If your prescription drug plan includes Incentivized Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy, you are not required to fill maintenance medication prescriptions through Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy SM. However, the cost savings, ease and convenience are great incentives to switch. Typically, you can get three fills before the strong cost incentives at Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy begin.
To see real-time drug pricing, visit myCigna.com and use the Prescription Drug Price Quote tool to search for medications and compare pricing for your selected medications and lower-cost alternatives. The tool provides guidance on options you can discuss with your doctor and shows annual savings when you use Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy.
In addition to cost savings, Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy offers valuable benefits, such as:
• Up to a 90-day supply of medications in one fill
• Standard delivery at no additional cost
• Reminders if you forget to fill your prescriptions
• Specialty medications, including those that require refrigeration and overnight delivery
The following is a list of medications that apply to your Incentivized Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy plan. Refer to your enrollment materials to understand the medications covered under your plan and to see if there are any requirements such as prior authorization (PA), quantity limits (QL) or Step Therapy (ST). If you have questions We’re here to help. Just call us at the toll-free number on your ID card and we will be happy to answer your questions. Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Class Drug Class ADD/ADHD Birth Control (Continued) Alzheimer’s Disease Bladder Problems Blood Thinner/ Anti-Clotting Birth Control Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Class Drug Class Cardiovascular Cardiovascular (Continued) Cholesterol Lowering Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Class Drug Class Cholesterol Lowering Diabetes (Continued) (Continued) Depression Eye Conditions Diabetes Heartburn/Ulcer Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Class Drug Class Hormone Replacement Activella Miscellaneous (Continued) Osteoporosis Pain & Inflammatory Infections Miscellaneous Parkinson’s Disease Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Name (generic name products are Drug Class Drug Class Prostate Skin Conditions
Please note: This list is subject to change.
“Cigna,” the “Tree of Life“ logo and “GO YOU” are registered service marks, and “Cigna Home Delivery Pharmacy” is a service mark, of Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by Cigna
Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries, including Connecticut General Life Insurance Company and Cigna
Health and Life Insurance Company, and not by Cigna Corporation.
834187 c 05/13 2013 Cigna. Some content provided under license.
Dr. Juan Manuel Santos Presidente de la República de Colombia Carrera 8 n.7-26, Palacio de Nariño Santafé de Bogotá - Colombia Fax: 00 57 1-337 5890 He recibido noticias que las 123 familias que fueron desalojadas forzosamente el 14 de julio de 2009, por miembros de la del Policía Nacional y del Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios, han decidido retornar al predio rural conocido como Las