Cg00200 aptt ellagic acid

Valuation of activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in plasma use manual and automatic procedure
The contact system is activated by the ellagic acid. • As with any diagnostic procedure, if the results are The cephalic extracted from bovine brain take effect as inconsistent with the clinical presentation, the substitute for PF3. The clot formation begins with the physician should evaluate data obtained using this addition of calcium chloride. APTT determination is test in light of other clinical information. sensitive to deficiencies in activities of II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII factors due to hereditary disorders, liver disease, deficiencies of K vitamin and may drug. CALIBRATION / QUALITY CONTROL
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time is also sensitive Normal and Pathological control are recommended for A pool of normal human plasma can be used as calibrator plasmas as an alternative to commercial Collected, into the plastic or siliconized glass tube, 9 parts of freshly draw venous blood and 1 part of In this case it is important to exclude from the pool of plasmas subjects illness with estrogen-progesterone The plasma was separated after centrifugation of the Stability: 4 hours at 15-25°C or 24 hours at -20°C if TEST PERFORMANCE
immediately freeze. Do not use EDTA or heparin Precision
INTRA - ASSAY (sec.)
INTER - ASSAY (sec.)
Reagents are ready to use. Unopened reagent and control are stable until the expiration date shown on Shake Activator vigorously before use. Opened reagent are stable 5 days at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.
Icteric and turbid plasmas can influence the APTT. Test tube for analysis, chronometer, Calibrator (for Were detected interference from drugs. Further tests result obtained in ‘ratio’), Normal Control, Pathological will be needed to determine the cause of unexpected Control L, Pathological Control H, Diluent. PRECAUTION
Reagent may contain not reactive and conservative Product is intended for professional laboratories. components. It is opportune to avoid contacts with the Waste products must be handled as per relevant Perform the test according to the general “Good Laboratory Practice” (GLP) guidelines. PACKAGING
CODE CG00200
Manual Application
Shake Activator vial (A) vigorously before use. CODE CG00210
Put in test-tube analysis 100 µl of sample and 100 µl
Add 100 µl of Starter (B) prewarm. Value the time clot formation with chronometer. Bell, W.N. Alton, H.G.: Nature 174.880, 1954. Hoffmann, I.J.M.L., Neulendijk, P.N.: Thrombos. EXPECTED VALUES
Haemostas, 39.640, 1978. Biggs, R., Rizza, C. ed.: Human Blood Coagulation, Every laboratory should be establish own reference Haemostasis and Thrombosis, III ed. Blackwell intervals in relation to own population. Scientific Publications, Oxford, England, 1984. Shapiro, G.A., Huntzinger, S.W., Wilson, J.E.: Am. J. MANUFACTURER
Activity values bigger than those of reference were reported with deficiency of VIII, IX, X, XI or XII Factor, kininogen of high molecular weight of prekallikrein, fibrinogen, of V or II factors (or their inhibitors). High values were also observed in the DIC, in the presence of specific inhibitors (LAC), liver diseases and Small values of APTT are reported for all those states LTA s.r.l. - Via Milano, 15/F - 20060 Bussero (Milano) Italia - Tel.+39 02 95409034 - Fax.+39 02 95334185 - Capitale Sociale Euro 20.000 i.v. REA Milano 1440084 - N. Iscrizione Reg. Imp. C.F. e P.I. 02377910969 - e-mail: - sito web:


The CPN liaison service To provide a seamless mental health cases who, however, continue to be referred to service across the primary / secondary care CMHTs by GPs who feel that they do not have thenecessary expertise. Thus, there is a risk that some interface, it is necessary to look at the patients might find that neither primary nor needs of modern primary care and secondary care

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