Movement DisordersVol. 25, No. 2, 2010, pp. 139–148
Joaquim J. Ferreira, MD, PhD,1* Dulce Neutel, MD,1 Tiago Mestre, MD,1 Miguel Coelho, MD,1
Ma´rio M. Rosa, MD,1 Olivier Rascol, MD, PhD,2 and Cristina Sampaio, MD, PhD1
1Neurological Clinic Research Unit, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Lisbon School of Medicine, Lisbon, Portugal
2Departments of Clinical Pharmacology and Neurosciences, INSERM CIC-9302 and UMR-825,
Abstract: The report of an increased frequency of melanoma
cer occurrence in PD. The best data available suggest the risk
during the clinical development of rasagiline prompted a
of cancer is reduced in PD patients. However, specific cancers
renewed interest in a possible association between skin cancer
like thyroid and the female breast were reported at higher-than-
and Parkinson’s disease (PD). The evaluation of this risk ended
expected rates. Additionally, it was suggested that PD patients
in a recommendation to perform a periodic dermatological ex-
have a higher frequency of melanoma and non-melanoma skin
amination as a follow-up measure of their treatment. The rec-
cancers than the general population. The data on non-mela-
ognition of this safety concern lead to the need to clarify if the
noma skin cancer are less robust than the data on melanoma.
risk of skin cancer is indeed associated with PD and if levo-
Causal factors remain unknown. Due to the weak association
dopa or other anti-parkinsonian drugs might contribute to
between skin cancer and PD, no robust recommendation can be
increase such risk. To answer these questions, we critically
made regarding the need for periodic dermatological screen-
reviewed all clinical studies available concerning the associa-
tion between skin cancer and PD. We found 26 studies on can-
Key words: Parkinson’s disease; cancer; melanoma; skin
Concern about an increased risk of skin cancer in
vate a malignant melanoma, it should not be used in
Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients was first raised by
patients with suspicious, undiagnosed skin lesions or a
Skibba (1972) based upon a case of recurrent malig-
history of melanoma.’’3 The association between levo-
nant melanoma in a PD patient treated with levodopa
dopa therapy and melanoma was considered theoreti-
(L-dopa).1 Since then, more than 50 cases of newly
cally plausible because L-dopa is a substrate for the
diagnosed melanoma, melanoma recurrence, or mela-
noma metastasis were reported in L-dopa-treated PD
The finding of an increased frequency of melanomas
during the clinical development of rasagiline prompted
These case reports were sufficient to raise safety
a renewed interest in a possible association of skin
concerns to an extent that, since 1976, a formal contra-
cancer and PD. The evaluation of this risk ended in a
indication exists for the use of L-dopa in PD patients
recommendation to perform periodic dermatological
with melanoma. For example, Sinemet and Madopar
examinations in patients as follow-up measure of their
yield the warning ‘‘(. . .) because levodopa may acti-
treatment.7–9 A similar amendment was later added tothe safety labels of pramipexole,10 ropinirole,11 andselegiline.12
*Correspondence to: Dr. Joaquim Ferreira, Centro de Estudos Egas
To review the association between skin cancers and
Moniz, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, 1649-028 Lisboa, Portugal. E-mail:
PD, we critically analyzed the epidemiological and
Potential conflict of interest: None reported.
clinical studies available. First, we reviewed data on
Received 7 April 2008; Revised 28 September 2009; Accepted 29
the global risk of cancer in PD. As a second step, we
focused on specific studies evaluating the risk of mela-
Published online 8 January 2010 in Wiley InterScience (www. DOI: 10.1002/mds.22855
noma and other skin cancers in PD patients.
noma cases was low, but the number of cases of malig-
nant melanoma was higher than expected.
We searched the database Medline (1966–2008)
Elbaz et al.27 conducted a population-based case-
with the terms ‘‘cancer,’’ ‘‘mortality,’’ ‘‘melanoma,’’
control study to investigate the association of PD with
and ‘‘Parkinson’s disease’’. We also searched refer-
nonfatal cancer. They used the medical records-linkage
enced lists of identified studies on cancer and mela-
system of the Rochester Epidemiology Project (1976–
noma in PD and handsearched the abstract books of
1995). Each case was matched by age and sex to a
international congresses of movement disorders. All
general population control. The frequency of cancer in
studies aimed at evaluating the frequency of any type
general was lower in PD cases (19.4%) than in controls
of cancer or cancer related mortality in PD were
(23.5%) (OR 0.79; 95% CI 0.49–1.27). This pattern
was more pronounced in women than in men and in
Quality of published methodology data and related
patients aged 71 years or younger at onset of PD. They
susceptibility to bias were assessed through a check-
did not find an association between PD and nonfatal
list approach for study design, diagnostic criteria of
cancer. However, they did find a decreased prevalence
PD, type of cancer ascertainment, and statistical
of smoking-related cancers and an increased prevalence
of malignant melanoma. This latter finding was basedon 3 observed cases in the patient group.
The same authors28 used the same approach to
investigate the risk of cancer after the diagnosis of PD.
They included 196 patients and 185 control subjects in
The first comment about cancer in PD was made by
this study. The risk of cancer was higher among
Doshay in 1954 who concluded from the analysis of a
patients than in controls (RR 1.64; 95% CI 1.15–2.35;
case series that cancer was rare in ‘‘paralysis agi-
P 5 0.007). The increased risk was significant for
tans.’’13 Several other studies followed from other case
non-melanoma skin cancers (RR 1.76; 95% CI 1.07–
series, chart reviews, prospective cohorts, or case-con-
2.89; P 5 0.03). Among PD patients, there was no
trol studies. In Table 1, we present all known studies
relation between the risk of cancer and the cumulative
for which the primary or secondary objectives were to
dose of L-dopa or the use of other PD medications. No
evaluate the frequency of cancer in PD patients.
other types of cancer were found to be associated with
Hoehn and Yahr investigated the cause of death in
PD. However, these analyses were hampered by the
194 patients with PD and found that 24 patients had
small sample size and a potential surveillance bias.
died of malignant neoplasms.16 When compared with
Moller et al.22 conducted a retrospective study in a
the expected number calculated using the New York
cohort of 7,046 patients with a primary diagnosis of
population as reference (41 cases), they concluded that
PD obtained from a Danish hospital discharge compu-
a lower rate of death by malignant neoplasm occurred
terised register (during 1977–89). Information on can-
in PD patients (P < 0.001).16 Interestingly, 5 cases of
cer incidence and death among cohort members from
skin cancers from 69 cases of malignant neoplasms
their first recorded admission for PD until the end of
were reported. There was no description of the type of
1990 was obtained from the Danish cancer registry
skin lesion and no comparison was made with the
and from the Danish registry of deaths (the average
expected prevalence of skin cancers in the reference
duration of follow-up was 4.6 years). The Danish Can-
cer Registry began reporting incidence data in 1943
Jansson and Jankovic19 retrospectively reviewed 406
and includes cases of non-melanoma skin cancers (ba-
medical charts of PD patients and identified 18 patients
sal cell and squamous cell carcinoma). The expected
with cancer, when compared with an expected number
numbers of cancer cases were calculated from the per-
of 41.9. The exception to these lower cancer rates were
son’s years at risk among cohort members and the
malignant melanoma (2 cases observed vs. 0.3 expected,
incidences of cancer in the Danish population. The
P 5 0.04) and thyroid tumors (3 cases, all in women,
overall incidence of cancer was lower than expected
P < 0.001). Interestingly, non-melanoma skin cancers
(relative risk 0.88, 95% CI 0.8–1.0). However, a sig-
occurred less frequently than expected (10 cases
nificant increase in relative risk was seen for skin mel-
observed vs. 49.9 expected, P < 0.0001). The L-dopa
anoma (relative risk 1.96, 95% CI 1.1–3.2). Relative
dose, duration of treatment, and other risk factors related
risks of other skin cancers also increased, although
to the disease were not included in the analysis. The
this was not statistically significant (relative risk 1.24,
authors concluded that the rate of cancer and non-mela-
An update of the Moller study22 was recently pub-
noma and non-melanoma) with reasonable precision.
lished, covering a longer period (1977–98).30 Among
Overall, data available are consistent and sufficiently
14,088 patients with a primary diagnosis of PD (aver-
robust to conclude that PD is associated with a
age duration of follow-up of 5 years), 1,282 cancer
decreased risk for cancer when compared with the gen-
cases were subsequently recorded compared to 1,464
eral population. However, some cancer types have
expected cases, with a standardized incidence ratio
been reported to occur in excess of expected numbers
(SIR) of 0.88 (95% CI 0.8–1.0), that is equivalent to a
including malignant melanoma of the skin, other skin
12% reduction in the risk of cancer. Significantly
cancers, and cancers of the thyroid and the female
reduced risks were found for smoking-related cancers
(e.g. lung (SIR, 0.38), larynx (SIR, 0.47), and urinarybladder (SIR, 0.52)) cancers. In contrast, increasedrisks were seen for malignant melanoma (SIR, 1.95;
95% CI 1.4–2.6), non-melanoma skin cancer (1.25;
Recently, specific studies have investigated the prob-
95% CI 1.1–1.4), and breast cancer (1.24; 95% CI 1.0–
lem of melanoma or other skin cancers in PD (Table
1.5). The association between PD and melanoma was
2). Different approaches were used to investigate the
higher in the 1st year after PD diagnosis and decreased
potential association: determination of the frequency of
in subsequent periods. As in the first study, there was
melanoma in PD patients’ cohorts; to investigate the
also an increased relative risk for non-melanoma skin
frequency of PD diagnosis in patients with a clinical
cancers, which reached statistical significance in the
history of melanoma; to investigate risk factors for the
larger study. In both studies, there was no information
development of skin cancers in PD patients (e.g., L-
on treatment and the suspected role of L-dopa as a risk
dopa treatment, other anti-parkinsonian treatments, or
Driver et al.31 conducted a nested case-control study
within a prospective cohort of 22,071 US male physi-
cians to estimate the association between the diagnosis
of PD and the development of cancer. During the 22
Olsen and coworkers33 conducted a population-based
years of follow-up, 487 cases of PD were identified
case–control study to investigate the prevalence of ma-
and age-matched to 487 controls. The frequency of
lignant melanoma, skin carcinoma, and other cancers
any cancer was lower in PD cases (13.1%) than in con-
before a first hospitalization or outpatient visit for PD.
trols (14.8%). The same research group conducted
They identified 8,090 patients with a primary diagnosis
another case-control study using the same cohort to
of PD during the period of 1986–1998 from the
evaluate cancer incidence following the diagnosis of
National Danish Hospital Register. Each case was
PD. A total of 487 cases of PD without cancer were
matched with four population controls selected at ran-
age-matched to reference participants who were alive
dom from among inhabitants alive at the date of first
and cancer-free at the time of PD diagnosis. A total of
hospital contact with the patient. The number of cancer
121 cases of cancer were confirmed during a median
cases since 1943 were obtained from the Danish Can-
follow-up of 5.2 years (PD) and 5.9 years (reference).
cer Registry. The study found an increased prevalence
Those with PD developed less cancer (11.0 versus
of malignant melanoma and skin carcinoma before the
14.0%), with an adjusted RR of 0.85 [95% CI, 0.59–
first hospital contact for PD, with overall odds ratios of
1.22]. Reduced risk was present for smoking-related
1.44 (95% CI 1.03–2.01) and 1.26 (95% CI 1.11–
cancers such as lung (RR, 0.32), colorectal (RR, 0.54),
1.43), respectively. Cancers showed a reduced preva-
and bladder (RR, 0.68), as well as for most non-smok-
ing-related cancers such as prostate cancer (RR, 0.74).
A cross-sectional survey to assess the frequency and
In contrast, PD patients were at a significantly
characteristics of skin neoplasms in PD patients was
increased risk for melanoma (RR, 6.15; 95% CI, 1.77–
conducted in 12 medical centres in Israel.34 Of the
1,395 patients included, 9 patients (0.6%) had a histo-
The most robust evidence concerning the global risk
logically confirmed diagnosis of malignant melanoma
of cancer in PD derives from the results of the Danish
(1 invasive; 8 in situ), 14 patients (1.0%) had mela-
PD cohort studies.22,30 All other epidemiological stud-
noma in their medical history, and 6 patients had mela-
ies have small samples and inadequate statistical power
noma diagnoses before and 8 after their PD diagnosis.
to conclusively assess the risk for skin cancer (mela-
The total number of patients with current or prior mel-
anoma was 20 (1.4%). Occurrence of melanoma did
with no history of melanoma or pigmented lesion-
not correlate with PD duration, H&Y stage, or L-dopa
related problems. Cases and controls were matched by
treatment. Analysis of prevalence data (5-year limited
age and gender. Cases of malignant melanoma were
duration) for a comparable time period from the Israel
collected from US academic dermatology clinics.
National Cancer Registry suggested an overall relative
Among the melanoma patients, 25 (2.9%) cases had
rate of melanoma of 4.4 (95% CI 2.6–7.6) times
PD compared with 11 (1.3%) controls with PD. The
greater than expected based on an age- and sex-
authors concluded that the odds of having PD was
more than twofold greater in patients with malignant
Bertoni et al.35 performed another cross-sectional
melanoma than in the control subjects.
survey in 2,106 North American PD patients who
Baade et al.39 conducted a cohort study of all patients
underwent a full-body dermatological examination and
diagnosed as having melanoma in Australia since 1982
biopsy of any suspicious skin lesions. Of the 346
(n 5 127,037). The subjects were followed through the
patients with suspicious pigmented lesions, 20 had his-
end of 2001. Their cohort had a risk of death due to
thologically confirmed in situ melanomas (0.95%) and
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) that was 70% higher
4 had invasive melanomas (0.19%). No relationship
(standardized mortality ratio 5 169.4, 95% CI 5 127–
between the occurrence of melanoma (before or at ex-
221) than the general population, and nearly a threefold
amination) and L-dopa usage was observed. Prevalence
increased risk of dying from PD (standardized mortality
(5-year limited-duration) of invasive melanoma in US
ratio 5 266.3, 95% CI 5 222–317). These increased
PD patients (n 5 1,692) was 2.2-fold higher (95% CI
risks continued for long-term survivors, arguing against
1.21–4.17) than expected in age- and sex-matched pop-
a surveillance effect (particularly for ALS).
ulations in the National Surveillance Epidemiology andEnd Results—US Cancer Statistics Review database(SEER). Compared with American Academy of Der-
matology screening programs, age- or sex-adjusted rel-
ative risk of any melanoma at screening was more than
Since the early 1970s, a number of case reports have
suggested that L-dopa therapy increased the risk of cu-
A small cross-sectional survey found more neoplastic
taneous malignant melanoma. However, this safety
or pre-neoplastic lesions in PD patients (23.3%) when
concern was based on a limited number of anecdotal
compared to age matched controls (13.7%) (OR 95%CI
reports, and on cases where melanoma preceded L-
1.92 [1.05, 3.51]). 36 Likewise, more cases of actinic ker-
dopa treatment, in which a formal causal-relationship
atosis (19%) and basal cell carcinoma (3%) were diag-
evaluation would preclude such a link. There are also
nosed in PD patients, suggesting that pre-neoplastic skin
cases with no exacerbation or recurrence of melanoma
lesions, such as actinic keratosis, could also play a role in
in patients that were kept on L-dopa therapy. The data
the increased risk of PD patients to develop melanoma.
from these case reports are also limited in terms of
Constantinescu et al.37 evaluated the frequency of ma-
patient characteristics that could be correlated with an
lignant melanoma in the DATATOP clinical trial cohort.
increased risk for melanoma, such as sun exposure,
The DATATOP cohort included 800 patients enrolled
between September 1987 and November 1988, and fol-
The only epidemiological study that has specifically
lowed until 1994. Five cases of melanoma were found
evaluated the role of L-dopa was conducted by Sober
when compared with an expected number of 1.5 after
et al.40 They conducted a prospective survey in 1,099
adjusting for age and gender (standardized event ratio 3.3
patients from the Melanoma Clinical Cooperative
[95% CI 1.1–7.8]). Two cases of malignant melanoma
Group. At the time of presentation of their primary mel-
were diagnosed before the L-dopa treatment onset, and 3
anoma, only 1 patient had been taking L-dopa. The
cases occurred after 1, 6, and 19 months. No conclusion
authors concluded that L-dopa had no role in the induc-
could be made about an association between L-dopa ther-
tion of melanoma. No other formal epidemiological
study has been conducted to test the hypothesis that L-dopa therapy for PD increases the risk of cutaneous ma-lignant melanoma. Interestingly, the hypothesis that L-
dopa could be toxic to the melanocytes was raised in the
1970s.41 Although its efficacy was never demonstrated,
Rigel et al.38 performed a case-controlled study in
high doses of oral L-dopa were used in practice to treat
862 malignant melanoma patients and 862 controls
one of the common causative factor is long-term sun
exposure,48,49 it may be hypothesized that PD patients
There are no epidemiological studies evaluating the
frequency of skin cancer in PD patients treated with
lesions. This may be due to a disease-specific suscepti-
bility or to a photocarcinogenic potential of L-dopa or
available are derived from adverse events reported in
other anti-parkinsonian drugs. The increased rate of
published clinical trials or registered in pharmacovigi-
malignant melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers
before the diagnosis of PD weakens the hypothesis thatskin cancers may be caused by the treatment of PD.33
Furthermore, although exogenous L-dopa was sug-
gested to have some effect on melanin synthesis, con-
sequently, stimulating melanogenesis and melanoma
From this analysis of all the data available regarding
growth,50 it has not been demonstrated that L-dopa is
the association between PD and skin cancer, melanoma
carcinogenic. Other theories for L-dopa-induced mela-
occurs at a higher frequency in PD patients when com-
pared with the general population. Similarly, although
increased plasma concentrations of growth hormone,52
not so robustly demonstrated, non-melanoma skin can-
and mediation of immunosuppression by enhancing
cers appear at an increased frequency in PD patients.
secretion of melanocyte-stimulating hormone.51 Inter-
The studies available were not designed to enable con-
estingly, L-dopa and other precursors in the biosyn-
clusions to be made regarding the causal relationship
thetic pathway of melanin may have a toxic effect on
melanoma in vitro.53 The two clinical surveys specifi-
Due to the heterogeneity of study designs and out-
cally conducted to evaluate the frequency of cutaneous
come measures, no statistical pooling of the results
lesions in PD patients concluded that an extremely
was appropriate to be conducted. Nevertheless, a de-
high prevalence of melanoma existed (1.4% in Israel
scriptive analysis of the best data suggest a prevalence
and 1.1% in North America). However, the interpreta-
of melanoma in PD patients between 1.1 and 1.4 %
tion of these rates is difficult without a parallel control
and a 1.5–3-fold increase in the incidence of mela-
group or a valid external database. This is even more
noma. If we apply these estimates to the expected inci-
difficult knowing both that the incidence of melanoma
dence of melanoma in the United States for subjects
has sharply increased in the last 70 years,54 and that
65–years-old and older (65.4 per 100.000 per year;
the overall calculation of melanoma incidence in the
SEER 2001–2005), we presume an approximate inci-
general population is imprecise because rate figures are
dence of 1 to 2 cases per 1000 PD patients per year
calculated based on data collection systems that cannot
find cases of less-invasive disease.
The theory linking L-dopa and melanoma was based
The incidence of PD increases with age and the inci-
on the shared biochemical pathways between the syn-
dence of malignant melanoma has been increasing in
thesis of both dopamine and melanin. The association
recent decades. Consequently, it is expected that both
between L-dopa and melanoma is therefore based on
PD and malignant melanoma will coincidentally affect
biological plausibility and a few case reports where
several patients every year, even without a causal rela-
data is too limited to determine the causality.1,45–47 In
tionship between the two diseases. On the other hand,
some cases, the short interval between the onset of L-
if the increased risk in PD patients is caused by envi-
dopa treatment and the diagnosis of melanoma makes
ronmental or genetic factors common to both diseases,
it somewhat implausible that a carcinogenic effect is
it would be expected that the association between PD
induced by L-dopa. On the other hand, the reported
and skin cancer be bidirectional (i.e., that the risk for
stronger association between PD and melanoma within
malignant melanoma would also be increased before a
the first years after PD diagnosis30 reduces the likeli-
diagnosis of PD) that cannot be excluded with the data
hood that these cases of melanoma are due to PD treat-
available. In the scenario of an independent common
ment and suggests the possibility of other pre-existing
cause for PD and melanoma, we would expect either
causal or confounding, unknown factors.
to have melanoma first and PD after or vice-versa.
Additionally, the association of PD with non-mela-
Nevertheless, given that cancer has a much higher
noma skin cancers counters the theory of L-dopa as a
mortality it might happen that there is no time to de-
causal factor, unless the biochemical pathway includ-
velop PD once cancer occurs. In this situation, it would
ing L-dopa is common to all types of skin cancer. As
result that it should be more frequent to identify PD
cases were cancer was found after the neurological di-
Neuroscience, Lundbeck and UCB; Grants: Boehringer Ingel-
heim, Eisai, GlaxosmithKline, Novartis, Solvay, Teva Neuro-
So far all the melanoma reports refer to cutaneous
science and Lundbeck. Cristina Sampaio, Consultancies: Inall cases the fees / honoraria due are paid to department and
melanoma, with no data regarding the occurrence of
not received personally: Lundbeck, Abbott, Bial, Boeringher
ocular melanoma. This may be because of its rarity or
be justified by its being more difficult to screen in pri-
Author Roles: Joaquim Ferreira conceived and designed
the review; collected, analyzed and interpreted the data;
In summary, from the data available, there is:
drafted the article; review and critique of manuscript; con-cepted, organised, and execution of the research project;
1. Consistent data supporting an association between
designed, executed, and review and critique of statistical
analysis. Dulce Neutel collected, analyzed and interpreted the
2. A possible association between non-melanoma skin
data; help draft the article; organization and execution ofresearch project; review and critique of statistical analysis
and manuscript. Tiago Mestre, Miguel Coelho and Ma´rio M.
3. Insufficient data to conclude on the association
Rosa helped draft the article, analyzed and interpreted the
between L-dopa and melanoma in PD patients;
data and critically revised it; organization and execution of
4. Insufficient data to conclude on the association
the research project; review and critique of statistical analysis
between rasagiline, selegiline, ropinirole, pramipex-
and manuscript. Olivier Rascol and Cristina Sampaio ana-
ole or other anti-parkinsonian drugs and melanoma
lyzed and interpreted the data; critically revised the article;conception of research project; and review and critique of
5. Insufficient data about the risk factors for skin can-
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IS [11C]CUMI-101 BINDING TO 5-HT1A RECEPTORS SUSCEPTIBLE TO INTRAVENOUS CITALOPRAM CHALLENGE IN HUMANS? L.H. Pinborg 1,2,3, L. Feng1, M. Haahr1, N. Gillings4, A. Ettrup1, H.D. Hansen1, S. Yndgaard5, C. Svarer1, G.M. Knudsen1,3 1Neurobiology Research Unit, N9201, 2Epilepsy Clinic, N8501, 3The Lundbeck Centre for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging, 4The PET & Cyclotron Unit, 5Departmen
Standard Operating Procedures - sheep<br>Fistulation of gastro-intestinal tract | NSW De. Page 1 of 5 Standard Operating Procedures - sheep Fistulation of gastro-intestinal tract Category Objective To prepare sheep so that relevant samples may be collected or infusions made, under physiological conditions. Details of Procedure Only sheep greater than three months of age