Nelson has previously been well catered for in terms of industrial land. The land resource has however, been scattered over six main areas, due to the nature of the city and the way it has grown. Industrial land is now becoming scarce due to high rates of growth and a lack of suitable alternative areas. The six main areas differ in character and form. This has occurred as a result of location, the varying resources available, and the needs of different industries which have located within them. Because these areas are geographically separate and have different character, environmental needs, and constraints, separate approaches have been adopted, although most of the objectives and policies remain the same. The Port Industrial Area is predominantly located on land reclaimed from Nelson Haven, and comprises all industrial land on the seaward side of Haven Road and Wakefield Quay. The primary purpose of this area was originally for loading and unloading of ships. Over time, activities associated with port activities and non-port related activities have also developed; such as seafood processing plants, transport depots, storage facilities, boat builders, general port servicing activities, and a marina for fishing boats and recreational craft. One sector of the reclamation has been largely devoted to bulk storage of fuels. There are also a number of industrial activities located in this area which have no direct relationship to the Port. The environment in the Port Industrial Area will, by its function, have a high component of heavy industry. The environment, however, needs to recognise the close proximity of the Residential Zone, outcomes being sought in the Leisure Area of the adjoining Suburban Commercial Zone, and the recreational users of the Haven, including the specific outcomes being sought for the Marina (see Sch.M attached at the end of the chapter). Chapter 5 contains specific objectives and policies for the Port Industrial Area. In addition the proximity of residential activity close to the Port Industrial Area creates potential for reverse sensitivity effects, and accordingly some restrictions are placed on development within the adjacent areas to minimise and mitigate the adverse effects on those areas of noise exposure. The Vanguard Street/St Vincent Street industrial area adjoins the western edge of the Inner City Zone and has traditionally performed a predominantly service and light manufacturing role. This area is located on the floor of the valley flanked on either side by residential development, with a row of residential-zoned housing along North Esk Street to the south. Sites in this area tend to be smaller, partly as a consequence of its earlier residential nature, and contain smaller scale activities often with a strong element of servicing. The area still contains a number of dwellings, and tends to act as a “starter business” area where new activities locate until growth in activity forces them to find a larger site. The location of the Vanguard Street/St Vincent Street industrial area makes the area unsuitable for heavy or noxious industry, and requires a relatively high standard of amenity, certainly where it borders more sensitive zones. The main constraints on the area are the close proximity of the Residential Zone, and the relatively confined nature of the valley floor which can make neighbouring areas susceptible to emissions and noise. Nelson Resource Management Plan (30/04/12)
The Tahunanui industrial area is the largest industrial area in the city, and consequently has attracted large scale operations such as timber yards, contractors’ depots, and processing plants. This area is also surrounded on three sides by residential development. Some of the area remains to be filled to a satisfactory ground level or needs to be serviced before it can be used for industrial purposes, or both. The Tahunanui industrial area is the most able to accommodate heavier industries because of the buffering effect of the larger size of the area and the larger size of individual sites within it. There are some constraints around the perimeter because of the location of the Residential Zone. The airport adjoins the Tahunanui industrial area. It includes land designated for aerodrome purposes. The area contains a unique range of airport related activities, including the runway, terminal, support services (such as hangars and maintenance areas), the flying school and rental car operations. Chapter 5 contains additional objectives and policies for the airport. The airport also adjoins the Coastal Marine Area, areas valued for recreation, and is close to residential areas. This places some constraints on the nature, and particularly the effects, of activities which may occur in this area. To the south of the city, and located between Main Road Stoke and the Waimea Inlet, the Nayland Road South portion of the Industrial Zone contains several major food-related industries, including apple processing, apple packing, and fruit cool stores. This area adjoins residentially zoned land at the southern end of Stoke, and is bounded by the Stoke bypass on its seaward side. The area is envisaged as a location for ‘clean’ industries, which will not conflict with the requirements of regionally important food processing industries. Industries which give rise to significant emissions of dust, particulates or noxious contaminants would generally be unsuited for this industrial area. The Saxtons Industrial area lies between the Nayland Road South Industrial area and the city boundary with Tasman District Council. This area has historically been occupied by a freezing works. A significant part of the land is now no longer owned or utilised by the freezing works industry. Allied or similar industries occupy some parts of the ex-freezing works facilities, or new purpose-built structures have been constructed in their place. It is anticipated that this area will be utilised, in part, by heavy engineering-type industries. Lighter industrial activities are establishing towards the northern end of the ex-freezing works property and a new internal road system has been developed. The Plan should always be considered as a whole.

efficient use of resources
The efficient use of natural and physical resources within the Industrial Zone.
Land suitable for industrial activity is in short supply within Nelson in the medium term. While there is an adequate supply of land for the life of this plan provided that the resource is carefully managed, it is likely that at present rates of growth the supply will be exhausted within the following planning period. There are no large areas remaining within existing urban boundaries that can be zoned to cater for industrial needs without encountering severe constraints. Nelson City is a small area geographically, and has little remaining undeveloped flat land or land of suitable topography for industrial activity. It is critical therefore that what industrial land is left be used efficiently. Within this plan there has been a significant area of land made available for specialist industrial use at Nayland Road South. There has also been an overall contraction of the supply of general industrial land as a number of former “spot” industrial zones have been rezoned to commercial. This is in recognition that, firstly, spot industrial zones are not appropriate particularly within residential zones, and that the continuation of these zones is contrary to the philosophy expressed in this Plan. (12/11/12) Nelson Resource Management Plan
Secondly, it recognises that the activities that were located within these areas are largely
commercial in nature in any case, and as such are better served by a commercial zoning.


limit non-industrial activities
Non-industrial activities should not locate within the Industrial Zone except where
they are consistent with policies IN1.2 to IN1.4.

Explanation and Reasons
Because the industrial land supply within the city is very limited, it is considered paramount that activities which are provided for and able to be accommodated elsewhere, and which do not have the range of actual and potential effects on the local environment which industrial activities have, are restricted within the zone. IN1.1.ii
The existing industrial areas have a community investment in them in terms of infrastructure such as the road network and provision of services. It is in the interest of sustainability of these resources that industrial land remains available for industrial activity. IN1.1.iii
Rules regulating establishment of non-industrial activities. policy

retail activities
Retail activities should not locate in the Industrial Zone unless

they directly serve industrial activity or workers employed in industrial areas,
are ancillary to the industrial use of the site, or
they are of a scale and nature incompatible with commercial zones, or
they are located within the site defined in Schedule N.
Explanation and Reasons
Retail activities in particular have tended to drift into industrial areas under the guise of warehousing or servicing. Many of the areas previously favoured for this style of activity have now been provided for with a commercial zoning i.e. the Inner Fringe area. Specific provision has also been made for such large format retailing in Tahunanui in Schedule N. This policy recognises that there are retail and other large format activities which either have a particular need for an industrial location, are simply not suited to zones where the pattern of development may be more intense or vulnerable to adverse effects that some types of retail activity may generate, or simply cannot be accommodated within commercial zones on the basis of land supply and demand and market growth. Which area of the industrial zone such retail activities may locate in is a matter taken into account. A retail operation at Tahunanui may have no impact at all on other outcomes sought by the plan, however, the same activity in the Vanguard St area may. This is due to the relationship between Vanguard Street and the city centre, and in particular the rules and policies that provide for large-scale retail activities generating high levels of patronage to occur adjoining the ring-road. IN1.2.ii
See also objectives and policies of Inner City and Suburban Commercial IN1.2.iii
Rules regulating and specifically providing for (Schedule N) retail activities Nelson Resource Management Plan (31/03/08)

non-industrial activities in the Port Industrial Area
Non-industrial activities should not locate in the Port Industrial Area unless they
have a direct relationship with the coastal environment, the marina, or the port.

Explanation and Reasons
Marine-related activities which are not industrial activities have a need to locate in the Port Industrial Area. These include activities which service the Port, such as customs offices, those which directly service the marina or users of the marina, or activities which have a direct relationship with the coast i.e. sea-scouts. Other activities may also be appropriate, provided they do not contravene other outcomes sought by the Plan in terms of the appropriate location of non-industrial activities. The approach has been to allow these activities by consent, rather than creating either a special zone for marine-related activities, or a commercial zoning which would permit more than is necessary and conflict with the efficiency of use objective particularly in relation to the reclamation. IN1.3.ii
Rules establishing greater flexibility for marine-related activities which wish IN1.3.iii
Rules regulating establishment of non marine-related activities. policy

non-industrial activities in the airport area
Non-industrial activities should not locate in the Airport industrial area unless they
have a direct relationship with the airport.

Explanation and Reasons
The Airport industrial area is the land in the Industrial Zone to the west of Trent Drive. There are air-related activities which are not necessarily industrial activities, but are directly related to the airport, and cannot be sensibly located elsewhere. These may be activities such as the aeroclub, and other compatible recreational and educational facilities. The approach has been to allow these activities by way of exception, rather than creating either a special zone for the airport or a commercial zoning which would permit more than is necessary and conflict with the efficiency of use objective. IN1.4.ii
Rules regulating establishment of non-airport-related industries. IN1.4.iii
Assessment criteria for resource consents. objective
amenity of industrial and adjoining areas
Maintenance and enhancement of the amenity of the Industrial Zone and adjoining zones.
All areas have some amenity requirements to enable activities to work successfully within them. Industrial areas have amenity requirements in terms of environmental quality: for water, sewerage, air, and appearance. The maintenance of an appropriate environment, and enhancement of that environment where it is below an acceptable standard, is critical to the success of the zone and the activities which locate within it. (30/04/12) Nelson Resource Management Plan

maintenance of amenity, Nayland Road South
Activities that may have an adverse environmental effect in terms of air quality
and amenity on the resource processing industries should not locate in the Nayland
Road South Industrial area.

Explanation and Reasons
Nayland Road South presently contains industry that is important for the regional economy, and is highly sensitive to other industrial activities. Maintenance of the present high quality environment is vital for these activities. Dust and other particulate contamination, and other air discharges have the potential to downgrade this environment. IN2.1.ii
The location of these industries in this area is historical. At the time that these industries located here, they were surrounded by mainly orcharding activity which posed little threat to their operations. Over time residential zones have expanded towards this area, and other changes in the area and to rural activities have meant that continued rural use of this buffer area is no longer viable. This area has therefore been rezoned to cater for a range of compatible activities adjoining this specialist area. IN2.1.iii
Note that these provisions are intended to be interim until such time as Council notifies its air quality provisions. IN2.1.iv
Rules limiting the activities that may occur within the Nayland Road South policy

Activities should not produce, beyond the boundaries of the site and in particular on
any zone boundary, unreasonable levels of adverse effects such as noise, dust, and
other discharges to air, shading, and glare, which detract (or have the potential to
detract) from adjacent activities and the surrounding environment unless the
adverse effects are able to be reasonably mitigated.

Explanation and Reasons
While higher levels of effects are to be expected in an industrial zone than would be acceptable in other environments, there should not be unreasonable levels of effects which limit the ability of adjacent activities to operate eg. activities which rely on reasonable air quality. Nor should activities adversely affect the health and safety of people employed in the area. IN2.2.ii
Adverse effects such as shading of adjacent properties, visual effects of outdoor storage of materials and equipment, and noise can seriously degrade the environment of adjacent properties which may be zoned for other activities. This policy primarily seeks to ensure that where activities establish on the edges of the Industrial Zone, care is taken to ensure that these effects do not occur or are minimised and/or mitigated. IN2.2.iii
It also seeks to ensure that activities do not establish in areas where conflicts are particularly likely due to environmental factors. An example is the Vanguard - St Vincent Street area where residential activity occurs in close proximity to industrial activity in an environment where air circulation is limited by topography. Activities which discharge contaminants into the air should be avoided, or will be required to exercise particularly high standards to ensure that public safety is not endangered. IN2.2.iv
Within the Nayland Road South industrial area, there are a number of existing dwellings. In this area, the policy seeks to provide protection for those living within this industrial environment, as well as for those that adjoin the area. Nelson Resource Management Plan (30/04/12)
Rules limiting the adverse effects of activities within the Vanguard Street/St
Performance standards controlling production of noise and other emissions, IN2.2.vii
Rules controlling screening, and heights of buildings, and emanation of noise IN2.2.viii
Limitation on use of hazardous substances in the Vanguard Street/St Vincent IN2.2.ix
Setbacks of industrial activities and landscaping requirements where industrial activities occur on zone boundaries. Rules requiring provision of setbacks and/or a landscaped bund along the residential/industrial interface in the Nayland Road South area. IN2.2.xi
A Port Noise Mitigation Plan and rules requiring mitigation for noise affected properties adjacent to the Port Industrial Area. IN2.2.xii
Rules requiring acoustic insulation for habitable spaces in buildings within and adjacent to the Port Industrial Area. IN2.2.xiii
A Port Noise Management Plan to include methods to reduce noise emissions. policy

traffic routes
Industrial activities should not create adverse traffic effects in adjacent zones.
Explanation and Reasons
Many industrial activities tend to attract large volumes of traffic to the site, or volumes of heavy traffic which may be incompatible with adjacent routes. This policy seeks to ensure that access to industrial areas remains along routes which have been developed to cope with this type of activity, rather than through other zones, in particular residential and some commercial zones. IN2.3.ii
Establish and maintain road hierarchies. policy

limit incompatible activities
Activities which require higher standards of amenity than complying industrial
activities should not locate within the Industrial Zone, other than in special

Explanation and Reasons
There are a number of activities which are attracted to industrial areas because of matters such as a requirement for a large site, central location, cheaper land, and generally good infrastructure. Examples are some types of large scale retailing, building supply, garden and patio supply and other forms of trade suppliers, service activities, office accommodation and even residential living. An Industrial Zone may not contain a suitable environment for these activities, resulting in public health and safety issues, and complaints. As these activities are provided for elsewhere with a more suitable environment, it is in the interests of the City that these activities are discouraged from locating in industrial areas, other than where provided for in a managed way e.g. the provision for large format retailing within Schedule N in Tahunanui. See also objective IN1 and policy IN1.1 regarding efficiency of use of industrial land. IN2.4.ii
It is also not in the interests of the city as a whole for activities such as retailing, other than of a trade or large format type, to locate out of zone, particularly when assessed against the objectives for the Inner City Zone. (30/04/12) Nelson Resource Management Plan
Rules regulating establishment of non-industrial activities in the Industrial IN2.4.iv
Establishment of an Inner City Zone and a Suburban Commercial Zone which cater for non-industrial and commercial activities. Council works and activities, such as paving and planting, that make the City Centre area more attractive for retailing and similar activities.
Rules in the Inner Fringe Zone, Suburban Commercial Zone, and Schedule N.

Activities should present a pleasant appearance to the road or other public space.
Explanation and Reasons
Many of the industrial areas have important through-routes traversing the zone to areas beyond, and form part of the city road network. It is important that these areas present a pleasant appearance to both users within and traversing the area, to maintain environmental standards for Nelson. IN2.5.ii
A pleasant appearance can be maintained through attractive landscaping, and maintenance of that landscaping, through good design of buildings, and the location of offices and public services adjacent to the street. Signs and other advertising devices are important to identify premises. However, too many signs in a particular area may detract from any amenity that the area possesses. IN2.5.iii
Particular areas such as Bolt Road and Quarantine and Parkers Roads act as a gateway to the city to visitors arriving or departing via the airport. Retention and enhancement of an attractive entrance way is therefore very important for the city. IN2.5.iv
Council tree planting and landscaping in the road reserve. Council initiatives where it develops land eg. as with the Pascoe Street
Rule requiring set back of buildings and landscaping along the frontage with major roads, including the access road to the airport. IN2.5.vii
Rules regulating the size and number of signs. policy

servicing constraints
Development should occur in areas that are serviced. Areas that are not serviced
can be developed provided adverse effects are avoided, remedied or mitigated.

Explanation and Reasons
Areas that have servicing constraints may be able to be developed where the developer can provide the services or meet the full costs of servicing, thereby mitigating against the effects of development. Servicing constraints must be addressed before development can proceed. IN2.6.ii
The Tahunanui industrial area includes a large portion of land which is not adequately serviced. It is not in the interests of the zone for parts of the area to be developed on a piecemeal basis by activities which do not require servicing. Rather, the area requires a comprehensive development plan including matters such as filling to bring ground levels to a height where servicing can take place, or some other mechanism employed. See also objective IN1 (efficient use of resources) and Chapter 5. IN2.6.iii
There are also significant constraints on water availability and sewerage in the Vanguard/St Vincent Street, Tahunanui, Nayland Road South and Airport industrial areas. In the Vanguard/St Vincent Street, Tahunanui, and Airport areas this is due to the existing lines being close to capacity, and in the Nayland Road South area due to the size of the supply lines servicing the area. No new activities with a high demand for water can presently be accommodated in these areas unless these lines are upgraded.
Nelson Resource Management Plan (31/03/08)
Limitation on development in service-limited areas.

activities on the coast
Industrial activities located on the coast should present an attractive appearance,
and avoid, as far as practicable, adverse effects on the coastal environment.

Explanation and Reasons
Industrial developments near the coast can have a significant effect on the amenity of an area. Industrial buildings tend to be large and often utilitarian in appearance. This policy seeks to ensure that where industrial sites are visible from the water, they present an attractive appearance in terms of site and building layout and landscaping where this is practicable in terms of the operational use of the site. IN2.7.ii
Rules requiring that all applications for buildings in these areas obtain a resource consent for a controlled activity in terms of site appearance. environmental
performance indicators
The following results are expected to be achieved by the foregoing objectives, policies and methods. The means of monitoring whether this Plan achieves the necessary outcomes are also detailed below. Anticipated Environmental
Data Source
(31/03/08) Nelson Resource Management Plan


Spring 2001 • Volume 6, Issue 1 THE MDS NEWS The Newsletter of The Myelodysplastic Syndromes Foundation From the Guest years, whereas those with lower risk can expect tosurvive for several years, even without treatment. Editor’s Desk Once the prognostic grouping is determined, thetreatment plan is developed. Relatively low intensity Elihu H. Estey, MD treatments are recomm

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