Washington D.C. -Mandatory Meeting March 27 6:30 p.m.
o Sign parent and student name on sign in sheeto Pick up the agenda/information packet, room & bus lists, itinerary and 2 luggage tags
o Chaperones leave for chaperone meeting w/Mrs. Johnson – room 123
o Picasa Photos - Pathfinder homepage, Activities then DC trip. o Twitter – Pathfinder homepage, Activities then DC Trip
o Group name is Pathfinder – No EXTRAS on departure dayo Place one tag on student carry-on and one tag on suitcase
o Distributed upon departureo Must be worn for entire trip – back has important numbers and information
6. Med ic ine C o lle ctio n and Disb u rsement
o Ziploc baggie, original container, student name on bago Parent must pick up from bus leader/medic Saturday a.m. o Any meds left will be in of ice for parent pick up on Monday
7. Absenc e s are ex c u sed fo r Ap ril 17, 18 & 19
o Students need to check with each teacher for work o Students need to be in school April 16
o Bus dvd/entertainment informationo Water donations
a. Collected at end of meeting – turn into teacher chaperonesb. Proper etiquet e – sidewalk, elevator, hats, voices
c. Social Media expectations – Acceptable-Use policy
10.Review Med ic al Rele ase Fo rm and p o lic ie s
a. Collected at end of meeting – turn into teacher chaperones
o Tentative only – follow us on Twitter for real time trip details
o At ached – permanent seating, boy/boy & girl/girl, no floor sleeping
14.G ro u p Photo & T ip Info rmatio n
o $5.00 (optional) and/or $2.00 tonight – turn into teacher chaperones
o Medication tables in commons areao Report to bus chaperone for check-in & cell phone # registration
6:00 if meds need to be checked-in (Commons)
16.Dism issal/Fo rm C o lle ctio n/Photo Pre- O rder – commons with teachers CLOTHING Dressing for the trip presents a unique challenge. You are allowed two pieces of luggage; one carry-on (backpack) and one
larger piece to be stowed under the bus. Once your luggage is stowed under the motor coach, you wil not have access to items packed inside until hotel check-in late Wednesday evening. C ARRY-ON: Be sure to have everything you need to get ready on Wednesday morning in your carry-on on the bus. This includes
personal-care items, change of clothes, phone chargers, camera & bat eries, glasses/contacts, money, etc. Pajama bottoms are okay for the bus ride to Philadelphia but wil not be acceptable clothing for any day time travels.
Be prepared for weather extremes, such as rain, snow, ice, or wind with cooler than expected temperatures. Streets may
be snowy or slushy and the temperatures change daily. To help you in planning clothes for the trip, average temperature in Washington D.C. is between a high of 60o and a low of 40o. Watch the announcements on the school TV for weather
UITCASE: All clothing must be neat, clean, and modest – school dress codes apply on school-approved trips. Pajama bot oms will not be accepted as any touring clothing. The only exception to this is the addition of hats. Students may wear hats but will
be required to take them of at all dining areas, in federal buildings and other trip at ractions.
Plan to dress comfortably during the days. It makes sense to bring informal outfits such as jeans, shorts, and comfortable walking shoes. Flip flips will not be comfortable walking shoes. It wil also be a good idea to layer clothing; t-shirts
covered by sweatshirts, etc. Easily stored/packed jackets or hoodies would be a handy outerwear item to have.
CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES BUS ITEMS PERSONAL ITEMS P ROHIBITED ITEMS: Students will not be allowed any sort of energy drinks on the entire trip. Also, glass containers on the bus are not allowed.
Be sure that all medications are turned into medics and that your student has not concealed drugs or alcohol. Check packed luggage for modest clothing that will fit into school dress code. School laptops are also prohibited for the DC trip. VALUABLES ON THE TRIP: Trip participants assume full responsibility for any valuables brought on the trip. The hotel rooms of trip participants
are not generally secure places for valuables. The motor coach will be generally locked when neither group nor the driver is on board. The best rule, however, is to leave at home any valuables that are not really needed on the trip. Technology use must be appropriate. There will not be any cell phone or texting use during tours, inside buildings or
while tour guides are speaking on the bus. Ear buds will not be allowed in ears on tours or while guides are speaking. Also, students need to be aware that giving away personal information to other students/adults not involved in our trip could be
dangerous. Sharing or exchanging of information is prohibited and could result in the confiscation of your cell phone.
Appropriate technology use also includes posting of video or pictures of other students on Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat or other social medias. The publishing or sharing of photos on social networking sites is completely prohibited. School
acceptable-use policies will apply for the entire trip and violation of this policy could warrant a school consequence upon return. HOTEL INFORMATION: We will be staying at Sheraton Reston, 11810 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston VA. The phone number is (703) 620-9000 . We are there on late on April 17, April 18 and check out on April 19. DEPARTURE/ARRIVAL INFORMATION: The bus departs from Pathfinder School at 7:00 p.m. promptly on Tuesday, April 16. When you arrive at Pathfinder, find your bus leader and check in. Do not bring more than two bags total!
6:00 arrival if you have meds to check in 6:15 p.m. arrival for all others Students will immediately (1) locate their bus assignment, and (2) check in with the bus leader. We will arrive in
Philadelphia, PA at approximately 7:15 am on Wednesday, April 17.
We will arrive back to Pathfinder School at approximately 5:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 20. Please be prompt in your child’s pick-up. MEDICATION: All medications will be kept with medic on the appropriate bus. Medications MUST be in original containers only. School policy dictates that students not be al owed to have medications in their personal belongings. Each student that
requires medication should have any directions on their medical form. This includes over the counter medications such as Advil, Tylenol and others.
Students who need items such as inhalers and Epipens should keep one in their personal belongings as well as giving
one set to the appropriate bus medic. This will insure that they have emergency access to their medicine as well as having a back up in case one set is misplaced.
If your student could require the use of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or Dramamine, they will not need to check-in
individual containers for the trip. We will supply doses of each to students with written instructions for those medications on their medical form. Be sure that the medical form specifies ibuprofen or acetaminophen, the amount to be given and the
Arrive at the school at 6:00pm and look for the medical collection area in the commons. Your student’s medicine needs to be in original container, sealed in a Ziploc bag, with student’s first and last name labeled on bag.
Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium 2011 Scientific Programme 10 December 2011, Sat 1300-1400 Institution SYMPOSIUM 1 Ocular Infection and Uveitis Chairman: Dr Timothy Lai Co-Chairman: Dr David Liu 1430-1445 Periocular cellulitis: Emergent Management PlanCytomegalovirus Anterior Uveitis in Immunocompetent Patients - A Hong Kong Case SeriesIntravitreal ganciclovir for CMV retinit
“HAB ICH ALLES?“ Wer kennt nicht die Frage vor einer Tour, insbesondere aber vor einer längeren Reise. Auch vor Ort stellt man schon mal fest, dass eine Kleinigkeit jetzt sehr nützlich wäre, diese aber zu Hause geblieben ist. Die nachfolgende Aufstellung ist ein Gesamtwerk, das helfen soll, NICHTS zu vergessen. Andererseits aber bitte an das Gewichtsproblem (Fluggepäck) denken,