Pneumococcal, nutritional, and writing issues in bipolar patients

NMC’s “AMA CRIB SHEET”: an example of writing in AMA format; text & References are double-spaced.]
Infectious, Nutritional, and Writing Issues Today Health care officials have shown that risk factors for cryptococcal meningitis include diabetes, lymphoma and cancer chemotherapy treatments.1 The general public believes that vaccination will have widespread effectiveness; however, one
theorist “did not identify an association between pneumococcal vaccination and a reduced risk of community-acquired
pneumonia from any cause.” 2(p1753) Other theorists have explained: “The most important rule about writing is to plan well, write
fast, and edit well later.” 3(p183) Yet other theorists rank the maintaining of nutritional status among the most significant
challenges for both nurses and cancer patients.4 One solution for patients with asthma is the Turbuhaler, which delivers
corticosteroid budesonide.5
References [DOUBLE-SPACE these lines, too]
1. Husain S, Wagener M, Singh N. Cryptococcus neoformans in organ transplant recipients: variables influencing clinical characteristics and outcome. Emerg Infect Dis. May 2001;7(3):375-381.
2. Jackson LA, Neuzil KM, Yu O, et al, for the Vaccine Safety Datalink. Effectiveness of Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine in older adults. N Engl J Med. 2003;348:1747-1755. 3. Dowdney D, Sheridan D. How to Write and Publish Articles in Nursing. 2nd ed. New York, NY, Springer; 1997. 4. Wilson PR, Herman J, Huang A, McIntire SN. Nutritional self-care strategies used by survivors of head and neck cancer. In Funk SG, Tornquist EM, Champagne MT, Copp LA, Wiese RA, eds. Key Aspects of Recovery: Improving Nutrition, Rest, and Mobility. New York, NY: Springer; 1986:34-47. 5. AstraZeneca. Pulmicort Turbuhaler. 2006. Accessed May 3, 2008.
General info on the (AMA) order and form of reference items, as used in Radiologic Technology
Name(s) of author, last name first, followed by first (and, if listed, middle) initial(s) without ending period(s) Each author
in a multiple-author entry is separated by a comma. Do not use ampersand [ & ]. Author “sentence” ends with period. List
all authors unless there are 7 or more; then list only the first three followed by , et al. Place , ed. or , eds. after editor(s).
If book-length, italicize. Capitalize 1st letter of proper nouns, of first word of both title and subtitle, and all content-
words (but not prepositions of 1, 2, or 3 letters, conjunctions, articles, or to of infinitive verb forms). End with period.
If shorter than book-length, do not italicize. Capitalize only the first word of the title (not even the first word of the
subtitle is capitalized), but do capitalize any proper nouns in the title. End with a period.
If you are citing an article in a book-length collection of articles, follow the article’s title with a period and the word
In: & then list the name(s) of the editor(s), last name first, then first and middle initial letters without periods, and
then , ed. or , eds. [The period ends this “sentence”]. Then place the title of the collection as you would any book-
If you are citing an article in a journal or other periodical, follow the article’s title with a period and then the italicized title of the periodical (Use abbreviated titles for journal; follow Index Medicus standards). End with a period. If source is book-length, begin with any information about the “edition” that you have used (e.g. “2nd ed.”) and treat the period
which abbreviates “edition” as the end of this “sentence.” Then list the city of publication (and followed by a comma and the
postal abbreviation for the state [e.g. ND; NE], followed by a colon ( : ) and a space, and then the name of the publisher,
followed by a semicolon, and the year of publication. End your entry with a period unless you are citing only one article found
on only specific pages in this book: if so, follow the year by a colon ( : ), and the page numbers being quoted.
If the source is a journal article, after the period following the abbreviated journal title list the year, followed by a semicolon,
and then the volume number. If the journal does not begin each issue with page 1, immediately after the volume number add in
parentheses the “number” number. A colon ( : ) follows the volume and/or number, and immediately afterwards place the page
numbers on which the article appears. Use no spaces between any of these numerical elements.

If the source is a magazine or newspaper article, after the period after the periodical title, place the date [form: spelled-out
month + numeral for day + COMMA + year + colon ( : ) ], then list the article’s page numbers. Volume number is not needed.
(Complete the entries for articles in online periodicals with an “Accessed” sentence—see below.)
If source is on the Internet, as the very last two “sentences” type out the URL, ending with a period. The final sentence begins
“Accessed” and ends with the date (month spelled out + COMMA + numeral for day + COMMA + year) on which you found the source. End this “sentence” with a period. Copyright 2005-2010 Nebraska Methodist College – The Josie Harper Campus


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