The Market for Social Insecurity A shady pension reform entices economic elites and clouds the future of Sweden‘s elderly
An efficient national pension system that has helped to make Swedish old folks among themost economically secure in the world has now been replaced by a costly, elaborate construc-tion which is almost certain to make the retirement years of future generations less secure.
The pension reform that wentinto effect in 2001 has been pre-sented as a necessary response tothe “welfare paradox“ that con-fronts virtually all developedcountries. The paradox is that asteadily shrinking work force,working fewer hours, must sup-port a steadily expanding popu-lation of retirees.
widespread and frequently exag-gerated alarm over the solvencyof national pension schemes. TheSocial Security system of theUnited States, for example, has inrecent years come under intensifying attack
“Pensions: Time to Grow Up“, in The Econo-
from those who claim, mainly on the basis of
mist, 16-22 February 2002). Approval by such
dubious assumptions, that it is on the verge
interests should signal a warning to those
who are devoted to the traditional Swedish
model of general welfare and social solidarity.
fore attracted considerable attention abroad,
It turns out that there are, indeed, several
since it is said to provide a solution to the
reasons to be concerned about the likely ef-
threat of fiscal insolvency posed by the wel-
fects of the recent reform on the well-being
fare paradox and other factors. Ironically, the
of Sweden‘s senior citizens. Among other
enthusiasm appears to be greatest among in-
things, the new system will almost certainly
terests which in the past have frequently
result in reduced pensions for a large major-
heaped scorn on Sweden for its general-wel-
ity of citizens, and promote social injustice
fare system. These include the enemies of
by yielding varying retirement incomes for
Social Security in the United States, and the
individuals in similar circumstances. It also
international business press (see for example,
power from society as a whole to special in-terests, and stimulates the flow of capital out
pared with its abandoned predecessor. The old system
The old pension system, which went into ef-
fect in 1960, consisted of two components: auniversal basic pension (“FP“) to anyone who
had resided in Sweden for a total of at least
worked and the amount of earned income. Both components were keyed to the Stand-
ard Income Unit (SIU)*, and were automati-
cally adjusted for changes in the Consumer
tired at age 65 with at least 30 years of eligible
work experience received pensions averag-
ing 60-65 percent of pre-retirement earnings. (Most people also had a collectively negoti-
Note: Terms such as “decent. . . relationship.
ated supplement, adding roughly ten percent.)
. . viable. . . fair. . . easy”, etc., are relative,and can only be understood in compari-
This was among the highest pension levels
in the world, and greatly improved the stand-ard of living among the Swedish elderly.
valuable during economic downturns. These
you-go basis, with tax revenues from the cur-
funds grew in real terms from 1960 to the mid-
rent work force contributing to the pensions
1990s, when the revised pension system was
of the retired. Substantial buffer funds were
agreed upon, amounting at that time to some
established to minimize the effects of varia-
700 billion kronor. This contradicts the fre-
tions in contributions, investment returns and
quently made assertion that the old system
benefits. The funds were invested primarily
steadily to the equivalent of ca. four years‘
the old system. It was easy for most citizens
total pension benefits. The size of the buffer
to understand, future pension benefits were
funds was reviewed every fifth year. In addi-
predictable, and the purchasing power of the
tion to their function in the pension system,
elderly was maintained. It was also compara-
they provided a source of investment capital
tively simple and inexpensive to operate: The
for the entire economy that was especially
cost of administration was only about 0.5percent of total benefits.
Given these advantages and the relatively
*Standard Income Unit (SIU) is an accounting
comfortable pensions it provided, the old sys-
device used in the calculation of social benefits,
tem enjoyed wide acceptance among the gen-
income levels, tax tables, etc. Roughly 85 percentof the labour force have incomes less than 7.5
eral public. But due to such factors as the
SIUs. The value of an SIU in 2002 is set at SEK
welfare paradox noted above, concern began
37,900 (roughly US$3,800 at the end of May 2002).
to mount during the 1980s that benefits would
eventually outstrip revenues. Critics pointed to a
The new system is based on lifetime earnings and
number of perceived shortcomings, including the
is financed by a levy of 18.5 percent on wages.
Sixteen percent is allocated to a “pay-as-you-go
pension“ and 2.5 percent is placed in a “premiumreserve pension“ which is required to be invested
• Benefits were not linked to real economic
According to its authors, the reform has re-
• The system was financially “unstable“
sulted in a stable system which automatically
adjusts to changing demographic trends. Theyalso claim that the system is linked to national
• The relationship between the individual‘s
economic performance, particularly with regard
contributions and benefits was not strong
to the 2.5 percent of earned income that is required
to be invested in mutual funds. Future pension-
ers are confronted with a choice of nearly 700
funds offered by some seventy financial institu-
parliament by a margin of just one vote.
tions including banks, insurance companies andmutual-fund operators. Up to five funds may be
Of course, there were conflicting views about the
selected at any given time, and cost-free trans-
urgency and the relative importance of these de-
fers are permitted on a daily basis. The pension
ficiencies. But there was general agreement that
credits of those who do not make any active
something would have to be done in order to pre-
choice are placed in a state-operated fund estab-
lished specifically for that purpose.
ments to the existing system, and pension experts
Serious problems
Exactly what all this means for the pensions of
• indexing benefits to real economic growth
the future is a mystery to which no one appears
to have a satisfactory answer. But it is already
• raising the normal retirement age.
apparent that the new system is burdened with a
• providing for a reduction in benefit levels
For one thing, it is vastly more complex and
difficult to understand than its predecessor. It isalso much more costly to administer: A special
Modifications of this sort were entirely feasible.
national agency had to be established just to han-
But that option was ignored in favour of the very
dle the traffic in mutual funds. One indication of
different thing which is now being cited by fiscal
the system‘s complexity is that its introduction
conservatives as the very model of a modern pen-
was delayed by several years due to difficulties
in developing an adequate computer system. Whether that problem has been solved remains
The new system
to be seen, but large sums of tax money have al-ready been expended for that purpose.
The primary goal of the pension reform is to
One thing that no computer system will ever
achieve automatic, long-term financial stability.
be able to do is to predict future retirement ben-
The self-evident social goal of a pension system,
efits. Although the amounts of contributions are
i.e. to maintain the living standards of the elderly,
clearly defined, the benefits to be paid are not.
is no longer self-evident. That is a secondary con-
This is due especially to fluctuations in the value
cern of the new system, which will almost cer-
of the mutual funds in which citizens are required
tainly result in reduced living standards for the
to invest. Those who choose more wisely or more
majority of pensioners. Certain subgroups, such
luckily will receive higher pensions than those
as young people who are late in entering the la-
whose choices are not so fortunate— even if their
bour market and middle-aged women, are likely
to be especially disappointed upon retirement.
Thus far, the vast majority of those involved
have been losers. Since the funds are tied to the
*It is very doubtful whether any national pension sys-tem can be “funded“. See page 4. Funded“ vs. “Unfunded“ Programmes
In his prize-winning essay, “Paygo Funding and Intergenerational Equity”, Prof. RobertL. Brown makes a strong case for the pay-as-you-go principle in financing nationalpension systems. He argues that a fully-funded pension scheme is no more financiallysecure than a paygo scheme. Both depend on the ability of the economy to create andtransfer wealth. For a pension system, the funding mechanism is irrelevant.
In his essay, Brown quotes from The Economics
“To understand the equivalence, it is im-
of the Welfare State by Nicholas Barr: “The
portant to remember that a government bond
schemes are inherently ‘safer’ than paygo is an
make a payment in the future. A government
example of the fallacy of composition*. For in-
promise to make a payment, to pay off a bond
dividuals, the economic function of a pension
is not fundamentally different from a govern-
scheme is to transfer consumption over time.
ment promise to make a payment for social
But, ruling out the case where current output
is stored in holes in people’s gardens, this is
not possible for society as a whole; the con-
bonds and promises you future payments to
sumption of pensioners as a group is produced
retire the bonds, then it is not doing anything
essentially different from requiring you to pay
“From an aggregate viewpoint, the economic
taxes and promising you a future transfer pay-
function of pension schemes is to divide total
production between workers and pensioners,i.e. to reduce the consumption of workers so
that sufficient output remains for pensioners. Once this point is understood it becomes clear
Robert L. Brown, Professor of Statistics and Ac-
tuarial Science at the University of Waterloo
both simply ways of dividing output between
in Canada, has been president of both the Ca-
workers and pensioners, should not fare very
nadian Institute of Actuaries and the Society
differently in the face of demographic change.”
of Actuaries. In 1994, he won the third SCOR
International Actuarial Prize for his essay,
the essay, “Can the Latin American Experience
“Paygo Funding and Intergenera-tional Eq-
Teach Us Something about Privatised Pensions
uity”, which was published under the same
with Individual Accounts?”, published in early
title in the Transactions of the Society of Actuar-ies, Vol. 47, 1995. It is also available on the SOA
“In economic terms, there is no fundamen-
web site at:
tal difference between a tax transfer pay-as-
you-go social security scheme and a bondtransfer, pay-as-you-go social security scheme. The Economics of the Welfare State by Nicholas
In a bond-transfer scheme, the bond issue pos-
Barr was published by Stanford University
its an illusion of asset-creation. But, the sole
purpose of the bonds is to engineer a transferpayment to the retirees. In a practical sense,
Dr. Tapen Sinha is Professor of Risk Manage-
benefits of the current retirees come from the
ment & Insurance at Instituto Technologico
Autonomo de Mexico, Mexico City, and also aprofessor at the School of Business, Univer-sity of Nottingham, England. The essay cited
*The fallacy of composition is to assume that, if
above was presented at a Society of Actuaries
something is true for an individual, it must also betrue for an aggregate of individuals. For instance:
conference, and can be found on the SOA web
If I stand on my seat in the theatre I will get a better
view; but if everybody does the same, nobody will
stock market, the recent crash has resulted in
widespread losses, some much greater than others.
“Between 1920-1929, the value of stocks in the
Once again, people are learning the hard way that
United States increased by over 400 percent. Then
the stock market can go down as well as up.
came the great crash of 1929, followed by a mod-
est recovery until 1936. But from that year until
assurance that the stock market will rise again
1949, stock values declined. True, the level in 1949
and, with it, the value of market-related funds.
was twice that of 1920; but that doubling of value
What they have not done is to offer any solace to
happened to be exactly the same amount as the
those who have exercised the poor judgement to
U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased
reach retirement age at a time when the value of
their pension funds has declined. They will have
“The stock market climbed again during the
to live with the financial consequences of that un-
period from 1950-1960. Then followed fifteen
fortunate timing for the rest of their lives.
years of slow decline. In 1979, the value of the
Even if a positive result could be guaranteed
stock market was twice that of 1950-- which was,
(an impossibility, as noted) the question remains
again, the same amount that GDP had increased
as to how many Swedes really want to devote
time and effort to figuring out which of nearly
700 mutual funds to invest in. The largest single
climbed straight toward heaven for what seemed
category (86% in 2002) consists of those who
likely to be all eternity. A sobering decline has
choose not to make any choice; their credits are
since occurred and, if history repeats itself, it is
invested by default in the state-operated fund,
more probable that the stock market will fail to
which has been one of the less dreadful performers
return to its previous heights than that it will ex-
perience a new long-term upswing.” (Translated
In general, the system is based on faith in the
from Swedish text of Sten Ljunggren, “Veckans dia-
stock market‘s ability to generate higher invest-
gram 10” in Etc. magazine at:
ment returns than the economy as a whole. It is a
The logic of the new pension system also ig-
faith that appears to be highly exaggerated, as
nores the most fundamental rule for playing the
indicated by the following summary of the
stock market: Never invest more than you can
afford to lose. For the vast majority of future pen-
velopment of the Swedish economy, to which the
entire pension system is supposed to be linked.
It should also be noted that not even the
For a large majority of citizens, the net result
“guaranteed portion“ of the new pension is guar-
will almost certainly be a lower pension than
anteed. It may decline in value, since the formula
would have been the case if the old system had
with which it is calculated is partially based on
simply been adjusted. In addition, there is a seri-
the performance of the mutual-fund portion.
ous problem of social justice: Individuals whohave worked equally long and hard will receive
Transfer of power
widely varying pensions, depending on the luckof the mutual-fund draw.
In effect, what the new system does is to transfer
All of this has been justified by the quest for
a large portion of economic power from society
automatic financial stability. But the fact is that
as a whole to special interests, including banks,
all financial systems require adjustments over
insurance companies, mutual funds and other fi-
time. The goal of automatic long-term stability is
exceedingly elusive— the pension-planning
Further, and in contrast to the old system,
equivalent of a perpetual-motion machine. The
there has been a large transfer of capital out of
unlikelihood of ever achieving that goal makes
Sweden as pension funds invest in foreign stocks.
the subordination of the system‘s social function
This hardly contributes to the stability and de-
A fundamental feature of the Swedish general-
Åkesson, who submitted several proposals in
welfare society during its formative period was
the mid-1950s, which were then discussed with
the use of thorough public inquiries. whose
customary thoroughness. This was followed
history dates back to pre-parliamentary days.
by a political commission, led by government
Every reform and all proposed legislation was
official Per Eckerberg, which presented its rec-
grounded in a lengthy public inquiry, often
The Eckerberg commission‘s most signifi-
The first stage was often a study of practi-
cant contribution was to raise the pension ceil-
cal matters, followed by a non-partisan par-
ing, which had the effect of greatly expanding
liamentary review, and sometimes concluding
the range of eligible workers. This led to strong
with a political commission whose task was
public support for the ATP system— support
to prepare the implementation of the proposed
that was much broader than suggested by the
narrow margin of victory in the referendum
that preceded adoption of ATP in 1960.
solicit comments and suggestions from gov-
ernment agencies with the relevant expertise,
shifted in a neo-liberal direction during the
political parties and all organizations with an
1980s, the institution of public inquiries was
interest in the proposal. The purpose was to
bypassed. Examples of major decisions that
ensure that all relevant issues were analysed
were rushed through without the traditional
and discussed from every possible angle prior
process of careful review and consideration are
to final decision. In this way, technical and
the currency deregulation of the mid-1980s and
practical matters were thoroughly illuminated
the tax reform of 1990-91. The Social Demo-
in the political arena, and members of parlia-
cratic government‘s revolutionary decision to
ment could become well-informed about im-
apply for membership in the European Union
portant matters on which they were to decide.
was presented as a footnote to a budget pro-
posal in 1989. The recent pension reform is yet
of this procedure. The first public inquiry into
pension reform was commissioned by the gov-
These and other far-reaching changes have
ernment in 1935. It was a one-man inquiry by
the chief insurance inspector at the time, O.A.
In short, the deficiencies of the new national pen-
Brave new democracy
sion system are so profound that the questionarises as to why it was ever adopted. The answer
That is what democracy looks like in the brave
is probably to be found in the secretive, undemo-
new world of Sweden, for a fundamental issue
cratic process by which it was constructed and
that will directly affect the lives of every citizen
who reaches retirement age in the decades ahead.
It is a style of democracy and an approach to
As with all fundamental issues in Sweden, the
pension reform that corresponds quite well with
controlling power over pension reform was held
similar trends in other countries. The Social
by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) which has
Security system of the United States, in many
dominated national politics for more than sixty
ways similar to the abandoned Swedish system,
years. Since the assassination of Olof Palme in
has long been under attack by reactionary forces
1986, the SDP has undergone a transformation
that have never forgiven Franklin D. Roosevelt
from a grassroots movement serving the interests
for introducing such an element of “socialism“
of lower- and middle-income groups, to an in-
creasingly autocratic apparatus dominated by a
political elite (see “The Price of Everything“ at
Security system‘s impending collapse have been
a standard feature of U.S. politics for decades, and
That transformation is more or less complete,
experiments in other countries are often cited as
and the pension reform reflects the autocratic
better alternatives. The market-oriented pension
methods that the SDP leadership has now estab-
system of dictator Pinochet‘s Chile was frequently
served up as a suitable model— until it sank in
This can be seen clearly in the fate of the “con-
the wake of the market crisis that afflicted the
sultation process“ that preceded the adoption of
the new pension system. In accordance with SDP
tradition, the party faithful were invited to study
Sweden‘s recently abandoned ATP system since
and debate alternative proposals for pension re-
its inception in 1960. The difference is that the U.S.
form. An overwhelming majority of the 15,000
Social Security system has, thus far, survived the
active members who participated in this process
propaganda assault by powerful special interests.
recommended that the old ATP system be re-
Now, it is the Swedish model of pension re-
tained, adjusted and further developed.
form that is being touted as the best bet for the
That was not the right answer. So the SDP
leadership chose to misinterpret it and, instead,
future. Some countries of Western Europe and
to conduct closed-door negotiations with repre-
the former Soviet bloc have been so effectively
sentatives of four other political parties. The pro-
indoctrinated that they have modelled their own
posal that emerged from this secretive and hasty
pension reforms on the new Swedish model.
process— lacking any significant input of available
These include Latvia, Poland, Russia, Croatia and
expertise— was submitted for a review that was
Mongolia— societies that differ in many signifi-
scandalously brief by Swedish standards: The
cant respects from each other and from Sweden.
members of parliament and other interested par-
But they do have one thing in common: The
ties were granted a mere six weeks to study and
new Swedish pension system is very likely to
comment upon an extremely complex technical
have very unpleasant consequences for all of
document of some 1000 pages‘ length.
them, and especially for their most financially
barked on a public relations campaign to soothe
the mounting anxiety and outrage of the partyfaithful with an account of the proposed new sys-tem that was either remarkably misinformed or
Jan Hagberg, chief actuary at a large Swedish insurer,is also Chairman of the Swedish Actuarial Society and
In the ensuing bewilderment and confusion,
a member of the International Actuarial Association.
the SDP and its centre-right collaborators were
Ellis Wohlner, Senior Vice President International of
able to ram the reform through the parliament
another major Swedish insurer, is a member of the
with a large majority. It is doubtful that more than
Swedish Actuarial Society, the Society of Actuaries,
a handful of the MPs who gave their consent had
the American Academy of Actuaries and the Interna-
any real idea of what they were voting for.
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