Attitudes and experiences with levonorgestrel 100 g/ethinyl estradiol
20 g among women during a 3-month trial
Yolanda H. Wimberlya, Sian Cottona, Abbey M. Wanchicka, Paul A. Succopb,
aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA
bDepartment of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, USA
cDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA
Received 10 November 2001; received in revised form 29 January 2002; accepted 5 March 2002
To describe attitudes and experiences with a low-dose oral contraceptive pill (Alesse) over 3 months, women aged 18 years and older
(n ϭ 218) were enrolled from 16 locations to evaluate their experiences with Alesse. The questionnaire assessed demographic and personalcharacteristics, attitudes and experiences, and satisfaction. The participants had a mean age of 26.7 years and most were single, Caucasian,had completed high school, had a regular sexual partner, and had previously used OCs. Sixty percent of participants could discuss pill useeasily with their mothers, 92% with friends, and 96% with partners; 45% of the women were unsure about their mother’s previous OC use. Of the 11 side effects assessed, the most frequently anticipated side effect was weight gain. There was a significant relationship betweenanticipated and reported side effects for weight and mood changes; however, there remained a number of women for whom these differed. Most (90%) were satisfied with Alesse. Even when beginning on 20 g pills, some women may still anticipate side effects such as weightgain typically associated with higher doses of estrogen. Healthcare providers should assess women’s attitudes and anticipated experienceswith OCs and counsel accordingly. 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Oral contraceptive pills; Contraception; Satisfaction; Women’s health; Side effects; Weight gain; Levonorgestrel
1. Introduction
2. Describe anticipated and reported side effects with
100 g LNG and 20 g EE (Alesse) at 3 months in
The present study assessed attitudes and experiences of
adult women, aged 18 years and over, participating in a
3. Describe women’s satisfaction with 100 g LNG and
multisite 3-month clinical trial of a low dose OC with 100
20 g EE OC (Alesse) and determine if previous OC
g levonorgestrel (LNG) and 20 g EE (Alesse). This
use, having a steady partner, and reported side effects
formulation contains the lowest doses of LNG and EE
available in a monophasic OC and was designed to maintainoptimal contraceptive efficacy of 99% with appropriate us-age and decrease side effects, while providing noncontra-ceptive benefits (i.e., increased cycle regularity, lighter
2. Materials and methods
flow). The specific aims of the current study were to:
Two-hundred-eighteen women recruited from their phy-
1. Describe knowledge of the participants’ mothers’ OC
sicians’ offices were enrolled from 16 locations (Philadel-
use, ease with discussing OC use, and partner support
phia, PA; New Brunswick, NJ; Chicago, IL (2 sites); Char-
lotte, NC; Albuquerque, NM; Miami Lakes, FL; London,Ontario; Galveston, TX; Tucson, AZ; Seattle, WA; Am-arillo, TX; Minneapolis, MN; Montreal, Quebec; Houston,
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ϩ1-409-772-1594; fax: ϩ1-409-747-
TX; and Pittsburgh, PA) to participate in an outpatient, open
E-mail address: (S.L. Rosenthal).
label, multicenter study. Each site had Institutional Review
0010-7824/02/$ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 1 0 - 7 8 2 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 1 4 - 1
Y.H. Wimberly et al. / Contraception 65 (2002) 403– 406
Board approval, and informed consent was obtained from
Each site recruited healthy, premenopausal female sub-
jects 18 years of age and older, and who were determined to
be appropriate to receive an OC by their physician. Exclu-
sion criteria included: contraindications to OC use, over 35
years of age, cigarette smoker, breast feeding, postpartum
less than 3 months, use of OC or Norplant system within the
last 3 months, less than 6 months from last injection of
Depo-Provera, use of investigational drug within past 60
days, use of rifampin, anticonvulsants, or griseofulvin dur-
ing past 3 months, or using OC exclusively for cycle con-
At the baseline visit, each participant had height and
weight recorded and was instructed to complete the initial
questionnaire. Upon establishing the presence of inclusion
criteria and the absence of exclusion criteria, the participant
was given pill-taking instructions and informed to begin
Cycle 1 with her next menstrual bleed. The participant was
instructed to record her pill-taking, adverse events, and
concomitant medications in her subject diary card. At the
end of Cycle 3, the same procedure was followed and a
3-month questionnaire was completed.
The baseline questionnaire was divided into three sec-
tions that inquired about general demographic and personal
characteristics, attitudes of significant others, and side ef-fects. The participants were asked whether they anticipatedexperiencing “less,” “same,” or “more” of any of the fol-
used to compare previous OC use, steady current partner,
lowing side effects: length of period, menstrual flow, men-
strual spotting or bleeding, sexual desire, body weight,upset stomach/nausea, vomiting, acne, headaches, breast
3. Results
tenderness, and mood changes. The 3-month questionnaireasked the participants to report side effects experienced and
satisfaction. For purposes of analysis, anticipating or report-ing “less” symptoms was collapsed with anticipating or
The demographic characteristics of the 218 participants
reporting the “same” degree of symptoms, and then was
are listed in Table 1. The mean age was 26.7 years. The
compared to “more” symptoms. The one exception was
majority of participants were single, Caucasian, had com-
“sexual desire,” for which “less” was compared to a col-
pleted high school, had a regular sexual partner, and had
lapsed category of “more” or the “same.”
The Statistical Analysis System (SAS) [1] was used to
Of the 218 participants, 169 (78%) completed the
perform statistical analyses. Descriptive statistics were used
3-month visit. Reasons for noncompletion by the 49 women
to describe the participants. Differences in demographic and
were: 6 for medical reasons, 3 for accidental pregnancies, 3
personal characteristics between completers and noncompl-
for personal reasons, 27 failed to return for follow-up, and
eters were analyzed using contingency tables and analysis
10 had no 3-month data collected by their site investigator.
of variance procedures. Descriptive statistics were per-
Demographic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, marital
formed to describe their perceptions of the attitudes of
status, education, and previous OC use) were compared
significant others and their reported side effects and satis-
between completers and noncompleters (see Table 1). Be-
faction. Those side effects for which more than 80% of
cause of the small sample size, race/ethnicity was collapsed
individuals anticipated fewer or no side effects (for sexual
into White versus non-White. No significant differences
desire—increase or no change) were not included in anal-
were found for any of the comparisons.
yses as there was not sufficient variance to evaluate rela-tionships. To evaluate the relationship between anticipated
3.2. Knowledge of mothers’ OC use, ease with
and reported side effects, percent agreement and a Kappa
discussions of use, and partner support for OC use
statistic were used. The Landis and Koch [2] criteria fordetermining the level of agreement (“excellent,” “good,”
With regards to knowledge of their mothers’ OC use, 98
and “marginal”) was used. A contingency table analysis was
(45%) women were unsure, 67 (31%) reported that their
Y.H. Wimberly et al. / Contraception 65 (2002) 403– 406
Number (%) of participants’ anticipated and reported side effects (n ϭ 169)
Percent agreement/Kappa for each side effect
a One subject did not answer the question.
a Significant, 95% confidence interval does not include zero.
mothers had used OCs, and 53 (24%) reported that theirmothers had not used OCs. The participants were asked if
they could easily discuss their feelings about pill use withparents, friends, and partners. Among completers and non-
One-hundred (60%) participants were very satisfied, 52
completers (N ϭ 218), the following percent of participants
(31%) were somewhat satisfied, and 16 (9%) were not at all
answered positively: 60% with parents (119/199); 92% with
satisfied with Alesse. In addition, 156 (93%) of those who
friends (201/218); and 96% with partners (181/189). When
were very or somewhat satisfied were likely to recommend
asked about partners’ attitudes toward OC use, 90% (165/
Alesse to a friend. For those women who had previously
183) stated that their partner agreed with their OC use, 1%
used OCs (n ϭ 123), 105 (85%) liked Alesse more than or
(2/183) reported partners disagreed, and 9% (16/183) were
not sure of their partners’ attitudes.
The women who were “very satisfied” and “somewhat
3.3. Anticipated and reported side effects
satisfied” at 3 months were then collapsed into one groupand compared with those who were “not at all” satisfied.
The anticipated and side effects reported by the 168
There was no significant relationship between satisfaction
participants who completed the questions on side effects are
with Alesse and having used OCs previously or having a
listed in Table 2. One participant did not complete the
regular partner. Satisfaction was compared between less/
symptom questions at either baseline or at 3 months. Of the
same and more side effects for the five side effects (men-
11 side effects, menstrual spotting or bleeding, body weight,
strual spotting or bleeding, body weight, upset stomach/
upset stomach/nausea, breast tenderness, and mood changes
nausea, breast tenderness, and mood changes) for which
met the criteria of having more than 20% or more of par-
more than 20% of the participants reported side effects (see
ticipants anticipating an increase. The percent agreement
Table 4). The only significant relationship was that fewer
and Kappa statistic for each of these five side effects are
participants were satisfied who reported upset stomach/nau-
presented in Table 3. These results indicate that the percent
sea than anticipated experiencing upset stomach/nausea.
agreement ranges from 60% to 92%. The Kappa statistic,which controls for chance agreement, only indicated “mar-ginal” (Ͻ0.40) agreement for each of the side effects. How-
ever, the Kappa for body weight and mood changes was
Number (%) of participants who reported either less/same or more side
significant (i.e., the 95% confidence interval does not in-
clude zero). This indicates that there was agreement be-
tween anticipated and reported body weight and mood
changes; that is, more participants had anticipated and re-
ported the same thing than would be expected by chance.
Two participants declined to be weighed. Fifty-eight
(35%) participants actually gained weight as defined by two
or more pounds (mean ϭ 6.16 lbs, range 2 to 16) and 37
(22%) lost weight (mean ϭ 4.78 lbs, range 2 to 14 lbs). Y.H. Wimberly et al. / Contraception 65 (2002) 403– 4064. Discussion
this visit or during previous OC experiences). However,because all women starting on OCs should receive counsel-
Oral contraceptive pills are a primary method women use
ing, this might mirror the real world of OC use. Another
to prevent pregnancy [3], yet OC use remains fraught with
limitation is the inability to discern if attitudes and experi-
misconceptions. This study examined the experiences of
ences with OC use vary by race/ethnicity because of the
women taking a low dose OC with 100 g LNG and 20 g
small numbers of Hispanic and African-American women
EE (Alesse) in a multisite study and found that, in general,
the women were satisfied with Alesse.
Despite these limitations, the result of this multisite study
Being prepared for the physical changes associated with
showed that women are satisfied with a low dose pill such
OC use, particularly those that may be transient, may lead to
as Alesse (20 g). Some women may still anticipate side
greater OC satisfaction. Also, reduction of side effects is
effects typically associated with higher doses of estrogen,
important to women to increase both adherence and satis-
and there is little agreement between anticipated side effects
faction. However, as evidenced by the results of this study,
and reported side effects at 3 months. Future studies should
the nature of these relationships is unclear. This is likely
examine the impact of counseling focused on women’s
because of the fact that individual women’s tolerance for
anticipated and reported experiences to determine if this
side effects varies, there are different levels of motivation
impacts continued use and satisfaction with their OC.
for OC use, and the meaning of satisfaction with contracep-tion is not well defined and differs among women. Largetrials are needed to have sufficient sample size to investigate
the subtleties of all of these relationships. This is especiallytrue given the small number of women who anticipate and
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of
experience side effects on the low dose formulations.
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, Deborah Stewart, and Jen-
Weight is a salient issue for most American women. Two
nifer Fende for their data collection and management sup-
randomized placebo-controlled trials comparing a 20 g pill
port, Linda Potter, Ph.D. for her helpful editorial comments
and placebo demonstrated similar changes in mean body
and the site investigators: Gloria Bachmann, M.D., Kurt
weight from baseline between participants in each group
Barnhart, M.D., Eric Bieber, M.D., Abbey Berenson, M.D.,
with a mean change in weight less than 1 kg for both groups
Mitchell Creinin, M.D., Richard Derman, M.D., Frank Har-
[4]. Despite these findings, women remain concerned about
rison, M.D., M. Wayne Heine, M.D., John C. Jennings,
weight gain (e.g., 42% in this sample) before starting on
M.D., Mark Martens, M.D., Carlos Medina, M.D., Leslie
OCs. Most of the women in our study (43%) experienced no
Miller, M.D., Michelle Miller, M.D., Alfred Poindexter III,
change in body weight, and women both lost (22%) and
M.D., Elizabeth Smith, M.D., and Daniel Wiener, M.D.
gained weight (35%). This study was not designed to eval-uate weight change as a result of OC use, in that diet was not
monitored, other reasons for losing or gaining weight werenot assessed, and there was no comparison group. However,
[1] SAS Institute. SAS/STAT User’s Guide. Cary NC: SAS Institute,
these results support others’ findings [5] about the impor-
tance of addressing the weight concerns of some OC users,
[2] Landis JR, Koch GG. An application of hierarchical kappa-type
since 97 (58%) women in this study anticipated and/or
statistics in the assessment of majority agreement among multiple
experienced body weight gain during the 3 months.
observers. Biometrics 1977;33:366 –74.
[3] Rosenberg MJ, Meyers A, Roy V. Efficacy, cycle control, and side
These women were comfortable discussing pill use with
effects of low-, and lower-dose oral contraceptives: a randomized trial
friends and partners, but they knew very little about their
of 20 g and 35 g estrogen preparations. Contraception 2000;60:
mothers’ own personal experiences with OC use. Adoles-
cent girls’ choice of contraception has been found to be
[4] Coney P, Washenik K, Langley R, DiGiovanna J, Harrison D. Weight
influenced by their mothers’ attitudes [6], but mothers may
change and adverse event incidence with a low dose oral contracep-tive: two randomized placebo-controlled trials. Contraception 2001;
not share their personal OC history.
There are several limitations worth noting. First, the lack
[5] Risser WL, Gefter LR, Barratt MS, Risser JMH. Weight change in
of difference in demographic characteristics between com-
adolescents who used hormonal contraception. J Adolesc Health
pleters and noncompleters may be because of the fact that
the study noncompleters may not have discontinued their
[6] Cromer BA, Smith D, Blair JM, Dwyer J, Brown RT. A prospective
study of adolescents who choose among Levonorgestrel implant
OCs. Second, the participants’ description of their antici-
(Norplant), medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera), or the
pated side effects may have been influenced by counseling
combined oral contraceptive pill as contraception. Pediatrics 1994;
they received before completing the questionnaire (either at
General Issues - a. Healthy behaviors – diet, weight, smoking, exercise. b. Routine health maintenance medications – cancer, cardiovascular etc. c. Specific areas - thyroid disease, depression, cholesterol, sleep apnea d. Chronic disease management, - diabetes, heart disease etc. e. Pain medications for PPS i. “regular pain” acetaminophen (tylenol); NSAIDs (non-steroid anti-inflammatory