PMU Quality Center
(Internship, Coop Programs, Summer Training …etc) Attachment 2 (i)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The National Commission for Academic Accreditation &

For guidance on the completion of this template, refer to Section 2.6 in Chapter 2 of Part 2 of this Handbook.


A Field Experience Course Identification and General Information

1. Field experience course title and code
2. Credit hours
3. Program in which this field experience activity is offered
4. Name of faculty member responsible for administration of the field experience
5. Duration and time allocation of the field experience activity
6. Level/year at which the field experience is offered

B Objectives

1. Summary of the main learning outcomes for students participating in the field experience activity.
2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the field experience activity that are being implemented. 3. Learning Outcomes in Domains of Learning For the domains of learning shown below indicate:  A brief summary of the knowledge or skill the field experience is intended to develop;  A description of the teaching strategies to be used in the course to develop that knowledge or  The methods of student assessment to be used in the course to evaluate learning outcomes in the
(Note that the objectives of the field experience may not include all of the domains and the items should be
completed only for kinds of learning the field experience activity is intended to develop)
a. Knowledge

(i) Description of the knowledge to be acquired
(ii) What will be done to develop that knowledge
(iii) Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired
b. Cognitive Skills

(i) Description of cognitive skills to be developed
(ii) What will be done to develop these cognitive skills
(iii) Methods of assessment of skills developed
c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility

(i) Description of the interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be developed
(ii) What will be done to develop these skills and abilities
(iii) Methods of assessment of skills and abilities developed
d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills

(i) Description of the numerical and communication skills to be developed
(ii) What will be done to develop these skills
(iii) Methods of assessment of skills developed
e. Psychomotor Skills (if applicable)

(i) Description of the psychomotor skills to be developed and the level of performance required
(ii) What will be done to develop these skills
(iii) Methods of assessment of psychomotor skills
C Description of Field Experience Activity (General description in the form to be used for the Bulletin
or Handbook should be attached)
1. At what stage or stages during the program does the field experience occur?
2. Organizational structure (eg. single time block, distributed time blocks, recurrent schedule of XXX days
per week)
3. Student Activities Describe the principal activities in which the students will be involved during the field experience. 4. Student assignments or reports (if any) b. When are these assignments or reports required? 5. Follow up with Students. What arrangements are made for follow up with students to reflect on their experiences and apply what they have learned to future situations? (eg. Seminars or tutorials, individual consultations, reference in subsequent courses, etc.) 6. Responsibilities of Supervisory Staff in the Field. Describe the main responsibilities of supervising staff working in the field location. (eg. Planning activities for student’s development of skills, advice to students, assessment of performance) 7. Responsibilities of Supervisory Faculty from the Institution. Describe the main responsibilities of supervising faculty from the institution. (eg. Consultation, planning with and advice to field supervisors and students, student assessment, time expectations for visits, etc) 8. Arrangements for student guidance and support
9. What facilities and support are required at the field experience location? (if any)
a. Accommodation
b Computer resources
c Learning support materials
d Other

D Planning and Preparation

1. Identification of Field Placements. What processes are used to identify appropriate field placements?
2. Preparation of Field Supervisors. Briefly describe and indicate timing of arrangements made to ensure
full understanding of roles and responsibilities of supervising faculty/staff in the field setting. (for
example, briefing meetings and follow up consultation, training, staff development, notes for guidance.)
3. Preparation of Students. Briefly describe and indicate timing of arrangements made for preparation of
students for participation in the field experience activity. (Cross reference to any written notes provided)
4. Safety and Risk Management Describe process used to ensure safety and identify potential risks to
students, persons with whom they work, or facilities where they will be located, and strategies to minimize
and protect against those risks (including insurance arrangements).

E Student Assessment

1. Basis for Assessments. List the major performance criteria or matters considered in deciding on student
grades. These may include assessments of work performance and personal characteristics and written
reports of assignments. If specified weightings are given for different tasks or criteria indicate the
weighting given to each component
2. Field Supervisors Responsibility for Assessment. Describe the responsibility of supervising staff in the
field location for student assessment
3. Supervising Faculty Responsibility for Assessment. Describe the responsibility of supervising faculty
from the institution for student assessment
4 Resolution of Differences in Assessments. If supervising staff in the field location and faculty from the
institution share responsibility for student assessment, what process is followed for resolving any differences
between them?
F Evaluation of the Field Experience
1. Arrangements for evaluation of field experience activity by:
a. Students
b. Supervising staff in the field setting
c. Supervising faculty from the institution
e. Others—(eg. graduates, independent evaluator, etc.)
2. Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing the effectiveness of the field experience Attachment 2 (j)
Guidelines on Using the Template for a Field Experience

Show the name of the institution and the college or department principally responsible for the field experience activity A. Field Experience Course Identification and General Information

1. Field experience course
Show the title and the institutional code number for the field experience Write the number of credit hours for the field experience activity. field experience is offered. 4. Name of faculty If a single faculty member has been given responsibility for coordinating the field experience activity that persons name should be given. If it is a new program for which a coordinator has not yet been appointed that should be noted and the new appointees name included when it is known. Indicate the length of time taken in the field experience activity and the amount of time taken. Eg. One semester one day per week, three weeks Indicate the year level in the program when the field experience is
B. Objectives

1. Main learning outcomes
This should be a brief summary of the main purposes only. A more detailed description of intended learning outcomes is requested in 3. below. List and briefly describe any plans for major changes or developments of the field experience activity and strategies that are being used to achieve those objectives. For example a pilot program to assess the effect of varying scheduling arrangements for the field experience, introduction of newsletters about the program to field supervisors to improve communication and understanding, field research activities by groups of faculty working in cooperation with field supervisors. In this item summarize the learning outcomes expected from the field experience in each of the domains of learning, what will be done to develop that learning and the way student learning will be assessed. The field experience is not expected to contribute to every domain but where important outcomes are expected they should be clearly identified and attention given to how they will be developed and learning assessed. (a). Knowledge
This should be a description of the knowledge that students should gain as a result of participation in the field experience. Explain what will be done to ensure that this knowledge is gained. Example—Field supervisors advised of regulations, procedures, safety precautions students should learn about and asked to ensure that information is provided. Students complete assignment recording information obtained. Tutorial discussion following completion of field experience to review what students have learned Describe how learning will be assessed. For example—Student quiz at end of field experience. (b) Cognitive Skills
List the thinking and problem solving skills the field experience is intended to develop. As a guide it may be useful to begin with the phrase “The ability to….” The list should include practical skills that involve the use of analysis and problem solving techniques gained in on campus studies and any additional techniques used by practitioners in the field setting. Describe what will be done to ensure that these skills are developed. Example—Practical tasks carried out in the field setting, Assignment task to be completed with advice of field supervisor. Describe how cognitive skills will be assessed. Example—Ratings of performance by field supervisor and faculty member. Faculty assessment of assignment task. (c) Interpersonal Skills
and Responsibility

(i) Skills to be developed
List the objectives of the field experience for improving students’ interpersonal skills, capacity for self directed learning, and personal and social responsibility. Explain what will be done to improve these abilities. Examples—Advice on procedures by field supervisor followed by involvement in group planning task, independent investigation of an identified issue or problem in the field setting involving discussions with relevant people and other investigations. Ratings by field supervisor and faculty member on performance in group and research tasks. (d) Communication, IT
and Numerical Skills

(i) Skills to be developed
Indicate the contribution of this course to students’ numerical and communication skills. Indicate what will be done to apply and improve these skills. Example--Use of skills in practical tasks in the field setting with advice as required by field supervisor Indicate how quality of learning will be assessed. Example--Judgments about effectiveness of analyses and communications incorporated into ratings of performance in the field setting. (e) Psychomotor Skills
Indicate any psychomotor skills the field experience activity is intended to develop. Explain how these skills will be improved in the field experience setting. Explain what will be done to assess quality of performance.
C. Description of Field Experience Activity
1. At what stage(s) does the
Indicate when during the program the students participate in the field Describe how the time schedule for the field experience is organized. Eg. One day per week for XXX weeks, three weeks full time, one semester full time, etc. Describe the principal activities in which the students will be involved during the field experience. If their level of responsibility is to be progressively increased during the period, explain how that will be done. List any assignments or reports that students are required to prepare and indicate the time when they must be completed. Describe follow up activities with students after completion of the field experience to consolidate and apply learning, reflect on the experience etc. Describe the major responsibilities to be carried by the supervising staff. supervising staff in the field setting 7. Responsibilities of Describe the responsibilities of supervising faculty from the institution. supervising faculty from the institution 8. Arrangements made for Describe arrangements made for student support and guidance including scheduled contacts and emergency access for advice and assistance. Describe what facilities are required including desk or other accommodation at the field site, computer access if necessary, learning support materials and any other requirements.
D. Planning and Preparation

1. Identification of Field
Describe the process followed in identifying placements including Describe the process followed to brief supervising staff in the field setting on their responsibilities and the processes to be followed with students. Include details of when this will be done and mechanisms for ongoing consultation and emergency contact if required. Describe what will be done to prepare students for their participation in the work experience program and the timing of this preparation. Written notes prepared for student guidance should be referred to or attached. Describe process followed to ensure safety and identify risks for students, clients or others associated with the field experience activity and steps taken to minimize and protect against those risks. If a risk assessment has been prepared a copy should be attached.
E. Student Assessment
1. Basis for Assessment
Describe the principal criteria for the assessment of students Describe the responsibility of field supervisors for student assessment. . (eg. assessment of some aspects of work done, overall assessment of performance shared with supervising faculty from institution, etc.) Describe the responsibility of supervising faculty from the institution for student assessment. . (eg. assessment of some aspects of work done, overall assessment shared with supervising staff in the field location, etc.) Explain what process is followed if the field supervisor and the supervising faculty member from the institution differ in their assessment of students performance in the field experience.
F. Evaluation of Field Experience

1. Evaluation of Field
Describe process for obtaining feedback on the quality of the field experience by the students involved. Describe process for obtaining feedback on the quality of the field experience by the supervising staff in the field setting. Describe process for obtaining feedback on the quality of the field experience by the supervising faculty from the institution. Describe process for obtaining feedback on the quality of the field experience by other stakeholders. (Eg. former students in surveys of the quality of the program as a whole.). Describe the process to be followed in reviewing feedback from various Example—Summary of evaluations prepared and considered by a program planning group including representatives of students and supervisors at the end of each year.


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