta-lactam enzyme activity. The results showed that S. xyloses had a wider range of antibiotic resistance activities when compared to other coagulase negative Staphylococci. This result showed the consequences of antibiotic resistance patterns in the environment and the need for urgent management. Keywords: Antibiotics, Coagulase negative, Resistance, Staphylococcus aureus. Introduction Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) and now
Infections caused by Staphylococcus
account for more than 50% of S. aureusaureus poses serious threat in health care
recovered from patients in intensive care units
institutions. (Panlilio et al. 1992; and NNIS
and about 40% of S. aureus isolated from non
2001, 2004). It is one of the most widely
spread and virulent nosocomial pathogen and is
usually resistant to multiple antibiotics making
methicillin resistance has been questioned in
infections difficult to treat (Cooper et al. 2004).
It appears to add to the total burden of
Staphylococcus infections in the hospitals, MRSA. It has emerged as a significant cause of rather than replacing sensitive S. aureus, and is
associated with sharp risk in mortality infections. Recent report of strains of MRSA attributable to Staphylococcal infection isolated from children in the community has (Crowcroft & Catchpole 2002). Staphylococcus
led to speculation that the epidemiology of S. aureus strains continue to be a major problem
aureus is changing (CDC 1999; and Boyce
in many healthcare institutions especially with
1998). Traditionally, MRSA infections have
been acquired almost exclusively in hospitals,
Materials and Methods
long-term care facilities or similar institutional
settings (Thompson et al. 1982). Health-care
Bacterial Isolates
bacteremia and endocarditis, pneumonia, soft-
February 2007 and June 2007 from patients
tissue infections and urinary tract infections.
admitted to University College Hospital,
Ibadan. Of the 50 clinical samples, 8(16.0%)
associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) infections is of
major concern to both public health officials
and clinicians. The first report of CA-MRSA
infection occurred among Australian samples, 9(18.0%), 7(14.0%), 3(6.0%) were aboriginals and Native Americans in Canada in
isolated from ear, skin and nose respectively of
the early 1990s (Boyce 2003). The earliest
apparently healthy individuals while 31(62.0%)
reported cases of CA-MRSA infection in the
United States occurred in children with little or
no recognized contact with the hospitals or
other health care institutions (Herold et al.
1998). Coagulase negative Staphylococci
1991; and Holt et al. 1994). Also, API-Staph
(CNS) belong to the group of opportunistic
pathogens since they are found as normal flora
of the skin and mucus membranes in different
part of the body (Einsenstein and Schaechter
Detection of Beta-lactamase
1994). For this reason, CNS are often reported
without further specification, assuming that
they are contaminating clinical samples but are
was employed, as described by Adeleke and
Odelola (2007). Bacterial cell suspension
However, there is mounting evidence that
equivalent to 109cells/ml was prepared for each
these bacteria may be responsible for primary
strain from overnight nutrient agar plate
infections as a result of increased use of
culture, in 0.5ml of freshly prepared phosphate
briefly in a vortex mixer. Ordinary penicillin G
Bannerman 1994). Methicillin resistance phosphate buffer served as control. All test among CNS is particularly important due to
cross resistance to virtually al B-lactam agents
temperature for minimum of 1h.Thereafter, two
and other antimicrobial classes. As a result,
drops of freshly prepared 1% aqueous starch
therapeutic approaches are restricted to solution was added to suspension, without glycopetide and new antimicrobial agents as
shaking. The mixtures were allowed to stand
Linezolid (Woods et al. 2002). Therefore, an
for 10minutes, for a possible colour change
accurate analysis of resistance between clinical
and community strains may allow the provision
of better antimicrobial therapy. Besides, the
Susceptibility Test
importance for patient care the detection also
has implications for the validity of antibiotic
resistance surveillance. Hence the purpose of
according Kirby-Bauer method, as described in
this study is to isolate Staphylococcus species
the guidelines of the National Committee for
Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS 2000,
samples and to determine the antibiogram of
2002), using discs (Abterk) containing 10µg
the isolates against some selected commercial
(COT), 30 µg Chloramphenicol (CHL), 30 µg
Augumentin (AUG), 25 µg Amoxacillin 42(84.0%) cloxacillin, 45(90.0%), amoxicillin (AMX), 5 µg Erythromicin (ERY), 10 µg
48(96.0%), gentamicin, and tetracycline, while
Tetracycline (TET) and 5 µg Cloxacillin
all the isolates were resistant to cotrimaxazole,
difference in resistance patterns between the clinical and community strains were evaluated
using Chi-square analysis and statistical
significance was set at α = 0.05.
showed multiple antibiotic resistance activities
antibiotic resistance pattern amongst isolates
to selected antibiotics tested, 13(26.0%) were
resistant to augumentin, 19(38.0%) to gentamicin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin,
amoxicillin, 30(60.0%) to both cloxacillin and
and tetracycline. (p > 0.05). However, there are
cotrimoxazole, 38(76.0%) to chloramphinicol
significant difference in antibiotic resistance
pattern amongst isolates from clinical and
tetracycline and 48(96.0%) to gentamicin. The
multiple antibiotic patterns of the clinical
samples were augumentin 29(58.0 %), tetracycline (p < 0.05).
39(78.0%) chloramphenicol, and erythromycin, Table: 1 Comparison of antibiotic sensitivity and resistance of Community and Clinical strains of Staphylococcus species.
Chloramphenicol 38 76.0 12 24.0 39 78.0 11 22.0 0.056 1 0.812 Augumentin
13 26.0 37 74.0 29 58.0 21 42.0 10.500 1 0.001*
Key: n = number of isolates; level of significance = 0.05; * = significant.
Staphylococcus as etiologic agents of infections
(Schnitzler et al. 1997; and Bannerman 2003)
especially with infections associated with
Coagulase negative Staphylococci were
medical devices and in immunocompromised
mostly encountered in this study. This is in
patients. Boagdo et al. (2001) reported that the
conformity with previous work of Bannerman
incidence of resistant CNS to antimicrobial
(2003) and Kwok and Chow (2003). agents are high and this is similar to the
Staphylococcus xylosus, S. scuiri, and S.
findings of other authors (Hedin 1996; and
haemolyticus were isolated from eye swab and
Martínez et al. 1997) especially with respect to
wound swab while S. aureus was only isolated
from eye swab. Although, the most reported
therapeutic and economic problems raised by
CNS of clinical importance are S. saprophyticus and S. haemolyticus (Kloos and
The occurrence of S. xylosus from wound
Wolfshohl 1982; and Sewell et al. 1982). The
and eye infections and its predominance over
isolation of S. xylosus and S. scuiri were in
any other CNS encountered in this study raises
accord with the more recently reports which
the question to whether this is the most virulent
implicated a much wider range of species of
species or simply the most predominant on the
skin or in the environment of patients who
In the determination of the susceptibility
of these strains on eight selected antibiotics by
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
agar diffusion technique showed that S. xylosus
tend to be resistant to a wider spectrum of
antibiotics than other CNS. This finding is in
agreement with the work of Herold et al.
Plasmid profiles of multiple drug resistant
(1998), Adcock et al. (1998) and CDC (1999)
local strains of Staphylococcus aureus.
who reported that clinical Staphylococci are
resistant to multiple antibiotics. The reason for
the predominance of CNS in clinical samples
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Micrococcus, and other catalase positive
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Adam W. Van Wynsberghe1063 Science CenterVisiting Assistant Research Scientist (Sabbatical Leave from Hamilton College)University of California-San DiegoDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryAssistant ProfessorHamilton College, Clinton, NYDepartment of ChemistryNIH Post-Doctoral FellowUniversity of California-San DiegoDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryAdvisor: Dr. J. Andrew McCammonAss
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