Young Voices for Peace - Singer & Volunteer Sign-up
This form requests information about choir singers on the front and lists volunteer opportunities for sign-up by parents or interested adults who would like to help with the choir program on the back. The Steering Committee is in need of both singers AND volunteers! Thanks for your interest and participation!
Date:__________________________________________________Singer Information
Name:____________________________________________________________________________________ Parents/Guardian Name(s):____________________________________________________________________ Home Address:_____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: (home)__________/___________________ (cell) __________/_______________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ School Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Singer's: Gender: _____ Current Age:_____ Current Grade: circle one 3th 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Home Church (if applicable)_________________________________________________________________ Singer Voice: circle one 1. unchanged 2. in process of change 3. changed Current Singing Voice, if known: 1. Soprano 2. Alto 3. Tenor 4. Bass Since there are only five rehearsals, only one may be missed to join the choir. If you know that you will be missing a rehearsal, please list the date that you will miss:__________________________________________ Additional comments/concerns/information that you would like to share:_______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
-Donations of $10.00/singer will be gladly accepted. -Please direct questions about choir member requirements and volunteer opportunities to Emily
YVP Singer & Volunteer Sign-up - 2010Volunteer Opportunities & Sign-up Please write names beside items that are checked.
Serve as Choir Registrar
Receive Singer Applications & Donations
Create spreadsheet of Singer information
Provide Snack and clean-up at rehearsal
Responsible for T-shirts: order, update logo, pick-up & deliver to singers
Concert - April 25, 2010 - Dress Rehearsal 1:00pm, Concert 2:30pm
Help with stage and monitoring choirs during rehearsal & concert
Video and create DVD which can be copied for purchase after the concert
Organize end-of-concert flowers for conductors & pianist
Organize Reception and volunteers to help following concert
Bring two dozen cookies/bars for the reception after the concert
How to submit this completed form:
-Leave in the First Mennonite Church office -Mail to:
Young Voices for Peace, ATTN: Roberta Kandel,
-Email to YVP Singer & Volunteer Sign-up - 2010
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, vol 15, N°3, pp. 69-74, 2010. (Traduction en Français par l’auteur) LES RÉTROVIRUS ENDOGÈNES ET LA RECHERCHE SUR LE SIDA : CONFUSION, CONSENSUS, OU SCIENCE ? Docteur Etienne de Harven Résumé Les rétrovirus humains endogènes (HERVs) introduisent dans la recherche sur le SIDA, un élément d
Rheumors Volume 3, Number 2 Spring 1992 POINTS ON JOINTS EXTRA-ARTICULAR FEATURES OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES OR "WHY ARE MANY RHEUMATIC DISEASES SYSTEMIC?" by Robert L. Rosenberg, M.D. We all tend to think of arthritis and rheumatic diseases as affecting only our joints. While this is mostly true for osteoarthritis, many other types of arthritis pose the risk of multiple o