
Volume 1, Issue 2
July 2005
Spraying for Soybean Aphids and Mites
James Tew
Interest Points
Soybean aphid. Increasingly across Ohio, soybean aphids and soybean mites
are becoming a problem. Spray programs are necessary to keep these pests below economic levels. Common insecticides for controlling the soybean aphidare: Warrior (lambda-cyhalothrin), Asana (esfenvalerate), Lorsban (chlorpyrifos), • Registration -- our numbersare increasing Mustang (zeta-cypermethrin) and Furadan (Carbofuran). Under the rightconditions, all of these materials will kill bees.
Spray applications are on an “as needed” basis. Much of Ohio is already past theflowering stage, but some areas are still in flower and spraying is on-going.
Soybean mites. The weather has been dampening mite populations on
soybeans to some extent, but frequently materials such as Lorsban (chlorpyrifos) Information
continued on page 3
Dr. James E. TewState Specialist, Beekeping Terramycin Resistant American Foulbrood
John Grafton
It has been known that American Foulbrood was at some point going to beresistant to Terramycin (TM). In 2003 the first “moderately tolerant” sample results were returned from the USDA lab on a few samples from Ohio. In 2004 of the samples tested 54% were determined to be moderately tolerant. Thequestion remained as to when the first fully resistant sample would be found. The answer came on July 11, 2005 when a sample result came back with a 14MM zone of resistance. On the resistance chart anything 29MM or less is considered 8995 East Main StreetReynoldsburg, OH 43068 The sample was from a hobby beekeeper in northwest township of Williamscounty. The Ohio Dept. of Agriculture is currently working with this particular beekeeper, the USDA and the FDA to control this incident and to gain approval for e-mail: grafton_laptop The disease, while posing no health risk to humans, is caused by a sporeforming bacteria known as Paenibacillus larvae. Only the spore stage isinfectious to honeybees. All castes of honeybees are susceptible to the disease; continued on page 3
Information contained within this newsletter is not an endorsement of any particular product. Neither Ohio State University Extension nor Ohio Department ofAgriculture or any employees thereof may be held liable for the outcome of using any of the information contained herein.
found at It has John Grafton & James Tew
information concerning disease research as wellas links to the other USDA labs. By using the It seems there is a web site for any subject various drop down lists there is a wealth of imaginable. We are not going to try to list all the information and links to many sites.
ones for beekeeping. Rather we will highlight the“official” ones for the writers of this newsletter plus Some local clubs and inspectors have their own a couple of others that are related.
site. If your bee association does or if as aninspector you have a site send the address to The Ohio Dept. of Agriculture apiary program can John at the address listed and we will try to put be found at Then go under programs to regulatory. Then drop down toPlant Industry under which you will find the apiaryprogram. This site has the various informationsheets available, an application for registration, a REGISTRATION
list of all the county inspectors, county by county John Grafton
breakdown of last season inspections, links toother sites, and yes you can even e-mail us thru Revised Code states that anyone owning or The Ohio State University, Honey Bee Lab in possessing bees in Ohio must on or before the Wooster can be found at .
first of June, or within ten days of coming into This site also has a number of information sheets ownership of bees, register them with the available, links to other sites, news and events, Director of Agriculture. As of June 6, 2005 information on the bee garden, an audio of queens there were 2589 current registrations, this piping, and is also e-mail connected.
compares with 2016 for the same period ayear earlier. Final registrations for 2004 were Bees and Pollination at http://www.oardc.ohio- 3018 registrants. The department will soon be provides selected web resources mailing a second notice to those who were about honey bees, beekeeping and pollination by bees, registered previously and are not currently.
including an “Ask the Expert” option. The resource is These people will also be notified that they owe provided by Ms Connie Britton, OSU Library at a ten dollar late filing fee in addition to the Wooster and Dr. James E. Tew, Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio44691. This bee page is part of the USDA National Agricultural Library’s electronic information system.
John Grafton
For information on any agricultural topic, search: It is too late to discuss swarm control—they havealready flown. Many calls came in from all areas The Ohio State University, Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Lab in Columbus which can be found at the web site breeding This site highlights the activities of Sue Cobey and the bee breeding programs being carried out at the lab. The site lists courses and training for instrumental insemination. It also has links to other sites, including some that are notlisted at the other “Ohio” sites.
of honey production.
Beekeepers and inspectors Going outside of Ohio an interesting site is for the from around the state indicate that the boxes are USDA Beltsville Bee Research Lab. It can be filling up fast taking beekeepers by surprise.
Soy beans Aphids continued from Page 1. . .
them from year to year. He follows labelinstructions.
and Cygon (dimethoate – discontinued) are still 4. For Small Hive Beetle Control, Mr. Wilbanks uses ChekMite® strips on a Wilbanks “BeetleBoard.” The board is 3 ½” wide by 10 ½” long Protective measures.
and is made of thin plywood (about 3/16" thick) Most Ohio beekeepers do not get a significant flow with spacers on either end ½” wide x 3 ½” from soybeans so little harm is done to beehives.
long and 3/16" thick. A full-length ChekMite Hives situated near the field could suffer from accidental drift. Obviously, moving the hive(s) spacers and the board is pushed into the hive would eliminate the problem or alternatively with the strip downward. Beetles hide under covering the hive with plastic or burlap would offer the 3/16" space next to the chemical strip. The bottom board must be clean for this device to temperature is high and a covered hive might suffer work. Mr. Wilbanks follows label instructions more from excessive heat than from pesticide for installing and removing strips. The Beetle spray drift. Hives should not be covered any longer than is necessary. Spray applications early in the modifying corrugated board – plus the full- morning or late in the afternoon would be helpful.
length strip is subsequently available for Applying sprays on windless days would also be traditional Varroa control procedures.
helpful, but such weather can’t be predicted.
Presently, I have not heard of any serious kills fromsoybean spraying, but beekeepers should be alertand protect their hives as much as possible.
Pest Control Procedures in the
Figure 1. A Wilbanks Beetle Board
Wilbanks Apiaries, Claxton, GA
5. Keep everything clean. Every one of the James Tew
thousands of frames at Wilbanks Apiaries is I had the opportunity to talk with Reg Wilbanks, owner of Wilbanks Apiaries in Claxton, Georgia.
boards, tops, and inner covers are scraped He runs 6000 colonies and 15,000 mating nucs clean. Low quality combs are discarded. Mr.
during an average season. They produce about Wilbanks feels that a colony that is organized, 20,000 packages per year and produce about 60,000 queens. They earn 85% of their annual income in a nine-week period during the springseason.
Terramycin continued from page 1. . .
Wilbanks suggestions and recommendations:
however worker larvae are particularly susceptible.
1. When removing and reinstalling frames, keep The disease spreads in one of four methods; 1) frames in the same order as the bees build nurse bees transmit bacillus spores to young larvae them. In this way, the bee nest is always 2) honey is stored in contaminated cells 3) bees are exposed to contaminated honey 4) the sameequipment is used for both diseased and healthy 2. Requeen every year. (Mr. Wilbanks requeens colonies. Diseased colonies left untreated will gradually die and subsequently the honey will be robbed out by other bees in the area, thus spreading Apistan® and ChekMite® strips and rotates the disease to those colonies. This may in timeaffect pollination and crop production in the area.


X. PRESTACIONES FAMILIARES Y CLÁUSULAS DE RESIDENCIA JOSÉ JOAQUÍN PÉREZ-BENEYTO ABAD Magistrado Especialista de la Sala de lo Social del TSJ de Andalucía/Sevilla (La ponencia es una síntesis del artículo publicado en el nº 32 de la Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social: I. INTRODUCCIÓN Existen dos modalidades1: contributivas2 no econó

ALL TO COME MAIDEN JUVENILE PLATEMPLATE Prizemoney: $10,365 [CAPTAIN AL (SAF) - SUNSHINE LOVER (SAF)] Green,redchevron,greensleeves,redseams,redcap. Owners: Team Valor International (Nom: Mr B Irwin). Ran well to place at debut; First up after debut and spell; Up in class on last start; Redandwhitequartered,redsleeves,quarteredcap. Owners: Lammerskraal Stud (Nom: Mr M L P Rattray). Having

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