
2010 Sontay Limited. All rights reserved. 49Nm On/Off Large Butterfly Valve Actuators VB-UNIC10-15-24AC
2010 Sontay Limited. All rights reserved. The VB-UNIC10 range of rotary actuators are suitable for The upper limit switch is for close, lower one is for open the VB-W range of butterfly valves from 150mm. direction. 2 extra limit switches (contact output) are availa- It is a compact and powerful unit with a manual override leaver and end switches fitted as standard. 1. Open the valve fully by manual handle. Loosen and turn the lower dog. Confirm that the switch has been off, 1. The VB-UNIC10 should only be instal ed by a competent, suitably trained technician, experienced in installation 2. Adjust the close side in the same manner. The adjust- with hazardous voltages. (>50Vac & <1000Vac or 3. The limit switch is normally at “A” contact. 2. This product is not explosion proof. Do not use in the environment with flammable gas (gasoline etc.) or 3. Do not dismantle the actuator from the valve during 4. If the actuator is being installed outdoors, then shade the unit from direct sunlight, that may cause the actua- 5. Use cable 9 to 11mm to prevent water ingress. 6. It is recommended that a fuse or circuit breaker is in- stal ed for protection, a 5A is recommended by the man-ufacture.
AC Supply:

2010 Sontay Limited. All rights reserved. 1. Open the valve fully by manual handle. 2. Loosen, and return the stop by 1/2 turn with the 4. Adjust close side in the same manner. Adjustment is Manual operation 1. Cut power off before making manual operation. 2. Insert the manual handle into the hexagonal hole under- 3. Turn the handle clockwise for close, counter clockwise for open. Note: The limit switches become effective at open/close of position meter. The stops are at 1/2 turn beyond those points. Do not apply excessive force to the handle, for it might damage the unit.

When making manual operation, ensure that power is off.
If power is on while manual operation, the handle will sud-
denly return!
For the latest information and product updates, register at www.sontay.com Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this specification, Sontay cannot accept responsibility for damage, injury, loss or expense resulting from errors or omissions. In the interest of technical improvement, this specification may be altered without notice.

Source: http://www.mkwheatingcontrols.co.uk/datasheets/Sontay-Actuators-VB-UNIC10%20(EN).pdf

Walter pirker, m

Univ. Doz. Dr. Willibald Gerschlager Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Neurologische Abteilung 1020 Wien PUBLIKATIONSLISTE ERSTAUTORSCHAFTEN 1) Gerschlager W. Kurzfassung der Dissertation: In-vivo Studie über den Einfluß vonNeurotransmittern auf den Gefäßtonus. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1994;106:531-533. (Impact Factor: 0.3 ). 2) Gerschlager W, Lalouschek W, Lehrner J, Baumgartner


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