Microsoft word - rate contract for supply of medicnes-08.09.10.doc

Sub: Rate Contract for Supply of medicines/ surgical items.
Last date/ time of submission of offer 21.09.2010 at 2.00 PM
Date/ time of opening of the offers 21.09.2010 at 2.30 PM
Please submit your offer for entering in to a rate contract for a period of one year for supply of medicines and surgical items for the items for the items mentioned in annexure-1 (3 pages). The rates to be quoted by you shall be valid for one year from the date of award of contract. The terms and conditions for this tender is enclosed as annexure-2 which is the integral part of the tender. The tenderers are requested to sign a copy of the terms and conditions as a token of acceptance in toto and must enclose the same with their offer submitting for annual rate contract. Offers without signed copy of the terms and conditions shall be liable for rejection. The tenderes are to note that the rate contract shall strictly be executed as per the terms and condition of this tender during the tenure of the contract. NINL reserves the right to split the total order quantity into more than one supplier and may close/ terminate the contract without assigning any reason by giving 15 days notice. The offers are to be submitted at the office of the undersigned on or before 21.09.10 The late offers shall not be entertained for processing. Thanking you Name of the Medicine
Name of the Manufacturer
Annual Requirement
Name of the Medicine
Name of the
Ointment/ Lotion
Eye Drops & Ear
I.V. Fluids
Surgical Items
Terms and conditions
NINL will enter in to rate contract for supply of medicines and surgical items( List Medicines and surgical items shall be delivered against delivery instructions issued from time to time during the contractual period. The Party shall deliver the medicine at First Aid Centre, NINL against specific delivery instructions within 24 hours to 96 hours . The party should have relevant valid drug license as per statutory Act 1940. Copy of the same to be furnished along with the offer. The party must be registered with sales Tax ( Govt. of Orissa) and Income Tax Authority(Govt. of India) and shall furnish copies of registration/Updated TIN No/ Income tax Clearance certificate with the offer. The party must be an authorized stockiest/ distributor of minimum five reputed medicine manufacturers as indicated in the list of medicine/surgical items enclosed. Valid document in support of appointment as Stockiest/ distributor shall be submitted along Medicines to be supplied should have been manufactured within 3 months from the date Payment of each lot shall be released after receipt and acceptance of subsequent lot. In case of any suspected spurious medicine, the same will be sent to Drug Controller of the state and the decision of the Drug Controller whether the medicine is spurious or not will be final and binding. During the said period no payment shall be released to the party till final report is received from the Drug Controller of the State. In case of any spurious medicine supplied by the party, the contract will be terminated immediately forfeiting all outstanding dues from NINL and punitive action as suggested by The Drug Controller of Orissa will be initiated against the party. 11. The party has to quote rates per strip/bottle/vial/tube etc. Standard size/ quantity will have to be mentioned against each medicine for which quotations are submitted.



Resolución Nº 025-2005/CCD-INDECOPI Lima, 14 de febrero de 2005 EXPEDIENTE N° 137-2004/CCD DENUNCIANTE : COMISIÓN DE REPRESIÓN DE LA COMPETENCIA DESLEAL : PRODUCCIÓN Y COMERCIALIZACIÓN DE PRODUCTOS FARMACÉUTICOS DE VENTA BAJO RECETA MEDICA SUMILLA: Se declara FUNDADA la denuncia tramitada de oficio en contra de Unimed por infracciones al principio d

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