Product Information Product description Operational sector:
Mipa P 20 is a laminating resin, which will get hard fast immediately after the addition of the benzoyl-peroxid hardener. When using glass fabric, glass cloth or glass non-woven fabric a high performance system is obtained which permits easy and fast repair of bigger holes at car panels or body. Mipa P 20 is also available as complete package Mipa P 20 Repair Set including glass fabric, brush and stirring cover. Attributes:
Mipa P 20 and Mipa P 20 Reparatur-Set are particularly relevant for refinishers, intended for bigger holes repairment. It’s inherent properties of high build and good adhesion to iron and glass fibre reinforced plastics makes Mipa P 20 equally suitable for use as composite material (for car body and plastic parts) which confirm its versatility. Changes on car appearance are not generally allowed. Please see the relevant laws!
Binder base: Storage:
At least 1 year, if the original tins are kept closed
EC limiting value for the product (cat. B/b): 250 g/l (2007) This product contains max. 0 g/l VOC [ 0 lbs/gal]
Application Processing conditions: Degrease, derust and abrade the surface to provide an improved
key. If the substrate is an aluminium or zinc alloy it must be throughly abraded or similarly treated to remove the oxide layer and laminate immediately after that, to ensure that the key is adequate. Mix
recommendations. To achive the best possible finish it is advisable to recover the surface either with Mipa P 90 or Mipa P 99 Multi-Star. Processing conditions: between +5°C and +30°C. Attention: if the material is used below the dew point, its adhesivity would be much reduced. Mixing ratio:
Mix thoroughly Mipa P 20 with 1 - 3% hardener Mipa Härter P.
This data sheet is for information purpose only! To our knowledge the data provided complies with the latest standard and is
based on years of experience in the manufacture of our products. However the data is not binding and without warranty. Please
follow recommendations stated on the relevant safety data sheet and precautions stated on the product label. We reserve our
right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the information at any time without prior notification.
MIPA AG · D-84051 Essenbach · Tel. 08703/922-0 · Telefax 08703/922-100 Product Information Pot life:
About 10 - 15 minutes by 20°C temperature of the environment and 2% hardener.
Mipa P 20 will get hard after about 60 min. by 20°C environment temperature. A noticeable acceleration of the hardening process is quoted by stove drying at 50°C or by using IR lamps . Attention: min. temperature for use + 10°C . A lower temperature does not allow to set hard! Sanding:
After 60 min. with P 60 - P 80 sanding paper.
Safety Instructions
Use only in well ventilated rooms. Do not smoke, eat or drink during application. Keep away from children. When the ventilation is not adequate, suitable individual respiratory protection must be worn.
Cleaning of Tools Tools should be cleaned immediately after use with Mipa Universalverdünnung. When set hard the putty cannot be removed.
This data sheet is for information purpose only! To our knowledge the data provided complies with the latest standard and is
based on years of experience in the manufacture of our products. However the data is not binding and without warranty. Please
follow recommendations stated on the relevant safety data sheet and precautions stated on the product label. We reserve our
right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to the information at any time without prior notification.
MIPA AG · D-84051 Essenbach · Tel. 08703/922-0 · Telefax 08703/922-100
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