be less than 47 dB for coherent channel cable systems,when measured with modulated carriers and time
Measuring averaged.”
In other words, the visual carrier must be at least 51
dB above any interfering signals, except (there isalways an “except”) in a system with harmonically
cable system related carriers (HRC). In an HRC system, the visual
carrier must be at least 47 dB above the distortion prod-uct that falls at the visual carrier frequency (composite
How to comply with
triple beat or CTB). This higher level of distortion is
FCC regulations distortion allowed because the synchronous nature of the CTB in
an HRC system is less objectionable to the viewer than
Editor’s note: Last year, the NCTA revised its
the asynchronous beat in a non-HRC system. Recommended Practices for Measurements on CableTest requirements Television Systems to reflect new technical standardsimposed by the Federal Communications Commission.
The intent of this measurement is to accurately mea-
This is the fifth installment of a series of articles that
sure the visual carrier level, and then just as accurately
focus on specific test parameters to explain how and
measure the average power of the distortion products
in the visual bandwidth. The difficult part of the mea-surement is accurately determining the level of the dis-
The distortion section of the NCTA Recommended
tortion products in the presence of noise and video
Practices thoroughly discusses the process and philoso-
phy of measuring distortions in a broadband network.
The FCC Technical Standards [76.605(a)(8)] specify
The intent here is to focus on some key points of the
the distortion performance at the output of the sub-
NCTA document and hopefully provide additional
scriber’s terminal. This makes good sense because
poorly designed convertors or excessively high levelscan contribute to the distortion. One statement in part
FCC requirement
76.601(c)(1) which often gets overlooked reads:
Section 76.605 (a)(8) says that “the ratio of visual
“The measurements may be taken at convenient
signal level to the rms amplitude of any coherent distur-
monitoring points in the cable network: Provided, that
bances such as intermodulation products, second and
data shall be included to relate the measured perfor-
third order distortions or discrete-frequency interfering
mance of the system as would be viewed from a near-
signals not operating on proper offset assignments shall
This statement leads to the understanding that “good
engineering practice” will allow creative methods to be
Figure 1: Distortion - test equipment setup
used to make these measurements, as long as the
results can be related to the performance at the sub-
scriber’s terminal. From a practical standpoint, what
the FCC is trying to accomplish with these specifica-
tions is the guarantee that your system exceeds the
minimum performance standards. If the measurement
technique is based on sound engineering principles, a
repeat of the tests by more traditional test methods will
It is extremely difficult to measure distortion
through the convertor because of the low signal levels
available and the signal processing that occurs in many
convertors. In consideration of this, the NCTA engi-
neering committee took the approach of measuring the
set-top convertor’s performance independently andcombining it mathematically with the distortion mea-sured at the system test points. When done properly,
Figure 2: Third order distortion alternate test equipment setup
this method will do an excellent job of relating themeasurement to the output of the subscriber’s terminal. Interruptions vs. non-intrusive
The most accurate method for measuring distortion
requires the removal of the video modulation for CSO
and the removal of the visual carrier for CTB. Because
Figure 3: Typical normalized system distortion vs. channel
carrier and measures the AM modulation component on
the carrier. This AM component corresponds to the
CTB which is at the carrier frequency. The advantageof this method is that it does not require removing the
carrier at the headend, but it still requires the removal
of video modulation on the channel under test.
Method 3 eliminates the need to disrupt an active
channel by measuring the distortion in an unused portion
of the band and extrapolating this reading to the portion
of the frequency band with the worst performance. Theaccuracy of this approach is dependent upon the accura-
cy of the system distortion characterization. It is less
accurate than other methods, but when used with cush-ion for error, serves as an acceptable method for guaran-
In all three methods, the NCTA Recommended
of the necessity of eliminating service interruptions, the
Practices provides a step-by-step approach which will
approach of the NCTA engineering committee was to
not be repeated here. Instead, this article will address a
provide methods of measurement which will minimize,
few additional items. A new method (Method 4) will be
and if possible, eliminate these interruptions. It is high-
presented which has recently been introduced in several
ly recommended that every effort be made to become
new pieces of automated test equipment. For more
comfortable with a procedure for this test which will
information on the details of the procedures, please
not require signals to be taken off the air.
refer to the NCTA Recommended Practices.
Three measurement methods are discussed in the
NCTA Recommended Practices. Method 1 is the tradi-
tional process which requires removing the video mod-
See Figure 1 to view the distortion test equipment
ulation for CSO and the visual carrier for CTB. This is
the most accurate method but requires a service inter-
1) Measure the peak level of the visual carrier level
2) Remove the video modulation for CTB or remove
Method 2 is an alternate method which uses a CW
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Fujitsu Network Transmission Sys. .27 .52-53
3) Measure the average value of the distor-
Figure 4: Set-top convertor distortion - test equipment setup
accurate and repeatable results because the
masking signals in the band of interest are
eliminated. Unfortunately, it also requires that
somebody or something at the headend dis-
ables the modulation, and/or carrier, for the
duration of the measurement after the carrier
reference is stored. Because of the video aver-
aging and slow sweep speed required with the
30 kHz IF bandwidth, this measurement can
or at a 6 MHz increment in an unused portion
of the band. If the system is well behaved and
flat, an adjacent visual carrier may be used as
The trade-off of accuracy in this method is
equipment set-up for third-order distortion.
the visual carrier reference. If this approach is
offset by the ability to constantly monitor the
used, the result must be adjusted for the differ-
performance without service interruptions. In
1) Record the voltage of the carrier refer-
ence in system gain and tilt between the fre-
order to maintain good engineering practices,
quency of the measured carrier and the fre-
the predicted error in this approach must be
2) Record the level of the CTB imposed on
added to the FCC requirement. For instance, if
The distortion measured in Step 2 (a nega-
you suspect this may contain 3 dB of error,
tive number) is adjusted by the correction fac-
then the -51 dBc specification you normally
tor from Figure 3 to represent the worst case
test to becomes -54 dBc to guarantee compli-
system distortion. For example, if the distor-
ance. If your system is operating close to the
tion measured at channel 37 in Step 2 is -58.3
limit, then this approach will not have enough
The biggest advantage of this method is that
dBc, the worst case distortion at channel 11
accuracy to keep you in a safe zone.
communication is no longer needed with theheadend to turn the carrier off for CTB if achannel is available for a CW carrier. It stillrequires an inactive channel, and in addition,hum and cross modulation will appear as AMcomponents, and are indistinguishable fromthe CTB.
Method 3 is a three-step process. The first
step is to characterize the distortion of the sys-tem channel by channel. The second step is tomeasure the distortion at a frequency in anunused portion of the band. The third step is toextrapolate this measurement to the worst casechannel in the system by using the characteris-tic generated in the first step.
The system characterization is the key to
the accuracy of this method. Either Method 1,2 or 4 may be used to make this initial set ofmeasurements. The characterization requiresinterruption of service, but only needs to bedone once unless the system configurationchanges. This must be done for each portion ofthe system with unique channel loading, sys-tem tilts, AML or fiber links, amplifier spac-ing, etc. The characterization will stay relative-ly constant until major changes such as hard-ware layout or signal level changes occur inthe system.
Figure 3 is a typical plot of the beat distrib-
ution and will not vary significantly from sys-tem to system. The plot is normalized to the
Figure 5: Beat-near-noise correction
of meeting the FCC requirements. Fortunately,
the performance of the convertor is typically
much better than the system itself and has littlecontribution to the overall system’s distortion
performance. The first step is to know whether
the convertors are volume control (baseband) or
In the case of baseband convertors, because
of the signal processing on the demodulated
method to recommend. The safest approach is
to use specifications provided by the manufac-turer. The specifications should be generated
using conditions similar to the system operat-
ing conditions seen at the subscriber’s drop,
both in signal level and channel loading. Ifmeasurements are required, stick very close to
channel, but the hardware set-up is the same.
the manufacturer’s recommended procedure.
For RF convertors, any procedure used for
on all unscrambled channels can be monitored
measuring these should have the approval of
which recently became available in some auto-
automatically without service interruptions. On
the convertor manufacturer, because there are
mated test equipment. It allows the measure-
channels 5 and 6 in a standard channel plan,
a wide variety of units available. The proce-
the CTB component is offset from the visual
dure outlined by the NCTA replaces the nor-
interruption of service by measuring the distor-
carrier, allowing CTB to be monitored on these
mal visual carrier with a carrier offset 250 kHz
tion during quiet lines in the vertical blanking
two channels without turning off the carrier.
to 500 kHz below. This keeps the AGC of the
interval (VBI). It is typically an automated
Measuring the convertor distortion perfor-
convertor operating at a normal level and
measurement which requires a non-scrambled
mance by itself is perhaps the most difficult part
allows the CTB product to be measured nextto the substitute visual carrier. Because of thedynamic range of this measurement (typically>70 dBc), a preamp is necessary between theconvertor output and the analyzer input.
Using the set-up in Figure 4 and the visual
carrier offset by 250 to 500 kHz, the measure-ment procedure is the same as Method 1described in the NCTA procedure. Calculating set-top distortion
sured at the system test point by any of themethods described, and the performance of theconvertors has been established, the two num-bers need to be combined to arrive at the FCCrequirement. The easiest way to do this ismathematically with Equation 5. You can seefrom the example that a typical convertor willhave less than a 1 dB contribution to the over-all performance.
Convertor distortion: DISTCONV = -75 dBc (3)
Figure 5 provides a graphical approach for
Figure 6: Combining two distortion values
Difference between two distortion values (dB)
Potential errors
linearity. This will usually be specified as x.x
dB / 10 dB or a maximum error of x.x dB.
measure the distortion products near the noise
One step that is often overlooked is the addi-
floor of the analyzer. If additional attenuation
tion of this error to the measurement limit
cannot be removed to provide higher signal
level to the analyzer, then a correction factor
For instance, if the maximum error of the
should be used to adjust the measurement. The
analyzer is 1.5 dB, then the FCC target speci-
easiest way to determine this correction factor
fication becomes -52.5 dBc instead of -51
is to remove the signal from the input to the
dBc. If the attenuator is changed between the
analyzer and note the change in level at the
measurement of the visual carrier and the
beat frequency. Figure 6 plots the correction
measurement of the distortion, then the attenu-
ator accuracy also needs to be considered.
Another common error is driving the input
This can add another 1.0 dB or more of uncer-
of the preamp or analyzer into overload. If this
tainty, depending on the quality of the test
is the case, the system distortion will be
masked by the preamp or analyzer distortion.
Because of this, it is important to under-
The way to check for this is by increasing the
stand the accuracy of the instrumentation. It is
attenuation at the input to the preamp or ana-
conceivable that the potential error could be 3
lyzer by 10 dB and verifying that the distor-
dB or 4 dB with a lower cost piece of test
tion changes by only 10 dB. If the distortion
equipment. It also means that if a higher
products drop by more than 10 dB, you need
dynamic range analyzer is used (one that can
to start with a lower signal level, or use a
make the measurement without changing the
bandpass filter at the input to limit the input
attenuator), you can eliminate the attenuator
uncertainty and lower your target specification.
If a bandpass filter is used to limit the input
power, make sure the passband of the filter is
(and minimize the uncertainty of the measure-
flat across the band of use, from the visual
ment) it’s a good idea to verify the log scale
carrier to the frequency of the distortion. This
fidelity of the analyzer with a precision attenu-
can be tricky when using a tunable filter and
ator. A good attenuator will allow the analyz-
automatic test equipment. Prior to selecting
er’s performance to be checked. Remember,
the automatic measurement mode, adjust the
this is a comparison measurement between a
filter by using the noise floor of the analyzer
high level and low level signal, so absolute
to determine the filter’s location.
accuracy is not the concern for this particulartest. What is important is that when you step
Test equipment errors
the attenuator 60 dB, the signal on the display
In order to get accurate results in any of the
changes 60 dB. Log scale fidelity is a perfor-
mance criteria that will change with operating
tributed by the test equipment need to be
temperature, so this should be verified across
understood. Because this is a high dynamic
range measurement, the most important speci-
Hopefully, this brief synopsis will make the
fication is the log scale fidelity or log scale
semi-annual proof tests a little easier.
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