CT Abdomen Plain: Nothing but clear liquids 4 hours
MRI Exams:
No preparation is required unless specifically listed below .
prior to exam . Patient is to be prepped with barium unless No surgeries within 8 weeks prior to your exam . NO
this is a renal study . (Patient will take one bottle of barium CT SCAN WITH CONTRAST:
If you have any type of stent, ear implant, aneurysm clip, or ANY type of metal please bring Food: Nothing but clear liquids 4 hours prior to the exam .
60 years or older:
CT Abdomen w/wo:
Patients 60 years or older require blood Bring all correlating films of area being diagnosed .
(BUN & Creatinine) no older than 30 days .
prior to exam . Patient is to be prepped with barium unless this is a renal stone study . (Patient will take one bottle of MRCP Exams: No food or drink 8 hours prior to your exam .
Dialysis Patients: Patients currently on dialysis require
Ultrasound Exams:
blood work (BUN & Creatinine) no older than 30 days . Abdominal Complete: No food or liquids 8 hours prior to
Patients should heave CT exam as soon as possible prior to CT Pelvis Plain: Nothing but clear liquids 4 hours prior to
dialysis so patient can have dialysis to clear contrast later exam . Patient is to be prepped with barium unless this is Retro Complete:
a renal study . (Patient will take two bottles of barium; first No food or liquid 8 hours prior to exam if bottle 2 hours before the exam; second bottle one hour Diabetic Patients: Patients who are diabetic require
Pelvic Transabdominal: Drink 32oz . of water one hour prior
blood work (BUN & Creatinine) no older than 30 days . Patients taking Glucophage, Glucovance or any other CT Pelvis w/wo: Nothing but clear liquids 4 hours prior to
medication containing metformin you must discontinue exam . Patient is to be prepped with barium unless this is OB Exams: Greater than 14 weeks, drink 32oz . of water one
use of this medication for the day of and 48 hours after the a renal study . (Patient will take two bottles of barium; first bottle 2 hours before the exam; second bottle one hour Less than 14 weeks, drink 32oz . water ½ hour before your Asthma History: Patients who have any history of
asthma require pre-medication . (Your doctor will write a CT Abdomen and Pelvis Plain: Nothing but clear liquids
prescription for pre-medication .) Patient must pick up from 4 hours prior to exam . Patient is to be prepped with barium pharmacy no later than noon the day before the scan .
unless this is a renal study . (Patient will take two bottles of Allergies: Patients with allergies to shellfish, seafood
barium; first bottle 2 hours before the exam; second bottle or iodine may require pre-medication . If the patient has itchiness/hives/rash pre-medicate the patient . If the patient has shortness of breath/closing of throat we CT Abdomen and Pelvis w/wo: Nothing but clear
liquids 4 hours prior to exam . Patient is to be prepped with barium unless this is a renal study . (Patient will take All CT ANGIOGRAPHY studies will receive IV CONTRAST
two bottles of barium; first bottle 2 hours before the exam; second bottle one hour before exam) . For diabetic CT Instructions - Pelvis / Abdomen
patients taking Glucophage, Glucovance or any other medication containing metformin you must discontinue CT with a Diagnosis of AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm)
use of this medication for the day of and 48 hours after the DO NOT take barium
CT Renal Exams
CT Urogram - Exam Preparation
• CT with diagnosis of renal (kidney) stones - DO NOT
• CT with diagnosis of renal (kidney) carcinoma - DO
take barium . (Patient will take two bottles of barium; first • No solid food 4 hours prior to the exam.
bottle 2 hours before the exam; second bottle 1 hour Palms MRI is conveniently located on the
• Drink water, there is no restriction on your water intake .
N.E. corner of 28th Street on University Drive.
• CT with diagnosis of renal (kidney) mass - DO take 2
• If you are allergic to IV iodinated contrast or shellfish, bottles of barium . (Patient will take 2 bottles of barium; please contact our office for further instructions .
2825 North University Drive, Suite 100
first bottle 2 hours before the exam; second bottle 1 Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phone: 954-688-7256 (PALM) • Fax: 954-688-7750


Microsoft word - levetiracetamcfu1005final _2_.doc

Criteria for Use of Levetiracetam (Keppra®) VHA Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategic Healthcare Group and the Medical Advisory Panel The following recommendations are based on current medical evidence and expert opinion from clinicians. The content of the document is dynamic and will be revised as new clinical data becomes available. The purpose of this document is to assist practitioner


24 HIV in the Workplace Over 25 years have elapsed since the first cases of what would become known asthe acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) were reported in 1981 [1]. Thecomplex interactions between the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and theworkplace are still being defined and understood. While occupationally acquired in-fections from HIV are of much individual concern, they ar

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