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M. Hamcerencu, J. Desbrieres, M.Popa, A. Khoukh, G. Riess “New unsaturated derivatives of Xanthan gum: Synthesis and Polymer, 48, 7, 23 March, 1921-1929, 2007 M. Hamcerencu, A. Khoukh, J. Desbrieres, M. Popa, G. Riess “Synthesis and Characterization of New Unsaturated Esters of Gel an Gum” Carbohydrate Polymers, acceptata pentru publicare Stefan Varga, Silvia Patachia, Rodica Ion, Aida Moreira da Silva, Application of poly (vinyl alcohol)/ cyclodextrin hydrogel-based materials for drug delivery in the photodynamic therapy of cancer, Eurofil ers, 2007, 27-30.08.2007, Silvia PA ACHIA and Claudia BACIU FLOREA, POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) HYDROGELS INTERACTIONS WITH ELECTROLYTES IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION, REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE, Lucrarea acceptata pt. S.Patachia, AJM Valente, C. Baciu, Effect of non-associated electrolytes on on the behaviour of the PVA based hydrogels, Europ. Poly. J., 43,2007, 460- SILVIA PATACHIA, CATALIN CROITORU, PEDRO PAIXAO, COMPARISON BETWEEN THE POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) FILMS OBTAINED BY CROSSLINKING WITH GLUTARALDEHYDE USING DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES, Buletinul Institutului politehnic Iasi, Tom LIII (LVII) Fasc.3, S. PATACHIA C. CROITORU, AN INOVATIVE METHOD FOR THE SEPARATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, Bul etin of “Transilvania” Silvia PA ACHIA, Claudia FLOREA STATES OF WATER IN THE HYDROGEL MATRICES, Bul etin of “Transilvania” University of Brasov, S.PATACHIA, G.MOISE, STUDIU BIBLIOGRAFIC PRIVIND APLICABILITATEA PVA-H IN IMPLANTOLOGIA OSOASA, Bul etin of “Transilvania” University of Brasov, 2007, in press Stefan Varga, Silvia Patachia, Mihaela Ranja, Rodica-Mariana Ion, Targeted and directional photodynamic therapy with hydrogel control ed release carriers like an attractive contribution to mainstream oncological treatment, Silvia Patachia, Catalin Croitoru, CAFFEINE MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLY (VINYL ALCOHOOL) FILMS DESIGNED USING THE CROSSLINKING IN GASEOUS PHASE TECHNIQUE ARA, Brasov, 2007, Silvia Patachia*, Catalin Croitoru, SEPARATION OF CYCLODEXTRIN DERIVATIVES BY USE MOLECULARLY IMPRINTED POLY (VINYL ALCOHOL), EUROANALYSIS-2007, Antwerp, Belgium, 9-14.09.2007, Stefan Varga, Silvia Patachia, Rodica Ion, DEVELOPMENT OF
CONTROLLED-RELEASE DEVICES FOR THE USE IN THE PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY OF CANCER, Pol ack Perodica, DOI_10- 1556_Pol ack_2_2007_2_11, vol 2, Nr. 2, 131-140, 2007 Silvia Patachia, Rodica Ion, Stefan Varga, Mihaela Rinja, PORPHYRIN ENCAPSULATION IN NANOSTRUCTURED HYDROGELS, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9 (6) 1816-1820 (2007).
Stefan Varga, Silvia Patachia, Rodica Ion, G. Manda, C. Constantin, M. Neagu, Aggregation in water of the sodium salts of meso-sulfonatophenyl substituted porphyrins used in photodynamic therapy, Bul etin of the Transilvania University of Brasov: Supplement Bramat 2007, vol 4., pag. 171- Stefan Varga, Silvia Patachia, Rodica Ion, Nanostructured PVA hydrogel materials as vehicles for the encapsulation and control ed release of porphyrin-based cancer therapeutics, Bul etin of the Transilvania University of Brasov: Supplement Bramat 2007, vol 4., pag. 153-160, 2007, ISSN 1223- Silvia Patachia, Catalin Croitoru – Influence of crosslinker concentration on
the sorption properties of caffeine molecularly imprinted poly (vinyl alcohol) films, International Conference BRAMAT Brasov, Romania, Feb. 2007 (Supliment Bul etin of the Transilvania University of Bra ov 2007) Synthesis and characterization of a new conjugated polyazomethine A. Farcas, V. Harabagiu, Rev. Roum. Chim. nr. 8-9/2007 dioctylfluorene]) by Suzuki coupling A. Farcas, N. Jarroux, P. Guégan, V. Harabagiu, V. Melnig, J. Optoelectronics Adv. Mat., 2007, in press Vasile BADESCU, Laura Elena UDREA, Marcel Ionel POPA, Rodica BADESCU, “ON PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC BEADS BY CAPILLARY FLOW FOCUSING EMULSIFICATION TECHNIQUE AND POLYMERIZATION”, Bul etin of the Transilvania University of Brasov – Supliment BRAMAT 2007, pp. 253-257, (2007). V. B DESCU, L. E. UDREA, G. APREOTESEI, R. B DESCU, “PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF UNIFORM CALCIUM ALGINATE MAGNETIC BEADS BY MEMBRANE EMULSIFICATION”, Bul etin of the Transilvania University of Brasov – Supliment BRAMAT 2007, M. R cuciu, D.E. Creang , V. B descu and N. Sulitanu, “Microstructural
investigation of some biocompatible ferrofluids”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316, e772–e775(2007). V. B DESCU, R. B DESCU, “Microscopic observation of ferrofluid droplet formation from a cylindrical channels membrane”, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 9, No. 4, 949 – M. R CUCIU, D.E. CREANG , N. APETROAIE, V. B DESCU, “Dimensional study about water based ferrofluids”, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 9, No. 6, 1633 – 1636, (2007). Polymers from a Levopimaric Acid-Acrylic Acid Diels-Alder Adduct: Synthesis Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry Development of renewable resources based on resin acids-effect on the performance of the crosslinked epoxy resins. Preparation and Properties of Polyhydroxyetheresterimides from Resin Acids J.Polym.Eng. 2007, 27, 75.
Physical and chemical characterization of new pressure sensitive adhesives containing abietic acid formaldehyde resins. J.Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 2007, 9, 1077.
Rodica Lipsa, Nita Tudorachi, Cornelia Vasile
Synthesis and characterization of plylactic acid-co-aspartic acid copolymers.
The 5th Conference “New Research Trends In Material Science” ARM–5,
Sibiu, Romania, 5-7 September 2007, vol. II, p. 465-468. Nita Tudorachi, Rodica Lipsa
Drug delivery systems using polylactic acid-co-aspartic acid as biodegradable copolymers.
The 5th Conference “New Research Trends In Material Science” ARM–5,
Sibiu, Romania, 5-7 September 2007, vol. II, p. 615-618. Electrical DC Conduction Mechanism in Some Newly Synthesized Nylon 6/12 Gh. Rusu, E. Rusu, L. Leontie, Gh. I. Rusu J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 45 (7) 794–799, 2007 Biodegradable anionic poly(esteramide)s. Physico-mechanical properties, Gh. Rusu, E. Rusu, J. Optoelectr. Adv. Mater., 9 (4), p. 958 – 964, 2007 In situ nylon 6/graphite composites. Physico–mechanical properties Gh. Rusu, E. Rusu, J. Optoelectr. Adv. Mater., 9 (7), p. 2102 – 2109, 2007 Thermal influence on structure of polymers with e-caprolactam units studied J. Molecular Structure, sept 2007 Spiridon, C.-M. Popescu, R. Bodarlau, C. Vasile, In vitro enzymatic degradation of polymeric nanocomposites of starch with poly(vinyl alcohol), ITALIC 4 Meeting Science and technology of Biomass: Advances and Chal enges Materials, Chemicals and Processes from Agricultural and Forest Biomass, Rome, Italy, may 8-10, 2007, Proceedings pg. 257-260 – poster C. Vasile, N. Anghel, I. Spiridon, Z. Vuluga, Enhacement of biodegradability of polyethylene/starch mulch film, ITALIC 4 Meeting Science and technology of Biomass: Advances and Chal enges Materials, Chemicals and Processes from Agricultural and Forest Biomass, Rome, Italy, may 8-10, 2007, C. Duncianu, A.M. Oprea, A. Cojocariu, Cinetica eliberari controlate a principi lor active, lucrare prezentata la Simpozionul de produse cosmetice si aromatizante RSCC, Iasi, 29 mai-1 iunie 2007: si publicata in RSCC F. Crivoi, C. Vasile, Aplicati le hidrolizatelor de col agen si ale alcoolului polivinilic in cosmetica, , lucrare prezentata la Simpozionul de produse cosmetice si aromatizante RSCC, Iasi, 29 mai-1 iunie 2007: si publicata in R. Dumitriu, C. Vasile, Polimeri biodegradabili utilizati in cosmetica, lucrare prezentata la Simpozionul de produse cosmetice si aromatizante RSCC, Iasi, 29 mai-1 iunie 2007: si publicata in RSCC Magazine RSCC Magazine, in M.C. Popescu, C. Vasile, Gh. Singurel, "2D IR correlation spectroscopy in polymer studies" Volume 22 "Polymer Yearbook Series" (Polymers and Composites. Synthesis, Properties and Applications) Ed. by R.A. Pethrick, G.E. Zaikov, D. Horak, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2007, 216 pp. C, Vasile, M.C. Popescu, A. Oancea "Thermal properties of PVC/TPU "Polymer Yearbook Series" (Polymers and Composites. Synthesis, Properties and Applications) Ed. by R.A. Pethrick, G.E. Zaikov, D. Horak, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2007, 216 pp (113-134). Lucr ri comunicate
Some Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Polyamide 6/Copper 8th International Balkan Wokshop on Applied Physics July 5-7, 2007, Expandable graphite/polyamide-6 nanocomposites International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering 22-24 february, Synthesis and properties of biodegradable anionic lactam-lactone International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering 22-24 february, Materials based on polyamide 612/graphite Nanocomposites The Sixth International Congress in Materials Science and Engineering Anionic nylon 6/graphite nanocomposites: Physico-mechanical properties 8th International Balkan Wokshop on Applied Physics In situ polyamide 6/copper nanocomposites: Physico-mechanical properties The 5th Conerence “New Research trends in Material Science” ARM – 5 Development of potential y biodegradable polyesteramide nanocomposites The 5th Conerence “New Research trends in Material Science” ARM – 5 Thermal influence on structure of polymers with e-caprolactam units studied IXth International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy WROCŁAW -L DEK ZDRÓJ 12 -16. 09 2007 Poland N. Tudorachi, R. Lipsa, A. Chiriac, Synthesis of poly(succinimide-co-lactic
acid) copolymers, International Conference on Intensifying Proceedings of Biomaterial Processing, Sinaia, Romania, 20th-23th August, 2007 Rodica Lipsa, Nita Tudorachi, Cornelia Vasile
Synthesis and characterization of plylactic acid-co-aspartic acid copolymers.
The 5th Conference “New Research Trends In Material Science” ARM–5,
Nita Tudorachi, Rodica Lipsa
Drug delivery systems using polylactic acid-co-aspartic acid as biodegradable copolymers.
The 5th Conference “New Research Trends In Material Science” ARM–5,
Al ylmaleate epoxy resins from formaldehyde resins with hydrophenanthrene moieties in structure. synthesis and characterization International Conference on Material Science and Engineering, BRAMAT, Biodegradable unsaturated polyester with hydrophenanthrene moieties in 7th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta , July 5-7th Unsaturated polyhydroxyesters with hydrophenanthrene moieties in structure New research trends in material science-ARM-5, Sibiu, 4-7 septembrie 2007. Tackifiers of Polyester Type with Hydrophenanthrene Moieties in Structure, Raw Materials for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives New research trends in material science-ARM-5,Sibiu, 4-7 septembrie 2007. Policondensarea aductului Diels-Alder al acidului levopimaric cu acidul acrilic Zilele Academice Iesene, Iasi, 27-29 septembrie 2007. Vasile B DESCU, Laura Elena UDREA, Ovidiu ROTARIU, Rodica B DESCU, Gabriela APREOTESEI, “ON PREPARATION OF MAGNETIC MICROBEADS BY TWO MICROFLUIDIC EMULSIFICATION TECHNIQUES AND POLYMERIZATION”, 15 th Romanian Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sinaia, 19-22 sept. 2007. Laura Elena UDREA, Ovidiu ROTARIU, Vasile B DESCU, Rodica B DESCU and Gabriela APREOTESEI, “AQUEOUS FERROFLUID OF DOUBLE-LAYER COATED MAGNETITE PARTICLES”, 8th INTERNATIONAL BALKAN WORKSHOP on APPLIED PHYSICS , F. Grigore, E. Andronescu, Ch. Tardei, P. Budrugeac, S. Hodorogea, M. Lungu, „Studies on the chemical synthesis of the nanosized -TCP powder and its characteristics”, ECERS-10, June 17-21, 2007, Berlin
Maria Spataru1, Christu Tardei1, Monica Neamtu2, “Rheological characterization of aqueous -TCP suspensions, preliminary results”, ZILELE
ACADEMICE TIMISENE, Sectiunea Sti nta si Ingineria Materialelor Oxidice
si Nanomateriale, 24-25 mai 2007, Timisoara. A. Papancea, A.J.M. Valente, S. Patachia, M.G. Miguel and B. Lindman,New PVA – DNA cryogels: characterization, swel ing and transport studies, International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering – BRAMAT Silvia F.C. Patachia, Mihaela D. Rinja, Christian Friedrich, Yi Thomann, Correlation between poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogel swel ing capacity and synthesis parameters, Bipol, 1st International conference on biodegradable polymers and sustainable composites, Oct. 2007, Alicante, Spain, S. Varga1, S. Pa achia1, R. Ion2, M.Rînja1, C. Florea1, BIODEGRADABLE POLY (VINYL ALCOHOL) HYDROGEL MEMBRANES CONTAINING NUTRACEUTICALS: A CONTROLLED-RELEASE CASE STUDY, Bipol, 1st International conference on biodegradable polymers and sustainable Stefan Varga, Silvia Patachia, M. Ranja, Silvia Mihaila, Rodica Ion, Arthur Valente, Abilio Sobral, Application of nanoporous poly (vinyl alcohol)-based hydrogel matrices for the design of engineered control ed-release devices with various routes of administration, International Soft Matter Conference
2007, Aachen, Germany
A. Bejenariu, M. Popa, L. Picton, D. Le Cerf « Synthèse d’hydrogels à base de Xanthane. Influence des paramètres de synthèse sur le comportement des hydrogels » - 8ème Col oque Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères (CFR 8), Grenoble, G. Buhus, M. Popa, L. Balaita, J. Desbrieres “Obtaining and evaluation of natural polymers based microparticles as drug - 21-st European Conference on Biomaterials, 9-13 september 2007, « Microparticules à base de carboxyméthylcel ulose destinées à l’inclusion et au relargage contrôlé des médicaments » 8ème Col oque Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères (CFR 8), Grenoble, M.Hamcerencu, J. Desbrières, M. Popa, A. Khoukh, G. Riess « Hydrogels intel igents à base d’esters insaturés du Gel ane pour le relargage contrôlé des médicaments » - 8ème Col oque Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères (CFR 8), Grenoble, « Nouveaux conjugués polymère-médicament à base des polysaccharides » - 8ème Col oque Franco-Roumain sur les Polymères (CFR 8), Grenoble, A.Bejenariu, M. Popa, L. Picton, D. Le Cerf “Study on the conformational transition and the synthesis of the gels in concentrated medium of xanthan in order to elaborate drug adjustable - 21-st European Conference on Biomaterials, Brighton, Anglia, 9-13 « Control ing drug release from Liposome trapping Gelatin- Carboxymethylcel ulose crosslinked matrices” - 21-st European Conference on Biomaterials , Brighton, Anglia, 9-13 Prof. dr. Silvia Patachia*, ing. drd. Adina Papancea*, ing.drd. Stefan Varga*, Chim. drd. Mihaela Ranja*, Chim. drd. Claudia Baciu-Florea*, Prof. Dr. Artur J.M. Valente**, Prof. Dr.Dr. Christian Friedrich***, Dr. Mihaela Idomir*, Tailored PVA-based matrices for control ed drugs delivery, workshop “Biomaterials Design and Applications”, 28.04-1.05-2007, international ACCELERATING AGING OF VINYL ESTER NETWORK. Dan Rosu, Constantin N. Cascaval, Liliana Rosu – ARM 2007 M Pascu, M.C. Popescu, C. Vasile, Surface modifications of green nanocomposites poly(vinyl alcohol)/starch, ITALIC 4 Meeting Science and technology of Biomass: Advances and Chal enges Materials, Chemicals and Processes from Agricultural and Forest Biomass, Rome, Italy, may 8-10, 2007, Proceedings pg. 94-97 – comunicare Spiridon, C.-M. Popescu, R. Bodarlau, C. Vasile, In vitro enzymatic degradation of polymeric nanocomposites of starch with poly(vinyl alcohol), ITALIC 4 Meeting Science and technology of Biomass: Advances and Chal enges Materials, Chemicals and Processes from Agricultural and Forest Biomass, Rome, Italy, may 8-10, 2007, Proceedings pg. 257-260 – poster C. Vasile, N. Anghel, I. Spiridon, Z. Vuluga, Enhacement of biodegradability of polyethylene/starch mulch film, ITALIC 4 Meeting Science and technology of Biomass: Advances and Chal enges Materials, Chemicals and Processes from Agricultural and Forest Biomass, Rome, Italy, may 8-10, 2007, F. Crivoi, C. Vasile, Aplicati le hidrolizatelor de col agen si ale alcoolului polivinilic in cosmetica, , lucrare prezentata la Simpozionul de produse cosmetice si aromatizante RSCC, Iasi, 29 mai-1 iunie 2007: si publicata in R. Dumitriu, C. Vasile, Polimeri biodegradabili utilizati in cosmetica, lucrare prezentata la Simpozionul de produse cosmetice si aromatizante RSCC, Iasi, 29 mai-1 iunie 2007: si publicata in RSCC Magazine RSCC Magazine, in

Source: http://polymericmaterialsgroup.uv.ro/diseminare_rezultate.pdf


Electrophoresis 2004, 25, 1580–1591 Ira S. Lurie Capillary electrophoresis analysis of a wide variety Patrick A. Hays Kimberly Parker of seized drugs using the same capillary with dynamic coatings Special Testing andResearch Laboratory,U.S. Drug EnforcementCapillary electrophoresis methodology is presented for the routine analysis of a widevariety of seized drugs using the same


1. La preghiera di un ebreo Ogni ebreo prega ogni giorno tre volte a casa o in sinagoga: la sera, la mattina e il pomeriggio. Per gli ebrei la religione coinvolge tutti gli aspetti della vita. Vi sono rituali di preghiera per molte delle attività giornaliere, dal risveglio sino al momento di coricarsi. Per gli ebrei, Dio deve essere ricordato in ogni azione della giornata. Molte delle pregh

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