during crystal form selection. Importantdesign strategies for making cocrystals aredescribed, along with some recent examples
physical properties. Cocrystal screeningand synthesis are also covered, particu-larly using solid-state grinding andsolvent-drop selective cocrystal synthesis. Cocrystals: An Solid-State Modifications of APIs Polymorphs Emerging Approach
A polymorph is “a solid crystalline phase
of a given compound resulting from thepossibility of at least two different arrange-ments of the molecules of that compound
to Physical Property in the solid state.”2Different polymorphs
of a given compound each possess aunique set of physicochemical properties,and many, if not most, compounds exhibit
polymorphism to some extent.1,3,4 Somecompounds exist in more than ten crystalform modifications.5 At present, it is not
William Jones, W.D. Samuel Motherwell, and
generally possible to computationally pre-dict the number of observable polymorphs
of even the simplest molecules,6 and as aresult, the use of high-throughput screen-ing methods to search for new polymor-
Pharmaceutical cocrystals are crystalline molecular complexes containing
therapeutic molecules. They represent an emerging class of pharmaceutical materialsoffering the prospect of optimized physical properties. This article highlights important
Hydrates and Solvates
opportunities and challenges associated with the design and synthesis of
pharmaceutical cocrystals. Cocrystallization is first placed into context with the more
established approaches to physical property optimization of polymorph, hydrate, and
part of the crystal structure. Most solvents,
salt selection. A directed, intermolecular-interaction-based approach to cocrystal
however, are biologically toxic; as a re-
design is described. The enhancement of specific physical properties, such as
sult, most solvate-containing crystals are
dissolution rate and physical stability, is illustrated by summarizing several recent
reports. Synthetic approaches to cocrystallization are considered; in particular, the
selectivity and screening-related opportunities afforded by solid-state grinding and
solvent-drop grinding methods are discussed. Finally, an outlook on future
pharmaceutical products.7,8 It has been es-
developments summarizes the growth potential in this field, especially with regard to
targeted, informatics-driven cocrystal screening approaches.
molecules are capable of forming hy-drates.9,10 As a result of process-induced
Keywords: biomedical, crystal growth, crystalline.
stresses, such as changes in temperature,pressure, or relative humidity, hydratesoften convert into anhydrous crystal
anhydrate can result in significant changes
crystallize on its own or it crystallizes into
one or more crystal forms that possess un-
major issues, for example, during storage,
pharmaceutical product. Initial R&D ef-
desirable physical properties. In either case,
forts center on the identification of a suit-
dosage form appearance and integrity. Pharmaceutical Salts
structure of the active pharmaceutical in-
ifications of an API, including polymorphs,
gredient (API) of a drug substance is se-
salts, solvates, and hydrates. In addition to
modifying the properties of an API.11–13
lected to optimize therapeutic properties,
these established crystalline API modifica-
Salt formation is an acid–base reaction be-
selecting the physical form of an API rep-
tions, pharmaceutical cocrystals, or crys-
resents a strategic opportunity for opti-
substance. It is an attractive strategy, be-
solubility, dissolution rate, hygroscopicity,
possess either acidic or basic functionality,
physical stability, and chemical stability.1
solid APIs exist in the crystalline form. MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 31 • NOVEMBER 2006 Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: An Emerging Approach to Physical Property Enhancement Pharmaceutical Cocrystals
variety of possible counter-molecules that
may form cocrystals with a single API.
Allen et al. demonstrated a quantification
of the “robustness” of a certain class of
called motifs, or synthons) involving strong
studies have directly addressed the real-
hydrogen-bonded bimolecular ring motifs.
ization of physical property modification.
(CSD), a searchable repository containing
volved cocrystals of several nontoxic C4
(four-carbon) 1,4-dicarboxylic acids with
structures.18 They assessed the robustness
itraconazole, an antifungal drug with very
herent benefits as compared with salt for-
of a motif in terms of its “formation prob-
low aqueous solubility in its crystalline
mation in at least two ways. The first is
ability,” that is, the observed frequency of
free base form.23 The cocrystals reportedly
that, at least in theory, all types of mole-
motif formation among all structures con-
cules can form cocrystals, including weakly
form screen of itraconazole, and the acids
in the study were known to be biologically
are traditionally considered to present a
ity suggested a greater utility in a cocrys-
higher risk in terms of physical property
levels.15 Single-crystal data were reported
for one of the cocrystals, a 2:1 itraconazole:
limited or no capacity for salt formation.
succinic acid cocrystal (Figure 1), where
toxicological reasons only 12 or so acidic or
basic counterions are explored in a typical
to the synthesis of new cocrystal materials.
API salt screen,12,15 there are many poten-
In the future, automated searches for for-
tial counter-molecules that may be used in
mation probabilities pertaining to the mo-
profile as compared with itraconazole free
lecular structure of an API of interest will
may be defined as the species cocrystallized
profiles of the cocrystals approached that
with the API.) The U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
ministration manages several lists of sub-
had been developed for the specific aim of
Pharmaceutical Cocrystals and
enhancing the dissolution rate of the API.
gredients (e.g., the FDA’s GRAS list, a list
Physical Property Enhancement
safe”), with the total amount of substances
cocrystal screening in addition to imple-
significantly.19 In 2002, Oswald et al. demon-
increased scope of cocrystals is a benefit
strated cocrystallization of the analgesic
the itraconazole:succinic acid cocrystal,
in that it suggests a greater likelihood of
profile for an API physical form, it also
which was capable of acting as a hydrogen-
than with the most basic site on the drug
Zaworotko and co-workers reported cocrys-
tals of the APIs ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, and
ceptors.21 These examples served as early
cocrystal design and more efficient cocrys-
proof that a series of cocrystals with com-
boxylic acid chain lengths other than C4 ,Synthon Approach to Cocrystal
point data, however, these reports focused
including malonic (C3), glutaric (C5), and
essentially on structural features without
adipic (C6) acids, were reportedly unsuc-
addressing the functional properties that
cessful. Until it becomes possible to confi-
these cocrystals might offer. Additionally,
will form cocrystals with a given API, high-
of tremendous value to this research field.
proposed several “hydrogen-bond rules,”
including the observations that (1) all good
co-workers reported on a series of cocrys-
of the API fluoxetine, the active ingredient
tals of the API carbamazepine, a drug used
in the antidepressant drug Prozac.24 This
typically pairs with the best acceptor in a
in the treatment of epilepsy, with a variety
of different counter-molecules, including
several that are biologically nontoxic, in-
cluding acetic acid, nicotinamide (vitamin
analysis17) assisted Etter and co-workers
acid (HCl) salt of fluoxetine, generating
in implementing rational cocrystal design
charin.22 The report brought to light the
three novel cocrystals of salts. For example,
MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 31 • NOVEMBER 2006 Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: An Emerging Approach to Physical Property Enhancement Figure 1. Crystal packing diagram and corresponding unit cell of the 2:1 itraconazole:succinic acid cocrystal.23 Carbon atoms are large andgray, hydrogen atoms are small and white, nitrogen atoms are blue, oxygen atoms are red, and chlorine atoms are green.
addressed using caffeine as a model API.
with succinic acid to form a succinic acid
cocrystal of the fluoxetine:HCl salt, with a
physical instability as a function of rela-
2:1 caffeine:oxalic acid cocrystal, Figure 2),
stoichiometry of 2:2:1 fluoxetine:chloride:
was physically stable at all RH conditions
succinic acid (see Structure 1). Significant
polymorph undergoes conversion to a crys-
and all time points across the study. This
talline hydrate upon exposure to high RH,
rates of each of the three cocrystals were
and the hydrate loses water below a criti-
upon slurrying in water. The stability of
observed, such that individual cocrystals
cal RH and reverts to the anhydrate. This
the caffeine:oxalic acid cocrystal is partic-
were found to exhibit rates above, below,
ularly remarkable given that both caffeine
and comparable with that of the crystalline
known to convert to crystalline hydrates.
cocrystals (and cocrystals of salts) with
limited salt-forming capacity attributable
The reason for this stability is currently
to its weak basicity (its conjugate acid has
of the wide supramolecular diversity that
a reported pKa of 3.6), meaning that it is
may be achieved via cocrystal design.
capable of forming salts only with strong
Supramolecular Synthesis via Solid-State Grinding
able salt of caffeine had been reported in
Solid-state grinding is the act of mixing,
the CSD, a caffeine HCl salt that existed as
pressing, and crushing materials manually
to obtain a series of cocrystals of caffeinethat could be measured with regard to RHstability.25 A strategy was devised wherebycaffeine cocrystallization was attemptedwith several pharmaceutically acceptabledicarboxylic acids of various chain lengths. The strategy relied upon a caffeine-acidhydrogen-bond interaction that satisfiedthe hydrogen-bond rules, forming a motif
Structure 1. Hydrogen-bond arrangement Figure 2. Hydrogen bonding in a 2:1
that exhibited a good degree of robustness
in the crystal structure of succinic acidcaffeine:oxalic acid cocrystal. Carboncocrystal of fluoxetine:HCl salt; takenatoms are large and gray, hydrogen atoms
Six caffeine:dicarboxylic acid cocrystals
are small and white, nitrogen atoms are
were reported, and the results of storing
MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 31 • NOVEMBER 2006 Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: An Emerging Approach to Physical Property Enhancement
cle size reduction, solid-state grinding may
The ability of solid-state grinding to re-
cocrystal material after significantly re-
rials to induce covalent or supramolecular
reactivity. In the context of pharmaceutical
cocrystals, solid-state grinding has emerged
to enable selective polymorphic synthesis
recently as a viable synthetic alternative to
transformations can bring disastrous con-
solution-based crystallization methods. In
cocrystals (Forms I and II).31 The two poly-
synthesis by solid-state grinding offers en-
cocrystals with caffeine and several mono-
differed primarily in terms of the stacking
of solution crystallization. Moreover, the
carboxylic acids, solid-state grinding gen-
of sheets, were first found to precipitate
erated crystal forms which were initially
concomitantly from solution. In an effort
inaccessible from solution. In experiments
involving caffeine and trifluoroacetic acid,
tion in cocrystal screening efforts.
cocrystal material synthesis was initially
found to be possible only via grinding.
found that solid-state grinding of caffeine
demonstration of the application of solid-
state grinding to pharmaceutical cocrystal
nantly Form I and that solvent-drop grind-
synthesis in a study of six cocrystals of the
upon the quantity of starting material in
sulfa drug sulfadimidine with various car-
hexane, and heptane) also produced Form I
boxylic acids, including anthranilic acid
in the absence of Form II. Alternatively,
(AA) and salicylic acid (SA).26 Addition-
seeds obtained by grinding, cocrystal ma-
the grinding of starting materials in the
strated for one particular cocrystal, the
presence of more polar solvents (acetoni-
sulfadimidine:AA cocrystal. In a grinding
trile, chloroform, and water). A possible
method was used to obtain a single crystal
factor that may have had a role in this ob-
SA cocrystal, for which the crystal struc-
for one of the structures, which confirmed
served selectivity was the observation of a
the initial PXRD structure solution of that
been reported of stoichiometric selectivity
Enhanced Supramolecular Selectivity via Solvent-Drop
In addition to the ability of solvent-drop
based their explanation for the preference
stoichiometric selectivity in cocrystalliza-
on the relative strengths of hydrogen bond-
ing in the ingoing homomeric acid crystals.
supramolecular selectivity in certain cocrys-
strated as a way of interconverting crystal
In extending these results to pharmaceuti-
tal systems. Termed “solvent-drop” grind-
ing, this method allows for stoichiometric
acid.32 In the case of succinic acid, grind-
might be used to assess the stability of a
given pharmaceutical cocrystal material in
grinding of two materials together, as with
the presence of excipients (i.e., substances
solid-state grinding, but with the addition
of a minor quantity of solvent (typically a
crystallize only at high temperatures. AA,
few tenths of one equivalent of solvent per
be encountered in the course of a formula-
mole of starting material). The added sol-
versions between the three different poly-
catalytic role, in that the quantities em-
described in the previous section, whereas
ployed are small and the solvent is not a
single crystals were obtained by solution
component of the final cocrystal product.
growth, it was reported that most cocrys-
tals could also be prepared by grinding to-
gether the reactants in a ball mill. This
application with regard to crystalline salt
system involving several cocrystals of ni-
trogenous bases with a cyclohexanetricar-
screening is an important aspect of physi-
boxylic acid derivative, all of which were
cal property optimization, as well as intel-
cocrystals. Solid-state grinding was often
initially prepared by solution growth. It
lectual property protection, for many API
candidates. Much effort, increasingly using
of preparing cocrystal materials for the in-
readily prepared by solid-state grinding,
high-throughput robotics, is expended in re-
vestigation of hydrogen-bond preferences.
vealing all potential salts (and polymorphs
cocrystal content after grinding together
of salts) to ensure that the salt selection is
they reported that certain cocrystal modi-
starting materials for a significant time.
For those that did not proceed to completion
MRS BULLETIN • VOLUME 31 • NOVEMBER 2006 Pharmaceutical Cocrystals: An Emerging Approach to Physical Property Enhancement
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Solid-State Chemistry of Drugs, 2nd Ed. (SSCI,
cocrystal screening efforts. Solution-based
Conventional diagnosis: Language Impairment Disorder. Age at onset of condition: Possibly since birth. Age at time of first consultation: 9 years, 8 months. Total time period treated: 18 months, Jan 2009 to June 2010. Typical time gaps between treatments/consultations: 12 treatments. Intervals started per month, then as treatment progressed, to 2 or 3 months. Key primary symptoms and observ
Marie Ange poussa la porte de la bibliothèque. El e s’assit dans le vieux fauteuil club en cuir, dans le coin gauche de la grande pièce, à côté de la fenêtre. Cet ami fauteuil usé l’avait accueil ie 30 ans plus tôt. Denis, son mari, qui n’était alors qu’un vague petit ami, l’avait amenée dans cette maison, la maison familiale. Marie-Ange se souvenait du bruit du portail qui g