Dr bassett instructions for endoscopy 2013

Dr  Mark  Bassett  
161  Strickland  Crescent  Deakin  2600                                                                      Ph:  6162  1515   General Instructions for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Procedures
On ______________________________ at _____________ AM/PM at _________________________________ Hospital
Brindabella Endoscopy Centre Garran: Ph: 6282 7788 5 Dann Close, Garran (Cnr Hindmarsh Drive & Palmer Street)
Calvary John James Hospital Deakin: Ph: 6281 8100 Strickland Crescent, Deakin (Go to Day Surgery Unit entrance)
Calvary Private Hospital Bruce: Ph: 6201 6111 Cnr Haydon Drive & Belconnen Way, Bruce (Day Services & Maternity entrance)
Mugga Wara Endoscopy Garran: Ph: 6222 6655 National Capital Private Hospital, Hospital Road, Garran (off Gilmore Crescent)

GASTROSCOPY No solid or semi-solid food of any type for 12 hours. Drink adequate clear fluids only (e.g. water, apple juice,
soft drinks, sports drinks) until 4 hours before your appointment and then no food or liquid after that.

COLONOSCOPY (including colonoscopy & gastroscopy).
Follow colonoscopy instruction sheet provided. If you are unable to
tolerate the bowel preparation or are concerned it has not worked please phone 6162 1515 or Dr Bassett after hours 0417 851 166 before leaving for the hospital. Drink adequate clear fluids only (e.g. water, apple juice, soft drinks, sports drinks) until 4 hours
before your appointment and then no food or liquid after that.

MEDICATION Take your usual medications the day before the endoscopy procedure and stop all your medications on the day
of the procedure unless directed otherwise (see below). Blood pressure tablets: do not take them on the day of your procedure.
Blood thinning medication: Please advise if you are using aspirin, clopidogrel (Iscover, Plavix), warfarin, Pradaxa, or heparin
injections. Ceasing and re-commencing these is individually based. Follow specific instructions as advised.
Anti-convulsant/ anti-arrhythmic/Parkinson’s disease medication: take as usual on day of procedure with a sip of water
Iron tablets: Must be stopped 10 days prior to colonoscopy
Contraceptive pill: May be less effective during preparation for endoscopy.

Diabetes medication
: Check your blood sugar level regularly the day before and on the day of the procedure.
Take your diabetes tablets or insulin as usual Do not take diabetes tablets or insulin until after you Take your usual morning tablets and no other Do not take diabetes tablets until after you have had Take half your usual insulin dose during the Do not take insulin or tablets before your procedure. day. If on tablets take your usual morning Commence your usual dose of insulin after you have tablets and no other tablets that day or evening. had a meal following the procedure
Other health problems: It is important to advise us if your health has changed since your appointment was made. Please advise
if you have any allergies, heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, strokes, blood clotting problems, bleeding problems that we are not aware of. It may be necessary to postpone your endoscopy if you develop a severe cold, flu virus, flare of lung disease (eg asthma), colitis or diverticulitis close to your procedure date. Please advise if you may be pregnant.
Sedation: As you will have intravenous sedation YOU MUST NOT DRIVE HOME. Please arrange transport. You will be at the
hospital for about 3 hours. Do not use machinery or make legal or financial decisions until at least 24 hours after the procedure.

After the procedure: If you are unwell or notice anything unusual please contact Dr Bassett on 0417 851166. If he is unavailable
contact the hospital where the procedure was performed or go to an Emergency Department. It may be unwise to travel away from the Canberra region for up to 2 weeks after the endoscopy procedure. If you intend to travel within this time please discuss.
Additional notes:

Source: https://www.markbassett.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Dr-Bassett-Instructions-for-Endoscopy-2013.pdf

Content for ncera-101 station reports

Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility Department of Environmental Biology, University of Guelph 2007 Station Report to the NCR-101 Committee Mike Dixon, Director (mdixon@ces.uoguelph.ca) Theresa Rondeau Vuk, Program) 1. New Facilities and Equipment Dissolved ozone sensor (ATI); Ozone generator (Clearwater Tech); Ozone off-gas preparation system (INUSA); Ozone off-gas de


Cellular and Molecular Biology TM 51 , 307-320 ORGANIC NITRATES IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg, Germany✍ Institut für Pharmakologie und Klinische Pharmakologie, Universitätsklinikum Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Fax: +49 211 81 14781; E-mail: kojda@uni-duesseldorf.de Received December 10, 2004, Accepted Decemb

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