The KPC Student Health Clinic is recommending all students and staff evaluate their risk for pertussis infection and get immunized if possible. Adults can become ill and/or carry the pertussis bacterium to high risk groups such as non or under immunized infants, children and the frail elderly. Pertussis has been increasing in Alaska due to the outbreak in Washington State and the frequent travel of our citizens back and forth to that area. According to CDC website information, pertussis is an acute bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that is caused by Bordetel a pertussis, a gram-negative bacterium. B. pertussis is a uniquely human pathogen that is transmitted from an infected person to susceptible persons, primarily through aerosolized droplets of respiratory secretions or by direct contact with respiratory The incubation period of pertussis averages 7--10 days (range: 5--21 days) and has been reported to be as long as 6 weeks. Pertussis has an insidious onset with catarrhal symptoms (nasal congestion, runny nose, mild sore- throat, mild dry cough, and minimal or no fever) that are indistinguishable from those of minor respiratory tract infections. Some infants can have atypical disease and initially have apneic spells and minimal cough or other respiratory symptoms. The catarrhal stage last approximately 1--2 weeks. The cough, which is initially intermittent, becomes paroxysmal. A typical paroxysm is characterized by a succession of coughs that follow each other without inspiration. Paroxysms terminate in typical cases with inspiratory "whoop" and can be followed by post coughing vomiting. Although children are often exhausted after a coughing paroxysm, they usually appear relatively well between episodes. Paroxysms of cough usually increase in frequency and severity as the il ness progresses and usually persist for 2--6 weeks. Paroxysms can occur more frequently at night. The illness can be milder and the characteristic whoop absent in children, adolescents, and adults who were Convalescence is gradual and protracted. The severity of illness wanes, paroxysms subside, and the frequency of coughing bouts decreases. A nonparoxysmal cough can continue for 2--6 weeks or longer. During the recovery period, superimposed viral respiratory infections can trigger a Vaccination of susceptible persons is the most important preventive strategy against pertussis. Universal childhood pertussis vaccine recommendations have been implemented since the mid-1940s. For protection against pertussis during childhood, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends 5 doses of diphtheria and tetanus toxoid and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine at ages 2, 4, 6, 15--18 months, and 4--6 years. Childhood vaccination coverage for pertussis vaccines has been at an all-time high. However, neither vaccination nor natural disease confers complete or lifelong protective immunity against pertussis or reinfection. Immunity wanes after 5- -10 years from the last pertussis vaccine dose. Older children, adolescents, and adults can become susceptible to pertussis after a complete course of As of August 27th, there have been 128 documented cases of whooping cough in Alaska so far this year, more than quadruple the number of cases reported in all of 2011 (24 cases), state health officials have reported. The last outbreak The confirmed cases likely don't reflect the actual number of whooping cough, or pertussis, infections statewide. Most people do not get tested by nasopharyngeal swab, but get treated when a paroxysmal cough lasts longer than 2 weeks and pertussis is suspected. Prevention is by getting a T-dap immunization. T-dap refers to the Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis vaccine. Health officials recommend the vaccine for all young children and boosters for adolescents and adults. It is similar to getting a tetanus booster every 10 years, but has the pertussis vaccine in it also. It is available at the KPC Student Health Clinic for $50 for eligible students who have paid their health center fee. If a student is taking more than 6 credits at KPC, the health center fee has been paid as part of registration fees. Local pharmacies also carry the vaccine. Treatment includes azithromycin, clarithromycin or Bactrim antibiotics. Despite a national rise in number of cases, Alaska's numbers remain More than 17,000 cases of pertussis were reported in the nation through July 12, according to the CDC. Nine pertussis-related deaths about prevention and treatment of the pertussis infection. Feel free to stop by or call the KPC Student Health Clinic at 262-0347 for more



Letter to the Editor Accepted August 27, 2008 Published online: September 9, 2008 Neuroaid in Stroke Recovery Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore , Singapore Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability condition dictated ( table 2 ). The Neuroaid dose received worldwide [1] . Many patients only make a partial or poor was 4 tablets, 3 times per day. Treatment was initiat-re

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ESSEX CANCER NETWORK UROLOGY NSSG MEETING Monday 13th February 2012 14.00 – 16.00 hrs Swift House, Middle & Annexe Chelmsford CM2 5PF Present: Tom Carr (Chair) Medical Director, ECN Consultant Urologist, BTUHFT CNS, SUHFT David Tsang Clinical Oncologist, SUHFT Maggie Braithwaite CNS, CHUFT Claire Turner CNS, MEHT Chris Stubbi

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